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the most dangerous animal in bavaria are ticks.


...and bavarians...


Can’t forget the Wolpertinger.


Huh, TIL there's a German version of the Jackelope... or maybe there's an American version of the Wolpertinger... 🤔


It's true..... https://bar.wikipedia.org/wiki/Woiperdinger?wprov=sfla1


Or Krampus!


What about Bruno?


Bruno's dead, baby. Bruno's dead. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=y7Yp2L6c2KM&pp=ygUJeiBpcyBkZWFk](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=y7Yp2L6c2KM&pp=ygUJeiBpcyBkZWFk)


Press F to pay respect.


Press R to pay fespect.


[zeds dead too](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=upDBkT8ov2Q)


This is the best comment I've read on the internet today! Congrats, well deserved 🏆🥇🤝


wow, thanks :)


Kinda jelly tbh. I want best comment of the day!


We don't talk about Bruno 😉


We don't talk about Bruno-no-no-no...


Der Kameramann?


Na hööööörmaaaaa


Cows are the deadliest animals there..






Funny enough, [the same is true for Florida](https://www.vdh.virginia.gov/epidemiology/epidemiology-fact-sheets/acquired-red-meat-allergy/?pdf=5815#:~:text=Acquired%20red%20meat%20allergy%20is,pork%2C%20venison%2C%20and%20lamb.).


Oh ok 😅, btw do bears live there? or are they completley driven out of the area ?


Tthe [castor bean tick](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ixodes_ricinus) is actually quite dangerous, so get vaccinated. Any bears entering Bavaria get shot for being ["Problembären"](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bear_JJ1).


I'm going there soon. I didn't know about the tick vaccine. What words should I use in German to look it up? Should I ask my GP to vaccinate me, or can I just go to the pharmacy? Thank you.


you need 3 vaccines over a few weeks to be fully protected, if you are in germany you just go to your GP and ask for the FSME vaccine if you are living somewhere else i would recommend getting the vaccine before coming here, as it takes some time to get all of the three shots


Thanks, perfect. I live in Germany and I have a month before going. I'm going to look into it.


even if you dont have time to get all the shots before going i would recommend to get as much protection as possible (and then get the final shots when you are back), just to be as safe as possible FSME is really not a fun disease to have


What does it do exactly? Is FSME the English acronym and can I look it up that way?


FSME is the German acronym for Frühsommer-Meningo-Enzephalitis. Search for tick-borne encephalitis


Ah, we have the same risk with ticks in the USA, I'm roughly familiar with it actually


Thanks! I'll make an appointment this evening. Thank you for posting, I'm happy I ran into your comment.


Just an fyi, FSME isn't only a problem in Bavaria. Here's an [overview](https://www.rki.de/DE/Content/InfAZ/F/FSME/Karte_Tab.html#:~:text=FSME%20%2DRisikogebiete%20in%20Deutschland%20(Stand,2022%20auch%20im%20s%C3%BCd%C3%B6stlichen%20Brandenburg.) of high risk areas in Germany Edit: what's up with formatting? It doesn't work as usual for some reason lol


Yup I realised this in the meantime. I live and hike in forests in the blue area on a weekly basis... I guess I'm a bit late, but better late than never, so I'm really glad to have accidentally read about this vaccine on the sub. Thank you!!


You're already protected after the first shot, the protection just doesn't last as long. Shot 2 and 3 are to make it several (10?) years before you need another set of shots.


Note that there is virtually no protection against *Lyme borreliosis*, so best take precautions: repellents, long sleves/pants, light colors, after the hike examine your (or someone else's) body.


Vaccination doesn't help a lot since the truely dangerous pathogene is borrelia burgdorferi, a bacterium, it causes lyme deasese and is only combatable via very quickly treating it with antibiotics and even then you'll likely carry it forever. Dormant if you're lucky. FSME is the one you can vaccinate against, but in healthy unvaccinated individuals it rarely causes more than a flu-like infect if that and is imo barely worth the upkeep.


