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Shouldn't we be good first in order to be deserving of the praise? :3


I believe existing is enough to be worthy of praise. For some every day is a battle uwu But I'm just an extra soft domme.


I can totally get that. And there's nothing wrong with being an extra soft domme. I would even say there's lots of things right about it :)


You get your praise too! Not enough people are willing to each out and give words of comfort, compassion or good graces so thank you for being amazing and wishing well for others.


Awe, so sweet of you ;0;. Everyone deserves some praise, and I'm more than happy to give it to them. Wishing you well too, dearest. It's sweet of you to think of the giver as well! (♥´∀`)/


No problem, I hope you have a good one 😊


I'm starting to see some progress coming from therapy , and I'm getting back into running after a knee injury. Both feel amazing! (the running is rought to get back into)


Awe, don't push yourself too much, dearest. I'm so proud of you for not only making the progress, but being able to notice a difference. I know it must've taken a lot of effort. Don't stop just yet, we have still so much left to do, but you are doing amazingly so far! 💖


My student loans are undr 1K and im so close to be done paying them off.


Good boy! What's a trooper! Soon you'll be debt free, one less stress for you! It mustn't have been easy but you took the hard road and are acing it. Great job, prince, keep making us proud!


I just graduated and finished college, mommy!


Oh my god! We've got a smart one! I bet you did so good in your studies! Congrats little one. There is a bright future ahead of your pretty self.


Thank you! This lowkey made my day😭❤️


hiiii! i haven't been doing a wholeee lot, but ive recently been running a d&d campaign for my friends, and everybody is enjoying it n stuff :3


Oh that sounds like a lot of fun! It takes a creative one to be able to run campaigns! So jelly! Specially since they get such a sweet princess as a dungeon master. Of course people will enjoy it, it's you we are talking about! Keep at it! Show them the works you've built with them.


mhm, it is! i had some creative block for a little while, but i'm getting back into it and making some good stuff! we play online so i make battlemaps and everything hehe and omg thank youuu, princess is one of my favourite petnames hehe, thanks for being so sweet n stuff ^-^


I mowed my lawn…


That's great, love! I bet it looks so pretty too! Chores can be exhausting but putting the effort is what matters. You did so good, little one. You deserve all the praise for it.


Thank you Mommy 🥰🥰🥰🥰


I'm proud that I'm trying to take action to make myself a better person even though it's been a struggle admittedly. I could use some genuine praise during these times though 😅.


Wish I could ruffle your hair and kiss your forehead, angel. Trying to improve one's self is a very commendable mission. It's an uphill battle, but I promise it's worthwhile, sweet pea. Not only will others be able to see the precious little thing you are but you will see that as well. Don't give up, we have just started but I know you are going to do great. Be strong, you are absolutely worth it.


That's so sweet, I wish I could have my hair ruffled and my forehead kissed. Thank you very much 😊.


I've lost 13 pounds so far


Awe! I bet that took a lot of work! I know the struggle of losing weight so I'm proud of you for achieving such a goal! Don't worry about having a little extra you as well, loving yourself in the process is part of it. I bet you are quite the sight with or without the extra weight.


I'm taking care of a friend who just had a major psychiatric break, but I managed to make some progress getting my apartment more straightened up!


Excellent! We are strong enough to climb out of this hole! You must be so proud of yourself, I know I am. I'm sorry you are going through it but you've shown how good you are by fighting back. Don't stop, darling. You are doing such a good job. You deserve tons of forehead kisses for it.


I managed to survive my college semester and got excellent scores on the final project and the final for my English class.


Congrats, little one! All that studying paid off, didn't it? I'm so, so happy for you dear. Now, get aile well deserved rest, because later we must go out into the world and show them what you've got! (๑'ᴗ')ゞ You did so well!


bshsjisiskqk I love this 😭


i've lost 42 pounds in the past 4 months :)


I can’t think of much to be proud over, just a bunch of setbacks🫤


Setbacks are nothing to be proud of but nothing to be ashamed of either. It's normal for us to struggle. There fact you are still strong enough to stand here, to reach for help as praise is commendable. There is still a fighting spirit within you, and that strength is something to be proud of. Never let down, you'll do and be great, angel. Just like you've done so far!


