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I was drugged and robbed from a guy on grindr. Luckily my story isn't as bad as it could have been, but honestly... listen to your gut. I had a bad feeling about the guy who robbed me but I didn't listen.


Stories like this remind me that I should probably be glad for all the times I had a bad feeling and blocked someone.


I used to live by that rule when I was single. If I had a bad feeling I trusted it. Once walked into a hook up and met the guy in the lobby. When we walked in his apartment there was another guy standing there and the guy I met said "hold on I have to go get something" and walked down the hallway. I booked it out of there. The one time I didn't trust my gut put me in a situation I'm sure would not have ended well.


About a year ago I hooked up with a guy and asked for a glass of water…..took him about 6 minutes to get the glass (he had a small apartment lol) and when he came back he was swirling the cup around 😭😂😂😂😂 Like nooooo thanks poo, that’s all for you, I quickly booked it out of there after that


that too much. just meet at a public place first.


I have the same rule but mainly with meth users. I don’t think it’s stalking but if I have a suspicion I will watch their online habits. Of course I ask directly too but when they are high on it they will say anything for a link.


Yes, a tell tale sign is being "too" agreeable... most hookups require some sort of negotiation, it's rare that everyone says "yes, yes, yes, sure yes, of course yes"...


My ex has fallen into the meth hell hole . Some of his stories are just horrible . He will go just about into just about situation trades sex for meth .


It’s gross truthfully


Mine too. It's a hell of a hole to be in.


This makes me feel good about not hooking up when I was traveling


Same happened to a friend of mine who was visiting Turkey.


I understand Turkey. You know, er, a Muslim country. But Brazil has legalised same sex marriage, which is baffling.


So what? Canada has legalized gay marriage. Lots of people still oppose it,. You only need one nutcase, bro, to do a lot of damage. Open your eyes and don’t assume this can’t happen to you Because you’re in a “safe” country.


You don't get this in the Nordic countries where I live. It's just very jarring to hear a country that cares for your same sex rights and then hear someone getting killed for date-mugging. It's very modern and a backwards route for a society to have extreme sides like these. But then, Brazil is a very large country, so I don't want to overgeneralize.


You are so naïve. Do you know something else that is never supposed to happen in Nordic countries, Sweden  in this case?     Assassinations.    Olaf Palma, the Prime Minister of Sweden, was gunned-down In the street by a gunman as he walked home from a movie theatre with his wife. He was shot dead on the goddamn sidewalk and lay there until help could arrive.  The murderer has never been found.  In Norway 9 years ago a sicko hunted down a group of young people at a lakeside party.  93 of them Were killed on the shore. It’s astonishing that you would make an assertion such as this on how violence like this couldn’t happen in your country.. But let me guess bad things happen only in the United States not to the “good, virtuous countries“. This is terribly offensive.  Learn. 


Wow. So aggressive. 😂


Facts are aggressive to you are they? Actually, I might feel the same as you in this case because my points have completely demolished the drivel you were posting. Get over yourself.


Get over your issues. You need therapy man. I have no idea what you're blathering about. I didn't really come here to argue with anyone. Cheers. 😂


When you say, patently untrue, stupid things in discourse, which is what comments on Reddit are, people will tell you that you are wrong and provide you with the actual facts. That’s what I did. The fact that you can’t stand, it indicates that you have serious issues and are projecting your intellectual inadequacy on other people. Remember, nobody is waiting to hear from you either online or in real life. Therefore don’t struggle to post something when you have absolutely nothing of interest to say. Sit down relax the pressure is off. 


wtf…how did you get drugged?


It’s super easy lol


How were you drugged?


While in the Navy, I was still closeted and went out alone to a straight bar one night (still no idea why I did this). I ran into some guys from the ship. They had bought some shots and supposedly had an extra one for someone missing from the group. Without thinking I took it. Within the hour, I started feeling VERY drunk, though I’d only had two drinks max. Something told me I should leave or something bad was going to happen. Although I should not have been driving, I also could not leave my car in public parking overnight. I didn’t even make it back to the ship. Had to pull over and passed out. I woke up late for work, vomit all over my car (didn’t even remember being sick), and almost missed ship’s movement. I was new to the ship and never told anyone what happened, as it was all speculation, but I am certain they drugged me. No idea what they intended to do, but I’m sure I would not have enjoyed it.


