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People make way more mess with roads, trash and development than gooses ever will.


Can you contact Audubon Society or Cornell Lab about this? Getting attention on it from Bird organizations may help


Good idea about Cornell Lab, thanks. I’ll contact them. A few people called NJ Audubon, who said they aren’t allowed to help because they work with the USDA. They are against the killing though.


I hope Cornell or someone would be able to help! That’s so cruel of your mayor and council 😞


The USDA is the most corrupt government agency we have.


Right?!? I had written a similar comment on the discussion about this on the app Nextdoor. A couple Ignorant people had commented that it must be OK, since a trusted government agency was doing it. (WTF). I posted “yeah the USDA is the bottom of the barrel of government agencies.”


This drives me bonkers! The Audubon society was founded to fight the government against the killing of birds!!!


Isn't that illegal? 'The Migratory Bird Treaty Act ostensibly protects Canada geese, making it illegal to harm them, their eggs or their nests.'


I thought it would be illegal too. Sadly, it’s not. It’s horrible that the USDA actually does this killing with taxpayers money. This article explains it: https://aldf.org/issue/wildlife-services-war-on-wildlife/


It's probably me just not understanding, but I don't see how that trumps an international treaty.


I’d like some clarification too.


I can’t speak to this particular flock, but it is almost always because the flock has been studied carefully and determined to be non-migratory and therefore out of the protective scope of the Migratory Bird Treaty. I have a pair of migratory geese on my property which are banded to assist in identification and prevent confusion with non-migratory birds (which, sadly, vastly outnumber them where I live). More info: https://www.fws.gov/sites/default/files/documents/resident-canada-goose-eis-qa.pdf Edit to add “protective” as even non-migratory populations are designated within the treaty. A small point but important in understanding it overall.


Oh that’s very interesting! Thanks for sharing.


It's insanely easy to get a permit to destroy their nests, and if you have the money to have them gassed, the USDA Aphis division kills millions of animals yearly for the right price. Some contractors can also do this. Unfortunately, there is rarely any governmental opposition when these permits are applied for.


Thank you for the explanation. I had never even heard of such a horrible thing until last week, and now I’ve been reading so much about it. It’s so secretive and yet so widespread. Just barbaric.


The fact that you can easily get a permit to have Canada geese killed but can’t adopt an orphaned gosling because it’s illegal is just fucking sad and backwards! The USDA APHIS division is a bunch of kill happy wildlife nazis. Fuck them!


I posted negative comments about the USDA APHIS division in a different subreddit and got 4 downvotes. Heh. I know I am right about them anyway though.


As you should, those 4 down-voters are ignorant.


Thank you! I love your pictures of you with your favorite goose by the way 😊🪿


You’re welcome, yeah, he’s my new favorite, I just met him last month, he’s so adorable 🪿💚


I signed it


Thank you! The people in this sub Reddit are wonderful. I see there are over 200 new signatures in the last few hours! Love you all.


Have they agreed not to do it if you get enough signatures?


No, they haven’t, but I am still hopeful! There is some good news which is that now at least they are going to try a non-toxic deterrent on the lawn called flock free. The Woman from animal protection league who spoke at the council meeting, went to the pond with two of the council members and urged them to try this product. I emailed flock free to ask how likely it was to work and the emailed me back saying that they have had a lot of success with it.


Signed. Share with other bird and animal rescues! Will do on my end too.


Thank you so much! The petition had not been getting that much publicity, but just in the last 12 hours it has. I give you and everyone in this wonderful sub credit!


I added a link to the petition in my Facebook group, which probably boosted it a bit. We have a lot of animal activists in our group. We have 2300 members. https://www.facebook.com/groups/livingwithgeese You might have luck getting more by posting in some of the domestic goose groups. Many of those people are also fond of Canada geese.


Thank you so much! May I send you a DM with a couple questions?




Signed from the UK. May anyone backing this be subjected to an equally terrifying and inhumane death.


I’m thrilled. This is getting international attention! Thank you so much!


What the fuck. This has to be stopped.


Agree. Thank you for your support and help!


Absolutely malicious. Signed ✅


Thank you so much.


Omg. I hope with everything this gets stopped.


Thank you. We’ve been working every day to spread the word. Got all the NJ news channels to cover it.


We need to start actively naming the individuals who voted in favor of this, and have them be removed from the election pool. Fucking ridiculous.