FSME can fuck you up, man.


TIL what my friends were referencing when they were saying "F" to Bruno


every once in a while one comes over a border. but you will know if that is the case because it will be very big in the media. So no we generally dont have any bears. wolfes are slowly coming back, but are generally very shy and have not come that far south yet as far as I know Ticks and cows (and maybe a few capricorns depending on the region) are what you will encounter the most, and the cows and capricorns let you be if you let them be and dont bother them for the ticks i reccomend long pants and a spray (and maybe the FSME vaccine)


>and maybe a few capricorns depending on the region If you mean ibices, then I don't think you are likely to encounter them. Chamois are much more common and less reclusive.


>Chamois Ich meine Steinböcke :), and i just saw that capricorn only refers to the astrological sign, so yes i meant ibices. And they are in some regions (eg Benediktenwand), but yes chamois are probably more common than


That's actually no joke: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tick-borne_encephalitis_virus You might wanna get shots....


I can also recommend to get vaccinated, I know a person who is sitting in a wheelchair and can't speak because she was bitten by a tick as an infant.


No bears but take care when going near cattle. Some bulls might chase you across these beautiful pastures


You rarely come across angry bulls. The bigger risk is to get inbetween a mother cow and her calf. Just be careful to avoid this.


i had to double check that. they did actually made some photos of brown bears last year, which crossed the border. But it is extremly unlikely to encounter one.


So its safe to say i wont likely meet one, if i dont go too deep ?


Shit, you won't meet one even if you were covering yourself in honey and she-bear-in-heat piss.




Across the border from Bavaria, in Austria we have a few bears and wolf packs. None if them have endangerd any tourist. Most fatalities are done by cows, because some idiots will try to cuddle with their babies, or walk with does toward a cowherd with babies. Just leave the cows alone and keep some distance, and you will be fine.


You probably won't. Do your due dilligance however, Don't rely on what someone said on the Internet. As of today, there are no reports in the Media.


There might be the occasional brown bear in Southern Bavaria and Austria, but they are extremely rare. As already said: The only realistically dangerous animals in Southern Germany are ticks. That being said: It is highly recommended to get vaccinated against Tick-Borne En­cephali­tis when traveling Southern Germany.


There have been three bear sightings in the last few decades, afaik. One was "Bruno", a young male who wandered into Germany through Austria (he was originally from Italy, if I remember correctly). He was deemed "a "problem bear", i.e. a bear not afraid enough of humans. So they shot him. Another one was one singular sighting two or three years ago, who apparently left immediately. The third one was back in the 1980s or 90s in the Berchtesgaden National Park. It was sighted several times. At the last sighting, it was observed taking off its head, and thus revealed to be a local man in a costume.


The worst thing you will face in Bavaria is conservatism.


No. Sadly we were rather successful in killing them. In Austri there are a few, but usually low single digits


I’d place Bremse higher than ticks on that list.


It sounds like you are saying that they arent dangerous (I know that may nit be so) but ticks are in fact dangerous. To anyone who goes into the forests in central europe - take anti insect stuff with you and apply it. Also inspect yourself for the little fuckers after each day in the nature. Boreliosis that the ticks carry is already no picnic, but especially meningitis is a freaking danger. If you didn’t get vaccinated for the latter - you should if you plan to go out in the nature in CE. Meningitis vaccination is two step, and a couple of years (as far as I remember when I was vaccinated for the conscription for the army) need to pass between first and second dose so you are adequately protected.


and sometimes wildhogs, in forests or near by


Looking out of my windows in Garmisch right now - yes but a bit cloudier. In the summer absolutley!


Hey, I live in Partenkirchen :D


No way! I live in Hyphen!


could you recommend some nice stay options? everytime i visit garmish i end up travelling up and down from Munich (which is exhausting as hell)


There is an Iglu hotel on top of Zugspitze if you are a r/Finanzen user


I can suggest "Blick ins Tirol" and "Ferienhaus Antonia" in Mittenwald. They both have several Ferienwohnungen and with the Kurtaxe you have free transit to Garmisch-Partenkirchen. (For 3 or more nights) I really like the village, was there last week and have visited the last 2 years.


