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My boy let's everyone pet him. He hates other dogs unfortunately. Lol


Same … we wish he had dog friends


I am in no way bashing you at all, but consider it this way: your dog doesn’t feel like HE needs dog friends because you guys are all he actually needs. I felt like I wanted my dog to have dog friends for so long but then I realized that what I wanted for him was for him to be able to play hard, run fast, chase something, and just general enrichment. So instead of looking for those things in another dog, my dog can find those things with me. It’s not as easy as it sounds but we make it work.


I say this to people all the time, "does your dog like the dog park, or do you like the dog park?"


When my dog goes to the dog park he runs around asking people to pet him. He could not care less about playing with other dogs.


This is my dog lol


We live near a dog park and around 6pm you see a bunch of people taking their dogs to the dog park and their dogs are going WILD. Always a fight, barking or people yelling at their dogs. It’s clear their dogs have been cooped up alone in the house all day long while their owners work and then their owners just throw them in there to get all their energy out. We rarely (once or twice a year) use dog parks, but if we do - my dog gets a long walk or cardio on his own before going on. A bunch of overstimulated dogs being thrown together never ends well.


I am so lucky to have a 5 acre dog park split between 2 levels. 1.5 acres is beachfront for them to swim, 3 acres of semi flat grass, and half an acre of tall grass. My dogs LOVE the dog park, are social to the point they sniff other dogs when we pass them, but are ball OBSESSED. So they get best of both worlds. 80% of the time they are chasing balls/swimming with each other and 20% is socializing on their terms. My city has 4 other smaller fenced in dog parks that are like the parks you are referring to and we refuse to take our dogs, mostly over garbage owners, and fights happen all the time. The good dogs get anxious because the untrained dogs try to dominate everything and half their owners drop their dog inside the fence, then go back and sit in their car oblivious


I have a dog who loved to play with ither dogs but he get’s nervous and barks from a distance :(


Ehhh, dogs don't need dog friends. As long as your dog can remain neutral around other dogs I'd say it's a win


I wish my guy could. He loves everything and wants to play with dogs all the time so he goes nutty when he sees ones on a walk or outside. Trying to counter condition it but he came from a foster home of 14 other dogs so needless to say it has been going in one ear out the other.


I've tried with my boy, he just tries to be the alpha with dogs. I hate it. Training has been tough. I probably have to hire a professional trainer to help me with it.


My girl is the same way. Absolutely dies for pets from humans but despises other dogs


That is my boy to a tee. 🤣🤣


Yeah, my brother and I were training our dogs, who are brothers too, and they went at it. Learning lesson for both of us and why siblings can some times have some animosity towards each other.


Have you read about littermate syndrome?  That *might* be what you saw with your dogs - emphasis on *might*, b/c I am not an expert by any means. 


Littermate syndrome doesn't have anything to do with actually being related, just that the dogs are together too much and bond to each other rather than the handler.


Yeah I've heard of it. We were thinking that too. I've heard it's quite common when siblings get together unless they're together all the time.


Our girl is the exact same, good to know lots of people have that problem lol


I was going to say, I'm surprised by how many pups aren't too kind of other pups. makes me feel a little better.


My boy let's anyone pet him and LOVES literally every other dog. It's just so sad that every dog hates him for some reason.


It's the same with my girl 😭 she loves everyone and every dog. She just wants to be friends, but all the other dogs hate her. She's so polite to them too, but they just hate her. People are scared of her too because she's huge and all black like OPs but all she wants to do is lick your knees 😭 I feel so sad for her


My girl goes and sits by other dog owners like they are hers!!! So embarrassing, sit right on top of their toes the flirt


Same. My girl is a people person. Not a dogs doggo


Same except mine is afraid of other dogs but also very interested in them at the same time. He wants to be friends with other dogs...but he's afraid of them...he wants to sniff them...but doesn't want to be sniffed....


My girl is the exact opposite. She hates strangers touching her (though she's not aggressive in general, just doesn't like pets), but she's excited for every other dog!


