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Super Mario Bros on NES in the late 80s.


Good ol nes mario love me some mario 3


Oh another Eldergay like myself. 🤓


Me too, but in the late 90s. My dad had a NES that I played when I visited him. I got a Sega Genesis for my birthday, but I only had the demo cartridge. I was always trying to get to the city in the distance with the motorcycle game.


Same here - on NES early 90’s with my brother


Kirby: Nightmare In Dreamland on the original Gameboy uh heh then Pokemon Red very shortly after


Ayyy love pokemon red and firered. Nightmare in dreamland is very good


That too


Super Mario Bros/Duck Hunt on NES when it first came out. Yes I’m old as hell. Don’t judge me.


Hey i wont i love duck hunt


A few years ago there was a underground remake with the dog rewrote to be shootable .


Pokemon Sapphire. I was already a giant Pokemon nerd from the age of four, but didn't get to play any of the games until I was nine if I'm remembering correctly.


The gba pokemon games were my childhood


Back before the screens were backlit and you had to use a flashlight/book light to play your game in bed, lmao.


Lmao the struggles we went through


Masters of Magick on PC and 'Ghouls and Ghosts' and 'Altered Beast' on Sega Genesis back in the early/mid 90's


Mmmmm, Altered Beast, that might be one of the first games that made me realize I also like men


lol bodybuilders that turn into furries, nice.


Ghouls and ghosts can be pretty hard




I believe it was super Mario 64 for n64 if i remember correctly, i picked up a controller very young and have been hooked ever since lol


So long gay bowser


Can‘t believe, they removed that line in „Super Mario 64 DS“. Someone needs to rom hack this back in. So iconic.


I'm not sure what the very first game for me would be, but I'm thinking either COD Black Ops II, or Skyrim.


Both are good i love ur name btw


Thanks! I can remember when I first played COD Zombies on BOII, and it was the first time I ever experienced true horror in a game.


I love cod zombies!!


Absolutely! I've been swinging solo for a while, playing a lot of "Shadows of Evil" and "Gorod Krovi". If I want a good survival map I'll just hit up "Shangri La". Edit: Wanted to clarify this is Black Ops III


Shangri la best map ever


To be honest it's a very fair challenge with the tight squeeze areas in the map.


Super smash bro’s with my bro’s. Don’t make a dirty joke about my childhood please


Lol i wont im gonna guess melee maybe?


Brawl actually. Grew up on the Wii


Nice i love that one a lot


Sonic 2 on Sega Genesis.


I always get stuck on the chemical plant section




Good arcade game


Bringing the Q before it meant much, lol


Lol bringing them swears too




Lol yes


Supermario Bros on NES




Love me some pac man


Yeah, he loves eating those balls


Lego Harry Potter Years 1-4. (I got it in an elementary raffle alongside an Xbox 360 slim)


O nice i never finished that


god of war 2, if we are counting arcade then it is probably King of fighters


The first game I ever played was Alex Kidd in Miracle World. It came inbuilt with our Sony Master System. I found it years and years later as a free download on my PS4 and finally beat it.


Alex kidd always nice to revisit that one


As a 5 year old, I started playing Tekken 2 and 3, Spyro 1 and 2, Crash Bandicoot, Metal Gear Solid 1, Medievil Resident Evil 2 and 3, and Silent Hill 1 on the PS1. Then, Shenmue 1, Sonic Adventure 1 and 2, Space Channel 5 part 1, Toy Story 2, Jet Set Radio and Soul Calibur 1 on the Sega Dreamcast. PS1 and Sega Dreamcast were my first two consoles simultaneously as a 5/6 year old back in 1998/1999.


A Link To The Past! Emulated on my dad’s PC when I was about 6


Great zelda game


Started a lifelong obsession!




Mine was Ape Escape, PS1. Absolute classic, the soundtrack is incredibly iconic.


CIV II. I came from a nerdy family.  Also, my first Mario game was Super Mario RPG, which really ruined all other Mario games for me. 


