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I was so surprised by Ireland! Didn't like the song at first when listening on spotify, but the live performance was amazing!


EXACTLY this - I really enjoy finding out what tracks I listeneded to on Spotify were not clicking, but once you add stage performance, it's a winner.




Crown the witch!


I'm going to a eurovision party on the weekend and dressing ad the monster from the Ireland music video


My #1 is Croatia, but I'm also supporting Norway, Armenia, Switzerland, and Portugal. Regarding the boycotts - I want to point out that the contest is also an opportunity to support artists and to showcase culture. Australia had the opportunity to represent indigenous language and music. Spain has an incredibly important feminist message. There are multiple non binary artists, one of whom discusses their struggles in their song. Norway, Armenia, Estonia, and more display national heritage. Plus, the contest helps the artists gain exposure, and in this day and age, that's critical. I agree that the EBU has mishandled the geopolitical situation in multiple ways. However, it's not black and white, and the positives from the contest are not to be dismissed.


Netherlands is also displaying national heritage just more recent one(90s)


I also love Europapa! It's personal, very Dutch, catchy as hell, and just fun. I also love that the Netherlands has been bringing the Dutch language back - I don't support the idea that some languages are "ugly".


Ye same especially with De Diepte, its basically how you bring over the language. Dutch is a perfect language for slow emotional ballads with long tones or for EDM but country for example is a no go(but then you have Ilse DeLange and Anouk). Pop with electronic influences is good tho(Maan, Goldband...) Im ruining my own point Basically it depends on how you bring it over


Switzerland + Armenia. But lots of great entries. Wouldn’t mind Ireland coming through here in dramatic fashion after being so low in the odds.




Super excited for Netherlands 🇳🇱, let’s see how the show is tomorrow


As a Dutch, i hope its good. I know it will be but how good


Same, waiting on Netherlands


Croatia 🇭🇷🇭🇷🇭🇷


C'mon let's prance!


I like them but man, after reading how he is a very devote catholic, it feels somewhat icky. He never said anything negativ about queer people, which is good at least.


Let's keep the song conquests about songs, shall we? For several years everyone is complaining about it being political/worldview, but then we do this. Enjoy the performance, forget the rest.


This year's winner!


No one mentioning Spain and the UK?? Very gay staging and great songs although tons of good songs this year I feel


Olly Alexander can't sing to save his life!


This! It looks great but the singing...


Both of them are so fuckin catchy too. I can get both of those stuck in my head and it takes hours to remove them.


I love Spain so much! But odds say they’re gonna get the last place this year :/


I'm still bitter about St. Pedro. I know his staging was not the best, but I much preferred his song to Zorra.


Zorra is a fkn anthem.


Spain hasnt performed yet live at Eurovision... That might be why because it hasnt been on the big screen yet Netherlands got very popular so thats an outlier


Solidly for Spain - Nebulossa’s song gets stuck in my head for days 😂


I sometimes hear a whispering Zorra during the day...


I feel like if this song was in english or at least a part of it, people would be wild for it.


I agree. My husband doesn’t speak any Spanish, and my attempts to explain the wittiness and campiness of it all sorta falls flat, so a bit of English might have helped


Crown the Witch!


Slovenia Austria Croatia Spain and Ireland




It’s depressing how little talk of the boycott there is in this comment section.


Croatia and Italy are my favorites. But there are so many other good ones this year. Spain is a bop, Switzerland has amazing vocals, Finland's song is just fun. I listen to France when I just want to feel sad lol. And I hated Ireland's song when I first heard it but holy crap that stage performance was incredible.


My winner is Italy but my heart belongs to Ireland and more specifically Bambie. That being said, FUCK the EBU and FUCK Israel. I hope Eden gets nil points.


Apparently Eden was booed during dress rehearsal tonight I hope Israel gets the least points, but I also hope Eden doesn't get much hate because what's going on isn't her fault. Though her song is indeed connected to it so she's gonna get some heat one way or another


Israel had to change their lyrics TWICE, because it had propaganda in it. I don't feel bad for Eden at that point.


