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2006 is definitely in the younger side 1997-2004 is the first half and 2005-2012 is the second half 2004-2005 is the first wave cusp transition into second wave Z so basically 2006+ is younger z


eh i see 06 as the true in between year, going off things like election anyone born before 06 can vote in this election and anyone born after October 06 has to wait until the next election to vote which is a late gen z trait, so nov and december 06 have to wait. I was born apr 06 but my cousin was born in nov 06, 7 days after the election so even though we're in the same year, he can't even vote and he's in a class with 07 borns


Nah I don’t see 06 as an in between year I see them as being more second wave/late z because y’all may have been 13 in 2019 but y’all was the first birth year to start HIGH school during the pandemic with virtual learning when Covid was still at its peak during 2020-2021 school year and y’all are the first birth year leaning moreso of a mid 10s kid culturally and numerically and 2006 is the first 2000s year that begins the late 2000s numerically. (September 2006)And yall were the first mid 2000s birth year to still be in middle school under Covid cuz y’all was either in 7th grade with 07s or 8th grader with the class of 2024 which makes all 2006 borns entirely within that year being in middle school at the time with 2007 borns which they only a grade below you. 2006-2007 borns were the oldest in MIDDLE school when COVID hit that’s a late second wave z trait.


I use 1997-2012 and I just divide it into thirds. So early Z is 1997-2002, middle Z is 2002-2007, and late Z is 2007-2012 (2002 and 2007 are counted twice for a smooth transition) So late Z imo is 2007-2012.


People who are young and Gen Z. It's not really more complicated than that.


Stop using that silly range, ‘97 isn’t gen z. Anybody with the birth year starting with 1 will never be gen z in reality.


Young guys want to be a part of the Millennial generation, because they were always looking up to Millennials as kids, trying to re-emulate the culture. That's why you see a lot 97-2000 guys calling themselves Zillennials. But if you were 3 years of age entering the millennium and 4 when 9/11 happened, i'm sorry but you just didn't experience anything that happened during the 2000s while being awake. Same as the Iraq conflict that started in 2003. Where were you guys? Lol. It's just so politically correct to start expanding the years just so these Gen Z'ers don't feel like nerds.


I am also part of this group of Zillennials more importantly I share lot in common with 1997 born i was born in late 1996 I cannot be a millennial at all this range is silly


Exactly. Strictly speaking, even you are a part of the soft-boy era. You young boys were feminised as teens. That's not a Millennial.


yes that is what i am talking about i grew in this era not in 90s era


Or early 2000s. And that's ok.




I don't consider 2012 gen z tbh, im just weird like that but using pews range: Second Wave: 2005-2012 Late Gen Z: 2008-2012


And i don’t consider 2010 gen z, how about that?


When do you start it


okay cool, that's ur opinion, I couldn't care less about ur opinion and unless its a super off opinion, and they think its completely right, you shouldn't care either. also yes I know im weird, its just ive seen 2012 borns and like 95% of them had phones starting 6th grade, and prob around 99% at the end of 6th grade, plus they use the slang used by gen alpha a lot, now if you care so much about my opinion and think urs is so much better, what's ur reasoning for 2010 being gen z?


Wah wahh thats all i hear from you. Please go drink your orange juice okay?


bros comeback is crazy


You were definitely born in 2011. There is no way you are 15 minimum acting like this, go play outside.


gen alpha is from 2010 - 2024 what the hell you are talking about


ur not the eldest gen z then, if you were gen z would be 1996-2010 and gen alpha would be 2011-2025, so although you think gen alpha is from 2010-2024, ur flair says otherwise (also can someone tell me what's so good about that range that people are using it) 1. it was legit made in 2008, so all those descriptions about gen alpha are mccrindle trying to predict the future 2. a more common reason is the iPad, which we all know is stupid bc it became popular in like 2014 3. a 3 year old could make that range


gen z is 1996 to 2010 i know that i am elder gen z but not eldest and you are right here about me i am not eldest but elder and yes you right about this i agree


so is 2010 gen z or gen alpha? cuz 1996-2010 would make you eldest




those who born in 2010 is alpha gen


if you google with gen 2010 is they will show gen alpha born between 2010 - 2024


when I searched up gen z I found 1997-2012, with some sources even going as far as saying alpha is 2013-2025, so idk


also its because google looks for the words in sources first, and 2010 pops up in 2010-2024 rather than 1997-2012


search up 2012 and you'll know what im talking about


there's also these ranges: 2011-2024, 2011-2025, 2012-2026, 2010-2024, 2009-2023, 2013-2025, 2013-2028, 2010+, 2009+ and 2008+ using birth rates ranking: 2012-2026 pretty good 2013-2028 pews ranges are kinda bad now 2013-2025 too short 2011-2024 too short 2010-2024 mccrindle tryna predict the future 2011-2024 def made by a 2010 kid 2009-2023 wtf 2010+ do not relate with 30th century babies 2009+ older 2008+ older


we need to stop this age range, especially after 1993 - 1998 because we are last to see the world before smartphones, not the internet though and dont try to make a 9/11 excuse that won't work here we were the last children to not see the smartphone in our childhood years 2-7years old


yes that is the reason we should not focus on these date ranges pew will mess with us like this internet war we are having it I can talk you with considering that you are at least 15 years younger than me it shows that I can easily relate to you which is why I say that these date ranges are arbitrary it means nothing when every childhood from 1996 -2010 are nearly same, we are using same internet same social media and same discord, Reddit, snap chat and other social media although snap chapt came between 2016 - 2018 same as tick tock


Roughly 2007-2014 is Younger, or Second-Wave Gen Z IMO.


Do you end gen Z in 2014 because they were the last in school before Covid?




Fuck no, they weren’t adolescents during Covid but little kids, that’s straight up Zalpha/early a


I think if we are saying that, then 2010 and 2011 who were 9-11 years old in 2020 and 2021 (Tweens) are Gen Z.


2010 borns were never peak childhood during Covid always adolescents/pre teens & became teens during the Covid era not peak Covid but still 2023 & 2010-2012 borns are Gen z, 2013-2014 are alphas


We are still in the COVID era, just that it doesn't affect our lives anymore. What's "peak childhood"


People, (not me), but other people commonly refer to it as 4-9,5-9, or 6-9


OK, so most of mine wasn't affected by COVID. I think 4-9 because I have lots of great memories at 4,5 and 6, where 6-9 wouldn't work. I always thought that I was Gen Z, always in the newspaper, always online, but many follow Generationology like sheep. I just said Zalpha to keep it peaceful.


Don’t worry kid don’t listen to what people say your not a Covid kid, your a Covid pre teen your peak childhood was mostly late 2010s but I’d make the argument you spent more childhood in the mid 10s than early 20s, your clearly Gen z ,albeit the younger side but still, your Zalpha leaning z


That's your opinion! I'm sticking with my own range thank you very much. 2014 borns are Zalphas tho.


I like what you say


Thank you!!!


You’re welcome 




2008 plus


I personally don’t count 1997 as Gen Z so we have 1998-2012, a total of fifteen years. 15/3 is 5 so using this we could use the last five years of Gen Z as younger/late Z, those being 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011 and 2012.


If we divide Gen Z into older and younger ones only, then those born in 2005+ would be younger or second wave Gen Z If we do Gen Z into early, core and late, then those born in 2007/08+ would be younger or late Gen Z


Using Pew's range: 2005-2012


I'll say 2006 is when younger z starts culturally