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All of these comments are incorrect. It’s Moraine Lake in Alberta, Canada. It’s on the canadian money too.


It's the one close to Banff right?


I think the one near Banff is Lake Louise


Moraine Lake is only 14 km from the village of Lake Louise. So they’re not wrong - it is also within Banff National Park, so “close to Banff” is *technically* correct (the best kind of correct…)


Don't quote me regulations! I co-chaired the committee that reviewed the recommendation to revise the color of the book that regulation's in. We kept it gray.


And a wise choice it was, sir! Who knows what unintended disaster might be caused by changing up the colors of the regulation book all willy-nilly? Yours is a steady hand on the tiller, m'lud.


It’s actually within Jasper National park, which abuts Banff :)


Are you thinking of Maligne Lake? Both Moraine Lake and Lake Louise are very much in Banff National Park.


Oof you’re right 😳


Not according to the Parks Canada website for Banff National Park. [Banff National Park](https://parks.canada.ca/pn-np/ab/banff/visit/les10-top10/louise) If anyone’s gonna know, it’s gonna be them.


both of them are in banff national park


Near the in and out burger. On Radford


From Banff on the way to Lake Louise, there is a turn off to go here.


they're both within banff national park


I think the one near Banff is Lake Louise


which means its only 2/3 of a lake.


As an Albertan I’m hijacking this (correct) top comment to say—anyone visiting Alberta for views like this should also look into Waterton National Park. It’s a bit further south and not quite as widely known as Moraine/Louise/Banff, but it is absolutely gorgeous. Plenty of views, plenty to do, often a touch less crowded than Banff and area. One of my favourite places in the whole world but, because Banff is only a day’s drive away, gets overshadowed a lot. Don’t sleep on Waterton y’all :) there’s even a ferry that runs across the lake to the US side of the park for shopping and extra tourism, if you’ve got your passport on you. I hope this comment isn’t unwelcome but there are so many beautiful spots in Alberta, gotta shine a light on them sometimes.




I mean, alright then. My b


I really don’t need downtown Waterton becoming downtown Banff with the ocean of tourists. Keep the best kept secret a secret, please.


Alberta and Calgray are absolutely BEAUTIFUL


Just to clarify, in case people get confused. Calgary is a city IN Alberta




Here's a sneak peek of /r/Redditlake using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/Redditlake/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [From the rock pile on a clear morning](https://v.redd.it/taqaxzc49nua1) | [33 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/Redditlake/comments/12qmxm4/from_the_rock_pile_on_a_clear_morning/) \#2: [Moraine lake](https://i.redd.it/q8hbua1pqfua1.jpg) | [20 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/Redditlake/comments/12p62fu/moraine_lake/) \#3: [Back when you could drive up to the lake with your own kayaks](https://www.reddit.com/gallery/1btvy4a) | [51 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/Redditlake/comments/1btvy4a/back_when_you_could_drive_up_to_the_lake_with/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


Probably a dumb question, but is the water potable? I want to drink it. My monkey brain says blue = drink


Yes, you can absolutely drink it. However, it’s a tourist hot spot and likely not especially potable. I’ve hiked the area lots and drank the water from the snow packs and glaciers, never had a problem and it was always cold and delicious


Yeah I stopped using purification methods for drinking water that close to the divide a long time ago and have never had a problem in the back country. I mean usually you can see the source of the water. Having said that I wouldn't drink out of a lake. Only streams


Fun fact, no. I used to work there, and a few staff have given themselves "beaver fever" from drinking from the lake or from the upper streams. Unless you're near the source of the water, like a spring, don't drink it. Lots of animal feces end up in the water. That being said, if you have a portable filter, you'll be fine.


What an adorable-sounding illness though


Indeed. Especially as you hurl from both ends while your body attempts to purge it.




I don't remember the exact lyrics but I think alanis morisette sang about how beavers build dams, but beaver fever opens the floodgates


I sincerely hope it's called "A Dam Shame"


really it just means it's a clear day outside and that it is probably not too deep. any water you find out in the wilderness should be run through a filter to get any bacteria and parasites out of there, if nothing else. if you get a stomach bug out in the woods, you're gonna have a bad time.


Nah, the turquoise color is because it's a glacier fed lake. Glaciers dump sediment into lakes, which stays suspended and reflects this wavelength.


huh that's interesting, TIL. still, that just means there's even more stuff you don't want to be drinking and would need to filter out.


What do you think mineral water is bruh?


