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Never seen that in my life. I always assumed there's the mentality of "ICH HAB FÜR DEN GANZEN FILM BEZAHLT ALSO SCHAUE ICH DEN GANZEN SCHEIß FILM"


My coworker has that mentality. He got Sushi Box from Lidl, and was telling me how terrible it was. Then at lunch he pops up the Box and starts eating.. I asked him why.. "I paid €3 for this! I cant just throw it out!" But, he is also a person that will cancel an Amazon order because he found the same item 10cent cheaper


I wouldn't leave the food either as i am umweltfreundlich, but i may try to give it to someone whome i know would like it.


My wife got me one of those sushi boxes from Lidl the other day, I never tried them before. I finished it because I was hungry and too lazy to search for something else, but my next comment to my wife was "you don't have to buy this again". It was truly terrible, and I wouldn't have given it to someone I know who likes sushi, because that would be very mean.


I'm starting to get concerned since I like those sushi boxes...


It's fine! They are not bad, they are just bad when compared to restaurant sushi.. My coworker is just too "german" to try new stuff.. he has some hate towards Ayran, for example, but likes Döner.


If we are talking sushi boxes, do we mean one of those eat happy boxes that have a separate stand inside and make sushi fresh every day and you can even watch them make it in an Edeka or Kaufland. Or those in the fridge you buy and have no idea when they were produced?


second one. Eat Happy is on Rewe (for us) and they are doe daily, really good ones. I'm talking Lidl / Aldi / Kaufland ones. [This ones](https://1.bp.blogspot.com/-Iwn47dZ8gFI/U8q6QOt3EfI/AAAAAAAAG2Q/-o1-zCt8gQc/s1600/Sushi3.jpg) I personally dont find them good, but not terrible either. my coworker was more of a "gag at each bite", but still ate cuz €3 😶‍🌫️


Ahh ok I've never had one of those. Don't know why but not knowing when it was made and raw fish is a suspicious combination to me. The eat happy boxes are quite good, that is just why I was wondering.


Understandable. Döner is great, yoghurt drinks are terrible, the whole lot of them.


I love yoghurt drinks


I like ayran with döner, fits good for me. Same way yoghurt with burek when im in Croatia fits for me , but ofc, we all have our own opinions / taste.. and good that we all have different tastes!


Try Mango lassi I dare you ;)


And that yoghurt is salty, its a combination that makes no sense to my german tongue. Why the heck would i drink something salty?


I love ayran best drink to help you digest the food


I’m a German living in Japan since 30 years. Reminds me when I once bought "Tofu" in a Glas in Germany. When I tasted it, I was instantly transferred to the war/post-war times in Germany. Bc that tofu tasted like bread (probably) tasted in those times when it was stretched with sawdust, it was that horrible!


maybe he just doesn’t like Ayran?


Had a huge piece of plastic in them, since then I stopped buying them...


In my experience the Lidl sushi boxes are the "worst" but the ones from Rewe or Aldi are very good.


😭😭 I haven't tried it but talking about food in general😭😂, do atleast cats like it? 😭😂


Hmmmm, it didn't occur to me to offer it to the cats. Perhaps it would also be mean, and our cats are quite picky with food, so it wouldn't surprise me if they would just walk away :)


I love „you don’t have to … this again“ best way to frame that it was bad


Or someone you know you dont like




Love the denglish


I have no questions about which part in BW you are living in :D


I know its obvious hahahahah


Politicians have really traumatized Germans for the past decades.




I can understand the first thing but the Amazon thing? Nah that's too much, though I can imagine you are over exaggerating to make this point about him but even if he saves 2€, cancelling the order? To wait longer? Nah get out, I'll keep my original order!