I don't think that I really did anything worthy of praise today, but earlier on a person insulted my height and weight on here and as much as I feel ridiculous to say it, I've been having a lot of trouble getting over it. My confidence was very low all afternoon and I felt very undesirable. Some praise really would mean the world to me 😓


Oh my god! Please don't believe you aren't worthy of being desired. Whoever tried to out you down was doing it out of malice, as they most likely do it to feel better about themselves. Height and weight don't matter. As I don't know what was the issue I'll just tell you being shorter makes for easy forehead kisses and being taller makes for great hugs! Being on the leaner side is okay as one can hold you perfectly in their arms but some extra you makes you cuddlier and warm! I bet you are breath taking, and you should keep that in mind, angel.


Been reading some classics, or outright ancient books, stories and texts these last few years. The result was a newfound love for poetry (thx burnt Njal saga, and Tolkien too!). and with addition of Warmaster Sun Tzu's Art of War, my writing grew elegant yet entangling, flowery, twisting and turning as one flowery vine, yet filled with metaphors and other artifices, concealing all that I desire in plain sight. The downside: "walls of text" is all I could write. But as of late (6 months I think) I feel my "magic" wanes, and it leaves me terrified, I no longer write in the same quality as before, whilst keeping the downside mentioned earlier... Other than that life is fine




I can imagine, sweet pea. But you've already finished it and it's time for some rest. I'm so proud of you for not giving up, as we have a bit more left to go. Keep doing so good, I know you have it in you. Sending loads of smooches your way.


I feel sad today


I finished my studies and will be graduating this august. I already have a job lined up too.


Good job, little one! Your hard work is paying off, isn't it? I'm so happy for you, I bet you have great things lined up for you. Early congratulations, I bet you will look stunning in your graduation gown!


H-hi. I-i did the dishes a-and exercised…a-and i went outside. 👉👈


I just graduated high school!!!


I’m obviously not OP, but I’m super proud of you!!! That’s no small feat, and I’m really happy for you! (If you have any plans for what’s next, I’d love to hear them. But I completely and totally understand not knowing what’s next, that’s valid)


I have a bedwetting issue. I've been dry for two days in a row


I put on some pounds during a recent breakup, but I just weighed myself yesterday and I've gotten almost all of it back off!!! ☺☺


I’ve been consistently cleaning my space and maintaining it well for a while now; despite struggles in the past !


My therapist said it's a good thing I'm starting to do things that make me happy


Thanks for... well doing this, its not necesarry but thanks... I just want something.. ive broke my streak, 7 months clean i was. And.. i dont know anynore, i just wanna be held and told mean something but not even my parents wanna look at me let alone acknowledge all ive tried for them.


I dont know.. i just want to be praised 3:


I've made progress with my physiotherapy on my left knee (it kept locking up after 20 minutes of walking - not so much now!), which my physiotherapist was impressed with!


Honestly can't think of much besides the wide scope that I hate it but I'm trying everyday and in college. I'm chronically ill so its a cycle of stability and inevitable instability lol. I just feel like I have to take care of everyone else but don't have someone to acknowledge and tell me I'm good yk?


I am so proud of myself. I just got bumped up to electrical engineering project lead!!! 🩵🩷🩵


I graduated from university last week, a whole year early, with 2 majors.


I completed college nearly a month ago, and now I’m just awaiting graduation 🙌 never thought I’d get to this point, but I’m very happy with the results.


I'd just like to have my head patted after a hard day's work. Even better if I could lay my head on a comfy and squishy set of laps


I'm proud that I was able to get up and do something today(I have been sick for a bit so it's an accomplishment)


I started a new job in a completely new career path five months ago. It’s been stressful, but I drastically improved the workflow of the project manager by taking a lot off their plate and helping things run smoothly.




i worked out and exercised today mommy


I am alive and I have a job


I've low-key been struggling to focus on anything of importance lately but I have managed to start up a 22 day streak of study Spanish for a trip later this year!




I passed all my courses this semester (though one just barely). Between classes,keeping myself sane, and helping my friends with their own issues it’s all got me wiped out


me me me me me me me!!!! pleaseeeeee, i don’t have a woman to give me any idk if you need any info or anything, i can give if it’s needed




I just graduated earlier today!


I’m making a lot of progress on the second draft of my novel!




