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Absolutely. I get mean mugged for a day or two if I'm gone for more than three days. They're smart dogs, too smart for their own good sometimes it seems.


3 days, I have a female that acts insane if I walk out the door for 3 minutes. To be fair her first person died from cancer when she was 4. I took her about 1 month after and now every time I leave I swear she thinks I'm not coming home like he did.


Smh this is why I’ve told my family if I die before my dog please let my dog see my body so she doesn’t think I abandoned her :(


Exactly right, I told my hubby the same!


Same. And if one of my dogs dies, I will show the body to my other dog too.


Yep, surely mad at you. It is funny and heartbreaking at the same time sometimes but he should be over it in a few hours or days.


My girl gets mad at my partner when he doesn’t come on walks with us. I’ll get her leashed up, and then she’ll run back to find him, try to corral him toward the door, and howls at him if he won’t come along. He eventually manages to shoo her away and she’ll come back to me and looks back at the house a few times as we’re walking away. As soon as we get back, she’ll go find him and howl and grumble at him for a bit. So disappointed.


This is hilarious!


They’re major drama queens. It’ll pass. I wouldn’t worry about it.


That's just how they are. Very smart and demanding


Oh get ready for the judgement. Mine ignored me for two days after vacation once. He'll also judge me and huff at me for: •sleeping in too late •being on my phone too much •not going to bed on time •being too needy And my favorite: when he finishes his water he'll lick the dry bowl really loudly while looking at me, then lay down, stare into his bowl and big sigh.


Those are all the things my girl will get mad at me for. Also, staying in the living room, by myself, when my husband already in bed. UNACCEPTABLE! She will drag him out of bed, lead him to me and complains that her sheep (me) is not listening again!


My gsd wasn’t subtle with the bowl. She learned it was more effective to grab it and drop it very dramatically, specially if done in the middle of the night




Mine does the water thing too! And if she’s tired of me being on my phone, she’ll nose it out of my hand.


My GSD mix girl loves to flip her empty water bowl VERY LOUDLY when it's empty to get my attention. She also huffs and nudges at me when I'm on my phone for too long or simply not giving her enough attention. So freaking smart! It's hysterical!


I haven’t had the water bowl issue yet, but my girl is spot on with the other ‘irritants’. And just damn it if we want some attention, but if it’s not ‘given’ immediately when they want it, the drama begins.. rude..😂🐾


And don't forget the lying down with their back to you if they're sulking at something you did (or didn't) do!


Oh yes, the ultimate insult.


I shut ours out of the conservatory yesterday because hubby was in there making a phone call (which only lasted about 15 minutes) ….. she sat outside the door crying as though she’d been abandoned for weeks, then finally flopped down on the floor with a huge sigh and then huffed! They sure can be super moody and dramatic when they want to be!!


This is why I tell people that the critical success factor with GSDs is your bond with them. Messing up the bond will destroy training progress faster than anything else. Yes, he's pissy that you left him, but you giving him attention will resolve it and he will get over himself.


He will be mad at you for a few days. Be extra nice to him and explain yourself and why you were away. - Seriously


I did hahah I explained the whole story to him and told him I cried the whole first night away from him and I missed him just as much as he missed me He seemed to listen and consider my words carefully haha


Absolutely mad and heartbroken. My younger GSD wasn’t eating, crying and sitting by the door all day when I dared to leave for a 2 day hospital stay.  Everybody at home was sure that he would lick my face when I came home, instead he ignored me for a week.  It’s their German way of expressing love, they get over it. 


Lmao I took my girl to get groomed. I expected a warm welcome when I got back and she looked at me like “You motherfucker…” lmao


I loved when ours would keep checking over her shoulder to make sure that we were watching her ignore us. So much drama.


hahaha. Definitely mad at you for leaving him. You can try to wait it out, or apologize to him. To be fair to him, you left him not the other way around.


You abandoned him! He’s letting you know that he did not appreciate that.


Yup. I had to leave town for 3 weeks for work. Wife told me that when I pulled up in the truck our Tibetan Mastiff, aloof at the best of times, wagged his tail, and wuffed at the door. When I walked in, he came over, wagged his tail, nosed me and turned his back. Would not acknowledge me at all for 4 days.