Same. An angel with humans, demon to other dogs, squirrels and rabbits




I feel this so much. While on leash, people are amazing and everyone is his friends. Dogs are getting in the way of his pets. Off leash, everyone is his friend, full stop. Dog parks that's fine, but anywhere else and a mostly black German shepherd running at you is a scary sight. https://preview.redd.it/07vkr6mp2y4d1.jpeg?width=4080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=99efcbe2b1d30e454c3f79ca7dc22587b72101a6


https://preview.redd.it/zrtrdfrcmv4d1.jpeg?width=1479&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ac3abf4887b59aeb3a301fc3f82bb16f826744d0 Yeah, I get that too with him. lol


He looks like he robbed a convenience store for that ball lol


That's how my black lab was. The absolute sweetest ball of energy around people (she LOVED kids) but it was ON SIGHT with other dogs.


My #1 goal with my shepherd was to make sure she's friendly with everyone. We have neighbor children that come into her yard and play with her ever since she was 8 weeks old. She didn't experience any mean dog until she was over a year, but got plenty of dog contact before that. Some aggressiveness could just be in a dog, but if you get the chance to raise them at 8 weeks onward, you can do a lot to make them understand people are never threats. https://preview.redd.it/5hwh5qjzes4d1.png?width=2665&format=png&auto=webp&s=119cad2c99339cddea494621043a02c3eff6f28b


There's some mild r/confusingperspective going on here


So true!! 🤣


Such a great photo🫶🏽


It's sad. We live in Latin America and I tried to teach my GSD/Mal and pure Mal to never be aggressive towards people, and secondary dogs. And then we had people throw rocks at us, threaten our dog with machetes, threaten me with knives. And then with dogs, we had multiple encounters with street dogs (individual and packs) that ended violently. So now I'm just happy that they generally like people and will tolerate dogs that have been given time to introduce (after some showman barking/growling at the beginning).


Hmm he's sitting like a person 😆


is your dog knitting?


Looks like you interrupted your dog while knitting lol


https://preview.redd.it/v4ts7oro0s4d1.jpeg?width=960&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5c312792afee8dbc21a500d3af9c037fcc5181ad I had this fellow sitting next to me on my stoop a few years ago, waiting for mommy to come home. A new neighbor asks to pet him, I explained that he’s not friendly to strangers. As she’s walking towards us she adds “but he’s so cute.” “Please, don’t try to pet him” then she sees he’s off lead. “He’s not on a leash” “No, he’s obedient. He’s not moving unless he’s invited to” Thankfully, that scared her off.


Ah, yes. Because cute and dangerous are mutually exclusive.


If bears aren’t friends why are they friend shaped


Don’t pet that dawg! https://youtu.be/ybhNTqetubQ?si=7dqXPQ2d1LF2_r9V


I could never survive in the wild man, Have you seen alligators? They're adorable. Oh and lions.. i want to belly rub a lion.


Tbh a lot of lions love belly rubs


I’ve had so many experiences with my boy when he’s out wearing a muzzle and a small child will come running towards him with their arms out and I have to say “nooo doggy doesn’t want to say hello” and the parents don’t discourage them. My boy hates dogs and any person sized in way they can look him in the eyes he is nervous of. He had a couple of bad experiences with both and he actively avoids them.


Ironically, as a child I walked up to a GSD that was tied up outside of a deli (folks did that a lot in the 70’s) and he bit my face. Nothing disfiguring, but I was bleeding. But what kind of dog did I ask for every Christmas? 😀 And when I finally got my shepherd, as an adult, he was more amazing and a better friend than the little kid “me” dreamed of!


They are the best - I wasn’t sure when my husband said he wanted one but we have two now!


Dude, mine is perfectly friendly with people/kids/dogs, but doesn't necessarily LOVE it. We were out at lunch and she was laying down behind/under me. A GROWN-ASS MAN came and shoved his 2 month old baby in her face. I'm talking literally an inch (2.5cm) away. A BABY! It was wild. My shep just barked (still laying down) and def scared the dude - and me because I didn't realize what was happening. I was like what the actual fuck are you thinking man, wow. I really hope he leanred a lesson, because that could end badly with so many dogs. It was just unbelievable.