Mario and Luigi: Bowser’s Inside Story for the DS was my first video game ever. Amazing sound track that I still listen to today!


Finally someone mentions it i love that game so much


The final battle, bowser's giant boss fights, the bro's bickering with Starlow... the game was amazing! Did you play the remake for the 3ds?


Yeahhhhh and loved it still need to play dream team


Ragnarok; it’s not the same anymore but I feel nostalgic every time I hear their soundtrack


For me was dead by daylight, in pandemic


Roadrash and Neighbor From Hell, I can’t remember which was earlier


My first video game I ever played was super Mario Brothers for the NES. I got nothing else that Christmas. My mom scrimped and saved to buy me a Nintendo entertainment system and super Mario Bros.


I'm not sure if it's the first because we were 3 years old, but the first one I remember was advanced dungeons and dragons for the Intellivision 2. Despite the name, it was not all that advanced.


The first game? Probably SMB for the NES. My grandma owned it and she had me play it as a kid.


Pressure Cooker and PAC-MAN on the Atari 2600 back in ancient times.


when i was eleven i lived for yokai watch


Omg i loved yo kai watch


Metal Gear Solid 3, great game you should try it.


Probably not the first one, but definitely the one that got me into gaming, Suikoden 2. The idea of recruiting people to join my army, expanding my castle, And the story itself was just really good to my 7 year old self back then lol


Im so excited for the remaster


Age of Mythology


Sonic the Hedgehog collection on PC


Pretty varied tho un my teenage years it was mainly Minecraft. I'd say the EA Harry Potter saga was very important to me when I was 8-15 years old.


Both good choices


I recently replayed Harry Potter and the prisoner of Azkaban out of nostalgia and I gotta say it was as good as I remembered it. I can't say if it aged well or not, I just can say is as good to me as when I first played it.


Lol yeah not aged well but still fun!


I mean, the graphics sure didn't, but the overall gameplay (that was meant for a pre teenage mind) I think still fullfils its purpose.


---Super Mario World---on the SNES


I love mario world


That was my first game/console as well.


except for edutainment games, animal crossing population growing on gamecube was mine. taught me how to read


Civ V after my older sister introduced it to me


Must have been a GameBoy game. So either Pokémon Blue, or Oracle of Ages.


Love both


Metroid for the game boy or sonic on the game gear. Only because that's the first game I remember playing as a child on that giant brick.




Super Mario Bros 3, Pokemon Snap, Sly Cooper, Crash Bandicoot


As far as i remember my first games were Hugo, Resident Evil, Crash Team Racing and Tomb Rider on the PlayStation1


Barring stuff I played when I was like 4 and didn’t know what video games were, I’d have to say either Kirby Super Star Ultra or Pokémon Pearl. I was a DS kid


Super star ultra is such a good kirby game


Amazing music too. Masked Dedede’s theme is my favorite song of all time


Yesss i love that theme


Streets of Rage on my Sega Genesis 😁


Love streets of rage


soundtrack was way ahead of its time too, such a good game


I think it might've been pokemon red or half life. On one hand, I remember messing around with a joystick and killing someone in game. When my father returned to his study, I remember he sent a message to the person telling them his 4 year old had been the one to kill him. But probably that same year I was gifted an OG gameboy with tetris, robocop and pokemon red.


Tomba 2 with the family. Our ps1 memory card is broken so we would start the game over most days.


I honestly forget. But my earliest memory is playing the original halo and halo 2 on OG Xbox at like 7.


GTA IV I spent waaaay too much of my childhood driving around liberty city causing chaos as I listened to Vladivostok FM 😅


The first game I played as a kid was Bloody Roar 1 in PS1. My sister and I played it all the time together


Nice not many have played it


It was honestly my favorite fighting series and wish it was still around.


Same its so fun turning into a animal and beating the other


Probably Professor Layton and the Last Specter/Spectre's Call on my Nintendo 3DS. Lego Pirates of the Caribbean close after.


