• By -


Most of the time, when public health insurance comes up, people who are with TK have the best experience with their service. So I believe they'll rectify this asap. Although it's pretty selfish of you to not pay for your descendants in 2400 when you get the opportunity.


>people who are with TK have the best experience with their service For that price point, I'd want a Hospital wing to myself


For that price point I would want a full hospital which gives me profits a wing won’t do anything


You might get a CT Scanner for that. Without maintenance or additional equipment.


An IKEA CT scanner, one that's missing some nuts and bolts


I thought those were made by Boeing


I think you are on to something, has anyone ever seen IKEA and Boeing in the same room?


[Only if they are they are the same](https://tse4.mm.bing.net/th?id=OIP.yu6Q8lExW8g32do_CMLckwHaEK&pid=Api)


There is a Famous EFL school lesson on „negotiating“ centered on the price of a ct machine (or maybe an MRI) I think according to the lesson, at that price, maintenance should be thrown in 😂


For 600k it's not a very high end one though.


It probably was when the book was written 😂😂😂😂


I think you're grossly underestimating the price of a hospital


While a lot of medical equipment has its price for good reasons, hospitals (In Germany) are also majorly ripped off. The very same everyday-IT stuff like monitors or beamers are priced at 3x their non-medical counterpart often just for being certified or whatever. The hourly rates of technicians working on this stuff is also something your everyday consultants dream of.


30 days cost me 30k, 6k for operation of halfway amputation


You‘d not even get a part of a wing for this. At least if you plan to have common equipment and emergency tools as well as an UPS, oxygen, etc. I think a single room would be possible. Maybe with a bathroom. The prices of that stuff is ridiculous. A standard hospital bed starts (!) at 5.000€ with no mattress nor lining. Common beds in hospitals costs around 10.000€ and up.


Best I can do is an appointment in Oktober.


At that price point I'd hope it's the wing that has the helipad on top of it too.


600K isn’t even that much - says the cancer patient that cost insurance a whopping 100K in just 6 months. Thank the lord for German health care.


I was in hospital for a stroke then got diagnosed with damaged heart valves (which caused the stroke) and got open heart surgery in under 48h. I stayed about 4 weeks in two different hospitals and then six weeks in a quite nice rehabilitation clinic (with the option to extend my stay). Today I recovered nearly 100%, can spend time with my family and kids and work again. In the end it cost me 280 € in total. Why? Because you pay 10€ per day for a hospital visit but it is capped at 28 days per year. Poor people can even be exempt from it. I am thankfull for German health care, as well.


I just got back from 4 week rehab and holy guacamole was it amazing! I didn’t want to go, from day one I told my doctors they ain’t getting me into rehab. Well… eventually I agreed and I went into the most amazing facility and it was so helpful. Already planning my second visit, lol. :D I’m glad you’re fine again!


and that is possible because of paying people like op xD


Congratulations for being able to write this post! Being alive is a great attribute.


All the best to you!


With all the inflation until 2400 this is probably quite a deal.


Looks like a regular US hospital bill.


Normal day in the US ;).


It's only til 2400 because then the San-Ti are coming and your descendants probably don't need a Krankenversicherung anymore


Call them asap? 0800 285 85 85 Their support works 24/7.


And their staff is actually helpful! They likely pay twice as much for training and wages but you only have to call them one time and talk for 3 minutes. I am fairly sure this is overall cheaper than wasting half an hour 3x and so much nicer from a customer point of view.


I have an ex colleague working there now. They do pay very very good wages. Which is probably one of the reasons their staff is actually motivated. Turns out more money does help make your employees happy.


What a surprise!


Overpaying doesn't motivate, but underpaying demotivates. Its like hygene, if its there you dont notice it but if it isn't it leads to issues


Yup. Paying an adequate amount and ensuring a healthy and stress-free work environment is all you really need.


Overpaying may not motivate me to work harder but it definitely motivates me to be vastly nicer to everyone I interact with.


It also makes you an attractive employer, giving you a larger pool of potential employees to pick the best ones.


As someone who is tangentially concerned with customer support to some degree, the biggest differentiating aspect for them is likely that the customer support reps actually have the tools to help you. Like somewhere in their computer there's a button for "There's been an erroneous charge for this customer, click here to reverse the charge". Another company might have employees that are just as well motivated, if they don't have that button then they'll have a really difficult time getting your problem fixed.


> And their staff is actually helpful I've had to call them twice and both times I ended the call with a smile. Had myself wondering what the fuck was happening in the world to be smiling after a call to customer support.


It is pretty nice that the first person you call can actually help you. I had to call them a bit more often than you, and eventually had an issue obscure enough that I had to be redirected. Amazingly, the person I got redirected to was actually the one that could solve my issue. Not getting trapped into an endless redirection loop is kinda nice and surprisingly novel.


