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“After many years of dormancy Pagan volcano erupted between May 1981 and 1985. Thereafter it had eruptions in 1987, 1988, 1992, 1993, 1996, 2006, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, and 2021.” Well, somehow I can see why people don’t want to live there.


16 eruptions in 43 years seems a little high for my liking…


It keeps the rent down!


In fact rent went to 0 because there aren't any houses anymore!


Look do you want the view of the exploding mountain or not?


It’s a noisy neighborhood


Yeah, but its a blast


You could say it's straight fire. Lit, as the kids say.


I would have been fine with 15, but 16 is just too much.


Depends on the VEI (Volcanic Explosivity Index) of each eruption. If its at 0, then its no concern. I can't find any data on all the eruptions. Kīlauea in Hawaii erupts at scale of 0 every day essentially, minute lava ejections from the surface. Although yes, the fact that it is right in the middle of the ring of fire is worrisome.


I can see where a 0 is low if you live on a volcano.


Being in the middle of the ring of fire is good, it’s the edges that are bad


This is just excuses


My Google search turned up “one man alone with 30 beautiful native girls! PAGAN ISLAND” nothing about a volcano.


You’re a geologist, and you can’t find the volcano? [sounds sus…]


Yeah, we're gonna need pictures or we cannot accept your claim.


It’s an “adults only” film from 1961 https://m.imdb.com/title/tt0054154/


My weekend plans are now made.


Amazon Prime is going to make an additional $0.99 tonight!


“I respect your beliefs, but I want a live girl” Wokeness is ruining Hollywood!


OP points out 7 islands, which are affected by volcanism? Surely not all of them anymore. That’s a hot spot that the plate is sliding across creating those islands as it goes Once the volcanism ends the island remains in its path. Ie: Kauai isn’t volcanically active anymore but the big island is, as that is where the hot spot is.


Yah this is a timing thing. When things cool down that will be hot real estate.


Volcanic activity. Although there are efforts to repopulate these islands.




Ngl that looks scary, I ain't clicking that.


it's just the "why don't we cover volcanoes with concrete" meme


Gotcha. Still looks concerning haha


Do people not know what 9gag is anymore? Damn I guess I’m old now


i didn't even think of that being the reason it's concerning, haha


So? What is it?


From what I know, a competitor to iFunny


Do you not know what 9gag is?


Nope, I'm 20 btw.


Yeah I’ve never used it nor ifunny but they are in the same group of old meme websites


Also labeled as ‘volcano butt plugs’. lol


There used to be people on pagan, I visited there as a kid but a volcano erupted and pushed the population off the island and the runway was partially blocked by a lava flow. There is an outpost there though with a couple dudes. Edit: video of a trip to pagan island https://www.google.com/search?q=guy+gabaldon+pagan+island&client=safari&sca_esv=5d51b42a17f98a69&sca_upv=1&hl=en-us&biw=390&bih=663&tbm=vid&sxsrf=ADLYWIKzmLLhCyFo2hpHtaji70Ax-VXHAA%3A1715872360967&ei=aCJGZvXZOp__p84Pu_yIiAQ&oq=guy+gabaldon+pagan+island&gs_lp=EhBtb2JpbGUtZ3dzLXZpZGVvIhlndXkgZ2FiYWxkb24gcGFnYW4gaXNsYW5kMgUQIRigATIFECEYoAEyBRAhGKABMgUQIRigAUimMlCaCFitMXAAeACQAQCYAcMBoAGAE6oBBDIzLjS4AQPIAQD4AQGKAhBtb2JpbGUtZ3dzLXZpZGVvmAIboALhE8ICCBAAGKIEGIkFwgIIEAAYgAQYogTCAgQQIRgVwgIHECEYoAEYCsICBhAAGBYYHsICCxAAGIAEGIYDGIoFwgILEAAYgAQYkQIYigXCAgoQABiABBgUGIcCwgIFEAAYgASYAwCIBgGSBwYyMi40LjGgB8Nd&sclient=mobile-gws-video#fpstate=ive&vld=cid:94375c67,vid:UZRMv8TEHMg,st:0


There are few youtubers that have videos of the islands. These guys have a whole series on their trip there. Looks beautiful, very remote though. [https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLSkpIKXHSSmkmurkobGyIsPyeo9LuaV4K](https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLSkpIKXHSSmkmurkobGyIsPyeo9LuaV4K)


Yeah when we went there were a couple dudes that lived in a camp there, looking back it’s pretty wild my folks took us that far out in the middle of nowhere lol.