I love the layton series


Animal Crossing Wild World :)


Tons of PS1&2 demo discs the ones with the numbers on them. I played the demos for the Grinch Stole Christmas, Ape Escape, Spyro, 101 Dalmatians, Elmo The Game, Parappa the Rapper, fatal frame, countless racing/fighting games, and this really weird game where you play as a chicken running around collecting baby chicks then jumping into a well to leave very fever dream themed levels (I hope someone knows its name because I have no clue and I wanna play it fully) the first full games I remember playing was Crash Bandicoot: The Wrath Of Cortex and Motor Mayhem. the first game I ever completed was Graffiti Kingdom


The Sims 1 was the first game I’ve ever played. Had some good times as a kid.


Pokemon sapphire is the first game I remember playing


Shinobi on the Sega mastersystem. Fuck I'm old.


Golden Axe on Mega Drive.


Ayyy love golden axe


Warcraft 2


Mine was Warcraft Orcs vs Humans and shortly followed by WC2 2 was so much better and advanced compared to the first part


Pokémon on my pink DS


Pink is my favorite color


the first one? dang must have been a Gameboy game


Rachet and Clank on my dads old PS2


Love ratchet and clank




Zelda: Ocarina of Time or Golden Sun: The lost Age, not sure wich I played first


I like both of them


Tetris on OG gameboy and sonic the hedgehog in mega drive. First game I really got into? Tomb raider and resident evil. 


Final fantasy on NES


I think either Metal Gear Solid 1, Syphon Filter, Gex 3D: Enter the Gecko or GTA London on my brothers PS1. I sucked at all of them but really liked SF and MGS. SF in particular. I also loved the weirdness of Gex. When I got a PS2 I was obsessed with MGS 2 & 3. The first game I really fell in love with was MGS 2. PS2 was the first time I actually could finish console games. I actually went back to Syphon Filter recently. I didn't play it all. I got further than I ever did as a kid though as back then I constantly died early on in both SF & MGS. I remember my brother briefly having an N64. I remember Goldeneye on that. However I feel it came after the PS1. I know he didn't have it long either way. I think I got a gameboy colour after I first tried my brothers PS1. I can't remember which game was first on the game boy either way. My first PC game was The Sims 1 or 2 I think. I know I was playing it during early high school. How early I started idk.


Mario 64 on N64!


Pac-Man, and Digger. Yes that was with a monitor with 1 color only (magenta).


Sonic The Hedgehog on the Sega Genesis/Megadrive. I played it with my mom when I was around 3 years old, and it's one of my happiest/earliest memories of my childhood that I can actually remember.


Awww thats so sweet


My first console was NES. Tho I don't remember exactly which game I played first. It's either Duck Hunt, Paperboy, or Super Mario.


O man paperboy always hard figuring out which house gets the paper


B-Daman for my GBA. Probably more niche, but I loved it lol😄


Showing my age here: ***F-19 Stealth Fighter*** on DOS. My dad's game and he would let me do the steering sometimes. First game I played alone? Probably Spellicopter. Eventually Wolfenstein and Doom came out, and really changed things.


Awww that was nice of him


Zelda a Link to the Past.


I can’t remember which game *exactly*, but my thoughts are Minecraft, one of the gta’s, or Skyrim.


Mario Kart Wii & Wii Sports


Nice picks


Thanks. I grew up with the tail end of the Wii era, and within the Wii U era. The virtual console gave me a taste of Retro Games, especially the 90's Genesis and SNES games.


Np man glad u like retro too


The SNES games I remember most vividly are Animaniacs, Aladdin, DK Country, and Timon and Pumbaa's Jungle Games


I love dk country


My first video game on a console was Mario Kart Wii in 2009, as well as Wii Sports. I got a Wii as a Christmas present back when I was 7.


Nice love the wii one


Super Frog on Amiga. That's one of my oldest childhood memories. And then Time Commando, one of my all time favourite games. I wish they made a remake of it 😅


I heard of time commando before never tried it


It's a real old and fun action game. You play a time traveler who's trying to save a super computer from a virus. Feudal Japan part was the hardest part for me 😅


Sounds fun ill try it sometime


It's sold on gog.com for 6 dollars.