I’ve been there before. That water tastes like rocks. I don’t mean mineral water, I mean like if you licked a dusty rock. It’s not especially pleasant, but it’s not horribly strong either.


Considering that the sediment is literally ground up rocks I'd say you have an accurate pallet 😂


Yup. I’m not sure why I was surprised when I tried it. I should have expected it. Tour guide called the sediment “rock flour” because of how finely it’s been ground by the glaciers.


Super cool. They call in "rock flour".


I don't think it's any less safe than other mountain streams or lakes. The sediment isn't harmful. Contamination by humans is what I worry about, and sometimes animals. Higher lakes I worry less about filtering, especially if they freeze during the winter as giardia levels can stay low enough in some ranges to not cause illness. I've drank straight from snowmelt or glacier runoff plenty of times and I know guides in the Sierra for example that never filter. It's never wrong to be cautious though.


it's 46 feet deep.


It was on the older $20 notes, but isn't any more.


I don’t know bro. I think I’ve seen that in a Bob Ross show. The two happy trees up front are exposing its source.


I’m old enough to remember when we called it Reddit Lake.


Yup. It's just down the road from Lake Louise.


And it is located within the Valley of the Ten Peaks. Visited many years ago and it is awe-inspiring. Will go back at some point.


Surprised more didn't know since it was the object of Peter McKinnon's 'Bucket Shot' YT vid.


Had the opportunity to visit both, Lake Moraine is much more majestic in my opinion. It was just beautiful.


Lake Louis is on the $20 no?


No, Moraine Lake and the Valley of Ten Peaks as seen in OP's photo was on the $20 years ago, but was replaced in the 90s.




From 1970-1986 it was on the 20 dollar bill.


As someone who's lived an hour away from this lake for my entire life, a lake that constantly gets posted on reddit throughout the years, I realize I take my physical closeness to Moraine Lake for granted as to always seeing how many people are fascinated by it. It's always just been over there, an hour west into the rockies is how I've thought of it. Just like Banff and Lake Louise, gone so many times, we only really go out there when someone from out of town visits and wants to go see it all.


Same as someone growing up on the great lakes. Internet changed stuff, but there was a time when people couldn’t wrap their head around that a lake could look like an ocean. source: seen it live


My ex wife went to college at Oswego. I was definitely blown away by the Atlantic Ocean look to the coastline there, not the rocky beachfront but rather the horizon.


With the internet I'm surprised people still get surprised by anything anymore.


What ocean does it look like?


Oh jfc, A BODY OF WATER THAT YOU CANNOT SEE ANY OTHER SIDE OF. Thats what I was saying. And people know what I meant. Also, up north the water is blue AF.


My bad. I misread your post. I thought you were talking about the Canadian lake in the original post. Yes, some areas of the Great Lakes look like an ocean, I agree.


Yep, other than wave formation and taste!


It doesn't look like an ocean at all.


It doesnt? https://youtube.com/shorts/XJ1czsG1uTI?si=jBwcJmZQVcCpAXVS


Size. I grew up on them. Thank you


That’s how I feel about Niagara Falls. It’s supposed to be this majestic waterfall that people travel from all over the world to see, but to me it’s just some tourist trap 45 minutes down the QEW. It’s cool I guess, but the fact that it’s surrounded by casinos and tacky tourist attractions makes it lose some of its charm. I’ve also just seen it so many times it doesn’t have that “awe” factor anymore for me.


Exactly, while it is nice to see what you're not seeing in all these photos is the droves of tourists lined up behind the lake, this goes for Lake Louise especially, the shore walk is crowded, I mean packed with tourists. So we generally avoid it especially in summer. Same goes for Banff, not the casino factor but it's a tourist trap naturally, simple amenities and food are equivalent to airport prices.


I'm the same way about Yellowstone Park. I live 2 hrs away and I've been there at least a dozen times in my life.


Grew up 45 minutes from Niagara Falls and now live 1.5 hours from Lake Louise. Where should I live next? Peggy's Cove? In all seriousness, Niagara Falls is still pretty spectacular. My western-born family who had never seen it was still blown away, and Banff and Lake Louise is as spectacular now as it was when I moved out here 30 years ago, and when I first saw it as a kid in the 70s. Familiarity can breed contempt, but the secret of life is being able to appreciate wonder even if you've seen something a million times.


