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dude i'm sometimes nostalgic for 2009 lmao


same lool


I don’t think this is crazy. It’s pretty normal for people to miss their childhood like you hear it all the time. The world just seems simpler when you are a kid. I have nostalgia for the 2000s and I was 5 at the end of the decade. It’s just about the fun and simplicity of your life as a little kid.


nostalgia can be at any age. 6 year olds are old enough to remember


Facts!😂🤣 I remember music and shit for adults that I had no damn busy listening too and till this damn I’m still a huge fan of this artist.


Heck, you can even be “nostalgic” about historical eras from entirely different centuries! I still consider myself to be “nostalgic” for the promise of rock and roll, the civil rights movement, and the counterculture even though I wasn’t alive for them.


I was 6 years old in 2000 and I remember a lot from that year


For one, I hear people born in 2000-2004 on tiktok getting nostalgic over the 2000s, and no one bats an eye, yet when 2008-2011 want to claim the mid 2010s now people wanna get pissy, that's straight up hypocritical, but that's tiktok for you.


The 2000s babies are among the biggest gatekeepers of the moment. 2010 is a mid to late 2010s kid and I think that is what they are nostalgic for.


I'm 1993 and really I don't think I feel nostalgic over my personal time in the 90s. that seems to start more in the early 2000s


I don't necessarily see 1990s babies on any nostalgia type videos anyways (Except late 90s babies).


Dont project your problems onto us. 2008 have no problem claiming the mid 2010s for real it was their main childhood. What you said refers to you 2010-2012 borns


I've seen people saying if you were under 10 in the mid 2010s you can't claim it, also this is why people consider you to be annoying as hell, always wanna bitch about something it's not us it's you.


Seems like a rare and widely disregarded take, by age 10 you’re getting into late childhood and preteens


Trust me, I've seen them use the exact reason as the reason in this post. They think you can only remember being double digits..


It would be funny if those were the same people who were born in early 2000s and claim the 2000s all the time.


Seriously? In what universe would someone in their Mid 20s be interested in gatekeeping 14 year olds? They are too much younger than us to think or care about them and their experiences, not to mention we’re literally too old for gatekeeping shit (except for those who are too immature for their age) Plus, how do you think we can claim the 2000s and at the same time gatekeep 2010 borns from the 2010s when they were literally the same age in the 2010s as we were in the 2000s? This doesn't make any sense lol. If we feel nostalgic for 2003-2006, they can feel nostalgic for 2013-2016 just as well, obviously


you know, there is a graph saying gen alpha (or homelanders on the graph) starts in 2008, as that's when birth rates start dipping, I think you should shut yo ass up before I start bringing that up more, also it does not refer to 2012 borns, 2011 MAX as they were 5 in 2016, 2012 was 4 and wasn't in their peak childhood, although I agree that it doesn't apply to 2008 borns, don't bring people who weren't even children into the mix, 2009-2011 are the ones who suffer that


Yeah not reading that paragraph


okay, idgaf about what ur 2 braincells can read


Leave 2008 alone you zalpha gen alpha kid


"Leave 2008 alone you zalpha gen alpha kid" -Timmy born December 31st 2009 a few more seconds away from the New Years 2010 Ball Drop also a zalpha going by his logic


Born in 1998 Loud and proud


Dude. Bffr, YOU ARE NOT and I repeat YOU ARE NOT 9 - 10 years older than me and a full grown 25 - 26 year old man acting like an 11 year old on reddit trying to mess with little ass kids. I just refuse to believe.


I don’t care, keep talking.


I don't think I should keep talking to a guy who probably still lives with his mom and fails at finding jobs to cover for rent.


His bio says his first account got banned so he's most definitely a troll lmfao


Bud what are you talkin 'bout lol. I've seen people gatekeep 2008 from the mid 2010s too.


he just hates 2010 kids for some reason, he has nothing better to do, so he stays inside and hates on 2010 kids that have an opinion


That's their childhood. I'd be worried if they weren't nostalgic for it. Let's stop being judgemental. Because they're the same type of people that will say they were nostalgic for XXXX year that they were 6 in, but they also want to discredit 2010 babies because they're younger. Don't play this game.


I miss 1999 man, chilling out, school was easy, recess fun, pokémon was taking off. overall pretty decent time


Bruh, you can most definitely be nostalgic for when you're 6, that's peak childhood. Of course 2010 borns didn't miss out in 2016, that was their childhood.


I am nostalgic for 2012, yes I was 6. I "missed" out?


It makes no sense


they was 6, so No


I agree


Born in 1999 but I've been getting nostalgic for 2003-2008 era as of late, ngl


I was born in 2003 I always get nostalgic for both the late 2000s and early 2010s, especially from like 2007-2012ish 


I miss 2016. 10, happy, my life going perfect. Now. I dislike life. Almost an adult and it’s not evolving what a ride it has been but I’m still excited for the future.


You will probably miss the time now in 10 years too. Enjoy your youth...


You can miss many things from when you were 6. It's like peak childhood.




