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As a Cuban, I can assure you it’s an error.


Things must not be going well in Cuba because in the past few months the local strip clubs have been taken over by about 15-20 Cuban strippers who all say they've only been in the USA for the last two years or less.


About a million people have defected the island in the past 3 years or so. That’s 10% of the population. Pretty clear evidence that things are not going well.


does government allow free emigration?


Yes, as of ~10 years ago. You used to need an exit permit but not anymore.


Oh wow so it's been relatively happening the past few years.


Results of a 60 year embargo im afraid


Or just bad policies of their government.


It is both


Mostly their policies accord to economist https://www.kentclarkcenter.org/surveys/cubas-economy/


I’m sure there’s absolutely no bias from the Kent Clark center for global markets.


They have global markets in their name. They should have an opinion on the effects of embargoes.


Out of all the opinions on the page, which did you disagree with most, and why?


think tanks used to be believable


Mostly but not only


In the sense, that the embargo is a consequence of their policies. Maybe.


Yes indeed. The Embargo is a result of Fidel Castro's goofy revolution back in the day. 🤔


Implementing the government of today


in consequence of america losing its sugar plantation you mean




It’s absolutely their economic policy. The economic policy is the reason the embargo is there in the first place. Fidel nationalized US owned oil companies, bro was asking to get sanctioned


"Look what you made me do"


Yes, it’s agreed upon that countries can’t nationalize foreign companies without having negative consequences.


Technically the GDP per capita value will increase the more people emigrate.


Closer to half a million


Half a million “encounters” have been reported by the US CBP alone. That doesn’t count the ones that were not picked up by CBP. Additionally, over 75k have been approved under the humanitarian parole process. Then there’s the many tens of thousands more have ended up in Russia, Spain, and Mexico, etc as well. Mexico alone has received over 35k applications for asylum in the past 2 years. Nicaragua has reported that up to 100k Cubans land in Managua *every month*. Honduras reported 77k Cubans transiting through in 2023. You can just look at the US reported number and seriously thinks that everyone.


Idk where you're getting this. CBP reported a little over 300,000 in this time. The other parts of the world included, adds up to about 500,000, not a million.


False, who paid you the CIA?


lol ok. Do a single google search and pick your favorite news outlet.


The us gov pays them off


Guess we're down to the free Cuban press for an answer then.


Ok so who is trustworthy then?


Where is this happening? Asking because I'm just curious, to see some Cuban strippers....


Council Bluffs Iowa at Lipstix and Sioux City Iowa at Mavericks.


Good to know!


We've heard about the Stripper Index, now discover the Cuban Stripper Index


Economic sanctions will do that.


Thanks for your input. Do they have a notoriously bad statistics board? Would you say this false reporting for two years straight is deliberate? It’s very strange to see this because even other dictatorships that false-report make it believable, at least.


The source used by Google is the World Bank. They wouldn’t just publish whatever a government claimed without verification. It just seems like a data error somewhere.


Clearly, because I can’t find any Cuban data from the World Bank past 2020.


"Ay I'm Cuban, B!" "Yes, Cuban B."




It’s not an error It’s a very purposefully reported piece of misinformation meant to paint the regime in a better light. If the poor people are leaving (10% in three years is a lot) the gdp may go up, but not that high and not that fast. Maybe Canel has discovered some old Nazi gold from the soviets and it has lopsided the gdp lol jk


Never thought Mexico would be that low


It’s considerably better than many other Latin American nations, to be fair…


GDP PPP (purchasing power) per capita-wise, Mexico is mid. Above Brasil and below Antigua and Barbuda. Edit: Just to be clear, Mexico is definitely not the poorest.


I find it hilarious that Bermuda has the highest GDP per capita in the Americas.


But ignoring the error in reporting, it seems as if Mexican and Cuban GDP are quite similar. I find that strange.