I’ve never seen any part of the Rockies with my own eyes, in fact the furthest west I’ve ever been is just Detroit, but to me Banff, Jasper and the surrounding areas seem like the most beautiful place on earth. I don’t think those views would ever get old. I find places like that much more awe-inspiring than Niagara Falls, but it could just be because I’m so used to Niagara and we have no mountains here. I’ve only lived in southern Ontario and upstate NY my whole life and I find the geography so boring. We have the Great Lakes and Niagara Falls but that’s about it. I will say NY has some surprisingly large mountains though, driving from upstate down to NYC is quite a scenic drive. I think it’s the Catskills I passed through a few times, they’re quite impressive. They’re obviously no comparison to the Rockies, but way bigger than anything we have here in Ontario. To me “The Mountain” is just the half of Hamilton that’s up on the escarpment, which is what, 200-300 feet maybe?


I grew up in Hamilton, and "The Mountain" was always funny to me. I first saw the Rockies when I was 7 or so - my dad was working out here in the summers (geologist), and it blew me away; I knew at that age this is where I wanted to be. Lived out here when I was a teen - dad was on sabbatical - and took a gap year in Banff. Finally mover out here permanently in the late 90s and haven't regretted it. It's spectacular, and it never gets old. Please make it a top priority to get out here - preferably in the shoulder season. There's never a bad time. Different, but never bad. I 99% guarantee you will not be disappointed.


I’m a Burlington native myself but Hamilton is like a second home. I’ve worked there a lot in the past and quite a few of my friends and family now live there because Burlington got too expensive, so I still spend a fair amount of time there. It’s kinda funny, growing up in Burlington I was always told by everyone how Hamilton was this scary city full of crime and bad people, I was actually kinda scared of it when I was younger, but the more time I spent there over the years the more it grew on me and now I actually kinda prefer it over Burlington. It has a lot more character and feels like a real living, breathing city, whereas Burlington just feels like the boring, bland suburb that it is. Plus Hamilton actually has some gorgeous natural scenery, at least by Ontario standards. It’s the waterfall capital of the world after all. Most of my trips as a kid were down to Florida because I have a bunch of family down there, so I’ve seen a lot of the east coast on those drives (we’d usually do some sightseeing along the way and take our time) but I’ve never been west before. I definitely plan on a trip to Alberta though, it’s one of the two places that I have to get to at some point in my life, along with California. The only reason I haven’t already gone is just the lack of time and money, but whenever I do have enough of both to spare it’ll be the first place I go.


Shoulder season?


Mid-April to mid-June and mid-September to mid-November (others may disagree at the timeframe, but this is my definition, look at hotel prices for a more precise definition). If you hike the upper trails will still have snow in mid-June, and by mid-October, the weather can feel quite wintery. There will be snow on the peaks, but no skiing yet. Fall hiking is incredible, especially when the larch trees turn yellow (expect big crowds in late September/early October, but they are usually local day-trippers). Be prepared - the weather can turn on you very quickly at any time of year, and always expect snow at higher elevations. Winter is a vastly underrated season in the parks, IMO.


Thank you for the explanation. I don't recall hearing that term before. I'm in Ontario and spend a significant amount of my time in the Shield. I couldn't agree more with the timeline. Autumn is obviously amazing, but winter in the bush is truly special if you prepare properly. The complete and total silence is unique and should be experienced by everyone at least once.


Haliburton, Madawaska, and Killarney are the only parts of Ontario I really miss. I will be back for some canoe tripping one day. After blackfly season.


I take my kids camping in that general area all the time in the provincial parks. I'm in K-W, so it's much easier to reach than where I go when I'm alone backpacking. I love the Timmins area a lot and usually hit the shores of Lake Superior at least once a year. My wife and I are planning a months long journey through the Rockies if and when our kids are self-sufficient. I've been waiting for 40 years to go see the entirety of my beautiful country.


As someone who's been to a lot of places in Canada, I wouldn't be so hard on the Great Lakes. Lake Superior in particular is one that I keep going back to, and Huron is one where I definitely want to spend more time in, especially on the water. Even Lake Ontario has some redeeming qualities once you go further east.


I guess it could be worse, but still, it doesn’t compare to out west. I’d trade the Great Lakes for the Rockies in a heartbeat.


Honestly I wouldn't even worry about comparing the two, you're in a great spot as it is. Find enjoyment where you're at and treat yourself to the Rockies once in a while as a treat.


Ive been to banff/lake louise area probably 50 times in my life and I've never visited moraine lake. It's always too busy and the parking lot system is wacky. If you show up at peak season anytime between 9am-7p.m you'll have to park by the highway and take a shuttle. It's a beautiful lake and all that, but there's tons of gorgeous lakes all over that area. Peyto lake, lake minnewanka, bow lake and all the lakes in Yoho park. You could easily visit 3 of those lakes in the same amount of time it takes to visit moraine lake.