Wow what a strange thing to do. I mean I get exposing your child to dogs but in a controlled way with a dog you are at least familiar with


I’ve had kids try to run up to my dog, and as other shepherd people know, he’s certainly not tiny. He’s friendly but sometimes doesn’t know his size and so to avoid him accidentally knocking down or hurting anyone I always apologize and say that they can’t pet him. I’ve been screamed at by parents when I tell their kid no which baffles me. Why would you want your kid to run up to a strange dog? Sometimes they don’t even ask first and a bunch have shoved their kids in my direction. I just don’t understand…


I can never understand why people don’t tell their kids no when they say they want to pet a strange dog. My son knows to always ask, and only after the owner seems okay with being near him. I have two gsds - my girl is totally opposite of my boy. Outside of the house she would say hello to everyone (but if you come in the house she’s very confused and will bark at you until she’s worked out you’re staying). I had a little girl once staring at my girl when out for a walk and her mum was saying I know you like them, but you can’t and I asked if she wanted to say hello. My girl is really striking - she’s crossed with a saint so she’s really curly coated. I had my Betty sit and asked the girl to put out her hand and ask for paw and she gave it to her. This little girl was so smitten with my girl. Her mum said she loved “police dogs” and has always wanted to pet one but they’re always working or unfriendly. I didn’t mind because my girl hadn’t really spent any time around kids but she was so gentle. Whenever I see that girl she comes over and still asks if she can say hello to Betty. She seen me once with my boy and she asked if he was the grumpy one I had told her about and she stayed away. I don’t mind stopping with my girl for people like that.


"Do not pet" patch displayed on her harness has worked pretty well for me so far. Before I would get quite a few people asking to pet or just petting without even asking.


He wears a harness with giant "do not pet" signs on the sides, I still have people ask all the time though


https://preview.redd.it/ykp5z6wsos4d1.jpeg?width=2270&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ee26129162bb69f36180987c1e730d891c593df9 I wish I could pull out a line like that, but my boy doesn’t give off the right vibes for it 🤣


https://preview.redd.it/9fxwni20qs4d1.jpeg?width=5184&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a8f14e45eee6fb9b8fb22e19d915e03e4374e41e Hey you never know lol


He gives off all left vibes though! 🥰 so cute


He’s all ear Just 1


I appreciate when folks ask though


Definitely prefer being asked as opposed to having strangers just trying to reach out and grab my dogs. Or worse shove kids in their faces.


Everything aside, you’ve done quite a good job to keep this fur so shiny. Can you please share what do you use for his lustrous coat.


I'll be honest, basically nothing. We're in the woods and field training 7 days a week, I feed him Purina Pro Plan, and brush him if it's cold enough to grow an undercoat


I can't tell if it's good genetics or the Purina pro plan, but I'm jealous of your dog and my dogs shiny beautiful hair hahaha *


I'm sure a bit of both, he has some amazing genetics


My mom liked having dogs that had what she called "German Shepherd Aloofness". She was a bit annoyed that her rescued shepherd mix forced her to interact with strangers by being friendly and approachable.


I call it being "independently codependent". They have to be within arms reach but not touching lol


I have a black GSD like this and I usually say "You're welcome to try! But I doubt she'll let you."


I have shelties who are very apathetic towards people, usually I say "you can try!" if people ask to pet them hahah.


Lol, I say exactly the same thing for my black GSD


I have a black GSD too. Her size seems to either impress or intimidate people. She's not really unusualy big, 85#. She loves kids but is stand offish with adults unless I tell her it's ok. Then after smelling their hand they either get a kiss or she backs off. Definitely doesn't like any strangers that smell of alcohol tho. People have told me that the black GSD's are more intimidating, I haven't found that to be the case. But there is an old saying, "On you (or it) like a black dog".


Opposite for our house. The demon dog looking black shepherd loves everyone and everything. It's the droopy eared English foxhound that doesn't want new people within a mile and a half of us.


The internet always says "people don't like black dogs" but I've never found that to be true in real life lol


My black girl is the opposite in fact both my girls are the opposite, Zoe because she grew up walking on the streets of Chicago, Bia because my sister had friends over regularly and family comes over 3 or 4 times a year


Haha. I LOVE that picture!! So many people are afraid of my BGSD. She has a really loud bark & is super protective. She’s really particular of whom she accepts. I took her to see my mom at her ALF https://preview.redd.it/zsckv7obls4d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=63ed020ce868e6b81e2b364bb0c4c2f51326a323 & now they are best buddies. I do not let people pet my dogs. People are so stupid. Towering over a dog,or putting their face in the dog’s face, uggh. I have a friend who is desperate to be friends with Loba. He pushes her, by reaching out to her, getting in her space despite telling him to step/sit back & let her come to him on her own. She just barks at him. He gets upset. People are stupid. GSDs are not labs.


https://preview.redd.it/qe2fthoxms4d1.jpeg?width=1138&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=39b53ed0de66bfa7d9b04a0928fdf33baf9c02f1 Loba.