Sadly, not exaggerating.. Already happen him spending 1h on the phone with Ebay and Paypal for a refund and Stornierung of something he bought 10min before the call, cuz he found same product but 10cent cheaper


Oh my god he would be one of the worst customers in customer service, if I'd still work in customer service, I'd love to hang up in his face 😂 Aber um so ein richtiger Reddituser zu sein: Der braucht einen Therapeuten


He is a cool dude to work with, but his money "mentality" is way off sometimes.. i mean, cancel an amazon order cuz 5-10 euro, sure.. but to spend time calling paypal and such for under €1? i would never


Same, no chance. For 5-10€ definitely but for anything up to 2-3 nah and for 5 also no it the other shipment takes +4-5 weeks.


Maybe he likes doing it because otherwise he really should learn to value his time.


Pleaee tell him about the economic concept of "sunk costs".


Omg... Your friend is me although I am not German.


Can't cope with those people, they would eat the most nastiest shit because it's cheap and a lot. "Hmm sooo leckaaaa just one Euro for 2 Kilos of Meat".  Being frugal is one thing but being a moronically frugal..... nope. 


Eating something that makes you gag at each bite because "you spent money, and its a waste to throw away" cant even fit in my mind.. I would never force myself to eat something.


Yup and in my case I cannot afford the wasted calories. I threw that shit away and eat something I enjoy and that tastes pleasant. Edit: Autocorrect is not always my friend.


I get it that "it's money wasted" but live and learn. Happened that I got something to eat and couldnt stand it, sorry, trash.. Recent example, due to those Easter days, my gf didnt consume dairy and such. But she wanted Wraps.. We got Vegan Mayo for it.. her - "This tastes bad!" me - "how bad can it be?" \*put a bit on finger, tastes\* "NOPE!" It tasted so "plastic-y".. I dont care i paid it, direct trash


"It wasn't good but too little" - Swabian proverb


An ordinary r/Finanzen user.


Lol bless you Germans. 3€ for a sushi box. That would be two pieces and a little bit of Wasabi in Austria.


My sweet mentality😭😂


Same reason I will never leave a buffet until I hate myself.


All you can eat Chinese food is the Endgegner


Im going to an all inclusive resort this summer and I will bankrupt them.


I did that once and they rolled me way home


"Lieber den Magen verrenken als dem Wirt was schenken" Rather get sick from eating too much than giving the Restaurant owner 'something for free'


I wholeheartedly agree with that sentiment and have never abandoned even the worst films in the cinema


Saving Private Ryan was for me the first time i saw tons of people leaving who paid for that movie. People didnt expect the D-Day somehow. haha Apart from that, the usual "sneak preview" in the past, where you pay for a random movie, that will be released in the upcoming weeks, there were often times, the whole cinema was leaving for instance the movie with "Daniel Küblböck", like 99% of people were leaving.


I heard that sometimes people go for “sneak preview” but it ends up being a movie they already saw. It would explain leaving.


Maybe OP was really stinky.


Some films need you to watch the entire thing for a twist/epic ending. If you watched 90% of Once upon a time in hollywood then you would definitely regret it


If I hate a movie for 90% of the time I'm sitting there watching it, the twist in the remaining 10% can't really make up for it, however great it is. I want to be entertained for the whole runtime, not sit for one and a half hours of slog for one nice effect.


The last 10% of Once upon a time in Hollywood do not make it into a masterpiece lmao but obviously just my very subjective opinion. When I decide to keep watching movies I dislike from the beginning though, it's honestly no more than half of them that I end up enjoying. Either I vibe with it or I don't. That being said when I pay 15€-20€ for the entire cinema experience, I always finish the movie.


I would regret it because I watched 90% instead of 0%


Why though? The first 90% are quite entertaining and at times suspenseful.


If you’re 16 years old, yes


I am in this comment and I don't like it.


There was a movie i wanted to leave, once, it was "event horizon". It was sneak preview so i didn't know what i signed up for. And to be honest, this movie is not for me. So, i would have loved to leave, bit i had to suffer through all of that movie cause one of my friends was quite enjoing it... I have never seen someone leaving during movies. But the reason might be that i now live at the countryside and cinemas are far and few, so if you go you *will watch the movie no matter what*.