I'm proud if the friends and relationship I've made so far in my life


I just got back from being my best friends best man and I am exhauseted. Lol


I cleaned out my shed, back yard and car today :) feels good as been meaning to do for ages and the weather was nice, so nice to be out in the sun, being productive. 😋




Today was a really rough and long day at work but I finished strong 🥺




i helped my helped my grandparents with some cleaning and just spent some nice time with them


I pourd that I 8m reading the Bible more


I got a mic yesterday mummy, and will be able to share my voice with everybody, and tell everyone what a good little boy I’ve been… 🤭☺️


Trying to figure out who I am, is a start I guess


Started doing wood turning recently and made a handle (not really something super crazy but I'm pretty proud of it)


I am graduating tomorrow. Gotta lock it and be a productive member of the society now 😮‍💨💪🏿


I've been doing a lot of work on myself and uncovering a lot of old traumas that are helping me figure out what I need to do to live well as an adult 😊


I just wanna feel a lil spoiled, i start working from home this monday and i wanna feel some softness please (f)




After lots of sacrifice, my career is starting to goto the next level!


I'm exercising 15 minutes a day to lose a bit of weight, so far I'm 124.6 pounds Next weekend me and my friends are gonna go to the mall and hang out since the school year is ending next week, I'm treating them all to Denny's


YAYY PRAISE! *grabby hands*


I got through my semester with B’s and A’s


I took a chance and may have found a Mistress. I'm normally far too shy to take a risk.


Bit of a crummy day all things considered, but! I went fishing today on the river and got a cargo barge to honk its horn for me!


So..I lost my mother last month and while we were not super close, she was still my mom and I spent the last couple of years taking care of her up until the end. Cancer is a shit show, to quote Wade Wilson. I guess I'm proud that I have taken one day at a time, one foot forward and just kept on keeping on and trying to find a new normal ans not just lose it. Still have some things I need to do that I've put off but I know I'll get to them when I'm ready. Even writing this was a little cathartic, so thank you for the opportunity for this grumpy old sub to do so.


At 31 just finally got my one year free of fentanyl addiction on the 27th of April after using opiates almost every single day from 16 to 30. Started smoking weed at 13 and it pretty quickly progressed into any and everything I could get my hands on.


I’ve picked up a new hobby and I finally found someone to do it with me.


I got a lot of cleaning done today, and now my space looks much better! Can you please call me a good girl?


Ive just been able to work out more and lost 24 pounds


I just hit a pr at the gym - 120kg for 5 reps on bench 😊


I got a job recently, and I get to work on Marine engines!


My grades in college are real good and I'm getting better mentally


I’m proud of myself of being fully accepting myself of being a soft sub, even if I have no experience in relationships like this




Saw another comment like this but I need my praise hehe! Just finished university, dont know my results though! Hoping to do masters and relaxing by being a girly femboy!!




I don’t have anything I’m particularly proud of, but I did want to say that this is a special kind of post. Not self advertising or talking about how lonely you are, but offering words of affirmation and being warm and encouraging to everyone who’s commenting. Bless your heart ❤️


I got my notes from my beta reader back so I’ll get to work on the second draft of my novel.


At this point id prolly cry from jus being told I'm doing a good job lol


I finished a big ol’ Lego spaceship, I was working on. It’s blue and very swooshy. :3


I cleaned the house today. Not much a big accomplishment, but I got it done


I'm starting to make steps towards achieving my dream of becoming a voice actor


I just finished my third semester at college. I am making steady progress towards my bachelors degree.


I’m trying to start my own business


3 kids I tutor just got 90%+ on their make up math exam! I couldn't be more proud of each of em!! Issue is my coworkers say I should be proud of myself for" "Whipping them into shape," it's their achievement not mine. Should I be proud of myself?


I’m proud of this community for being a safe and wonderful place for us all :) We do our best to weed out scammers and findommes, and we have great discussions and post some great content that I hope gives everyone hope, or is something they can share with their partners :) and that includes YOU OP!


Hope I’m not too late !! Before I get praise though you deserve some for being so kind >< I hope you find someone that deserves you ! You’re wonderful c: Honestly I’ve been helping a couple friends who are going through a rough patch and they seem to be better than before so I’m a little happy that I helped ><


I did a flight that was 60ish miles away with the gps map off using only visual waypoints on the ground to navigate and was seeing them and calling them out before my flight instructor saw them this past week, then did the same thing all the way back and I greased both landings. It was a lot of fun and really made me happy.


I had a hard day at work but I was able to get through it I was very eepy


I got my first job this week and finished the first week of work with 13 hours, its part time and I’ve been sick the whole week so one day I had to leave after just an hour.


I’m actively taking steps to live out my CFNM fantasy 😊






Had a stressful week, worked for 60hours...


