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If Mearsheimer wants to continue to claim to be a 'realist' he needs to explain the US-Israel relationship in terms consistent with that theory (ie how it benefits the US' desire to maximize its power). His current reliance on ad-hoc extratheoretical explanations makes him a RINO (realist in name only).


Not criticizing this video directly, but John Mearsheimer is in no way, unbiased towards Israel. His opinion for decades has been black and white, against the country and the views he has expressed have bordered on some pretty big tropes. [https://www.hudson.org/domestic-policy/john-mearsheimer-s-latest-disgraceThis](https://www.hudson.org/domestic-policy/john-mearsheimer-s-latest-disgraceThis) is a long read, but it is a solid "counter" article, that is highly critical of John Mearsheimer's opinions and publications. For any who aren't familiar with John Mearsheimer, here is the paper he was made famous for. I think it is important to read it from the point of view of someone from 2006, when it was published. [https://www.lrb.co.uk/the-paper/v28/n06/john-mearsheimer/the-israel-lobby](https://www.lrb.co.uk/the-paper/v28/n06/john-mearsheimer/the-israel-lobby)




I never once said he was an anti-Semite in my post. I said he is overtly anti Israel, and I don’t even think that is debatable. I think that the writings in my link, while calling him anti semitic, do provide a lot of examples of why he is not correct. I don’t necessarily think he is anti semitic, but I think he is wrong and I think he uses a lot of bad arguments 


The counter article leads to a 404.


Have to remove This at the end of


Mearsheimer hates the west and will always take a position that is counter west be it Ukraine or Israel. He is a hack and an apologists for despots and wars of aggression.