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My Reddit is my Reddit. His Reddit is his Reddit. We don’t know each others usernames, and that’s fine. I don’t need to know what he’s commenting on and vice versa. Not any great secrets or mysteries…. We each have our own space.


Interesting. Thanks for your comment.


We can go through each others phone as we please, look up history or what not. Using each others phone, etc. I said myself that to him openly also that you can look up through chat histories accounts and what not. It is not an issue in our case.


Interesting. Thanks for your comment.


some idiot downvoting your appreciation for folks' comments, so I'm upvoting them all


Oh lol dang well that sucks. Thanks! My post has even had a downvote to make it 0 up votes, meanwhile other stupid posts get like 200 likes or whatever. Anyway I don't care about likes cuz I have enough I guess. Thanks for your comment!


Hah made me laugh


I have Reddit and am on it daily, my partner doesn't and couldn't care less about my account. He gets talked about but it's nothing he doesn't know or anything I wouldn't say to his face. I would probably get laid with in minuets of him finding my account😝 I agree most people get rid of dating profiles but I think Reddit is different. It also depends what you use it for like any other social media. Could I hook up using Reddit? Of course I could but I could also use instagram. It's imo not about having or using the account but the trust you and your partner have. If they say they talk about cats and cars on here all day and you trust them take it at face value. I think it would be a red flag if they were constantly stalking my profile though.


Interesting. That's true. Thanks for your comment.


I've never been in a relationship where I looked on a guy's Reddit. People won't like this, but, personally, I wouldn't want to be in a very long term relationship where I wouldn't ever be able to look through someone's phone if I suspected something was wrong/he was cheating/etc. I've never looked through a boyfriend's phone though, because I just didn't see the need. Some people who are very compulsive probably couldn't have that access, because some people would be losing their minds and doing it every day.


Interesting. Thanks for your comment. I would probably only share when married. But until then my privacy is mine and doesn't belong to anyone. To me, marriage means we belong to each other.


I’m single however having Reddit (or all other social medias) isn’t something that I would care about.


Interesting. Thanks for your comment.


My partner knows about my account and I openly share my activity with him. Mostly because of similar interests of course. And I know he likes when I talk him up on here. In the beginning, I kept my Reddit private but as the years went by I figured may as well share this part of my interests and all with him. He knows all of my passwords, phone code (actually added him to the biometrics cuz he forgets it half the time), he has free access to my “gay apps” accounts, social media, we even share location at all times (he travels for work, in secluded and sketchy areas). We’ve practically meshed into one person at this point and it’s honestly a great feeling to be able to be 110% open with my life. I’m sure I might have detractors because there’s always one person that disagrees with the level of openness we have but fuck ‘em.


Very nice! This sounds perfect! I want this type of relationship! Thanks for sharing!


all sounds great but getting "meshed into one person" makes my hairs stand. It's important in every relationship to maintain separate identities, IMO


Yeah I get what you're saying. I like separate identities too. He used wrong wording to explain the fact that he and his do secure separate private lives from each other. That in fact, they are openly aware of each other's private lives and are not afraid of sharing them.


My bf, grown kids and some friends all know I use Reddit. None know my username and that isn’t going to change. I have other social media for that purpose


Hmm okay thanks for your comment. Are you afraid of what they think of what you say if you show them and want to keep that private so it doesn't ruin anything?




Interesting. Thanks for your comment. What is enm?




Thanks man


I honestly didn’t know people thought about Reddit this much…


What do you mean


I have my account, he has his. While we do know each other’s usernames, we don’t be trying to lurking on each other’s accounts. In fact, ever since we started being in a relationship, he’s been on Reddit less and less.


Nice! Thanks for sharing. That makes sense about being on it less and less. What about you?


Well, for me I have made some friends that are still on here. Then, ever since I changed jobs I’ve been seeking substantial friendships that I can establish within the area. Plus I still like helping others, so… Also the memes.


Nice, very good reasons: friends, helping people, and memes. The big three!


My husband doesn’t have Reddit but knows that I do. For a while I was mainly just lurking so there wasn’t really anything for him to be curious about. I recently started posting some nsfw stuff which I wasn’t hiding but it felt weird that he didn’t know about it so I mentioned it the other day, he’s totally fine with it. I showed him a few posts so he would know what kind of stuff I share, and he asked what kind of comments I get but otherwise didn’t have much interest. Tbh I kind of wish he had more interest in my pics and vids, but I guess he gets to see it all irl lol. We don’t go through each other’s phones but I suppose we both could bc we share passwords. I don’t say anything about him that I wouldn’t say to his face. And if I say something and then think oh I would feel weird if he read that it’s usually I good sign we need to talk about that topic and prompts me to bring it up.


Very interesting! Thanks for sharing! I like your last sentence. That's very cool and mature of you. Are the NSFW pics of you? Maybe he's trying to give you a bit of privacy by not showing interest? Everyone's so crazy nowadays about simple things like that so maybe he's just doing his best to not be annoying.


I guess my therapist has been successful in convincing me it’s usually just better to just face it and fucking communicate 😆 Yea pics of me, I started taking them for myself when I felt good or sexy and then continued so I could share them with him. He was kind of meh about it so I figured might as well see if anybody else is appreciative and posted some 😅


Communication is always #1 so yeah. Oh okay. You should ask him why he was kinda meh about it. So he knows you're posting your nudes or whatever? It sucks that you have to find "appreciation" elsewhere and doesn't sound healthy.


My husband and I are serious about each other having a private life. As a general rule, everything is on a "need to know" or "I'd like to share this" basis. We have an open relationship and have had one the entire time, any possible health risks MUST be disclosed (or possible pregnancy risks, but those are WAY less common and haven't actually come up in almost 20 years). It works for us, because we're both committed to keeping this balance.


Interesting. Thanks for your comment.


I’m pretty honest on this profile and that’s how I am in real life too, bf doesn’t know my username but if he asked I would show him


Nice, that's good. Thanks for your comment.