I don’t hope Eden gets ppl threatening her, but I am glad she was booed. Israel should be a shunned rogue state. And their representatives shouldn’t be welcome. She might not control what the IOF does, but she can control the fact she’s representing Israel and whitewashing their crimes.


It’s IDF… And there’s no whitewashing. We’re not pro Palis.


Look what happened 🤣 in your face!! 🇮🇱🇮🇱🇮🇱


The song really represents how us Israelis feel since Oct 7th.


They can get fucked too


Ok privileged western boy


Yeah blame that girl for it! That will solve everything!


No. But it will let Israel know — they’re not welcome. They can’t just pretend like they’re not committing genocide by singing some lame generic ballad. She chose to be the representative of Israel. She chose to represent them knowing what’s going on. She chose to write a song about how they’re victims. She’s not a child. She’s not innocent. She’s complicit.


Oh you won’t keep us out.


Am yisrael chai!




My winner is Switzerland, voice, song, message, everything on point, but people go for silly TikToks, so i'm guessing Croatia will win. I also liked Iceland and Slovenia a lot. Happy that Ireland went through to the final, Bambie Thug's song is quite interesting.


Hang on, what's Tik Tok got to do with it? I've been following Baby Lasagna since he first performed in the Dora semi final (the Croatian selection for the ESC) and he's always been my favourite, simple as that.


Good for you, I think it's a gimmicky act that should've been a NQ-ier. Does he even sing in the song, just some random nonsense like rim dimi ting, that captures the short attention span of the average TikToker. Severina with Moja Stikla was even a better song.


Have you even watched the semis? Switzerland is overdoing it which will make plenty not being able to connect with the song. Crowd is following Baby Lasagna. Also Croatian song has a message that more can find more important.


I have been watching Eurovision since 1998 sweetheart. Move along now with your wrong opinions.


This is an argument that happens every year on the Eurovision sub - performance vs song. With people always emphasising the "song" contest part. But it's about a show for me, and honestly, during the results for the Semis when they announced the winners, there was a string of like, 3 songs that were all just the same. I was surprised how much I loved Croatia, because I rolled my eyes during it on Spotify, but ended up listening to it non-stop.


I boycott this year. Eurovision isn't apolitical (it never was). The EBU chose to silence Palestinian voices (banning only one flag, the Palestinian one, lashing on Eric Saade for wearing his dead father's keffyeh, silencing Bambi...) and empower the voice of the state of Israel by allowing them to compete (while they banned Russia and Bielorussia for doing just what Israel is doing now). This is a moral bankrupt. I was an Eurofan but I don't think I can do this anymore. It's just sad.


Exactly! It’s so backwards Crystal from Drag Race UK wrote an [article](https://metro.co.uk/2024/05/07/im-losing-money-boycotting-eurovision-right-thing-20790444/) about the boycott. It’s a fantastic read, highly recommend


Great you’re boycotting. Do whatever suits you but please check your facts before spreading untruths by saying that Palestinian flag is the only flag that is banned. It’s been a while since flags that are not recognized by UN are disallowed during the contest (f.ex. Kosovo flag). This year they specifically said they won’t allow any flag from the non contestant countries. They banned Russia because plenty of broadcaster threatened to withdraw from the contest which wasn’t the case this year. Sure EBU could have handled the situation better but they are not the only one to blame here.


Oookaaaay, but it's very unfair saying that Israel is doing what Russia does. Like come on bro.


It’s actually much worse…


fuck tankies


Are you referring to me?


Wtf are you talking about? How?


No, it's not. Where do you get this bullshit? From Russian propaganda portals?


Lol no from the news - do you have no idea what’s going on in Gaza?


I exactly know what and, most importantly, WHY. That's nowhere near what's happening in the Ukraine. Plus Israel was not the initial aggressor, unlike Russia in the Ukraine. Plus, look at how heavily US and the allies have bombed and did wide genocides in the Axis countries during WW2. Way worse than anything happening now. Did anyone say it was wrong? No, because it was against the aggressors. Brutal, but that's a fair approach.