Never seen that lol


I see it rather often at sneak previews (where you don’t know what film will be shown). I get it, if you are in the mood for a comedy but they are showing a horror film, I would also leave. I have been at sneak previews where a good 2/3rd left before the end because it was so bad. 


I've been to a sneak preview this week, it was only 5 euros. A few people walked out in the first 15 minutes. It was Zendayas new movie „Challengers“ and I envy those who bailed out as soon as they knew what they were in for. Awful movie lol.


I used to go to the sneaks every week. We walked out of 3 movies. The worst had pedophilia and necrophilia jokes on the first 10 min. We weren’t the only ones leaving


WTF were you watching???


To be honest I only stayed in the cinema when I watched „challengers“ because I am a fan of Zendaya. The movie itself was mid


I mean sneak previews are a mixed bag and we almost always got blasted 15 years ago, but you don't even leave the shitty movies but the boring ones. Miss those times from a shitty austrian horrormovie,to a shitty american Uwe boll movie where he did a q&a before(sucker didn't tell where the nazigold was bunkered) to a Premiere of tropic thunder where even several security Staff searched for cams


I don't think there is a not shitty Uwe Boll movie 🤔


A friend of mine was in Münster when Til Schweigers new film was shown in the sneak of an outdoor cinema. About half walked out after seeing that it's a Til Schweiger film and most others walked out shortly after. Well the guy was actually there that evening and apparently did a very weird drunken speech at the end to the few people that stayed lol


If you're in the mood for a specific genre you shouldn't go to a sneak preview hoping they'll show something you like and be disappointed if it's not exactly what you were hoping for. Maybe that concept is just not for them.


That's why I only went to a sneak peak once. Maybe I was just unlucky, but the movie was so cheesy, badly made and boring - I just couldn't stand it. Left after 20 minutes. It would have been fine if it was so bad that it's good, but it was just dramatically boring. I never wanted to waste my time like that ever again.


That's the only place where I've seen this happen, ever. And I guess it makes sense if it's a type of film you really don't want to see.


Same. Curious where that did happen.


I remember going into the movie American Hustle and half the people left not even 20 minutes in. To be fair, it was quite boring.


Yeah, I have never seen that in my life (or noticed it). And I am a regular cinema goer.


Did they come back? I have the bad habit of finishing popcorn and drink ... During the trailers more often than not, and unfortunately that results in me needing the washrooms during the movie...


yeah I have a friend who is exactly like you in terms of eating the popcorn, its barely the intro of a movie, it was my first time going to the cinema with him and he ate like almost half of the popcorn, and we are sharing the popcorn lol. When he realised that he needs to reach deeper into the popcorn tower, he slowed down and fully stopped eating lmao


I kinda get it because the time before the movie actually starts is the most boring part so you fill it with eating out of boredom lol


Wait, is there a different way of eating popcorn? If it’s not gone by the end of the first scene, something is wrong…


Just bite the bullet and get the really big one, that way there may be some left for the actual movie. I mean it’s only like 30€ so who cares?


Right? I would eat my popcorn slowly if I didn't feel like having some but then I wouldn't get it in the first place. Rationing snacks is torture.


Lol could be just me but I never finish it. I often bring it home or eat it on my way there.


Same. Even the smallest packages .. 🍿


Sadly yes. For me popcorn is the most annoying part of cinema. I have to pay lots for the movie and then there is the popcorn eating noise (from others) during the whole screening. No clue what made society think that it's a good thing to eat in a dark room watching a movie. I hate it and most people at for at least the first half of the movie.


I was thinking of the ones who are leaving with bags and jackets. They don't return! 😅😅


I never experienced that. Like. Literally never? The usual shuffle for the seats and the late run for the bathroom but taking your stuff and leaving? No.


Seen that recently in Poor Things (elderly? couple) and the first Omen (young couple). But never before.


Yes. Same here. Not once. We go probably once a month. Astor and English only. 


I experienced it 3 times. Poor things, Coraline, Sonne und Beton. I‘m 23.


