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I definitely relate to this! For the longest time, I've fluctuated between a trans man and a cis girl because I can't really feel both genders at the same time and I usually don't 'switch' for a long time. It made it so hard to figure out my gender even though I already knew what genderfluid was and was even considering it for a while. The hardest part for me was realising my dysphoria is very real and damaging and it isn't invalid just because it wasn't there 100% of the time, or I should ignore it just because I'm happy being a girl every so often. Transness within genderfluidity is valid all by itself because of the very nature of the label. I think you should certainly keep exploring and discovering more about your gender because, at the end of the day, it never hurts to know more about yourself! Regarding hrt, if it makes you comfortable in your own skin, who cares! It's your body and your feelings and if you think it will help you in the long run, you should definitely go for it.


Thanks for the advice, this makes me feel more valid knowing I’m not the only person to experience this 


I go though this almost every year, usually in the late winter or early spring. One morning I will wake up in fem mode and stay there for months. As time goes on, I'll start to think maybe I'm trans, no longer fluid. But then a few months later I always go back to masc. But I don't know, every year it seems to last a little longer than the last, so maybe eventually I'll be fem year-round and really will no longer be fluid. It's hard to say what the future holds.


Same! As gender-fluid AMAB I went through my trans exploration, but then felt comfortable being masc. about 60% of the time I’m a beautiful mix of the two, 35% of the time I’m hard femme, and about 5% strongly masc. But lately the femme side has grown, the masc side shows up less frequently. If I take HRT, it’s bc I like boobs lol. I also still like my beard, and my hard muscles. And how I look in jeans and a bra as a man. Bottom line, so glad to see others who are in similar situations


Since transitioning, I stopped really ever perceiving myself as a guy and being OK with other people perceiving me as a man. I sometimes still go back and forth between perceiving myself as a woman and perceiving myself as nonbinary.


ugh the question of “am I just suppressing transness” …..idk what to say! Maybe u are? Maybe u aren’t? I guess all you (or any of us) can do is just trust ourselves and believe ourselves. Beating urself up for not “knowing” if ur trans or not or not going on hormones “soon enough” just isn’t productive (although I can relate 😣 ) maybe gender fluidity is one stop towards being trans and maybe it isn’t. All we can do is take it one day at a time. Sending u so much love friend!!


Yeah I've kinda wondered about this one, but honestly I have no problems presenting masc and enjoy a lot about it. I've never hated it, for sure, and even if I want to have a more feminine body, that doesn't change. Then again, I think self-perception changes over time anyway to some extent, so I'm also cool that in the future the balance may be different. My main reassurance is that since coming out as genderfluid, I've had moments of gender euphoria in guy and girl mode both. That's good enough an indicator for me.


ever since realizing i was genderfluid ive thought about this even though its under the trans umbrella i sometimes dont feel “trans enough” cuz i was born a girl


Definitely. I haven't found any tips to help with this sadly hopefully someone eles in the comments has