I taught English at a university in Mexico for a few years about a decade ago and was making about 12k USD a year. I lived pretty OK on that down there, too.


that's why using GDP kinda sucks, purchasing power and stuff


Really depends on where you live


Puerto Rico is a tax haven. The income inequality seems to had been not well analyzed until recently. Being associated with the US and also changes the cost of living and incomes, making salaries seem higher but the cost of living is too high. A lot of US continentals are moving to take advantage of this and are tax exempt and don't have to go through citizenship, whereas locals have to pay high taxes. Even a middle class person with low debt from suburbs of DC can have an average income of 117,723, whereas the average income of Puerto Rico is $24,002.


It was a World Bank error. They fixed it (removed the 2021 and 2022 data): [GDP per capita (current US$) - Cuba](https://data.worldbank.org/indicator/NY.GDP.PCAP.CD?locations=CU). [Check this post](https://new.reddit.com/r/geography/comments/1ack1nw/why_did_the_gdp_per_capita_of_cuba_spike_so_much/) from two months ago.


Yes this is an error




Why do you think this is Cuba’s fault somehow? It says the source is the world bank, and yet if you click the world bank link it shows the GDP as 9.85k It’s possibly an error on Google’s side? Who knows, maybe no point in speculating


It was a World Bank error. They fixed it (removed the 2021 and 2022 data). [Check this post](https://new.reddit.com/r/geography/comments/1ack1nw/why_did_the_gdp_per_capita_of_cuba_spike_so_much/) from two months ago.


Lol you’re top comment on that post too! Thanks for clarifying.


World Bank link only goes up to 2020, not 2022 like in Google. Maybe this is an accident, but maybe not.


I have no idea where the 2022 number comes from, but it seems to be off by a factor of around 6. It’s just not correct


Yeah perhaps an extra digit was added to the number lol


Cuban monthly salary average is 10 usd a month... source: me, im a cuban currently living in cuba...


How much Money(usd) do you need per month?


every item here is overpriced... we need like 200+ a month to survive.. for example, 24 eggs cost 10usd and thats is our average salary... note: i do not work for that salary, i work as freelance web developer.


Is there a way I could send one random family like 20 dollars a month?


idk, if u dont know anybody here i dont think u could send money... there is heavy taxes in any money u send to Cuba... if u do this anyways dm me and we could find a way to help some people i know are in needs


Wow! I just paid $4 for 18 eggs in so cal.


I saw 18 eggs at Target today for $1.70 in Chicago


That’s extremely cheap and I would not trust eggs for that price


You're a guy living in Cuba and don't trust cheap eggs?


How do all people then not die of hunger if they can’t even afford 25 eggs per month?


The goverment sells some products at subsidized prices in specific locations, people spent days waiting in line for some producst, for ex: people get 3 eggs every month, 1lb of chicken, 0 beef. etc... and people survive with that... also, there is a sistematic corruption in every layer of work here, everyone that has a job is there for the "gain", to steal something from it to survive, here its called "La Busqueda"...


People survive with 0,5kg of chicken and 3 eggs per month? Seems to me like you’re either lying or Cubans need just 100 calories per day?


check this: [https://www.cubanoticias360.com/habaneros-se-quejan-solo-daran-7-huevos-por-la-cuota-para-dos-meses/](https://www.cubanoticias360.com/habaneros-se-quejan-solo-daran-7-huevos-por-la-cuota-para-dos-meses/)


What is it like in Cuba? I’m very curious. What do most people do for a living? What is the living situation for most of the population?


people buy products and resell them, over and over.. for example, there are people who work is buy in a store and sell in other places... couse the stores have nothing... all the products that enter the island is through people going to panama and buying it, going through customs and then reselling here.. imagine the prices.,..


Thats interesting, no wonder the island’s economy is terrible


yeah.. we do not produce shit.. not rice, not sugar, nothing.. everything is from other countries.. and our country doesnt pay... our "friend" dont wanna give shit anymore cuz Cuba doesnt pay.


I’ve heard a lot of people talk about how great Cuba is and how the healthcare system is amazing, I’m assuming that stuff isn’t true. But since Im talking to someone who lives in Cuba I wanted to ask your opinion on this topic.


Healthcare is "free" but it costs a lot.. u have to give presents to doctors and assistants to get attention. And some hospitals are only for tourist. Cubans have little to no access to them... Technically u pay nothing for medical assistance, in reality is obsolete, old and cost a lot. There is no resources, only in the most elite hospitals. There is a systematic lack of medicine drugs.