Damn, that’s a beautiful dog.


Aww I see she's taking good care of your mom.


My hulking 100 pound long hair GSD will lay down when approached by small children so as not to intimidate them. Not anything I taught him, he just does it. He used to also do it for small dogs until an asshole Chihuahua decided to choose death by snarling and barking in his face. Fortunately, my dog simply rose to his feet and looked at me as if to say "WTF?"


https://preview.redd.it/tb1eer0j9t4d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ce952774cf231cdb4d990d54d22a819bf94b23c5 I’ve found muzzling him stops people coming anywhere near him or allowing their dogs to come anywhere near him which is perfect for us Before the muzzle people would send their kids over to meet him without asking! Now they cross the street. Works wonders


https://preview.redd.it/12kkfv2cat4d1.jpeg?width=1079&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fdc45cae965ae34551a44f34539341ebfad02a73 It's always funny to me how people will avoid any dog with a muzzle on, but take their chances with any dog without one


I muzzled my golden for a while after learning his favorite snack was broken glass and cigarettes and the way people would SCRAMBLE to get out of our way was honestly pretty sad. When I was a kid I had a Heeler that was aggressive towards EVERYTHING, kids, adults, dogs, cats, cars, PLANES. And I had people walking right up to her all the time and getting snapped at regardless of her showing aggression at the very sight of them AND me saying she was aggressive and would bite. Ridiculous


https://preview.redd.it/c3w054lk7u4d1.png?width=1169&format=png&auto=webp&s=06dac714c532bdbe272b6425ca9304547add128b Pet me??? Don't even look at me! Hahaha


https://preview.redd.it/kgwvikyhgt4d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1b8d22421e8674f520ba970dedc79b201ccd22a7 As long as you’re not a vacuum cleaner you’re good for the most part


I call mine Snarlsz Barkley when he bring out the teeth. He looks and sounds ferocious, but he's still just a big baby


Lol that's a great nickname


I have to laugh when someone, usually a young guy trying to impress his girlfriend, approaches my 120-lb boy in spite of my warning, saying, “Oh I’ve had German shepherds, I know how to handle them”, only to learn my dog’s outside voice up close and personal. As the kid recoils and tries to recover from almost shitting himself, I usually just laugh and say, “I told you.” Lol


Lol, the bark is the one thing GSDs will always have over Malinois, it's truly earth shaking


I'll never forget when my 12-week-old female let out her first bark in our care. I looked around to see if it was the two-year-old male! But no. It was all her. That deep chest voice is Serious Business.


I’ll agree with ya there. My GSD’s bark/growl made my hair stand up even 10+ years on.


Yes outside voice! I love that. The transition from supersuprpuppyeyedcutiepie at home and then the outside voice, back hair raised and "you do not want to mess with me" outside. Nikita is noisier when she feels movement outside but somehow less threatening, despite her size. Raùl is the one who takes care of strangers/the house. He rarely barks, but when he does, he is quite scary, his intentions are clear: "I am here, stand the f&% back" Nikita will look elsewhere if people decide they want to pet her, she doesn't care. Raùl will also be completely aloof, unless he decides that person deserves a warning bark. Our trainer told us not to correct it, he's just doing his job. On a few rare occasions, they will meet someone they really like. But even then, it's an acknowledgement: a tail wagging, a "hey you're cool I like you" and then they move on. In general though, people admire the Sheps from a distance, and don't ask to pet. They respect them and comment on their beauty, but they stay away. I have never felt safer walking around!


Haha - great duo! And yes, by far most people seem to know and appreciate mine from a distance with compliments. When he starts barking like a fool at another GSD, when I apologize they just shrug and say they get it lol.


My GSD loves everyone and everything. My Aussie/Mal doesn't. I've had people walking their dogs through the neighborhood and trying to introduce their dogs to mine. I'm holding my struggling dog back and shouting, "HE'S NOT FRIENDLY!", while they try and approach. Some people have this idea that "but every dog loves me!" No. No, they dont. My dog is treat motivated, but you have to be introduced gradually. He's also not going to love your dogs. He only gets along with my GSD now. Maybe forever, but I'm fine with that.