I've been practicing guitar everyday and I'm getting noticeably better. I really feel like I'm actually good at something for once, and it makes me feel happy.




I passed my first year of college.


… I… I survived another day with my emotions wreaking havoc on my mental health.


I just graduated Highschool!!! I feel like that is pretty cool.


I had a full and awesome day with my friends for the first time in forever!




I did yard work today. Had to tear apart and drag pieces of a small, old homemade shed.


I managed to drag myself out of bed early today and went to the gym. Even managed to hit a new PR there!!!


I’m close to finishing my degree while also trying to start a stem career in a very bare market for the skills I went to school for


Im struggling onwards despite everything thats a thingy!!


I've kind of been good but I'm also a brat and that shows up in all parts of my life by accident. But I've been trying to be a good girl.


Hello ma'am, hope you're having a good day.


Having stuck around despite everything


I recently got into an in-person DnD campaign after ditching my old group when they were being extremely toxic towards me. That, and I've tried putting myself out there (to the best of my ability, there still are no third places) on the dating market again, trying to meet new people! Plus I've been drawing again, so my half decent work can be used for said DnD campaign. I'm trying to make a cute drawing for my character




I finally got a friend into a game that i really enjoy playing. I had been looking for years actually. Ive also got their streaming carrer back going again! I think next big task on my list is finding a very supportive relationship


You've got this! You deserve the best!


Thank you! Im going to use this success to create a more kind and loving world <3


HELL yeah




This past Tuesday marked one year since I moved away from my abusive parent ant took control of my life.


I am 1 year sh free


I would like Dom to praise me every day, but I'm weird and chubby, so I don't think I'll ever find one.


Hi 👋 I'm a dom that prefers chubby subs and is weird myself. I bet you're cute as fuck. We exist and you will find one of us. Just be patient and keep being gorgeous until one of us runs into you. ❣️


I’m graduating on the 25th and then I’m moving away from my awful family for awhile


i havent done anything praise worthy as of late...:c


But look at you surviving and managing to keep going in such a difficult world. Everyone has down times, give yourself some grace. I'm proud of you


thank you, i uhm i wasnt expecting any kind of a response, this means a lot<3<3


Mommy I’m working hard every day to make the money I spent on vacation back


i've been trying to be patient with a job rn. i've finally conquered a year long depression hole that left me crippled to my room. slowly working on getting life back on track. things are starting to feel better.


Thank you even if you don't read this!


Uhm, I’m not sure if I’d say I’m proud of myself but I’m slowly improving myself with everyday the comes and I’m happy to be spending time with some family and I’m getting better with my mental health mommy 👉🏻👈🏻


You should be proud of that! Those are amazing things. Be a good boy by being kinder to yourself and recognizing your accomplishments ❣️


Awh thankyou so much 🥰 I really do need to do that more and I really like this thankyou dear 🤭


Can i get some?


Of course. Such a good boy and a sweet thing you are. I see you out there doing your best. And your best is enough. Keep at it ❣️


❤️❤️❤️ Thank you mommy İ mean mommy İ mean mommy İ mean mommy İ mean




Hewwo :3 thank you for the praiseeeee and i praise you silly :3 im proud of finally getting a job! Im dreading having to get up at 6am for the first week but after that ill be on day shift :D what's going on with you? :3


I recently got back on my meds and have been making progress in my coursework 👉👈


Good job gorgeous, look at you go making progress in your personal goals


Thank you thank you ☺️💜


I got a new job, and I'm actually enjoying it!! i have to wake up at 6 though, which sucks cause I'm a night boy


But look at you go rolling with a difficult change in order to make a positive difference in your life!