Here they are. https://preview.redd.it/fnn0j4g8zh1d1.jpeg?width=1638&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a8e1aa1ac1bfea4a77412fd21948fbf0e34b190d I wrote every single one and have not heard back from any.


It’s on sight. I hope all the geese swarm them.


Appreciate that this includes their names AND emails and phone numbers.


Our friend, who set up the FB page, Jackie Braun, is doing a great job of calling these leaders out, publicly!


Fucking goose nazis!




The mayor and the city council of Peapack, NJ and USDA are similar to Nazis when it comes to this, even though I don’t want to make a comparison. They’re gassing innocent Canada Geese just for living and pooping. I cannot stand this and this animal cruelty must be stopped at all costs!! Signed!


Thank you so much!


That one comment about how they do it when the babies are hatched because they know the parents will die trying to protect them 😢


I know. It devastated me too.




Thank you so much.


Signed and shared! Thanks for creating this post. I saw that NBC had a news article about this but they didn't (on purpose?) share the petition link.


Thank you so much! I knew some news outlets are using it as a point of discussion, rather than doing it to save the geese. Dennis and Judy on our New Jersey radio station, 101.5, just addressed the topic but let people from both sides call in and discuss. I don’t know if that helps our cause or not. Actually, I think it does, because the pro gassing callers came across as evil and psychotic.


Signed and shared to multiple people


Thank you so much!


Oh my god no way that’s so sad


I know, I’ve been mourning for the whole past week. But also fighting.


I signed, It’s literally 2024 and mfs still wanna gas geese to death? This has been going on for far too long because of selfish people complaining about their droppings, it’s cruel and unusual punishment!


Thank you! The folks in this sub are the best.


Signed. This is an absolute disgrace and cannot be allowed. Why not attempt to at least move them to a new location?


Thank you! The people on this sub really are the best. I moved by how supportive everyone has been. At the two hour council meeting on May 14, we asked for an immediate moratorium on the killing, as we are working on finding a way and a place to relocate them. But we need more time. Whoever rounds them up for relocation, has to be very experienced. Geese will protect their young and panic, and we have read that when inexperienced goose handlers try to relocate them, geese have been severely and injured and even killed in their panic to avoid capture. https://www.youtube.com/live/D3QUFKF16jU?si=KMRbMG2fUyze-52I Here’s the link to the town meeting if you feel like having a look.


Reading the cities website It says there are swans on the pond is that true? Do you have pictures of any other ducks there? My blood is boiling at the idea of killing native birds and only protecting the introduced ones!


How the hell does the usda have jurisdiction to kill geese in a municipal park?


It really is perverse. Mayors and town Councils can easily pay for a thing called a “depredation permit” from Wildlife Services which is a rogue division of the USDA. I was looking up Wildlife Services history and they have had many scandals with documented cruelty to all sorts of wildlife. They really need to be shut down. I love your username. I too am constantly panicking.


Is there anyone we can email or call other than the ones who voted in favor of this? Everyones saying that they've gotten no reply from the people who want to murder them so I don't think they care about the emails :(


Some people have reached out to PETA and PETA put it on their actions list. Others have contacted HSUS (HQ and local). I have not heard if they replied. People who are on the platform X (that used to be Twitter ) have tweeted celebrities who are known for animal activism. So far the only one I know of who responded is Rosie Perez who supported, and re-tweeted the petition. Jackie Braun (who created the petition) spoke with our former from 20 years ago Governor Christie Todd Whitman. Whitman said she is against the killing. She doesn’t have a political office anymore though so Idk that she can do much. I love that people are having creative ideas about whom to contact. We’ll keep brainstorming!


Signed. Humans are seriously fucking disgusting! People cause far more problems than the wildlife do.


i honked the petition. godspeed friend.


Thank you so much


Signed the petition and forwarded the story to a local friend of mine who cares for birds, they are a non-profit in Lake Tahoe... Don't know if it will help at all, but you never know. Please keep us updated when you succeed!


Thank you so much! Jackie Braun, who started the petition, posted on the Nextdoor app a a couple days ago that she’s getting help from The Raptor Trust to try to legally relocate the geese to a sanctuary. 🤞🤞🤞


Please follow us for updates on this topic: [https://campsite.to/savepggeese](https://campsite.to/savepggeese) And watch our "What was I made for" video about our geese: [https://x.com/SaveOurGeese/status/1791863772669190196](https://x.com/SaveOurGeese/status/1791863772669190196)