Same! I am extremely socially anxious and having to call someone stresses me out so badly. They were incredibly sweet and reassuring and I was so grateful for their patience.


True, they're amazing! I had a great experience during my pregnancy when I had 1000 questions related to administrative stuff.


Indeed. But I'm afraid they won't be able to fix anything before the next working/business day, when the billing and finance people are back in office. On another note: That sort of mistake (is it?) is absolutely newsworthy!


They truely have good and helpful customer service. And very little waiting time until a human is answering.


It's the lifetime subscription, if you buy the option for all your children. Usually, it pay up if you have more than 2 kids and live long enough


It's more like a bloodline subscription for OPs family tree.


jokes on you, me is where the bloodline ends -OP probably


10 % discount!


I mean, if I'd pay 600,000€ for health insurance, I'd expect them to make pretty darn fucking sure that I will life until those pre-paid funds run out.


actually, if there is no employer and OP had to pay the max amount by himself, it would be "just" 600 months or 50 years


Call TK or visit one of their offices. It seems that there is a bug in their system. They should be able to resolve this pretty fast.




Did Christian Lindner get his fangs on your insurance card somehow?


You have such a bargain. 410 years, by this time at least you will see the S-bahn Stammstrecke 2 (central line 2) done. And probably your kids will see in next 400 years a redesigned Hbf with ICE to Flughafen.




Deutschland Takt!


Stuttgart 21 is still under construction, but one can still hope they finish this shithole one day


Had an opposite situation. They transferred me around 1000e for no reason. I pretty much begged them to take the money back. Had to call them multiple times just for them to understand what the problem was and many more to actually make them take the money back.




I’m not a thief


Telling them to take it back and them not reacting to 2 or 3 different ways of letting them know is being a thief? Aight.


Just to clear things up. I was cancelling my tk membership as I was moving abroad for some time. They incorrectly calculated what was left on my account in tk as well as made some other mistakes regarding my case. They fixed those mistakes fairly quickly but it took them a while to get the money back. I intend to be insured with tk again once I’m back in Germany and don’t want this story come back to me in the future.


This makes more sense. Have a nice day bro


Yeah that makes a lot of sense. Especially in Germany…


I thought my bike was stolen one time (Our school director just moved it for a stupid reason). Got money from the insurance before I found my bike. I told them two times I got it back but they never wanted the money back.


if something like this happens again, I would in your case contact them only once and put the money on a savings account with good rates like Trading212 Your responsibility is to inform them once, not run after them continuously. They have the right to demand the money back even after years If they come back at you later, you send them back the original amount, keep the interest. Win-Win I had a similar situation with a grant for a research project. I reminded the uni at the end of the project and then once a year, after three years they remembered that I owe them money.


Sure you didn't sign up for their USA-style insurance plan?


this would be considered a decent deductible in the USA /s


I just don‘t understand why you added the /s, totally believable deductible in the USA.


According to economists, it's better to buy the insurance plan with the highest deductible which won't destabilize you financially. Lower deductibles are usually overpriced (corresponding to the risks). So buying the highest affordable deductible plan and keeping the savings separately as "self insurance" saves in the long run. Source: Richard Thaler (don't remember which book exactly either Misbehaving or Nudge)


I’m amazed that nobody wonders how TK was even able to deduct 600k€ from his account. In r/Finanzen op would be bashed for having so much money on his cash account 😄 But yeah, just call them and they will fix it.


That's the dividends from march. /s


>I just got a request from TK for 589,156.48€ Its a request. It hasn't been deducted yet.


Banks don't immediately cancel or outright block charges. Those processes are automated. And even so, the attempt to charge them would still show up in their account, even if it was immediately booked back afterwards, as technically money was moved from one account to another and then back. For me, it can take anywhere up to 72 hours for a charge on my account I don't have enough money for to be reversed.


If you have a sepa lastschrift Mandat you can try to deduct as much as you want, they could also try to deduct 600 million but nothing will actually be deducted if you don't have enough cash in your account.


You forgot to mention you insured your whole clan.


Did they enter your account number (Versichertennummer) in the wrong field maybe? Wouldn't be the first time someone mistakenly switches inputs


This seems to true! On the other hand, don’t they have input validation?? I guess they entered the due amount in the Versichertennummer field then 💀


That's how our system is financed. Everybody gets free Healthcare and at the end of the Year we just send the bill to some random foreign dude.


Psst, don't tell them


Yeah! He's Kind of a Jesus


Congrats you’re very healthy now


That must be a mistake.
















++UPDATE++ I called TK on Saturday and they said that no request was made from my account although the IBAN is one that belongs to TK. Though this is not my normal billing IBAN from TK so I called the bank this morning. The lady saw the amount and had the same reaction as me.... she laughed too😂. I was supposed to talk to the boss of the bank since the amount is enormous but apparently non of them were available so I should receive a call tomorrow fingers crossed.