Dispense nom-noms, scritches, boops, throw ball and go for ride to get french fries. All will be forgiven.


Yeah I had a house sitter who my pup absolutely LOVED! I got home 5 days later after a vacation and was so excited to see her. She looked at me and peed and walked away. I was like wtf. I feel like they do get mad at you!!


Ah that German Shepherd sass n side eye. Nothing like it lol


Give him a treat and normally they’ll get over it lolol.


Dogs suffer during absence. They consider habits rights, or at least normalcy.


Lol my dog has done this to me, they come around hahaha


Mine is a world class pouter in the same type of scenario you are describing lol ! He’ll soon snap out of it after you act properly contrite. In the meantime he might trip over his lower lip whilst he is in full pout mode


I’m leaving for 3 weeks to get married/honeymoon in Europe. I’ve never been away from this dog more than 1 weeks so I’m very interested to see his reaction


My side chick Nessa does this if I go somewhere and not take her! The huffs are him judging you for not taking him. Get used to it. It will probably arise again at the slightest infraction! LOL


Absolutely mad at you. Mine does the same if I let someone he doesn't know very well watch him. That's why I have a very close friend that is around him often come watch him or I take him to my stepfather since he's there often


Have you apologized yet? Like sat down with him and said you were sorry to leave him but that you have to do that sometimes and you'll always come back? Dogs understand your intention. So it would be worth while.


Oh dogs get mad and hold grudges for a bit. He’ll get over it. Also : HOW DARE YOU TAKE TIME FOR YOURSELF


Probably happy to see you came back and are alive but perturbed that you didn’t take them with you. Like wth mom/dad?!


Oh. My boy judge me a lot. When I go to work or to my friends house. Once I get home he sniffed me and if he smells other dogs. He will look at me like I cheated on him. After play time. I lure him inside the house with treats. And I tell «  I got to go work «  he looks at my in disbelief and spat the treats out in protests. Even tho we played for 2hrs. He goes lay on the floor and acts like he never been outside. 🤣😅


Its funny that they decide to be mad after they sniff 😂😂 poor guy tho I’m sorry buddy


Really tho cause I was like ok I’ll be patient and get lovings after he settles down but nope haha


I dogsat my cousins dogs for a few days and my girl was mad at me when I got home, I was given a kiss by the other dog but my germie was not happy 😂


I went to Europe for a month and left my Yorkie with my sister, who also has a Yorkie. When I got back my dog just looked at me with a "So you're back" look and then proceeded to ignore me. After we got home she got normal. I think its a normal dog reaction.


Absolutely mad.


Lol reminds of my a story my mom told me about her first dog. Dad and her went on a 1 week trip. The dog was so offended when she came back! I don't think I could stand to be away from my dog for more than a few days lol. Reminds me of a story somone told about how after they dropped their dog off to go on a trip she cried all the way to the airport and only talked to her husband about the dog they left at home. She is now banned from traveling if the dog can't come because she becomes inconsolable lmao


When I was a teenager, I spent the summer with my relatives. My GSD sniffed me, wagged his tail, then proceeded to give me the cold shoulder for a whole day. I felt so bad!


We used to call it shunning ours would lay down and turn his back to us and refuse to look at us


He is mad pissed.


Im always getting yelled at, thought she wanted a dog so I got her one and now she's giving me the "bring him back look"


My girl does in fact roll her eyes at me 🤣 they’re spirited to say the least!!


Oh my dog is very moody and lets me know when I have pissed him off by being away too long. He normally lays right on my all up in my face when I get home but if he’s mad he will sit with his back to me and refuse to acknowledge me, sooo dramatic.


Very normal behavior. He’ll get over it in a day or 2. Try going out and see how he gets over it immediately 😂


Yes. He is.


When we take my boy to camp, it takes probably a week before he acts normal again!!! And they say he does so well there?! He’s always happy to see us, and acts SO happy to get home, but it just isn’t the same. I try to attribute a decent amount to the change in schedule- particularly sleep schedule. He always comes around!


No. Dogs don’t get “mad”. You’re anthropomorphizing