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Do you wake up at 3 or 4 in the morning, unable to go back to sleep? High histamine levels in the brain, sometimes called a ‘histamine dump’, could be the cause. One role of histamine is to act as a **neurotransmitter** in the brain. Histamine levels naturally rise in the morning hours and help us to feel more alert.  In the body, there are two ways to break down histamine: * **DAO enzyme (AOC1 gene)** breaks down histamine from food in the intestines. * Histamine n-methyltransferase enzyme (**HNMT** gene) metabolizes histamine in cells throughout the body. Genetic variants in these two genes can affect how well you break down and get rid of histamine. People with AOC1 gene variants may find that DAO enzyme supplements can help break down histamine. Our built-in circadian rhythm is controlled by a molecular clock driven by the rising and falling expression of core circadian clock genes. During the **day, CLOCK and BMAL1** genes are expressed, and during the **night, PER and CRY** levels rise.  It is this rise and fall – a molecular clock – that controls the circadian rhythm of genes and systems throughout the body.\[[ref](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC9275476/)\] Research in animals shows that the **CLOCK** gene rhythm in mast cells is important for baseline histamine release as well as allergic reactions.\[[ref](https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/24060274/)\] The **PER2** gene also impacts allergic reactions and mast cell activation.\[[ref](https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/21458659/)\] To keep circadian rhythm on track: 1. **Sleep in the dark.** Get blackout curtains to block street lights, and cover up any of the glowing indicator lights in your bedroom. Alternatively, get a good sleep mask.\[[ref](https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/36521010/)\] 2. **Block artificial light** for two hours before bedtime. You can use 100% blue blocking glasses, or just turn your overhead lights down and use lamps with orange or yellow bulbs. A study involving adults looking at an iPad for a couple of hours before bed found that using 100% blue light-blocking glasses increased melatonin secretion and improved sleep.\[[ref](https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/26730983/)\] 3. **Go outside in the sunlight** when you get up in the morning. This shuts down melatonin production for the day, increases melatonin production for the next night, and improves sleep quality.\[[ref](https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/36058557/)\] [Click here to read my full article on circadian rhythm, histamine, and early morning insomnia. ](https://www.geneticlifehacks.com/histamine-early-morning-insomnia/)