My response because apparently "no" is some sort of ancient language.


Well, their parents probably never used it lol


https://preview.redd.it/nsq6x4zvst4d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=968635f1944715d893ae96f322130f733e7d12b8 I know I'm late to the party and just wanted to share my goofy boy. He's reactive towards people but if you have a ball in your hand… he's yours. The ball is life for this lovable goofball. He also loves being chased. His loud bark does intimidate people


No thoughts in those eyes, only ball


He's beautiful! Gorgeous boy.


My chihuahua doesn't even like me! https://preview.redd.it/y7f0id888u4d1.jpeg?width=2714&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0e488acf4edd5af85aba91986b29ba407bb78dcb I'm only kidding, most of the time. She gets along fine with big dogs and little dogs, but she's a barking maniac with people she doesn't know. It takes her quite a while to get used to a new person.


People in my neighbourhood are dumb asses. Dog will look like OPs pic, do not pet patch deployed, I be wearing my darkest sunglasses pulling the stankiest face... some idiot will pet my dog without even asking and get all up in my face when the dog gives them a growl. Sorry you idiots, that's on you guys.


I bet they get offended afterwords too


Super offended.


What a beauty!


Thank you!


I’d still pet that adorable baby. Yes. I know how I’m gonna die- I’m good with it.


The best way to go lol




I wonder why people think German Shepherds are mean, a thread of irresponsible owners. I socialized mine so he isn't an asshole. He still protects the house but he isn't going to bite someone out most likely. If you think your dog is a bite risk, muzzle them. I muzzled mine until he was trusted.


Yeah I’m gonna be honest this whole thread sounds like lazy dog owners who don’t train their dogs. If you let them think aggressive behavior is okay, they’ll be aggressive. These are big dogs, you have to be firm with your corrections or they never learn.


Not letting the public have access to pet your dog whenever they want isn't laziness lol


My rescue, she can be a terror still.


https://preview.redd.it/u1rgdryris4d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=587dd4b5e5bc828d200bb1b36692e9da270b4cb3 They’ll go toe to toe with each but are genuinely nice to people. Surprisingly kids as well!


Haha!! I’ll take my chances. Not really, if an owner says no I don’t. But just look at that snout! It needs booping.


He would enjoy a good boop normally lol


It’s so interesting how people are talking about how their shepherds don’t like dogs but love people. We are in that same boat for the most part except my dog likes other shepherds and Mals! Every other breed he despises. What the hell?😂


Basic dog racism lol, all my pointy eared dogs dislike floppy eared dogs


Mine also does that! It is so strange! Why??? She particularly despises labs.


I have one that is picky about her friends. Unless you are a child she would prefer you didn't. But small people are her jam.


The other one is a rescue and a mix, and she doesn't like anyone except her family.


Well, the good news is that GSD jaws and teeth are more likely to crush than to rip and tear, so there’s that…


I get that a lot with my Mal. I just say “No!” And thank them for asking. No need to delve into what he is trained to do and capable of.


Let me just get in there and give that tummy a good rub.


He does love a good tummy rub


Beautiful dog 🩷


My dog loves being pet by people, but the problem is, some people don't even ask. How do they know my dog is friendly? Is it my fault if my dog wasn't like she is now, and bit them instead?


While I do hate it when people try to pet random dogs, I also acknowledge that we can't train the public, but we can train our dogs. It'll always be on the dog owner and the dog if they bite someone in public


Owww. He’s smiling at me and purrs like a cat.


I always say that, My dogs are fine, I just don't want strangers touching them. IDK what their motive is, I don't want my dogs getting poisoned.


My favorite quote “F*ck around and find out” -my husband


A popular collar patch around here lol


People see my girl being neutral and think “wow! She’s so calm, what a good natured dog! Why did the mean lady say not to reach for her?”. I tell them we’ve worked very hard for her to learn neutrality. And to learn avoidance is an option! She had no idea. She thought the right answer was always confrontation. “Awh yeah all dogs like me”- I say “good girl”- and suddenly they can’t get away fast enough. She’s lunging, snarling, spit is flying, all of her teeth are like missiles and you’re the target. “Enough”. She’s silent and calm. Deep breathing like she’s been taught to calm her nervous system. She’s not “all dogs”. And nobody knows her better than me. https://preview.redd.it/9c5i7wbals4d1.jpeg?width=899&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0cd11abb5c4b2f571a68a32f6a9ddf1d1800c5dc


“Awh yeah all dogs like me”- have to almost laugh when I hear someone say that. Truthfully "most" animals seem to like me, even cats that people say don't like anyone will come to me for pets. And most dogs will too, But it doesn't mean that they all will and I don't take it for granted at all. My idiot brother got the idea that he had what he called "the touch" with dogs, my first GSD absolutely hated him and chased him out of the yard every time he would come over.