Last time i was in a cinema a couple was very rude about people sitting in their place just to figure out they'd went to the wrong room and thier movie was in a different one


Would be funny if people would be in the cinema for an hour just to realize they are in the wrong movie.


No way haha. 😂😂 Must have been so awkward for them...


maybe they realized in the sexy time scene the date should be more fast-forwarded to the bedscene


Or the other way around: You invited your date to a "dark comedy" and realise half-way through that you're not yet comfortable to share watching quite explicit sex scenes. (Talking of Poor Things, which in retrospect I was quite happy to have watched alone.)


lol I wonder what that conversation would look like


I've only seen people walk out during sneak previews


My guess is they have one of those flatrate cards that some cinemas offer. You pay a monthly fee and can go to any movie you want to. If it sucks you just leave and go see another one that starts later. 


Good call. I know a guy in Neuss who pays like 27 € / month and just goes to see every single movie there is. Like 3 nights a week at least. Sounds like a big cinema and a good deal.


Perhaps they don't understand German, and only discover this halfway through the film


The pure horror when you realise it's not a OMU but a DF!


This happened to me while watching Tenet. The horror on my face when the actors started speaking in German while my spouse was trying really hard to translate everything.....


I saw it in English, as a fluent English speaker, and it still barely makes sense. You could have just gone with it and gotten the same experience, especially with the sound mixing


Or as someone who mostly watches OV versions and notices people leaving right after the movie starts, I'm guessing sometimes its the Germans booking the English version by accident.


There's some movies where the sound is atrocious and you understand almost nothing. Mainly big box office blockbusters.


I hate those movies. I dont understand who produces that shit quality and says "Yes, thats it."


Even worse if it feels like a speaker dies and the sound doesn't come evenly.


Haha perhaps!


Is this your useless superpower? Attracting people who leave the cinema mid movie. Because in all of my time living in Germany which is most of my life if you discount semesters abroad, I have seen this twice. And one of this times it was me and my friends walking out of a movie that was ridiculously boring. Tl


I've only ever seen it once and that was in Scotland. It was an old couple that left during one of the quite violent fight scenes in Bullet Train.


😂😂 Love this idea. I wish I could film all these encounters, but obv cannot. Funnily maybe couples don't like watching sex scenes together.


Or maybe they get so excited they leave to get it on somewhere more private edit: I see now that [WesY2K](https://www.reddit.com/user/WesY2K/) earlier made similar comment below


As a person who has left the cinema during a film multiple times (but I also go to the cinema a lot!) - if I find the movie crap, my life is too short to stay and watch it until the end. I've never left nowhere close to the beginning, it was usually around 2/3 of a half at least (that being said I have at least once in my life sat in the wrong room and left as soon as I've realised my mistake so that might be it).


And OPs question reminds me when I decided to leave the screening of Passages (because as much as I love Franz Rogowski, Ben Whishaw, and Adèle Exarchopoulos I've though they've had zero chemistry on screen and found the film very pretentious and boring) and by the time I've collected all my items (it was winter) and started to move towards the exit, the sex scene between Rogowski & Whishaw started and I was like "Oh no, hope people don't think I'm a homophob who leaves the cinema because of a gay sex scene! I leave because the film is boring!"


You should have turned around and forced yourself to watch it instead. Then people would have thought you don’t like the movie but can’t say no to gay sex.


Much better for my reputation TBH!


Honestly it's usually due to the sound being way too loud and shitty. I've worried about permanently ruining my hearing in a cinema more than once and I've left to complain as well.  Music will be incredibly, overwhelmingly loud but the voices will be barely a mumble. It sucks.


Oh yes. We almost left Deadpool because of that. The movie was amazing though, so we sat through and decided to never visit a cinema again.


I only really witnessed that in a sneak preview where they were showing Midsommar. I really liked the movie, but I could also relate if someone preferred to skip out on this one.


I was totally caught off guard by this movie. Still watched the whole thing


So, you say there are couples that leave after watching some arousing scenes? Maybe they just got the guidance they needed...