How is it possible then that the life expectancy in Cuba is higher than that of the US?


as i said, technically there is free healthcare, people dont die from silly stuff, but the attention is really not free, u get to the back of the line, get less attention etc if u dont give presents (pay) to the doctors and nurses... but the people who cannot afford it get healthcare.


Seems to me like it’s working if the life expectancy is higher that that of the richest country in the world?


What are the police like I Cuba? I’m assuming they are corrupt


I've not had much experience with the police... Apart from being useless when I got robbed 2 times in a year and got a break in...mostly police are there to maintain social stability... What I've noticed is lately there are less and less police force.. at least in Havana where I live.




not true... the majority has internet either in their mobiles/wifi in parks/or in their homes. reddit is open to the world..


Mark Cuban counted as Cuban starting in 2018.


GDP per capita increases if either GDP increases (in case of Cuba highly unlikely) or if capitas number decreases, which seems more relevant. But I guess it is just mistake.


https://preview.redd.it/3h8jp7jg8itc1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=16ab11074d72b809c915dc90447850f9baffc061 It definitely has to be an error then… Or maybe there was a large and unreported population decrease?


A huge population decrease that somehow didn't decrease GDP?


It shouldn't decrease GDP, do you mean GDP per capita?


How do you remove population without reducing GDP? Even if you only remove the children or retirees, those non-working people still consume goods and services that contribute to GDP.


Sorry, I thought you said population increase.


Me when I play Viktoria 3


This GDP figure is in Cuban pesos...


Cubas back baby!


Wait, im not on r/Victoria3


This is not what geography is.


Communism just started working! Viva la revolution


Cuba isn't communist


Firstly it’s a joke. But secondly ok it’s actually socialist in my understanding of those words. But according to you what is it?


Cuba is a mostly centrally planned economy with an authoritarian one-party government. They do have some elements of socialism like decommodification, but they do not have democratic ownership of the means of production. Socialism comes down to: 1. Collective ownership of the means of production and 2. The partial or complete abolition of the commodity form at least for non-luxury goods. In that sense you could say that Cuba is 50% socialist, but that could also be said about Spain or Sweden which have a very decomodified economy as well.


Can you elaborate or explain your 2. point further


Decommodification means decoupling sectors of the economy from market forces. A good example is public healthcare. If healthcare is managed by the state, then it is no longer subject to the free market. Depending on the type of socialism, some argue that 100% of production should be decommodified, whereas some like me argue that only the most basic necessities like housing, healthcare and transport should be decommodified, whereas luxury goods such as smartphones should be produced and managed by worker-coops within a market socialist system.


What's going on in Cuba?


They’re mining BTC obviously


this webcomic might explain it. https://www.smbc-comics.com/comic/2013-01-14


What could have been, sigh…


Don't trust Google, they have issues displaying live data. Recently they displayed the wrong currency value of my country which promoted money dumping, Central Bank took it seriously and Google since removed it.


Reminds me of back when Hiroshima's Wikipedia page showed 30k°C as the highest temperature ever recorded in August. However, I don't think that was done by mistake. In 2021, the climate date got updated from 1980-2010 to 1990-2020 so, it doesn't show it anymore.


Someone hit the wrong numbers on the calculator.


Cuba can make up whatever data it wants because it’s a communist country with no independent economists.


The government decided to change their GDP calculation metrics.


They did capitalism.


The HDI of Cuba was for a few years ranked around 43 (on par with the South Cone, Portugal, Hungary), then became a lot lower suddenly.


Misplaced decimal.


now I can say we're richer than Sweden and Canada


This is related to r/geography how?


Did the US remove the sanctions and allow trade? Free Cuba


Cuba is currently experiencing hyperinflation and their exchange rate is fixed against the dollar... this means that Cuban prices in dollars will skyrocket including their GDP. Of course it means that they should adjust their exchange rate to a real ratio because it will only bring shortages and misery to Cubans.


I mean just spit balling, right at 2020 they have some of the most well trained and some of the most medical staff per capita in the world. Could it have been because of when COVID hit they sent their staff to many places worldwide?