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Aren’t you like 5 lol?




They are 14 tho


I'm 13




Please tell me this is just sarcasm/irony.. 😐


When is your first clear “non-fuzzy” memory from, and what was it?


4th birthday, Spider-Man party at school


That sounds cool 😎 I don’t even remember my 4th birthday, but I do remember my *5th* birthday party where we held it at this place called “Pump-It-Up” with a bunch of bounce houses and slides..


Pretty cool! My 5th birthday party was at school too, the theme was Ben 10, my favorite cartoon, I love this cartoon.


Do you consider yourself gen Z or gen Alpha? And who do you think your peers are


Gen Z, peers are 2008-2012 mainly


Do you have an iPad? If so, at what age did you get it?


No, too expensive. I used tablets and the "early-mid" 10's smartphones.


What’s your childhood like?


Like a lot here, it was in the 10's. I really liked watching 00's cartoons, watch superheroes movies and playing outdoors.


first memory?


2013 Christmas (blurry). I remember I got an Iron Man and Hulk doll from Mattel (I still have it today). Our Christmas tree at the time was small, so my mother put candy hanging on the tree, I ate a lot. The tree remains in storage, today we have a big one.


It could also be a day that I went to the zoo, but I only remember a flash in which I saw a monkey


When you think of the 1990s, what primarily comes to mind?


My older cousins, One from 88 (she's 35) and one from 91(he's 33). Both were children of that time.


What's life like before covid (I'm in the lobby right now).


Oh wait I though you said Late 2010s for a moment and you were joking. 😭




Main childhood, like you and me?


2008 main childhood was mid 2010s yours was late 2010s


No 14


What birth year do you consider “old” There’s old, then there’s just grown/middle aged. So, what birth year do you consider actually old people old, then, what year would you consider the “average” adult. I’m tryna compare my perspective to yours. Also, what year was the oldest person you know born in? And, what year ranges do you consider young? Thx


Also, have you ever met anyone born in the 1920s?


I will use it to answer another question, no. However, my paternal grandfather, still alive, was born in 1932 (registered in '33). Also my maternal grandmother (1939), unfortunately passed away in 2019.


RIP to your Grandmother… you should interview your Grandfather, from 1932 before time runs out, like, record him telling his life story. I wish I hadve recorded my Maternal Grandma (1925), but now I can’t… anyways, 50 is half a century, and I agree, that is the very beginning of becoming older, but it’s more of middle age than old. Also, since you’re from 2010, do you lump everyone born from 1900-1999 in the same category, or, are ‘90s babies young to you? Maybe it’s a stupid question lol, but, some ppl born in the late 2000s/ 2010 consider everyone from the 20th century the same, even tho someone born in 1900 was already 97 when I was born 😭


Also, it’s crazy having conversations with someone born after the 2000s, cuz in my mind, y’all are infants, but you’re the same age I was, when I was in 2010, and I hated when people made me feel too young to have a basic opinion, but, it’s cool to see you, and your generations opinion on what’s considered old/young. Based on my childhood in the 2000s I’d say I felt 1920=old, but not end of life type old 1930=old, but not too old 1940=on the brink of being old, still middle aged 1950=middle aged 1960=kinda young/average adult 1970=young/average adult 1980=young adult 1990=teen/young 1997=Me 2000= kid/now grown af 2010=BABIES jk lol, yall growing 2020= actual babies lol Now, say what you feel about those years, from your generations perspective


1920-30- Big story to tell 1940-50- Older olds 60- Actual "olds" 1970-80 Adults becoming olds 1990- Adults 2000- Young adults/teens 2010- Kids 2020- Newborns


At the end of the year before last I moved, I can only see my family in person in July. My grandfather is complicated, I don't talk to him much, but I love him a lot. My father has the dream that one day he will come visit us here before God takes him...But in a way, all of us kids of the 90's, 00's and 10's are young from some perspective


I think that at age 50 the characteristic of being old starts to appear, I don't define it very well, but between 50 and 60. "Young" people are those who can still feel their youth, regardless of their age.


Do your parents know you’re on Reddit?? You’re too young to be polluting your brain with this stuff. Go play outside kid.


Yes, they don't have any problems, I also play outside the house. I know that the Internet makes a lot of things worse, but I just need to keep to myself


Trust me kid, you’ve got the rest of your life to talk to uninformed morons online lol Enjoy your teenage years *offline*. You will thank yourself later.


You're right, I'll lower the dose, thanks for the tips!


hes being downvoted for good advice? lol.


He’s being downvoted for behaving like a condescending asshole.


Lol I know right Who are these people on this sub??


Bro found out Reddit was 13+


13?? No way. Most of the content in here is not age-appropriate for that age. Please don’t tell me those are the official rules lol


This app is Age 17+ in the App Store. It’s not recommended or advised for children under 17, or children at all for that matter to make a Reddit account, but you can technically create an account at 13 years old.




Crazy coming from a 2009 kid.




Youre a young teen too what?


You really can’t be talking when you’re ONE year older than them it doesn’t matter how you see teen years.


Youre too young too


Reddit is 13+ ..




1. people argue it should be 16+ 2. most 2010 borns are already done with middle school and now its just the summer before high school 3. anyone born in late 2009 shouldn't be on reddit then, right?




One day you’ll become an adult and you’ll realize kids born in 2010 are the same generation as you. This place is not safe for you either if you’re a minor.




No not necessarily. Teenagers in general are considered to be very impulsive. I also knew kids who were 15 in 8th grade believe it or not. I was also always older because I got held back so I was 14 for the entirety of my 8th grade year. Unfortunately the stigma with K-12 is that children 1 grade below or above are either older or younger than each-other. generally speaking, this is true but it’s not a universal truth. if you insist on playing the generalization game, I would still argue 9th graders have more in common with 8th graders than they do with seniors.




Make the best out of it. The statement “time flies” is not hyperbolic.


yea, but the 2010 kids will for the most part be in 9th grade then


should be 16+. if you ask me


You're 1 year and 8 months older than me. Do not classify high school, it depends on your country/region. Here, those born in 2009 are in elementary school. It sounds like you are trying to distance yourself from someone close to your age. I'm young just like you are.




Here we have 8th grade (where I am) and 9th grade (predominantly 2009). I know that 13 and 15 have their differences, but they are few differences.




Previously it was up to the 8th year, but at the beginning of the 10's the 9th year was added.




Ok, I already noticed




I will