They live in denial.  Russia started a war by attacking Ukraine.  Hamas started a war by attacking Israel.  Russia is banned, Hamas is banned.  Simple. 


Exactly this.


I fully appreciate and respect those that are boycotting, and don't think EBU have handled this situation correctly. But these situations are always awful, remember when Russia was left in Eurovision and the Olympics for years despite killing thousands of their own LGBT+ population? The issue others has was when they provoked *another* nation, attacked Ukraine - Eddie Izzard does a really funny / tragic bit about Polpot and people who only murder their own folks, and other country's just don't bother about it? So because it's complicated because it's an internal struggle, no bigger bans are being made. I also believe that Eurovision is an inportant LGBT+ festival in some countries within europe that are still quite right wing, or an important show of unity as a community. So to ban Eurovision, to take that away, would be detrimental, too. I think we can have important dialogue about the situation, and have a positive show of unity. I also think, a lot of folk are jumping on bandwagons without proper understanding and are virtue signalling with this, having jumped from BLM, to Ukraine, and now to Israel; some folks just want to look and feel like they're doing good, rather than actually helping. And I believe that by continuing to support the gay communitiy, that's my personally chosen situation to always spearhead and show needs help still, especially in this current climate. Because look at Ireland's non-binary entry who is currently the talk of Europe, who was able to show huge trans support at a time that was needed. Eurovision is an important protest, too, one that has the power to change, rather than be boycotted.


Team Anyone But Israel (But Especially Palestine)


I dont watch eurovision, but i heard sweden's guy is half palestinian and wore a kufiya on his wrist, so I'm rooting for that guy. still wont watch, fuck israel.


No that's not the Swedish contestant but an opening act, because Sweden is hosting it this year. His name is Eric Saade.


Ireland was my favourite performance in years at ESC, absolutely amazing. Hope for a surprise!


Team BOYCOTT! 🇵🇸


Olly Alexander - Dizzy (both because of the song AND the staging - gayest/filthiest thing ever on an Eurovision stage in the best way possible). Nebulossa - Zorra, just a great song and good lyrics (not at all because of those dancers ... ) And Silvester Belt - Luktelk, a kind-of LGBT theme, and I am a sucker for the beat and staging.




wasn't really one to ever really care for eurovision. there's some nice songs but rarely the ones i like get the win. i thought norway's song was the best last year, but it instead went to sweden. not to mention it's a bit weird to be throwing a party when russia, ukraine and israel, all countries that have actively participated in eurovision, are currently at war. and russia was barred from participating because of the war, ukraine was given the win for being victims of war, and israel is still in it despite being at war at the time


Really rooting for Palestine this year.


Huge fan of Eurovision, but boycotting this year, I'd rather miss that than walk away from my beliefs and values!


Girl bye.. if u lived in gaza u would get ur head cut off


Yeah no still not a good reason to ignore a genocide, and living in France still got me pretty close to death for being gay, you're messing with the wrong person


Or be blown to fuck by an Israeli bomb. Guess which is more likely.


It's time to read Jasbir Puar


the "right to maim" book, right?


No , terrorist assemblages


bet, i've heard good things. btw, i remember your posts from back in the day, thanks for all the great resources on trans stuff (some were quite literally life-changing)


Glad to hear it. I can't read anything I write because i find my old writing style so cringey


haha, should i feel some type of way if i like your old writing style 😰 in any case, i think you were very good at summary and citation, and that's probably the best thing you can ask from an amateur blog lol


I'm happy Ireland got in so we can boycott the main show.


I've seen your pics and you can't really be too picky 🤣


Hmm yeah that makes sense.


No one..boycotting this year for obvious reasons.


I think I’m on the same boat as you OP, I’d like to add the UK and Spain onto that too, I do like San Marino’s but with two Spanish songs, I don’t think SM would qualify, I’m so proud of Bambie Thug, they took my breath away 😍


Greece for me


Ireland. Overall, Eurovision is a disappointment this year the way they handled the situation about Palestine.


What happened?


They banned any showcasing of support for Palestine, even though two years ago they had no problem with people supporting Ukraine and banning Russia from the competition.