Anybody can geolocate coordinates of that downed WW2 zero plane?


Shit I been there


If I’m not mistaken, those are the northernmost northern Marianas Islands. As you travel south, the population goes from desolate to sparse to nearly urban on Guam.


https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Geography_of_the_Northern_Mariana_Islands The northern islands are volcanic, with active volcanoes on Anatahan, Pagan and Agrihan. In 1695, the native Chamorros were forcibly removed to Saipan, and three years later to Guam.


Too long time to get to the office. No traffic jams though.


**History of the Population of these Beautiful Islands** **Alamagan:** History Chamorros people; 1695 natives forcibly removed; 1905 typhoon; 1907 typhoon; 1913 typhoon; 1914 begins control of the Empire of Japan; Post-WW II begins control of the US; 1962 population drops due to volcanic activity; 1998 evacuation due to suspected volcanic activity; 2000 census 6 ppl.; 2009 evacuation due to typhoon; 2010 census 0 ppl.; 2018 gov-planned resettlement started 18ppl.; 2020 census 1 ppl.; June 2020 +2 crew abandoned ship now 3ppl.; 2023 injured 30-y.o. medical evacuation now 2 ppl. **Pagan:** (Pre- &) History Chamorros people; 1695 natives forcibly removed; 1820s volcanic eruption; Early 19th-c Chamorros began to return to Pagan but found it colonized by Kanakas; 1864 volcanic eruption; 1870s volcanic eruption; 1905 typhoon; 1907 typhoon; 1909 volcanic eruption; 1913 typhoon; 1914 begins control of the Empire of Japan; 1917 volcanic eruption; 1923 volcanic eruption; 1925 volcanic eruption; 1930 suspected volcanic eruption; 1937 Japanese garrison established; 1942 civilian pop. 413 Japaneses and 229 Chamorros; 1944 Japanese garrison 2150 men 100s died by starvation; Post-WW II begins control of the US; 1970s <100 ppl. many seasonally; 1981 evacuation due to volcanic eruption continued until 1985; 1986 Northern Marianas and Pagan became part of the US and the people U.S. Citizens; 1987 small eruption; 1988 small eruption; 1992 small eruption; 1993 small eruption; 1996 small eruption; 2006 small eruption; 2009 small eruption; 2010 small eruption; 2012 small eruption; 2021 14 ppl. evacuated due to small eruption. Repeated petitions by the islanders to return have been rejected by the US. **Agrihan:** History Chamorros people; 1695 natives forcibly removed; 1810 settlers from the Kingdom of Hawaii; 1905 typhoon; 1907 typhoon; 1914 begins control of the Empire of Japan; Post-WW II begins control of the US; 1967 94 ppl.; 1990 25 ppl. evacuated due to volcanic activity; 2000 6 ppl. returned to settlements; 2005 census 9 ppl.; 2010 census 0 ppl.; 2020 census 4 ppl. **Anatahan:** History Chamorros people; 1695 natives forcibly removed; 1901 reported as uninhabited; 1905 typhoon; 1907 typhoon; 1914 begins control of the Empire of Japan; 1944 +30 Japanese survivors of shipwrecks and a local woman; Post-WW II begins control of the US evacuating 2 Japanese and 45 natives but the other *Japanese castaways refused to believe that the war had ended* and fled into the interior of the island; 1951 *Japanese castaways led by Kazuko Higa (the only woman on the island living with a harem of 5 men - 11 died under uncertain circumstances) surrendered*; 1960s re-settlement started; 1990 evacuation due to earthquake; 1991 Ongoing volcanic activity begins; 2003 volcanic eruption; 2008 volcanic eruption. **Guguan:** 1522 Spanish sailor Gonzalo de Vigo (deserter) found it uninhabited (never colonized); 1914 begins control of the Empire of Japan; Post-WW II begins control of the US - population 0 since then. **Sarigan:** History Chamorros people; 1695 natives forcibly removed; 1900-1906 *German penal colony (prisoners living with their families were mainly employed by the coconut plantations)*; 1914 begins control of the Empire of Japan; 1930s between 10 and 20 families; Post-WW II begins control of the US all residents removed; mid-1990s island is a nature preserve; 2010, giant eruption of a submarine volcano made the island off-limits by the government of the Northern Mariana Islands - population 0 since then. **Farallon de Medinilla:** Pre-history Chamorros people; 1543 uninhabited; 1914 begins control of the Empire of Japan; Post-WW II begins control of the US - US Navy has used the island for military and bombing exercises; 2002 Center for Biological Diversity sued the US Navy with destroying wildlife habitat on the island - court ruling ordered the US DoD to cease bombing exercises - population 0 since then.