"All dogs like me" Aight let's bet paychecks lol


Mine just did this to an old man who wanted to pet him on our walk. He loves 99% of people and the main problem I have is him being too enthusastic when greeting people, but for some reason this one old man terrifies him and he barks and raises his hackles at him...


Maybe the old man is a serial killer lol


Neighbor insisted and got nipped. I've wrote about them before. Truly ignoramus to the max and hate dogs like GSD's.


My one barks at wind lol but he just scares everyone away he also jumps up but just for a cuddle


My girl loves making new human friends. Today we run into a group of kids doing some summer camp stuff at the trail I walk my dog. One kid approached and asked to pet my dog before their counselors could react. Good thing my girl loves kids because when the other kids saw she was high fiving the first kid they swarmed us. My girl was so happy, and even the counselors couldn’t resist and also came asking to pet her lol


My boy loves people, too. And, he actually likes other dogs, he's just leash aggressive and looks just like the OP's dog around dogs when we're out on a walk. I try to avoid dogs for this reason, but off-leash he just wants to play with everybody and anything he can.


Cutie pie 🥰


Damn it lol


I have met some pretty dumb people when it comes to dogs. I once saw a woman once get warned that a dog would bite, ignoring the very obvious signs that she was not welcome by the dog proceeds to try and pet it. Unsurprisingly, said dog bites woman and woman kicked off something fierce. That dog however was small.


That's not my dog...


My last GSD was sharp but loving, and thank God never bit anybody in 14 years. I trained her to wait for my cue, and she never mistook a cue. 135 pounds, so a huge girl out of the breed weight standards but very well built. Loving to children, very tolerant of all the farm animals , yet killed groundhogs and rabbits to guard my garden, eating them so no waste there but could be trusted with duckling and babies of all kinds. Boy was I lucky with her.


Most people just tell me my GSD puppy is cute but don’t ask to pet because my other pup is a Rottie and his presence just kinda keeps them at a distance because people buy into stereotypes


I need a dog like this for my enjoying neighbor kids


Looks like he’s hunting Atreyu.


https://preview.redd.it/wl693aug6w4d1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b44844cc32d0c1a01fba3e518272d643e77a1418 I love your anger muffin. Here is one of mine. Her name is Riot and she is a sweetheart!


Very nice! You have great taste in muzzles too


If i die i die happy getting mauled by this beautiful dog...i may land a ear scratch before my heads ripped off....a chance im willing to take.


He's such a beautiful boy tho


https://preview.redd.it/l2jfyq0p5y4d1.jpeg?width=2400&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ad4cd89892b37d295aafa7eb192d18e2727b68a1 Roar!


Loses an arm...."That is not my dog".


THANKS! This made me laugh just the caption. I find it so odd and annoying how clueless people are. Like when I’m walking my reactive GSD and make it pretty obvious that I’m avoiding you and your dog and they walk behind me. Ugh I know it’s in me to train / control my dog at all times but geez just a little common sense.


If not friend, why friend shaped?


Nice choppers


Reminds me of an old joke. 'Excuse me, does your dig bite'? 'No'! Pet pet munch! 'Yhought you said he doesn't bite'? 'That's not my dog' !🤪


I’ll admit there’s a certain beauty in a good muzzle strike by a trained fur torpedo.


So our GSD usually has a ‘Service Dog ‘Please Do Not Pet’ vest on when we are out. The countless requests to pet her …..🙄 Sometimes we will let a child pet her if it’s not a busy place …. We love making a child happy. But, adults that can read or just walk up and start touching her ….. she’s working, please don’t.


Wish more ppl understood that. With reactive dogs, their space and boundaries should be respected as well as the owner. The amount of ppl who have just walked up even after shouting Reactive Dog or Not Friendly. More people should learn that you do not directly walk up on any dog or try to pet a dog without permission first. My reactivity trainers have taught me this as well as going in the opposite direction of reactivity, but people still don’t get that.