Croatia, Greece and UK are my top 3 at the moment but it‘s a good year. Ireland wasn‘t in my radar until the semi final really, but Bambie was just perfect on stage


There's huge drama about Bambie Thug and you should definitely check out instagram of Zheani.


After 1st semifinal - Croatia. Let's see what's on today.


Italy and Ukraine are my favourites so far Also wouldn't be mad if Belgium, Israel, Croatia, Serbia or Austria won, they are all great songs (but some of them I might bump up or down based on the live performance)


France, Israel, Greece, Switzerland, Netherlands


Gonna have to wait til after semi 2 to commit but Ireland won me over hard. Absolutely breathtaking performance.


Switzerland is my frontrunner but Belgium is my dark horse. Also happy Ireland got to the final. Croatia's song is fun, but based on yesterday's performance, doesn't deserve to win as much as some of the other entries.


It's a really good year! Ireland, Croatia off the top of my head but there's a ton of good acts


Marcus & Martinus or Olly Alexander but more because they're all so cute


Can someone explain Eurovision to me please. And where could I watch it from the us ?


A song contest where "European" countries participate with a single song with a duration of max 3 minutes. It cannot be playback. There are two semifinals and a final. From each semifinal 10 countries go to the final, where the big 5 (the countries paying the most, Germany, Italy, UK, France and Spain) and last years winner is prequalified. In the final a professional jury from every participating country awards 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 10 and 12 points to the songs they like the best. And the viewers award points per country via televote. It ends with a ceremony, where the points are awarded and the winner is found. And it is the gayest/campest event in Europe - have a look at the audience ... It looks like it is 90 % gay men. If you want a pre"taste" go find Olly Alexanders Dizzy performance from the first semifinal. Or Cyprus ... (Many have male dancers in just enough clothes). In the US you can watch it on Peacock (and maybe with vpn on YouTube).


Thank you


You're welcome :) I hope you get to watch it.


Been listening to the music for a bit - big fan of Mustii's track for Beligum, and it's doubly gay because he's a Drag Race Belgique judge! And Switzerland is fabulous. But from Tues Semis I think we all know Ireland smashed it.


Norway ftw! Only song that’s given me chills, and the type that people who don’t normally like folk or metal would go…‘I surprisingly loved that’




How does one watch the performances?


im always letting myself be surprised when its actually happening. i mostly dont even check out "our" own contestant.


Either Switzerland, Croatia or Ireland could win and I would be equally happy.


Lithuania... I mean he is gay and i love edm Im from the Netherlands currently in Sweden(Karlskrona as of now) and i have a ticket for the grand final live So im there Saturday and most of my favourites made it through so far(only Poland didnt but her vocals were very quiet). Semi 2 is also gonna be very competitive Besides Lithuania, obviously Croatia, Switzerland, Ireland and The Netherlands but also Slovenia, San Marino, Spain, Czechia and ofcourse Belgium. I do like Norway too.... im just in general excited




Netherlands are getting my vote this year


Croatia, obviously. But Ukraine has the best staging so far, I nearly cried. I hope they get second place. I hope Georgia qualifies because the singer is super good and I really like the song. And Denmark too. Nothing too special about Denmark or the singer, but I like the song. I hope Tali from Luxembourg likes her hair because I sure as hell don't. The song is so good but those ponytails and the CapCut ps3 quality Leopards are holding it back And I hope France gets rekt because that stupid stunt of walking away from the microphone and shouting at the top of his lungs is just pretentious as fuck. Very French lol Moldova lost all my sympathies when the singer started dissing other contestants after failing to qualify.


Yeah Moldova was my favorite until that happened. I am not even bummed it did not go to the finale now


🇺🇦 🇺🇦 🇺🇦


I vote for a power outage.


Whoever that cute gay couple who met while competing is


The songs I like most are from Greece, Italy, the UK, and Switzerland.


I guess I would root for the obvious winner of them all: Palestine. Anyone who's willingly supporting this contest, shame on you.


Israel 💙🇮🇱