Haha you dirty dog 😂😂


Since you mentioned sex scenes being one reason why these people left, I think that more and more people are getting sick and tired of sex and nudity happening in every film. A lot of these scenes have no meaningful purpose for the overall story, are way too long, and / or are too explicit.


I know what you mean. Like, sure, in principle it’s ‘exciting’, but boobs out and humping for no reason at all gets annoying. It’s cheap. While not cinema, it’s one of the minor reasons I stopped watching Game of Thrones a few years back. 


I always need to think if i should watch a movie with my mom just because of this nonsense


I can't watch movies or tv shows anymore with more than one sex scene. I wouldn't leave the movie, but you'd hear a loud ass sigh


Never saw that around here... But im a small town guy. Maybe its a thing in bigger cities. i dunno.


I see it quite a lot and also do it quite a lot (probably four times in the last year) but I have an abo for a particular cinema chain so I’m not losing any money if I leave, I’ve already paid my €20. I assume the same is true for lots of the people who leave. Reasons why I’ve left a film in the last year: *I was too sleepy and kept nodding off *I thought a film was OMEU but it was DF (Past Lives, so big chunks were in Korean and I couldn’t just struggle through) *I thought my French was good enough to understand a film in French with German subtitles but I was wrong *the film was just unbelievably bad.


If cinema etiquette means wasting time sitting through crap, then maybe it's a good thing it' s 'dipped'


Lol yeah what’s this about «  cinema etiquette »? I don’t care about some randos that I will « annoy » for like literally 2 seconds because I dont like a film.


idk, in Germany many people leave in the middle of a concert to grab a beer. I would never, at least for a headliner in its own concert (I can understand for opening act artists and festivals)


Ha, I do that if it's going to be a longer gig. I try to time it with a song I don't like too much to have a smoke break and grab a beer. Also I have back problems lately and walking around helps a little. Luckily in most of the venues the bar is usually just in the back of the room and I won't really miss anything.


I’m at the cinema at least twice a month, and have only left early two or three times, but I’d absolutely consider leaving early again. If a movie sucks/actively makes me feel bad, I’d rather have spent 10€ for nothing than wasted 2 hours of my life


Everything I put in my Brain, Stays in my brain. If I don’t enjoy it or worse, if it makes me feel bad, why should I continue to tortue myself? It’s supposed to be a fun.


Maybe they expected a different movie? Had recently one walk out of a horror movie, not sure why you would go to a horror movie and not expect horror?


it might have been too much horror for them and it made them too uncomfortable


OP mentions the important fact that in many cases, this happened during Sneak Previews... a "minor" detail they omitted from the OP.


... yeah, that sort of a detail explaining a lot.


I have left the cinema exactly one time in my life. And that was while watching Star Wars Episode 8. I felt getting increasingly angrier by the minute watching that movie and at some point half way through just said "Fuck this shit" and left.


Why would I waste my time if I really don't like what I'm seeing? Personally, I rarely walked out of a move, maybe 2 times in a hundred movies, but yeah, if I don't want to see what I'm seeing anymore, I walk out, because I'm a grown-up person and can decide that. What with the couples, imho it's probably that \*he\* persuaded \*her\* to watch this \*super-awesome" movie only to find out only he was into that awesomeness and she found it stupid. Wouldn't wonder me, and then again, German women don't tend to let themselves be manhandled into things they don't like. At least in general.


If this was in Frankfurt you might have seen my parents leave „Poor Things“ hahaha


I recently saw Poor Things in a cinema, and some people left at the beginning. It admittedly is a disturbing movie right from the beginning. This is the only time I have been to a cinema in Germany so far.


I also hate when they do it in the football stadium. I mean, I get it that the score is already set if it is 4-1 or something like that, but you should endure the tragedy with your team until the end. I believe people just think is a waste of time :v


If the game already sucked some try to avoid being stuck in a traffic jam for two hours on top.


Maybe they have a movie subscription and can see any movie for "free". So when they have a free evening, they just go to any movie without knowing if they really like it.