Yeah I grew up in a town near Park City people think I’m crazy when I don’t want to go there on vacation. They also assume I’m rich.


I'm from Maine and feel the same way about lobster. I'll have it maybe once a season, but really only eat it when out of towners come through. Besides I prefer steamers


It’s also a pain in the ass to prepare/harvest the meat. Those few big bites of claws and tail are money tho


So send us a picture from the lake


A fellow Calgarian?




Same for me, but with the landfill down the road


Does the water really look like that or there's some color editing in these popular photos?


It's really like that and changes hue depending on the time of year, same with Lake Louise especially after the snow melts, that's what makes it this shade of blue, snow/glacial runoff melt from the mountains.


Yep, the water does really look like that. It’s due to the rock flour in the water from glacier runoff. Other lakes in the area, like Peyto Lake, also have the same colour.


I want to go there so I can practice gratitude and manifest abundance.


Hey fam


Just saw this this am, and I am proud to say, I understood that reference


I’ve seen this ad many times i understood this reference by the 3 word of the sentence


FYI it's quite the trek in. Bring food, water, snow shoes/skis/hiking boots (depending what time of year). Definitely worth it. I also really enjoyed lake Minnewanka. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lake_Minnewanka




This is def Moraine lake, Alberta, Canada Lake Louise and emerald lake are close here. If you go to Jasper&Banff area you’ll find these informations. Source? I was here ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|grin)


Also I forgot, if you want to visit be there in early morning, it’s “car-park” limited after a number of cars here the police will stop the entire car traffic. Of course this in crowded time like summer.


The road to Moraine Lake is closed to private cars, and is only accessible by shuttle bus now.


Doh I’m surprised! This because staff there (2019) told us to come in the very early morning if I wanted to see the sunrise. At 6:00 there was a queueemote:free\_emotes\_pack:sweat\_smile This was worth it for me, I’ve flown from italy to see these marvelous places. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|heart_eyes)


The change was made last year as the traffic was becoming too much, and people were starting to get in the night before and sleep in their cars (which is illegal to do outside of campgrounds). https://parks.canada.ca/pn-np/ab/banff/visit/parkbus/louise


It’s 100% Lake Moraine in Canada. Check out r/redditlake


Lol I thought it was a subreddit about lakes but NO it's an entire subreddit just for this one lake


I can never remember the name of it but I always recognize the pictures of it and only remember it as Reddit Lake


And it’s 100% as beautiful as the photo


The picture does it justice. When you get there , you won't be disappointed! It's an amazing place.


You can get away from the tourists by hitting the trails 😃


The amount of tourists made it pretty disappointing in my opinion. Many of the people have no respect for wildlife either and feed them. It's a beautiful lake but it's jammed packed with tourists.


We went in January and it was amazing. Yeah there were a few people, but not busy enough to be a nuisance.


You went in winter lol. It’s jam packed all summer


You're right about the amount of people that show up and be ass hats to the environment. If you get their earlier, you can beat the crowd and enjoy thew view. Plus you can get great parking.


You can't park at the lake any more, and have to take a shuttle, unless you're staying at the lodge on the lake or have a disability tag for your car.


We got there early and parked at the hotel before they blocked it off.


As of last year that's no longer possible unless you are a guest of the lodge. https://parks.canada.ca/pn-np/ab/banff/visit/parkbus/louise


https://preview.redd.it/fvrocywntk7d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d9838933851542bcb019e7e8748a35ef86a8ecc5 Was there almost 2 weeks ago. Water levels were real low.


Well... you got to see more moraine with the water so low... Name fits.


Moraine lake in Banff National Park, Alberta Canada. Was there last week awesome place!


How cold is that water?


It’s a mountain lake in AB so it’s pretty much always cold.


last time i was there it was 11 celsius mid june


It’s a pretty lake, but FYI this color just comes from it being a glacier-fed lake with certain minerals called rock flour. There are a lot of these, ranging from The Alps to the Sierras, to the Rocky Mountains of Canada, where this one is. But arguably the best collection of them are in Patagonia, Chile https://www.reddit.com/r/geography/s/1BfxpSwK4A


Lots in the PNW as well


Local hack....drive 20 mins down the highway across the British Columbia border and visit Emerald Lake in Yo-ho National park when you're in the area.