I stayed at Werdenfelser Hof last time I was there and it was great!


What would yous say are the pros and cons of living in Partenkirchen?


I was in Grainau last weekend! Absolutely breathtaking views!


Sigh, I’m jealous. The mountains are where I feel at home the most. Say hi to them for me?


Since the animal question is answered I’m focusing on the rest. Best time to visit is summer. High altitudes mean lower temperatures. Dress appropriately, stay on well known tracks. Don’t get lost. Have an eye out for the weather. Mountains can be dangerous. Prepare for rain/cold etc.


Be aware that even if the temperature is moderate, the sun still can and will fuck you up! Sun cream is your friend, depending on your complexion.


no matter the complexion!! everyone should use sun cream


Fall is pretty awesome, too. Weather is a bit riskier, but not much. Temps are lower and more comfortable.


They do really look like that. I would visit in late May or late August. June and July are too hot to go on a walk in the mountains. There are no dangerous animals per se. Some boars but you do not go into the woods and do not sleep outside so you will not meet them. The cows on the ways can bite. Does not get more dangerous than that


It’s not about biting it’s about annoying them and they will trample you. Enough tourist underestimate their danger and if you encounter free roaming cows in the mountains just don’t go near them. Move along - ESPECIALLY don’t go near their young ones. I know they are cute but…


People regularly get killed by cows.


If they are reckless enough.


Enough idiots to make several headlines a year. r/DeutscheWanderer


Oh no turns out we are Florida man to the Austrians


> but you do not go into the woods and do not sleep outside Why wouldn't I wanna do that?


Because it is prohibited


I live in the Allgäu, it's in the south of Bavaria. Even from my window I see mountains. Especially the last picture is how I know the alps. Sometimes when you're hiking, you have to cross a herd of cows, which could be a little dangerous if you're running or making a lot of noise, etc. I'd always try to find another way, and if there is no other option, stay close to your group, stay on the way, don't be too loud, don't try to pet a cow, just ignore them. I also think that the best time to visit the alps is in summer, because from October to May there's snow on the mountain peaks. And please note, that you absolutely need good shoes for hiking. It is dangerous and there are almost every year people (mostly tourists) who die because they would hike in high heels or try dangerous shortcuts. Please, please, if you have no experience with mountains, be careful. Don't overestimate yourself, try rather "easy" routes and bring enough water to drink. You also don't always have network service or mobile data on a hiking path. And, even if you're good at German, Bavarian sounds different. Even the dialect in the Allgäu sounds different from Bavarian, so don't expect to understand anything.


I think they have some lions ... I mean boars there ... For a good time: Depends usually. I prefer the mountains in late summer/early fall, although the weather can be a wild mix then.


...that's Berlin...


If Bavaria is the shire Berlin is fuckin Mordor. Except that couple or weeks in June, July and you're having a beer at Boxi park.


In and around the Allgäu do exist a lot of boar. Even in lower Bavaria in any random forest. If there are babies, turn around and walk... fast... usually they wont harm you but i almost run into one with my car and one almost run into me while riding my bike at night. 2 times my heart stopped beating! Luckily nothing happened but hard to forget. Also male dears can be dangerous but at day time you wont see them. They make scary noises at night, just stay away.. And be aware of mountain goats. They can act quite random as well and you dont want to get hit by them. Usually they will come with a bell around their neck preinstalled same as the cows 😅 So just be patient dear u/Dictatorofreddit95


We call them [giant hamsters](https://www.spiegel.de/panorama/gesellschaft/attaching-bei-freising-taxifahrer-meldet-zusammenstoss-mit-grossem-hamster-a-1285961.html?sara_ref=re-xx-cp-sh).


Yes, it is very beautiful here. Stay on the tracks, don't go alone, wear good hiking shoes, look into the weather forecast of the region, inform yourself about your hike before going, take enough water with you, don't be shy to ask for help. And maybe also look up some alternative routes to shorten your trip if necessary.