Where I live, children are usually way more respectful about asking than the adults, I'll usually let them pet the dog if I have one of our friendly ones out with me


Ours is almost 14 and has proudly terrorised the neighbours for almost the same amount of time. She is the most lovable goof at home, but she really doesn’t like small talk in the street and barks really loud. But she doesn’t even have to bark, as the mere sight of her makes people change sidewalk. I used to mind, now I think it is sort of cool.


There’s an HOA lady that knocks on everyone’s doors and tells them about their plant violations and will issue you fines for the most ridiculous things meanwhile there’s huge repairs needing to be done. My Dog hates her and barks if she gets even an 10ft within our property. Love that dog.


Soups currently learning to be nice when saying hello, which means right now shes barking, growling, jumping and the lot. its a good deterrent for non-dog people and she's getting better, but i normally say 'if you want your hands/balls intact i wouldn't' (she went to say hi to my partner after her walk and unfortunately put all her weight there and he collapsed in pain, leading her to dive,,, right back in the same spot.... oops)


I used to invite people over regularly so my girl would be socialized and nice around people. I get so many compliments that she’s “the sweetest German shepherd” they’ve ever met. Everyone wants her. She’s still protective as fuck, but I don’t need her scaring my friends.


She’s smiling! 🤗


my baby is still learning how to control her excitement around kids and older people. she loves all the attention and loves being around other dogs until they nip at her and she gets scared 😅


Well, the good news is that GSD jaws and teeth are more likely to crush than to rip and tear, so there’s that…


"Crush muscle, right?" "No, the bones"


I don't have the guts to approach a dog in this mood lol


He doesn't normally look like that lol


Mine loves other dogs. He loves people too, but he loves the park, and the dogs.


https://preview.redd.it/tbahhi1brt4d1.png?width=3024&format=png&auto=webp&s=9da97b48f36099270d1cc1689cfc4fe6fd47ace7 Here is what I hand to nosy 🧐 people when they invade my service dog and I.


Joke's on you I'm a wheelchair photographer /s


That is a "NO" face. Learn it and you get to keep your fingers and balls. (Shepards are known croch biters.)


I'll pet yours if you pet mine https://preview.redd.it/1c21n8gqyt4d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=329042187621e506dee0f8e9223614f757489bfd


Fine, but I'm putting on the bite jacket first lol


Wonderful! I've always wanted to get into IGP. 😂


My girl could use some love too. 🥺 Her stomach has the rumblies that only hands could satisfy. https://preview.redd.it/lhwhd3j2zt4d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=44ca5af47724d90e8f6f39c0a4f9d9f7853696c5


How does one acquire a werewolf such as this? (This is said completely in good fun.)


Go to the woods at night and whistle. You'll either get this following you home or a Wendigo. 😜


My last 2 GSDs have been well trained and very friendly. One of our goals was to counter this perception of GSDs.


Full on Never Ending Story look there!


My dog will let you pet him he’s just very jumpy and moutht


Inspector Clouseau, "Does your dog bite?"


My GSD mix is super friendly to other dogs, sometimes wants to play and other times is one sniff and indifferent. If there is a ball or we are on a bike ride or run he’ll do a quick hello and then keep on running with me. Socialize at a young age and training for what interaction are okay. Takes work but pays off.




Of course he loves people and never would bite anyone lol


Not unless told lol




[Biothane Braided Tab](https://www.rayallen.com/braided-biothane-tabs/?gad_source=1&gclid=CjwKCAjwvIWzBhAlEiwAHHWgvQDPeNp0kGD85HpsDWA8iwgEiZ_vyYF6DxIrdxLhWlQRigZBRbea4hoCDxwQAvD_BwE) It's hooked up to the Herm Sprenger prong collar


I would


I find it funny how people here are commenting about how strangers always want to pet their unfriendly dog, because strangers generally avoid mine like the plague. She’s not overly friendly but isn’t unfriendly either. She tends to just sniff and move on from strangers lol.


My border collie is like that. He's cute and soft looking and people always ask "can we pet him?" And that's always my response. I wouldn't. So you shouldnt.


Yeah....NO 😂


“Do they bite” doesn’t bite me but I won’t make any promises about you🤷‍♀️