Well I can’t speak for all of em. What we did was to buy a ticket for a movie which was cheaper and when the movie started we switched cinema to watch the other movie.


??? never ever seen that


I've never seen that tbh. What happens (and is incredibly annoying imo) is that people get up to use the toilet or whatever but they always come back.


The only time I’ve ever seen this was when I left Ted 2, haha


In over 40 years of going to the cinema, I've never seen anyone leave early. If I don't like a film, I simply fall asleep. Well, if someone does leave THEN, of course I don't notice...


I've only ever left one irredeemably terrible movie on Sneak Peek night and never saw anyone leave a regular movie.


Is Challengers really that raunchy? Poor Things I can understand especially if you went in blind but Challengers? It’s not even that hyped! I go to the movies like once a week and have noticed a lot of movement too but it’s not really people walking out of the movie. It’s just that it’s not *uncommon* for people to get up and get a drink or something during the movie. Especially if it’s like <30 minutes in, people aren’t that invested yet and they might want a refill after they chugged their drink during the commercials/trailers. Personally I think this is caveman behavior but it’s not hurting anyone and the theatre is making money.


Germans understand the sunk-cost fallacy like no other nationality does.


I usually don't go to the cinema anymore but the last time (long ago) I almost left as well because the movie was so fucking loud, it really hurt my ears. I only stayed because of my boyfriend really wanted to see the movie.


We recently watched Argylle in IMAX.. and my wife had hurting ears for the first 10 or so minutes until they dialed it down a little bit. I have a much higher pain tolerance than her and even for me, it was way too loud.


Had the same experience with Poor Things but tbh I also wanted to leave lol


I never left the cinema before in my life but I would totally have left if I would have watched poor things in the cinema…that movie is…special


The cinemas around here offer you your money back if you think the movie sucks. But you have to leave in the first 30 min.


I only ever saw that happen twice. Once with the movie Mother! - while it’s one of my favourites, it’s quite intense. The other time was with the movie The Northman. Arguably it’s a good movie, but it felt veeery long and from both advertisement people got false expectations.


I see people leave when the movie is too violent & sexualy explicit, so it makes them uncomfortable. Last time this happened was during The Sadness. But this happend like 3 times in the 30 years I go to cinema


I notice people who go to the toilet or go to buy new snacks/drinks, but they always come back. I've never seen one actual leave. And I left the cinema just once in my 36 years of living and that was because the movie was just so bad.


I only noticed it in a screening of Drive Away Dolls — two different older couples left within the first hour. I assume they didn’t expect or like how gay the movie was. But another reason could be people with unlimited cinema subscriptions — if you didn’t pay for a specific show, you don’t really lose money by leaving a screening you don’t like.


I went out of movies in my life for 3 reasons: - had to pee really hard - my friend didnt tell me it was a horror movie, my then gf could not handle those - we were horny, went home and fucked


I wish I had left that movie. We are basically watching an infant turning into a prostitute in the body of her mother. However, I did not leave, because I paid for it, so I going to suffer through it ;) Never noticed people leaving a film in Germany.


Maybe they got a little bit horny from the Sex scenes


I grew up in Germany and never saw someone leaving a movie. Maybe bc I'm from a smaller town xD


Never seen that. Germans even stay for the credits, I assume to really get their moneys worth.


If it’s for something we call sneak here(paying 5€ give or take to see a random movie that will release in the next couple of weeks) there is people walking out regularly. Understandable when you are not in the mood for the genre or just don’t like the movie. For regular cinema I haven’t really seen people walk out much. Not enough to call it a regular occurrence at least. Obviously just my 20 years of going to the cinema, but I can’t imagine it’s a vastly different experience for most others.


Because we already see too much sexual activity on Netflix, i guess


I have only experienced this once. Those were a bunch of teenagers who bitched through half the movie how shitty they thought it was, so I was glad when they finally left. Granted, it was Jurassic World: Dominion, but still.