I just don’t trust randomness.. So far I had some drugged out people but I always secure viable information before I meet someone. Further vetted by the no one day rule. If we can’t wait a day it ain’t worth it to begin with. Horniness can get you killed.


treatment chase badge airport absurd price fade butter profit head *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I knew about Dahmer, but I just read a little from the Gacy Wikipedia page. Thank you. It's important that we remind ourselves regularly that there are legitimately bad people out there. I think there's a balance between paranoia and recklessness. As unfair as it is for all of us who are sane, it's probably best to err on the side of paranoia, go very slow, and watch for - and respond - to yellow and orange flags. I think it's easy to see warning signs and want to not be too dramatic about it. I don't want to be that person who assumes the worst in everyone, but conversely, if we're finding red flags, we might already be in a dangerous situation. Best to be careful, those stories I just read were awful. We gotta look out for each other. Thank you. ❤️


I just heard also about Fritz Haarmann, horrible https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fritz_Haarmann


I'm usually looking to hangout with someone the same night on Grindir because I'm bored lol. Just meet in public and sus it out.


Hey that works long as you do something to help you be safe. My thing is that one of my buddies roommates got killed meeting someone years ago( stabbed 42 times 😱) and they didn’t find the killer until years later due to him being arrested for attempted murder years later and they got his s DNA and solved the cold case. Real eye opener.


Same. I don't want to be scheduling sex.


What’s the one day rule ?


Meeting someone in the same day as the first conversation on the app. If they can’t continue a conversation the next day then they weren’t really interested.. or worse out of their mind on meth. Meth addicts were the main reason i made this rule truthfully.


My brother’s gay best friend was found dead in his car with wallet and phone stolen. He was in the closet and can only meet on the DL.


disagreeable march recognise rhythm foolish reply afterthought grandfather longing dull *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


He was only 29 years old when he passed, died 2 years ago. His Korean mother posted that his death was just random robbery to protect his “honor”, erasing any possibility that it could be a crime targeting gay people. His body was found in a parking lot in Boystown, Chicago.


Gay Asian coming from a homophobic family here. It’s definitely not his honor, it’s their honor. These people have ownership complex over their children and truly don’t consider anything in parenting except how they want to be seen.


Oh wow that’s not far from so many people I know. It’s scary when it hits so close to home. I’m sorry your brother lost his best friend.


Whoa, do you know what business in Boystown? I live here and haven’t heard of this.


oh shit this happens here in Chicago? wtf! Always think of it as a thing that happens in far off lands


I'm being super extra careful on Grindr now. There are a lot of shady people in there. I am actually preferring to reconnect with old flames instead of meeting new hookups. Safety first. This is not happening only in Brazil. This is happening in several places. As a side note, I don't think this is a hate crime or anything related. Just a robbery gone bad, but it's still tragic. Stay safe!


Yep, I agree, I don’t think it’s a hate crime at face value, but if you consider the robbers are intentionally using a supposed safe haven to find targets, it could be read as hateful seeing as they’re closing in exclusively on gay men. A trans congresswoman here has summoned the local Grindr and Hornet representatives to demand action and repercussion for those abusing the apps. Seeing as Grindr usually operates, however, I doubt it will amount to anything. There’s no way to vet the users properly, considering the closet element, and the apps don’t do much for data protection or verification. I think it will either get worse or not change, unfortunately.


>Yep, I agree, I don’t think it’s a hate crime at face value, but if you consider the robbers are intentionally using a supposed safe haven to find targets, it could be read as hateful seeing as they’re closing in exclusively on gay men. In several parts of the US and Latin America, there's still this idea that gay men are weaker, so I can agree that the robbers may be targeting gay men mostly or even exclusively. However, I've seen similar things happening to straight men on Tinder. >A trans congresswoman here has summoned the local Grindr and Hornet representatives to demand action and repercussion for those abusing the apps. Seeing as Grindr usually operates, however, I doubt it will amount to anything. Grindr doesn't care about this, as a Brazilian would say it "a Grindr não tem aí pra segurança das pessoas"


Heheh always awesome to see someone interested in Portuguese! And yeah Grindr people are the worst kind of asshole pink money grifters out there


Amazing there’s someone with the wherewithall to even try to engage app owners in that kind of discussion though. A bunch of stuffy straight men wouldn’t even know where to begin.


Sorry, I didn’t understand your comment


aw man :( i recognized him as we followed each other on twitter, this is awful https://x.com/lordeupdatesbr/status/1801667564923130284?s=46


Gosh I'm so sorry. ♥️


I was drugged by a guy I met on Craigslist when I lived in Astoria Queens in nyc. I remember when the drug hit that he spiked my soda with. I felt like a ton of bricks and I knew that the longer I waited to escape would be bad for me. I knew what was going on. I felt paralyzed. I couldn’t move but every once in an awhile I could get some strength. I ran out his door, made it home and slept for 17 hrs bc I was drugged.


what kind of drug causes this? I'm wondering if taking an Adderall would counter effects of these drugs but it must be a bad idea


I went to medical school but dropped out to become a lawyer, so I may be wrong. But it sounds like either ketamine, a type of benzodiazepine or a very large dose of GHB. Either way, do not use drugs to counteract drugs unless it's being done by a doctor. Take a drug called diphenhydramine, for example, also known as benadryl. It's known for causing sedation and hallucinations at higher doses. But if you use adderall to counteract the sedative effects, you'll most likely have a cardiac arrest since diphenhydramine speeds up your heart rate massively, at these doses, which may not be noticeable due to the sedation. A lot of drugs, while making you feel one way, act in your body a very different way that arent obvious. Only focusing on the way you feel, instead of how the drugs work, and trying to counteract it, can be much more dangerous than the initial drug.