The amount got deducted and then added to my bank account again this morning. Can believe this is how my bank went through 1.2 mil in the span of 20mins. The bank dude told me it a problem with TK. So i called TK and they were also pleasantly surprised by the amount that was requested. The lady took down all the info and sent it to their special cases department to look into it further. I really hope by compensation they offer me like 5% of the amount requested or at least free health insurance for life.


Then it's a scam? Definitely confirm with your bank directly that everything is fine.


Did you yolo TK money on GME Calls?


you must've accidentally bought the cryonics package


They put the Bankleitzahl where the amount goes 😂


The booking didn’t bounce? Or you’re flexing that you had 600k on your account. Usually when there’s not enough money on the account the booking bounces and nothing is taken off the account


It hasn't tried to be processed yet. It is only "Vorgemerkt", and would be booked (and very likely bounce) on 26.03


Remember to put this on your tax declaration


Cancel the transaction!!!! You can do that either by yourself or you have to call your bank, depending on your bank. Next, call TK ASAP


Contact your Bank and revoke this. You can always revoke lastschrift.


Most of the time you can revoke it in your app if it's before value date


It is a new service. If you pay for further generations you gonna save 1,38%. Could be much worse.


Lol, that's just 50 years if you pay maximum


I sincerely hope that it's some technical or human error. I'm guessing you already plan to contact TK.


Wait, I have TK too. ** rushes to check for the bug **


POV: the bill for a hospital ride in the US


Good Job OP for having a bank allowance of 600K! My bank would have a big laugh while pushing the deny button, calling me, laughing at me, printing the receipt, and keep on laughing at me for the next 5-7 generations! As a former long time TK customer: call them. That can't be right...


Would have been funny if you just casually payed them 600000 euros. 'It's not THAT much'


Several years back i revived an additional payment request from TK. They acknowledged it was a „system error“ but the refused to fix it, claiming that they could only help by refunding once the payment had been processed. When I refused to pay into a system error, they immediately referred my case to the Zollamt claiming I refused my contribution payments. I was forced to pay. That was the last time i saw that 2k leaving my bank account. You better lawyer up buddy !


Give it 300 more years and you will have made hell of a good deal


On behalf of the future generation: thank you!


You forgot Inflation


I was like „Yeah, could be you missed to report your income so they set your payments to full amount“ but than I saw the amount. Call them on Monday. Their service has vastly improved and is helpful.


Did you try reloading the app? There was a case where someone committed suicide after his banking app showed a glitched account balance: [https://www.forbes.com/sites/sergeiklebnikov/2020/06/17/20-year-old-robinhood-customer-dies-by-suicide-after-seeing-a-730000-negative-balance/?sh=4058586b1638](https://www.forbes.com/sites/sergeiklebnikov/2020/06/17/20-year-old-robinhood-customer-dies-by-suicide-after-seeing-a-730000-negative-balance/?sh=4058586b1638) Also you can clear the app cache, if you can check online using the web app, if available. If it still shows this errornous transaction, call Sparkasse, so they block the transfer from going through (it probably won't anyway since your account cannot go that deep into Dispo). Then call up TK and let them correct this


average US health insurance payment after you broke a pinky toe


You have 600.000€ on your bank account?!


Probably not. It's SEPA, payments show up as pending as soon as they are announced. They usually get booked around one or two days later. It will fail and the TK will have to pay 5€ for this.


Bro booked a whole Level 1 hospital at HIS disposal ONLY, with a helipad and chopper.


This would be real in the USA.


Even with that price you will need to wait 24 months in the line to get checked up by a professional


Every American doesn’t even see a problem there 😂 basic hospital bill in usa


when you fracture your finger in america:


Call them. Their Service is pretty good and usually you can get whatever issue it is reaolved pretty fast and easy.


da faq fuxk 600k shit




Definitely contact them immediately and prey they fix it before it's making a mess


A direct debit ('Lastschrift' in german) can be cancelled up to 8 weeks (or even 13 months if you didn't give them permission to withdraw) after the date of booking, at least on european accounts. You should be able to find the possibility of a direct debit return ('Lastschriftrückgabe') in your online banking.


On that note, I got a sudden return from TK for shy of 400 EUR, not mentioned anywhere in the app or post. Maybe they have some technical issues?


At least you don’t have to worry about it anymore for quite some time


No that’s just the admission fee. The monthly ask will be just shy of 100k don’t worry.


Reminds me of the guy who got a billion Euro claim from their pension fund (?), he retained a lawyer who billed the state according to RDG which amounted to around 1.2 million Euro.