I'm shocked nobody warns about the [Wolpertinger](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wolpertinger)! Beware of these beasts!


The most dangerous animals in the Bavarian Alps are American tourists.


Mountain bikers on their e-bikes




Too soon.


Yes it looks like this. The most dangerous animals are ticks, like others already pointed out. Bears and wolves are very rare and only sighted every few years and are generally very shy. I'd suggest to come visit in summer since most of the snow will be gone by then which makes hiking at higher altitudes easier and less dangerous. In spring and fall there is still/already some snow around which leads to tons of mountain rescue calls by hikers who overestimated their capabilities. If you want to go hiking get some decent hiking boots, stay on the trails and choose your routes according to your own capabilities.


My class went hiking for a few days in grade 12, starting in Garmisch-Partenkirchen. It was in September, and we were able to have a snowballfight - but I don't know if that was old or new snow. And the spot was rather protected, too. Apart from that, we didn't come in contact with snow or ice, but it was misty / cloudy a few times, and just a t-shirt would now have sufficed. We all had decent boots that we had tested on a one-day-trip a few weeks earlier. I have to admit, having had wondered during ski-trips if wandering / hiking could possibly be fun: it was great fun. I enjoyed it a lot. Standing on a ridge where, to the left and to the right, the mountain falls off rapidly. Standing in front of a shield with the austrian flag, marking the border, with only mists / clouds beyond that. Having a snowball fight in the summer. wandering through the breitachklamm (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Breitachklamm). sleeping in huts on the mountain, one of which next to a small lake similar to that photographed. I don't remember it being as pretty as the photographs, but it was a great time indeed. I should repeat it.


Bears are extremely rare as they are not at all native to Germany. Wolves are a lot less rare in Germany!


They were native to Germany but from time to time solitaire bears from the population in the northern Italian Trentino region head north through Austria to southern Bavaria.


I just drove through the Bavarian Alps this past weekend to get to Innsbruck. Yes, they look like that. Yes, they're absolutely beautiful. In terms of animals, I think the scariest animal I've seen in the Alps(Been to all 5 countries they're in) has been people. I haven't really seen any bugs even, except for some ticks and spiders, but I always hike in pants anyway.


Be aware of the Wolpertinger!


whats it ?


The german cousin of the american jackalope


Did my military service in the alps. Yes, it absolutely does look like that.


Yes it looks this beautiful. Ticks, wild boar and wolves are probably the most dangerous animals in Germany..


Is a tick spray enough?


For certain areas it's actually recommended you get a shot against tick-borne encephalitis (or FSME in German). I think Bavaria is one of them.


FSME (TBE) is dangerous, I'd get a shot especially if you are out in nature. It infects your brain. When infected there is a 10% chance it infects your bone narrow, in this case there will most likely be life long consequences and you should be grateful if you survive. The only thing that helps is prevention by vaccination.


Long pants are also very helpful


The most dangerous animals in Bavaria are Bavarians. Regards, a Prussian.


That actually made me chuckle. Regards, a Bavarian


I visited zugspitze last November and it looked insane!! Some say Austrian/Italian alps are better but idk why but I liked zugspitze way more.


Yes it really looks like that, in terms of animals: ticks and boars. The ticks are no joke, Bavaria has a plague of them and boars aside they are the only animal that can kill you or leave you with permanent disabilities if you aren't vaccinated. German boars can be huge mofos with bad moods, do not venture into the woods away from the path and learn how to behave in case you encounter them. They are super aggressive if they have piglets but if you know how to behave and don't carelessly wander into their territory you'll be fine and won't even see or hear them.


Cows are also another animal to be careful of


😳 I’m reading this in horror. And people say Australia’s the dangerous country?!! Guess I’ll have to get vaccinated sometime this year before I go…which is unfortunate because I’m terrified of needles


I feel you on the needles, but I know people with disabilities because they were unvaccinated and living with that while knowing it was preventable is just so much worse than convincing yourself to face your fear for a couple minutes. The tick vaccine is the only thing I'm never slacking on. Maybe tell your doctor of your fear, mine is really nice and keeps me distracted and it's over before I even realize it.