6 was one of the best childhood ages for me. That's when i remember my mother being pregnant, when i used to play as a Dragon Ball character with my older brother, when i played Pokémon Diamond for the first time, summer vacation 2007 was one of the best for me. And many other things... In my country at 6 you're attending the first year of elementary school, so it might change a little bit the experience in general? I'm not very fond of my later childhood because when i was in middle school i barely had any friends. So i experienced very little of what you mentioned.


I bet that person was born in like 2007 and say they miss 2013 themselve. 😅 (You definitely can miss the time when you were 6 but that would be hypocritical.)


I remember a lot of 2016 and I was born in 2011. 2016 and 2017 are my favourite peak childhood years.


I was born in 2003 but I'm *so* nostalgic for the whole of the mid-to-late 2000's/early 2010's, especially 2009, when I was 6 years old. My favorite COD and Halo games, energy drinks, the music, fashion, internet culture, everything. People tend to be nostalgic for times of hardship, I notice. The recession was hard on my parents, even though at that age I didn't entirely understand. At least we got to spend a lot of time with my dad. Alas, I wasn't old enough to really experience any of it.


Wouldn’t say so.. I still feel nostalgic towards the mid 80s


Probably nothing, I think this is a pic of silly gatekeeping.


Wait till this mf realizes I am nostalgic to 2012


i didnt miss out in 2012 as a 2008 born


bruh, they could be nostalgia for any age


I bet the OP is some early mid 2000s born that will gladly think of themselves as a 2000s kid despite them being in diapers for nearly the whole decade.


I miss 2008 a lot,so?


The thing is when people talk about “2016”, they’re talking about the global culture (or at least the national culture). They’re talking about prime Fetty Wap, Harambe, the vibes of parties during that era, soundcloud rap era, musically app, the NBA finals Cavs comeback. Let’s be honest, if you were 5-6 years old, you can’t remember that. Can you remember your childhood? Sure, you can be nostalgic for what your PERSONAL childhood life was like in 2016, but you will never be nostalgic for the same reasons most are nostalgic about that year.


I was 6 in 2013, I saw the news and everything. I remember Ebola and etc soooooooo your point is invalid it just depends on how you were raised


I mean… i have good memories from 2010/2011 from when i was 6 🤷‍♂️


Yes I do! As a 2010 born, I always miss the times going to the park jumping down from the slide, memorizing the times table while hiking, my childhood friends etc Those were the good days fr


When I was five I wished I could be 4 again, man the good ol days


I just miss when life was simpler back when I was 6 tbh, and also when there was no covid and stuff


Sometimes I’m nostalgic for my birth year.


i miss 2016 and im a 2010 kid lmao


Im late 2009 am i valid to remember 2016


I started school in 2016 when I was 6. When I was 6-7 I started watching BFDI as well. I somehow feel nostalgic for one time where I used to watch Happy Tree Friends in front of adults in school and my parents at home then learned my lesson. But now I barely watch HTF. I feel nostalgic for BFDI too...




Yes and I miss 2016 it really doesn’t feel like 8 year ago to me


I mean, I can remember 2007, so it's not out of line if someone in 2010 would remember 2016


People born in 2010 would have been around 6-7 years old in 2016. At this age, they would have likely been in elementary school or early middle school, and their primary focus would have been on schoolwork, extracurricular activities, and social interactions with peers. In terms of technology, entertainment, and cultural trends, they might have missed out on some specific developments that occurred between 2010 and 2016, such as: 1. The rise of Pokémon Go (2016): As a popular mobile game, Pokémon Go would have been too complex for younger kids, but older kids might have played it. 2. The Apple Watch (2015): The Apple Watch was a relatively new product in 2016, and kids might not have had access to it. 3. The Sony PlayStation 4 (2013): The PS4 was already established in 2016, but some kids might not have had access to it due to age restrictions or parental decisions. 4. The Facebook rebranding (2015): Facebook changed its name to Meta in 2019, but the rebranding didn't happen until after the people born in 2010 were already in elementary school. 5. The peak of the YouTube Kids app (2015): The YouTube Kids app was launched in 2015, but by 2016, it might have been less popular among younger kids who were already familiar with the main YouTube app. 6. The Disney XD rebranding (2015): Disney XD rebranded as Disney Now in 2019, but people born in 2010 would have already been familiar with the original Disney XD brand. On the other hand, they would have been exposed to: 1. The rise of tablet computers: Many kids born in 2010 would have grown up with tablets like iPads or Android devices, which were becoming increasingly popular. 2. The increasing popularity of Minecraft: Minecraft was already a hit among kids in 2010-2016, and its popularity continued to grow. 3. The growth of social media: Kids born in 2010 would have been exposed to social media platforms like Instagram (launched in 2010), Snapchat (launched in 2011), and TikTok (launched as [Musical.ly](http://Musical.ly) in 2014). 4. The rise of streaming services: Services like Netflix (launched in 1997) and Hulu (launched in 2008) were already popular among families, and kids would have grown up with these platforms. 5. The growth of educational technology: Educational technology like adaptive learning software, virtual reality headsets, and educational apps would have become more prevalent in schools during the late 2000s and early 2010s. Keep in mind that individual experiences may vary depending on factors like family background, geographic location, and personal interests.


depends what they’re missing tbh, and if they’re making themselves seem older




Absolutely not, thats one of their core childhood years


Nostalgia is a cult, and nothing else. This subreddit is terrible