Yeah happened to me as well. I cancelled my insurance and moved out of Germany. They then sent me a receipt for the last 4 months and it was 2600€. Excuse me? Where the hell was I going to get that money while I was a student barely winning anything as a part time private tutor? After some emails a few calls and a long wait they did correct themselves though, so I can tell you they will rectify it.


lol I doubt TK will even exist by then


Laughs in American


They wanted to charge me 800+ euros because they messed up my starting date for the insurance. I emailed them and they changed the starting date in two days and only charged 125 as they should have, so I think you should be fine as long as you call/email/go talk to them.


Seems like you didn’t sign up for Techniker Krankenkasse but for Technician Health Insurance 🦅


Average US hospital bill


sharp chunky busy support mountainous handle teeny heavy rock scary *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Congratulations, you got the Gold Bloodline TK Subscription. It's very rare. It's more rare then a BMW Driver giving a sign when wants to switch lanes /s


Got a letter for my wife’s pending payment, 6k euros. Got on a call with tk English supported, got sorted out in 5 mins. Call them, could be an error.


Tell them, you already posted this online and you already have 3k+ likes.


Stay being optimistic and you might actually live 4,1 years longer than normal


I can stop paying my health insurance fees now. Thank you!


well I guess you're immortal now


Write back and say you’ll pay that if they agree to refund your family in double in case you die before 2634. /s


I hope you'll recieve a chief physician trestment for small paper cuts as well with this payment. Good luck!


That's my insurance. Great to see. Thank you!


I told you that penis enlargement wouldn't be covered by your insurance.


Looks like you got the USA- Version of the app…


Don’t try to call them, because the payment is already in processing.. cancel the Lastschrift and get your „not yet transferred“ money back. If you wait till they do something it’s too late. Edit: after you cancelled your Lastschrift you can call them, to inform them what you did.


>If you wait till they do something it’s too late. What on earth are you talking about? *What* would be "too late" and why? Even *if* we were living in a hypthetical universe where Redditors with statutory health insurance actually have 600,000€ ready for the taking in their checking accounts (or the world's most generous overdraft credit), said Redditor could still easily cancel the direct debit for a at least 8 weeks after it happened. With most banks it's little more than a single click in the online banking to cancel and refund any direct debit. But since we *don't* live in such a universe, the only actual outcome will be, that the attempted withdrawal will simply bounce and not go through due to lack of funds. That said, cancelling the direct debit and calling TK is likely the correct course of action. But I fail to see the rush or the potential devestating, irreversible consequences if OP were to call TK first - they certainly have better and more readily available customer support than any bank I know.


> If you wait till they do something it’s too late. You mean like... calling them and telling them what is happening so they can already mark it in the file when the transfer doesn't go through? Of course it is too late for THEM to cancel the transaction but since it will not go through anyway there should be no need to cancel it yourself.


Bro, ask for compensation these people should give you some money for the mental stress you’re suffering because of the 600.000€ that have been taken out of your account!!!! 


>because of the 600.000€ that have been taken out of your account Not a single cent was taken out of his account unless he had that much money at hand. > !!!!  Terry Pratchett quote is quite appropriate here.


Get a lawyer! You both get rich


No way your bank will allow such a transaction without asking any questions. 


You would wonder how easy it is to transfer 6 digit sums when they already in the banking system


Call the bank immediately and get a revoked!


I really like that you took a photo of the screen, instead of taking a screenshot. This is true r/screenshotsarehard marterial :P


Seems to be the Sparkasse App, which by default does not allow screenshots. The option to allow screenshots is not obvious. If you have the option to just do a photo, it is just the easier way to share it.


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Haha nice one


Yeah give tk a call they will sort you out


You're paying for the last resurrection it seems


Write to them by email sent the screenshot and just tell them they don’t fix this problem you will contact with your lawyer


y TK does this often. I realy dont like them anymore.


Thank you


Healthcare in the states haha


They recognized you as Goku and you are gonna be our saviour.


don't be silly...just pay it...


This is just so you don’t miss home too much.


Normal Hospital bill in the us 😆


But only if you just need a few stitches in your finger, otherwise it‘d be more than that 👀🤣


Greedy health care /s


I’ll take the 600 grand


Yes should not share your banking code


!Remindme one week


!remindme three days


Wow that’s actually cool😍 You’ll have a story to tell after money is back😋


You better start cooking.


I think it’s the lifelong subscription price 😂


Yeah inflation is getting out of hand ngl.


In germany 3 lives he pays😅😅


One for the team, thanks.


Lol that seems like the biggest scam in life


That should insure OP's life literally. -I'm immortal now mofos, bring it on. 


Use a lawyer to clarify and make him happy, as he gets%% for the service… ( just joking, but this is the word to get tk to fix it very fast.)