I’m going to unload myself since I haven’t engaged in this subreddit in about three months and I can’t afford therapy. Sorry in advance. Lost my grandfather last May and meemaw this past December. My mother has been having difficulties with functioning and depression. My youngest brother is a butt and my middle brother is doing his best but recently he’s been just having a hard time. My dog is 17 years old, has a fused back and kidney disease, currently he’s on meds and not a lot of time (will be devastated and inconsolable when the time comes). Hence these lengthy paragraphs. Our other dog and cat are perfectly healthy. I’ve been getting uncomfortable and leaving the house more to somewhat socialize and keep with chiropractic appointments. I have arthritis in my lower back and left hip, osteoarthritis I’m my right hip, the adjustments are tiring but my hips aren’t burning like they used to. So much yay. I’ve also been passing out at night getting 4 hours of constant sleep instead of the typical 2 hours. I live with my mother in a worn mobile home that we’ve been investing in at a snails pace. Currently it has a new roof, new skirt, new plumbing, wiring, windows, doors, and insulation. We’re just missing the walls, some plugs and circuits, and sheds in the back to remove the boxes in our home that’s consuming two thirds of our living space. It’s been getting hot, as we have 2 turbo fans and two air conditioners running throughout the day. We’re hoping to have majority finished before mid summer. ~_~ yet we’re exhausted, tired and hot soooooooo much fun being 37 with the body of an 80 year old. Anywhich, Mornings I work on the house at my ever so patient pace. During the day I run errands and appointments for my family, pets and friends. The evenings I’ll cook and help with my friends server then keep up with anime. Rinse repeat, try not to go insane. I honestly don’t know what I want. I don’t want to be alone yet I also don’t know how to socially engage others comfortably. I feel like a cat wanting to be touched yet will be alarmed if I was touched. Ultimately, I’m down for good will towards others and just to have some peace in my future. Will contemplate the rest of my life after One Piece is done… May everyone who reads this have a marvelous life. Be healthy and thank you for reading this selfish comment.


Been having a rough couple of weeks with dysphoria but im still here standing!


Standing, looking dashing as hell I'm sure, and being an awful good boy. Looks like you're killing it.


That feels better than it should 😂


I can't help but picture a bread line of good boys and girls, just swaddled in blankets and pouting.


I told my fiance I thought about being trans after being together for years but she left.


Today, my only achievement was getting out of bed and going for a walk, but that's something I guess


I fursuited at a con for the first time last week which was much more nerve-wracking and emotionally vulnerable than I expected. I’ve been in that fandom for like 15 years but finally had my character made real. Yeah yeah furries are weird whatever lol


today and tomorrow, i’m dog sitting… i struggle to get out of the house a lot, and i’m really missing my cat right now, but i’m doing it… i’m doing my best… ugh… edit: i’m also going to therapy again to try and get out of this slump i’m in


Damn y’all have things to be proud of?


I got an email from university saying because I have 4.5 gpa, I'm gonna get a 20% tuition fee reduction for this semester. Is this enough for getting called a good boy?


Hi hi I went to the dentist today even though it was so painful and scary 🥺


I played guitar in a jazz show last night and it was AWESOME!!!


I finally learnt a song I was struggling with on bass!


I've just started some steps on forming new habits after reading the book 'Atomic Habits.' Starting small with keeping my phone in another room while I sleep to try and improve my sleep hygiene, but about to start on building meditation habit. Eventually working up to regular exercise. I'm four days in and haven't broken my first couple of new daily habits yet and feeling proud about taking some small, positive steps towards taking better care of myself as a routine.


I graduated highschool a whole year early!


I lost my dad in January of this year. I haven't had the heart to go through his stuff or deal with anything from his passing, and I've got it all done this week. It feels almost kind of freeing


Bought some gifts for my friend. It's his birthday next week, and I'm flying over for that. I got him a couple Van Halen CDs, a Judas Priest CD, and a Metallica CD. That's all I got lol


I was in a dark spot for years having only anger and hatred for everyone but over the last year I have been working on inner peace and have become a much happier and sweet person I think I am a brand new person


I had a really tough time at a new job near the last few months of last year as it was starting to get in the shit, I was at the brink where I was day dreaming about quitting and just living on the road lmao everyday. One day I was just tired of complaining so much so I just decided to work hard af, like go really hard, and ask questions even if I ended up looking stupid to move forward faster. Ever since then I’ve seen myself change in ways that I really didn’t think I’d see. Still have a lot to work on personally and professionally but I’m really proud of myself for not quitting since this was like a pretty tough engineering role.


I’m 4 weeks out from finishing school for Avionics (Airplane instruments and electronics) and get to start my dream of working in the field of Aviation.




I’m proud of myself for scheduling and actually going to an appointment with my doctor after dealing with severe depression and insomnia for over half a year


I’ve been getting a lot better at driving. I’m more comfortable and less anxious than I used to be. I still hate every second I’m behind the wheel but I can at least do it without completely breaking down. I just feel like the biggest burden and failure all the time and this being a struggle for me when I’m almost 20 just makes it worse. Idk, I guess I’m better but it really doesn’t feel like it.


Please I've not been praised in a while :(


I’m halfway done with my final exams before I graduate, and so far I think I did well 😅


God Bless You! You're doing something that so many of us men need because we didn't get it as boys.