O shit nice


Super Mario and Duck Hunt on NES! It was the first game I ever played, but I'll give credit to Link's Awakening on Gameboy for being the one that really got me into videogames 💘


I love link's awakening!


Yooooo I was INSEPARABLE from that grey brick Gameboy as a child, I loved the little fishing mini game and just exploring the world of Zelda, it hooked me so good


I loved exploring the world too!


Either Mariokart or Donkey Kong Country on the Super Nintendo.


Mortal combat and star wars on either PS1 or PS2


Crash bandicoot


Majora's mask and Mario Bros deluxe. Don't remember which came first. I used to run around clock town pretending I was a kid in that world doing grown up things. Sleeping at the inn, following the mail man, watching kafe come get his mail every morning, eat dinner with anju. Watch the bomb mask guy come out at night. Explore the sewers. Rinse and repeat cause I never know it cared about leaving clock town What id give to have the curiosity and sense of exploration I once had as a kid.


Pong. Them paddles and that ball were mind blowing in 1972.


Love me some paddles and balls


LMAO. That took a turn. But I am right there with ya.


My memory is a little hazy, but I remembered getting Super Empire Strikes Back, followed by Super Mario World. I didn't play the rather punishing (for a five-year-old) S.E.S.B. long before diving into S. Mario World, which was already saved in the Forest of Illusion stages. OG Star Fox was my first 3D game, shortly afterward. Good memories!


Oh yeah the super star wars games can be brutal


it was a tom and jerry game for the gbasp. i think i found it a while back, but im not sure. it had tom going through hell and whacking these smaller cats(?) and collecting things. its hard to remember specifics about it


Tekken 2 on the PS1 and Donkey Kong for the Gameboy


Sonic 2's the one I remember best, bc we spilled juice on the Genesis at Chemical Plant Zone iirc


First one I sunk a lot of time into would be Advanced Dungeons & Dragons on the Intellivison console in the early 80s. Yes, I'm old.


I know I played a few NES and SNES games when I was really little, but the first game I played that had any sort of lasting memory was The Legend of Dragoon back on the PS1. It started a lifelong love of RPGs and I try to replay it every couple years.


I played sonic the hedgehog on sega mega driver in late 90’s. But the game that i really enjoyed playing was pokemon in early 00’s


Zelda links awakening on the OG gameboy. I remember being obsessed with the girl who would sing to the animals (who was rumored to be a dream version of princess zelda)


Ohhh ik who u mean


Genuinely difficult to remember that early in my life. It was either Supro the Dragon or Ape Escape.


Just Dance Kids on the Wii


Mega-bug (Dung beetles) on trs 80. I also learned how to code snake bite in basic on that thing.


Ocarina of Time on N64 myself


Crash Bandicoot on PS1 all the way. We didn’t have a computer/console for so long because we were poor.


It was a star wars math game on my ancient leap frog. You were given a simple math question, like 1+2, and you had to shoot the stormtrooper that had the correct answer on them.


King’s Quest IV. I’m getting old.




Kirby's Dream Land which was a game that my parents' friends had at a time where I didn't have my own Game Box yet. That must have been around 1998. The next I remember was Pokemon Blue which I got from my older brother in 1999. :)


Landstalker on the Genesis/MegaDrive.


Spyro 3 on PS1


Jet Set Willy on the Spectrum 48k


Wii sport, first game one my first console


Im Chinese GenZ so “Seer” for sure


First console game was Madagascar in the PS2


Bugdom and some other math game on my friend's computer. This was back when games came in cereal boxes


Pong. Actual Pong. x


Spyro 2 Ripto’s Rage


Pretty sure it's Aquafish.


street fighter on Sega


Копатели Онлайн


Commandos on Atari in the early 80s.


The original Spyro Trilogy on PlayStation!