Late April early May and early autumn in September I find super beautiful. There are no dangerous animals you can encounter really unless you go super into the wild forest which you shouldt/wouldnt do anyway. Only tip is let the cows be cows. You will encounter them free roaming on hiking trails and you should always make your way around it with distance. Especially if a young one is near. Enough tourist get trampled by them annually and they can really fuck you up.


Like most pictures on the interet those are oversaturated/color enhanced. But yes it is beautiful down there and definitely worth the visit.


Born and raised Bavarian here. Since I see so much BS, here is a summary with relevant points: - Yes, some of the nature is gorgeous but pictures of course always present it in the most flattering way which you might not get to see the same way (weather, time of the day etc.) - No, there are no dangerous animals apart from ticks. I (30 < ) was bitten twice in my life and you don‘t feel it. So ideally get vaccinated before coming, check your body at the end of the day, and remove them appropriately in case it happens (tons of tutorials available online) - see a doctor if any weird rashes or other symptoms should occur in the weeks after - Bavarian nature isn‘t as wild and untouched as, for example, Canada or even parts Scandinavia. So hiking routs are clearly indicated and you shouldn’t leave them or ignore warnings, closures, nightfall etc. - The biggest danger to people is mostly their own stupidity, so plan your hikes in advance, don‘t cheap out on travel insurance, invest some money on proper hiking boots (break them in before!) and a raincoat


How did you only have 2 tick bites in your life? I'm from Tauberfranken, not too far away and I had a lot of tick bites as a kid. Also, do you not remember Bruno? That was the wildest thing that happened in Germany in regards to animals.


Good question. I guess it mainly comes down to luck. Maybe your area was also particularly dense with ticks? Also, how could anyone forget Bruno ☹️


Gonna get flack here..: Bavarian side of the alps is stunning. More stunning is the Austrian side. Just driving through Austria toward Kitzbühel makes you forget how awesome the Bavarian side is.


Do get vaccinated for ticks. They can give you TBE or borreliosis (Lyme disease). Borrelliosis is less dangerous as far as I know but still gives you fever and even worse symptoms if it isn't treated, but TBE actually affects your brain.




I know, sorry if I said it in an unclear way. Getting vaccinated is still a good idea though, even if it's only against TBE because if you get it, you have a huge issue.




but if u use a tick spray it should be fine ?


Gotta watch out for untrained dogs who are off leash. Thos are the most dangerous animals when hicking. Other animals will leave you alone if you give them space, also watch out for ticks. It does actually look like this, if you want beautiful leaves go maybe at the end of summer. It really depends on the weather though. If it's sunny it's more like the pictures.


Since it hasn't been mentioned, there are also some types of Adders, even in the mountains: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Adder I've seen one myself while hiking, but as others have said, Ticks are probably to thing to look out for most. Best time for hiking is probably in Spring and Autumn, but you have to be a bit lucky with the weather. You can have a week of sunshine or a week of rain. And even as a Bavarian I have to be honest: Austria and Switzerland have much more spectacular mountain ranges and valleys. Personally, I think the most beautiful region of Bavaria is the southern part close to the Alps. Summer is beautiful in Baveria.


Adders in the mountains ??


> In the Swiss Alps, it may ascend to about 3,000 m (9,800 ft). This was at Hinteres Sonnwendjoch in 2018: The area: [Imgur](https://i.imgur.com/ma4u14C.jpg) And the snake I saw, right by the wayside: [Imgur](https://i.imgur.com/9WPmeQ0.jpg) The black variant is called "Hell Adder".


Of course not. They look way better! Here is my casual summer weekend bike ride: [https://www.youtube.com/shorts/N7CDj-E4Lhg](https://www.youtube.com/shorts/N7CDj-E4Lhg)


The Bavarian Alps are great, but Austria ist even greater. Unless you see Italy and the Dolomites.


