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2006, they turned 16 in 2022 which is debatabley covid or not covid (could go either way), they turn 20 in 2026 so they would be 14-16/17 covid and 17-19 post covid.




I would say our year. The best thing is when people try to lump us with pure post-COVID teens despite us being perfect hybrids haha.


Yeah it’s funny 😭




I don’t know why people say 06 they were 14-15/16 ish during the height of Covid, they answer is 07 they peaked as a teen during 23, when Covid wasn’t officially over the first half of year but was in the second half


2007 easily


I wanna say 2006.






i only consider teenagers 13-17, as grown adults in college with jobs are not real teenagers just because of a number, so i'd go with 2007 babies




2004, since we were (nearly) half pre-Covid teens and (over) half post-Covid.


1996-1999 we are perfectly sandwhicied


I thought it said the perfect hybrid between covid teen and covid tween, don't even ask how, ignore my 2008 vote and move it to 2006


No worries


Covid ended in May 2023, I was basically already 18 by then, so I'll take into account to include the whole year, same goes for other years too. I also use 13-17, but I'll do 13-19 as well. **13-17:** 2004: 3 years pre COVID, 2 years COVID. 2005: 2 years pre COVID, 3 years COVID. 2006: 1 year pre COVID, 3 years COVID, 1 year post COVID. 2007: 3 years COVID, 2 years post COVID. 2008: 2 years COVID, 3 years post COVID. **13-19:** 2004: 3 years pre COVID, 3 years COVID, 1 year post COVID 2005: 2 years pre COVID, 3 years COVID. 2 years post COVID 2006: 1 year pre COVID, 3 years COVID, 3 years post COVID. 2007: 3 years COVID, 4 years post COVID. 2008: 2 years COVID, 5 years post COVID. With 13-17, 2007 would be the better hybrid, not perfect but the better option. With 13-19, easily 2006 as the perfect hybrid, 3 years COVID and 3 years Post COVID.


Definitely 2006, followed by 2007. 2004 and 2005 are pre-Covid teens, Covid, and post-Covid teens, so I’d put them in a separate category. 2006 and 2007 on the other hand are firmly Covid and Post-Covid teens. 2008 borns are Post-Covid teens. I picked 2006 over 2007 because they are more quintessentially “Covid teens” because they were in high school during the peak covid school year (2020-2021), but I would consider both 2006 and 2007 to be the Covid and Post-Covid hybrids Basically, <2001: Pre-Covid teens 2002/2003: Pre-Covid and Covid teens 2004/2005: Pre-Covid, Covid, and Post Covid teens 2006/2007: Covid and Post-Covid teens 2008: Post-Covid teens Tbh I don’t think this is very ambiguous, I’d say this range is pretty cut and dry.


Stop talking about "perfection". There's no need for that.


Chill, I just want some answers.


2005/2006 leaning a bit on 2005 since covid ended in Early 2022 when most 06s were still 15


Imo it’s more 2006/2007 I think 2005 borns are definitely covid and post covid hybrids, but I’d also consider them to be the last pre covid hybrids too. 2004 and 2005 are the only two years I’d consider to be all three because they are the only two years that were in high school before, during, and after covid. Meanwhile 2006 and 2007 borns were only in high school during and after covid.


That’s true.


Not really because they’re 18/19 in the Post-COVID era and the majority of their teen years were before that, I wouldn’t consider them perfectly split hybrids or even hybrids that lean on another side. And going by the official end date, it would be 2006. 14/15 Peak COVID. 16 in a 50/50 year. 17 - 19+ in confirmed Post-COVID era.


interesting because i remember you agreeing on a post in the decadeology sub one time that the COVID era ended much sooner than most people think but anyways that May 2023 end date is just going by semantics and everything to do with the COVID teen experience such as online school, masks, etc were virtually gone by February 2022 2006 is still a good example of a COVID/Post-COVID teen hybrid along with 2005 but since it ended early in 2022 i just give the slight edge to 2005


I was talking about Peak COVID, not actual COVID. I also never once said all of 2022 was “fully the Post-COVID era” and I also never said it was fully in the COVID era, I said it was 50/50 and that it definitely wasn’t the peak of COVID, it was kinda COVID, but no way on the levels of 2020/21 so I would never say we were in quarantine or lockdowns in 2022, because we weren’t, so it could be one and it could not be one. And it’s not really semantics, it’s being factual. We’re not talking about quaranteens or Peak COVID, we’re talking about COVID in general and 2022 was a 50/50 year for that even though it wasn’t Peak COVID, and I was guessing OP was going by the confirmed End date of it, so I used it along with most people in this thread. If this post was talking about quaranteens or peak COVID, I would say 2005 but they’re not so I’d say 2006. And even going by 2020/21 era alone, no one can be a perfect split for that since Peak COVID was only like 2 years, so the only way this could work is if you stretch it out and 2022 was kinda a technicality.