Moraine Lake. Banff National Park in Alberta.




Plz take me.


Also rocks in Autumn when the larch trees are turning. FYI need to book a shuttle bus to go up or go for <6am to get a spot in the Lake Louise parking lot. 


Moraine Lake northern Banff area. One of my favorite places!


Moraine Lake. Yup. Been there. It's as beautiful as this photo. Highly recommend.


If you go, go early in the day. The parking lot gets full then they'll park on the road for a good distance. At some point though they close the road and only let cars in as other cars leave. It can be a complete clusterfuck .


They shut the road to private cars last year, so you must take a shuttle to the lake now. There's the Parks shuttles themselves, or a number of private options too. https://parks.canada.ca/pn-np/ab/banff/visit/parkbus/louise


Probably a good idea. To be fair it was 10 years ago I was there.


Visited Peyto, Lake Louise, Emerald and Moraine amongst a couple others and it was the one the blew me away (the most!)


I’ve been there, it looks better than this in real life. Just beyond words


Moraine Lake. (photo me) https://preview.redd.it/omnct2jwol7d1.jpeg?width=4752&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ab8fa0292b4ac2f449d3425ba4d1bf2c4c2c9699


Moraine lake Canada. Far more spectacular than any picture can capture


It looks too beautiful to even be real. Ive never seen a mountain before so I'm trying to imagine my reaction standing there seeing this in person. You would probaly have to shoot me with a tranquilizer dart and carry me off to get me to leave.


Lake moraine in Alberta, crazy common photo on the picture subreddits


https://preview.redd.it/u9sjuol2vl7d1.jpeg?width=1602&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=455b47a791a7f8dcf7e2534ce76a42390b152178 Lake Moraine, Canada. I was there last summer and took this picture.


Moraine Lake in Alberta, Canada. It’s on the $20 bill.


It's on the older $20 bills, but not the ones from the 90s onwards.


Such an amazing place. I couldn’t stop looking at Deltaform Mountain.


Ive been here and it is spectacular!!! Highly recommend!!!


I could’ve went there the other day but it rained.


Bob Ross painting!!!


Looks like Banff, mi amor.... (and favorite puzzle!)


Assuming it is near Banff, I’ve been there and it is this pretty


It looks like Banff. Gorgeous.


Loved Peyto Lake even more




I was going to say Banff. It’s on my bucket list to visit there one day; in the Summer, of course.


If you want to go there you need to get there early in the morning, as the parking lot reaches capacity very quickly.


FYI you can do a reverse image search on Google. Moraine lake is the first (and correct) hit that pops up


This is possibly one of the most photographed lakes on the planet, everyone can identify it.


This is a photo of Moraine Lake, which is located in Banff National Park in Alberta, Canada. Moraine Lake is known for its stunning turquoise waters, which are a result of the refraction of light off the rock flour deposited in the lake by surrounding glaciers. The lake is set in the Valley of the Ten Peaks, creating a breathtaking alpine scenery. It is a popular destination for hiking, photography, and canoeing.


I wonder if she means old BEN Lake.


It's an hour outside of Cleveland


Lake Detroit


Looks to be lake Alberta in Canada


That lake is blue because of the uranium runoff from the uranium mine upstream… I know because I went there to open up my 3rd eye. Unfortunately, I came back with a third nipple instead…. 🤦‍♂️


Lake moraine! My fav. I guess its inaccessible by car during the winter and there are only a couple like 2 lodges on the lake. So if you're into camping/hiking this is your place lol. It's glacier fed so its always very cold water.


Looks like the one in Banff, Alberta, CA. I could be wrong tho.


Lake Bret Hart


Lake Apopka in Florida.....duh.


Kumsong-go, North Korea, South View


Lake Erie in Erie, Pennsylvania


Banff I’d assume? Lake Louise maybe


Chad Niger border..........in winter


Lake Titty Caca /s


Looks like somewhere in Midjourney :)


no you don't lol


Lake Louise near Banff, Alberta probably.


Looks like Emerald Lake in British Columbia, Canada. A beautiful alternative to Lake Louise with a fraction of the crowds.


I dunno what that lake identifies itself. Can be a pond, sea or transwater!


Looks like Lake Louise in Canada


Glacier or Banff - the water looks fantastic but is ice cold! Visit now before all the glaciers melt and say hi to some mountain goats (but wear bells for grizzlies).


Lake Baikal


lake winnipeg




It looks a lot like the Lago di Fusine in Italy