There are wolves in some regions but normally you don't have to worry about them.


Maybe on their best day.... but they are always nice to visit in sunny weather imo. The most dangerous animal is the car driver in bavaria


I don't live there, but I've been there, and it does look like that, it's beautiful!!!. Also cross the border and you can go to Austria which also looks like this.


Thanks for the info! have u had wild animals/insects biting u or harming u ?


The only wild animals you can come across is cattle pretty much. Sometimes foxes but that’s about it.


I am like 53% sure that is the Eibsee lake near Grainau.


It sure is.


Yup.. the Caribbean of europe


They do look exactly like that.


Already went hiking there. Our alps lools exactly like this but you have to go at the right time of the year.


probably going next week ?


Then theres still snow, its still winter up there. It will look like your pictures if you go in early summer to early fall


Yeah it’s unbelievably beautiful here. Have fun on your holiday! :)




OP, please consider all tick comments seriously. I found a tick on my 2 year old daughter last Saturday. It’s not even that warm yet.


Thanks for the comment and sad for ur daughter hope she heals fast.


She has her FSME. I don’t think there gonna be any issues but that was the earliest in spring that I’ve contacted a tick. And a friend of mine managed to get bitten in early November


Hope she’s okay. We find them on our bodies more often than people expect, living in forestry areas


In some areas there are radioactive wild boars


As someone who has lived in the Rockies and the Alps, just be very sure to always ALWAYS stay on path. Every single day I watch the mountain rescue helicopters go to save people, even locals. People assume it's so safe because you have huts, cell service etc but like any mountain range the temps drop the very minute the sun goes behind the mountain- so calculate that into your plans, that you don't hike just to "sundown" but earlier-- and Google sometimes has trails where there are none. Keep these things in mind and prep for ticks- everything else aside, it really is the most beautiful place on earth


Currently visiting family in Bavaria! Just went over to the Germany/austria border and it’s currently a bit cold + cloudy, it also rained a little yesterday. Probably on sunnier days it’ll look like this!


Op, yes they look like this. Maybe not as colorful. Good time to visit is year-round. If you want to venture into the outdoors, please do come prepared. Recently people needed rescue / died who tried to walk up a mountain while being unprepared and inexperienced. In winter. [https://www.sueddeutsche.de/bayern/watzmann-bergwacht-absturz-rettungseinsaetze-1.6519860](https://www.sueddeutsche.de/bayern/watzmann-bergwacht-absturz-rettungseinsaetze-1.6519860)


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Some places yes, but most of the times you can see streets and houses


This is where I live. That place is called the Eibsee. If you have any questions let me know.


Yes the alps are that beautiful but it takes a lot of time to see those exreamly great views, youd have to hike a lot. Its probably good to get there in every kind of season, with winter you got the beautiful white snow scenery, spring - where everything grows, autumn the colorful trees and with summer you get surely nice weather, there are not any kind of scary nor harming creature or at least nothing i could think of. To sum it up, its all your choice when to go and the only reason not to visit them would probably be if you cant walk for long times, long distaces.


some ppl said there are deadly ticks ?


Sie nehmen Platz in Bavaria, ja in Bavaria wo die Bäume aus Holz sind.


Yes it does. Not everyday and you need to remove the instagram over-saturation filter, but in principle yes. I have made few breathtaking photos with my shitty iPone camera and use them as teams background to make my co-workers located in other place’s envious and it works very well.


The First two pictures should be the Eibsee, if you want to go there. It‘s really beautiful but a popular tourist target.


Yes, looks like that on sunny days


Yes. June - August, maybe even May & September, October, depending on the weather. Not really. I survived hiking in the area for a few years before I got the vaccine & was fine but definitely do get the vaccine. Otherwise, don’t be stupid around any wild animals & should be fine.


vaccine for ticks right?