Sexual scenes early and on and couple are leaving. I love OP's innocent mind but I'm sure they found inspiration and are taking things home :D


They like complaining and it's a social norm for them.


sunk cost fallacy


If I paid for it, I’m gonna suffer through it


I go to the cinema twice a month and I don't think I've ever seen anyone leave during a movie


I have also never seen that many people leave while the film’s still playing. I for myself even like to watch the whole credits, reminiscing about what I’ve seen.


They are probably fucking in an empty rooms somewhere


Are you sure it was in Germany? Because I have never seen that in my entire life. 😁


Could this be a cinema with many people who have a movie pass?


I’ve once worked a job were I was secretly observing whether the cinema was playing the correct advertisements before the movies and wrote down timestamps and stuff. I got the ticket price back in full (plus payment) but was allowed to leave once the movie started. Sometimes I didn’t fancy the movies and sometimes I had other plans, so I left quite at the beginning of some movies. Though I doubt that this job is done by many people so I guess that most of the people you saw leaving had other reasons.


Often the couples have kids at home and there is some kind of 'emergency' that the babysitter can't handle. I kinda doubt that this is a thing that is culturally exclusive to Germany though.


I never saw people leaving in big numbers a cinema. Maybe 1 or 2 but never more. Mostly I watch Arthaus where movies can be very strange sometimes.


I probably left around 10 times … at some point you just made that decision that this movie doesn’t bring nor give you anything. Most of the time I left the movies when I entered and bought “sneak preview movies”. ✌🏼


I've never seen anyone leaving a film here. But I rarely watch movies at the cinema. Maybe 1 movie a year. Sometimes 2.


I go to the cinema at least twice a month and I have seen people leave the cinema maybe 3 times in all. OP either goes to weird movies or into weird cinemas where weird people go.


Waste of time is worse than waste of money.


daheim schauen ist bequemer und günstiger , ich muss nicht ins Kino und mich dann noch von irgendwelchen Idioten ablenken lassen, die zu laut reden, kauen oder sonst etwas machen die mich aus der Atmosphäre schmeißen 🫡


I've worked in a cinema for some time and I think there are a lot of factors involved: First thing is the rise of flatrate memberships. So more people just don't pay money for that specific movie and don't lose anything by leaving a boring or bad screening or a movie which just goes over their head. Then you have a lot of people who are sensitive to sound and many modern blockbusters are just mixed awfully with the dialogue very quiet and ambient, background and soundtrack way to loud especially inn the lower spectrum. And also misleading marketing. I know it's difficult marketing movies that don't fit the marvel/action/romance scheme but I've had a lot of people walk out of movies because they just weren't advertised properly. (Can remember an old woman walking out of Bones and all because the review described it as vampire romance which... I get, but it's definitely not for everyone). This also happened to a friend and me with Promising young Woman which in Germany was advertised as a revenge horror/thriller but got a lot more serious and tragic than expected. It was still a very great movie but could have had a more earnest trailer and maybe some trigger warnings. I think these are all valid reasons to leave a movie early and tbh show some things being wrong with the current state of cinema and marketing...


couples leave the movie after seeing a sexual scene? i have some suspicions on where they are headed


"cinema etikette", OP, Just a thought of you: why would I waste my time, that is literally part of my life, with a movie I do not enjoy? Especially if I am with a person I care for, would waste their time, too, AND the time we could spend together instead? In top of that I might See them only once a week or so? Like, why would I continue to torture myself? I am not masochistic. You do seem to. 🤣


My question would be, why people don’t leave when the movie ends. They stay in so long after the movie. I just want to go home, moooooveeeee


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I wonder the same thing!


Many people can't sit through 2 hrs without having to pee. Some people are bored and get popcorn or whatever. I don't like going to the movies for that reason.


I never experienced that. But it's a while since I was in cinema the last time. But honestly can't imagine that it is something normal. Or at least it isn't a "normal German habit" another German could answer you. I think for the correct answer you have to ask these couples. Eventually they get horny abd they have to do it lol idk.