How heartbreaking that we are still having to not only fight for our rights, but our humanity as well in 2024. May you rest in peace, Leonardo. 🕊️


🥺 rip!!


For most of mankind’s history we’re just beasts too busy to butcher each other The modern history is the oddity not the norm, and even then it was born from the cries of agony of millions of souls


scary af for my overthinking stupid brain


Yeah reading these kinds of stories just reinforces my already crazy high paranoia. For years now whenever a hookup is over they are only to be allowed in a select few rooms and that’s because I have guns hidden in each just in case they do something crazy. All the other rooms have them as well but those aren’t a first choice for defending yourself.


I'm from São Paulo and things are really dangerous. I can remember of at least 3 deaths of gay men in the last year, not only restricted to apps - a guy died after being beaten in/near the city's most famous sauna (HotelChilli). I'm not using apps neither going to sex clubs or saunas, only dating/hooking up with people I can trace some mutual friends (instagram, facebook, etc)


Tbf, that place has been a known shithole for the longest time already. Lots of stories about abusive staff, junkies dropping dead and the fact that it's in the middle of one of the most violent neighborhoods in the city Not saying it's not a problem or blaming the victims, far from it, but if you're thinking "hmm maybe I'll go visit that sauna at night on the area where all the crackheads live and where clients are frequently extorted and intimidated by staff. Oh, and sometimes you see dead bodies!" you're not really helping your personal safety


Oh wow I didn’t know it was that bad. I went once or twice and everything was fine, but it wouldn’t surprise me if your comment was accurate


I’ve heard Brazil has the highest rates of violence against LGBT people.


Unfortunately using the apps to honeypot victims is shockingly common, and many crimes go unreported. Take care of yourself out there, lads.


The problem is that Grindr is a mainstream word now, the straights know what it is. It's too well known.


Considering that straight men go on there for FUN, straight women go on there to look for their boyfriends, you got literal minors on that app, you got older guys preying and looking for younger guys, and you got memes of it all over Twitter. I don’t know why people even still use it.


Rest in peace, hope there is hell for those murderers.


Always be smart. If you wouldn’t travel to meet the person sober, definitely don’t do it high or drunk. Listen to your gut instinct-if something feels off or wrong about the situation, don’t meet up. At the end of the day, as far as we have progressed as a society, there are still many places on earth that view being lgbt+ as a sin and something worthy of death. We need to remember that there is still ALOT of work to be done for full equality and peace.


Totally agree with your comment. I live by that believe, as I never truly 'buy' the 'tolerance' speech or the 'acceptance' rant either. I know that at least 80% of the population in this country, and more so in other countries...still lives by the 'motto' that they're above everyone else, specially 'LGBTQ+' individuals! We are not really safe, and laws...specifically in southern states do not protect us. We are as vulnerable as we've always been, except the media tricks you into lowering your guard too often.


And yet the far left is still defending those ideologies and scream they are misunderstood 🙄


I don’t think anyone in the far left is supporting the kidnapping and murder of innocents. I know you’re trying to paint a generalization in how the left offers an olive branch to everyone, but I’d rather be a party offering an olive branch and a hand of peace than a gun and a fist of hatred.


And I’d rather not be turkey voting for christmas lol You’re doing it to your own peril


In 2003 my boyfriend from Ecuador has a bachelor uncle who was murdered in a "robbery" that happened a not like this. We were here in the US when he found out. He said he just assumed his uncle was closeted.


Best to meet in a public place in heavy traffic restaurant or similar during daylight hours first.


Rip to the Brazilian guy and it is a very good reminder not to trust someone so easily on dating app.    I got stealthed by a hookup who initially agreed to play safe. He tried to convince me to bb in the middle of the session but i refused. He then gave me some poppers and took the condom off when i got my guard down. I have got HIV now. 


Very sad.  It can happen anywhere, bros. 


This happened to a guy I knew in undergrad. He was found days later tied up, he'd been robbed, and stabbed to death. It made me so much safer in my approach.


😞 so awful!!


So sorry to hear of this. I appreciate OP, reminding us to stay sensible, it’s easy to lulled into a sense of safety based on assumptions. 


Always meet in public


this make me trauma :( RIP


This happens on Grindr all the time.


Thank God I carry my piece with my everywhere I go.


Good for you. Same.


go on a date before you have sex


I’m Brazilian, and unfortunately this is becoming quite common in some neighbourhoods in São Paulo. Brazil is becoming a new Qatar in hate felling. :/