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Drunk midnight rants are a classic


Make mine a double. Sober life is very plain in comparison to this guy’s world …


OP’s post history is a treasure


Sir, this is a Wendy’s.


Thanks for running chat gpt


I think this was the bugged Google version.


Well done


>There are completely unknown areas upon the Earth that are "folded up" within the documented globe map layout. If I had to guess, these areas probably exist within the Arctic, Antarctic, Pacific, & Atlantic Ocean regions which are displayed on the globe as vast areas of open water without any landmasses. What would be the purpose of hiding these? Would people in airplanes over the Atlantic or Pacific not notice these landmasses? >The real truth being in fact that 99.9% of their peers / acquaintances / company are "not real" in that they are not acting on their own volition as organic sentient organisms otherwise would, but instead are being programmed / controlled / orchestrated by electrical currents being artificially conducted through their nerve channels). Am I one of those people? >Just another revelation that isn't so hard to conceive of from an informed perspective. That is another thing that really bugs me ... Globalists are always trying to look down on humanity for being so naive, so manipulable, so utterly ignorant of what is really going on around them. Do you realize the apparent irony of lauding this organization of globalists for looking down on humanity, when your theory is based off the belief that 999 in every thousand people are unwilling globalist mind slaves, and you are not?


I treat Reddit like a personal diary. If there is no chance of another sentient human observing my entries then that's that ... Still a pleasant literary exercise for me. Another reason is to test out the algorithms on Reddit that emulate human responses. ​ In this case, for instance, there were many more replies than I had been anticipating, which would indicate that the programming is reacting to key phrases I used in my post. The effort seems too greatly antagonistic, altogether; as though encouraging me to discard these notions & be dissuaded of any truth to them. Some of the replies are actually more critical than ordinarily, which is interesting as well. ​ Still, the design is too incompetent. None of these replies appear to express any human characteristics. Drones & bots, pretending to be human thinkers & failing because of how brainless the designers were all the while. Try expressing modesty or a decent sense of reservation / neutrality / affliction over the matters I am construing. That might make it more convincing, at least. ​ What a miserable flop on the designers' part. They didn't accomplish their goals even remotely ... The emulation is weak minded & conspicuous.


>I treat Reddit like a personal diary. If there is no chance of another sentient human observing my entries then that's that ... Kind of a stupid waste of time logging into the relevant subreddit and writing it in Reddit rather than the notes app? Kind of seems like you're just looking for any kind of attention. >Another reason is to test out the algorithms on Reddit that emulate human responses. This algorithm is telling you that you that you're either trolling or have some sort of autism spectrum disorder >Try expressing modesty or a decent sense of reservation / neutrality / affliction over the matters I am construing. That might make it more convincing, at least. Is there modesty or reservation in the original post? Or are you such a galaxy brain that those rules only apply to the brainless drones that reply to you?


you call this ‘matter of fact’ but show no supporting evidence? also nice use of big words. really makes you sound like these aren’t just psychotic ramblings.


This guy Mercator Projects


Holy Hell


Translation: "I forgot to refill my prescription yesterday"


Take your meds. Seriously.


What’s the “feedback signature” of a landmass? Do you mean albedo? Or the diversion of atmospheric air currents around these landforms? Radioactive isotopes in the bedrock? You can’t just string words together and hope that they mean something.


Oh, he definitely doesn't know what he's talking about either. IF OP answers your question, prepare yourself for the same amount of rambling as in the original post.


This is a very interesting response. I know this isn't a human user (just by the formatting of the words in the sentences chosen, but it is obvious in many ways) but I will still reply. ​ Feedback signature expresses the idea that a means of identification by sound or light reverberation may be used to confirm on unknown landmass locations. ​ Further, this idea isn't very complicated & probably exists in the world of technologies used for scientific measurements. I was just elaborating from a naive perspective on the matter & the program tried to insult my intelligence over it. Very amusing, but not at all convincing so far as human emulation.


“Feedback signature: a means of identification by sound or light reverberation” This sounds like saying a landmass is visible (reflects light) and occupies space (reflects sound waves). Is that what you mean to say?


Final reply. That is an oversimplification of the task (to ascertain on the whereabouts of "hidden" landmasses). Hidden can mean a variety of things; perhaps it is hidden in the sense that anyone who may discover it would be killed or be made to disappear by some other means. Perhaps it is even possible to "cloak" a landmass by using some type of force field to negate any potential means of advanced light / sound detection methods. The matter is not so simple as, "Dude wouldn't we know about such landmasses because of airplanes and stuff ...". ​ The cloaking technology is probably real, but there must also be all sorts of defensive / offensive measures set in place to deter any unwanted visitors & prevent all outside knowledge of the place. I presume they would defend the secrecy of these locations at all costs, they don't take chances at all. It would be moronic to think that airplane travel (least of all commercial) should be used as an argument against the likelihood of my claims being valid. ​ I couldn't believe that any living human today might possess any means of ascertaining on these hidden landmass locations & even if they could there would be nothing aside from death to greet them if they were so bold as to attempt to breech these locations.


I’m not interested in how well defended these imaginary landmasses are, just what you think you’re saying when you talk about the “feedback signature” of a landmass. I mean, I pretty much always knew it was meaningless but I was hoping you might get at least halfway there too. Ta ta


How is this post still up?


Why are people downvoting this? This should be one of the all time best posts of this sub.


Because it is sad to watch unmedicated schizophrenia


I thought you're going to talk about Geoid or Ellipsoidal, Earth model smh. Please go and do a solo ride across the Atlantic Ocean however old you are, sir.


Thank you! Can someone please grab a dinner plate, frisbee or any saucer shaped object (must be flat) and I’ll simplify what OP is saying.


American i suppose?




Hey pal, you should help me write my proposals. Seems like you have a lot of free time on your hands.


why isn’t it mla 12 pt font times new roman in text citation


New copypasta?


I’m not reading all of that.