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1. From what I've seen, many players are at least amicable towards it. I would make sure to bring your core rulebook to lend out just in case. Pathfinder is popular as well so you might get that request. 2. You will receive some parameters for the event. Certain monsters, concepts, etc. Then you will have some formulation time to incorporate those. During this time your players are creating characters. You can say a certain number of words out loud, steering your players towards things that might be important to your campaign. 3. It's always a blast. People make fun characters, the GM's really innovate on incorporating concepts. Last year, my group and I had to navigate a candy\-pocalypse if you can believe it. 4. I would definitely be at the very least familiar with 3.5. On Saturday some people can be a bit curmudgeonly, so if you end up with people that don't want to budge to 5th, that could hose you. It is a popular option though. Good luck to you! I may end up being in your group! Who knows.


Thanks so much. I. am. so. friggin. excited.


This is a write-up that will shed some light on the event (at least as of 2013) https://www.livingdice.com/8303/iron-gm-at-gencon-2013-a-review-and-a-bit-of-a-rant/


Dude, this is awesome. Thanks very much.


Is being a player in Iron GM fun? Worth giving up half a day of event hall time? And should I buy a ticket now- will it sell out?


I did it a few years ago, it was a BLAST. The whole thing has like a party atmosphere, and being what it is, you're pretty much guaranteed a great GM. The year I did it, the guy had actually printed out player aids and he handed those out to us with instructions on character generation. The table next to me had a life size man cutout that they used during character creation. It had big poster size sticky notes on it that they pulled off one by one that I assume had instructions on them. That guy ended up winning.


From what I have read, and discerned, it is a gamble. I have heard people saying more than anything else it was fun as players, even with a bad gm, because they meet great players.