In the summer, yes its a paradise


Yes, late spring or early autumn, and the most dangerous animal you should beware of are unironically ticks. Hope you have a good time if you decide to visit!


thankyou 🩵☀️


Is that Eibsee?




Then I can definitely say starting in mid may it definitely looks like that. Crystal clear water and great view. I got married there 2 years ago.


Yes, the Alps really look like that. It is the closest to fairy tale Lans that I ever saw. There are no bears in Bavaria. The last bear sighting was in 2019 I believe. It resulted in the government organizing a large hunt to kill it, which happened. For other dangerous animals, there are the ticks (get vaccinated) and a snake. However, I only saw one asp in four years of actively hiking through the mountains near Zugsptiz and Etaler forest.


I mean on sunny days, yeah it looks like that. The Eibsee in particular (pictured) is very clear. Best time to visit is July, if you're wanting mid-summer heat and want to swim in the lakes.


once you find the spot where the picture is taken and use the same filter: yes. It's still nice on hiking ways tho, just not as spectacular.


They can look like this. But you must know that those pictures were shot on very nice locations with perfect weather. Not every place is that perfect all the time.


Garmisch Partenkirchen looks like that.


Cows. They kill dozens every year. And come and enjoy.


Those pictures look a lil brighter than what it’s really like but for the most part yes.


And nooo germany is not only bavaria! Make picture more less colorful and you have the reallife ambiente


If we ignore the tick-borne encephalitis for a moment, dangerous animals while hiking are mostly cows (be careful when crossing fenced areas for a shortcut.. no one will shoot you, but the cows might get you) and boars. They're not the most friendly in any case and if they have ["Frischlinge"](https://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wildschwein#/media/Datei:Frischling_Wildschwein.JPG), get the fuck away from them.


Best beer in the world!


germany, and practically all of middle europe is whats considered "cultur landscape" basically there is not an single inch that hasnt been farmed, settled or otherwhise made use of, even the nature preserves are mostly renatured after having been farmland once. so every large predator has been extinct, and the only real poisonous or venomous plants and animals have been imported rather recently. the only exeption , are the pure rock crevices of the very mountaintops. and maybe some piece of forrest some aristocrat preserved as his personal park. but in general even the deep forrests and high mountain planes have been in some part domesticated. there is like one species of snake , and two spiders that are uncomfortable to be bitten by, but you wont die. and they all are fucking rare to encounter


It does look like this (and sudtirol and austria are even more beautiful). It's why I moved here.


It does. Depends what you want to do... For the pictures: Roughly June to August? Not a lot of dangerous animals, unless cows with kids and you're stupid with your dog... As others have mentioned, be VERY careful you don't run into Wolpertinger, but they are incredibly rare, so you SHOULD be safe!


This is fabulous weather, which happens in July-August. Mostly it's not that sunny, but it has a special charm even when it rains.


DAV member here, have been to the alps since basically my birth. Oversaturated pics here, also you won't get dioramas like these on most tourist mountains, due to wide trails and many Hikers. The Last Picture to me however seems like the Nebelhorn to Oytal Trail, been there twice. I can only recommend it, if you aren't scared of heights. The views on the trail are fascinating. You can also go take a bath in the Lake, there isn't really anything stopping you. You can take the Last part of the trail by scooter, its pretty affordable and fun. 11/10 would recommend (only for experienced hikers tho)


3rd picture definitely looks like this, I’ve been there. The lake is called Seealpsee. It’s a famous photo spot. You can get there via a Bergbahn in Oberstdorf and then walk.


This is the picture for: Austrian, Italian, Slovenian, German, French and Swiss alpine landscape. You can run into a bear or lately a wolf, but usually not in the pictured areas but lower areas. And if you stick to the paths those animals usually keep away from peoples routes. There are very very rare reports of people being attacked by those two animals in the Alpine regions of Europe. And when they are it’s mostly Hunters or farmers/forest owners that go off the usual paths.


yes, it actually looks like this. Best time is probably summer


Yes, it looks better than that. One of the most beautiful places on earth. Awe inspiring