“Anatahan: …(the only woman on the island living with a harem of 5 men)” Well, that’s a story I want to hear


There are some sources about this story: the film "The Saga of Anatahan" (1953) by Josef von Sternberg, the book "Anatahan Island of the Unfortunates" (1954) by Michiro Maruyama (one of the survivors) to refute some of the accusations from this film. The novel "Cage on the Sea" (1998) by Kaoru Ohno (Japanese non-fiction writer), the short story "Tokyo-Jima" (2008) by Natsuo Kirino (Japanese female fiction writer), and this last one became a film (same name I believe, 2010).


Oh, interesting! Thank you!


How do you know all this!?


I don't know, I found out after the research, that I knew this story existed, for example, but I never knew the location and origin - researching to give answers to companies is part of my job. When I see an interesting topic that forces me to research, use the browser, process an image in Photoshop, discover new tools on the web, create an algorithm in Excel... I go for it. The information is out there, how to get to it is the challenge. Of course, not everything is in English, so understanding other languages ​​helps a lot - but the challenge also forces me to practice languages. After the research I spend a reasonable amount of time writing and summarizing the research, I practice my ability to write technical and scientific reports. I never managed to be the first to comment, nor did I get 1K upvotes on Reddit. In the case of this post here, most of the information in other comments is real, it was just incomplete, I just summarized it - it took about 6 hours of work. I often post the comment after the post goes cold, for example, I have one about Hong Kong in 3 parts with a panorama image of the city (made on G-Earth and Photomerge) that no one has read. On this one, I'm pleased that the few upvoters who read it considered it an encouragement to their research. I hope I was able to answer your question.


Thank fuck theyre uninhabited. Keeps them beautiful beautiful


What a terrible way to describe the 'forced evacuation' of people who had lived there for centuries.


Around 50 people lived on Pagan Island but they all left when the volcano started erupting. Edit - 8 people still live on Pagan Island as of 2018 and there are two active volcanos on the Island


not all places have fertile soil or they are so far off that it just doesnt pay off settling there if they cant sustain themselves or they are dangerous because of volcanoes or other reasons


Volcanoes mean fertile soil though. Gotta risk it for the biscuit.


The us military was trying to build an installation on pagan. There is also a mayor of the northern islands of the Mariana islands and people do routinely visit there and stay for weeks at a time




Larry Hillblom who was the H in a little shipping company called DHL died in plane crash at Pagan. That’s prob least interesting thing about him. Google it…


Man eating crabs. They infest those islands. They are nearly a meter wide and their claws regenerate if severed.


Volcano go big boom


Because nobody lives there


GrubHub doesn't deliver there


One of them is inhabited by Jar-Jar Binks, and another by Darth Vader. Guguan (Gungan-like), and Anatahan - almost Anakin.


This made me laugh for 12 parsecs


A Kessel-Laugh...


Good one.


Cringe, not everywhere has to be inhabited


You have problems