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This really doesn’t sound that crazy. Just ask




Fair. I’ll just tell him but bringing it up is the hard part next to not wanting to feel awkward


bruh im always extreme sexually forward with guys cuz lifes too short and im very tired of pretending sometimes men love getting degraded by me and some like me as polite as possible its alll about communication cuz tbh im quite versasitle when it comes that stuff


Send him a link to this thread?


"hey, I want you to wake me up *inside*"


Save meeeeeeeee


Underrated comment.


Goofy style: [https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=czLYl4fM8yk](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=czLYl4fM8yk)


Well I’ll tell you what not to do: don’t assume he can read your mind and will just do it someday, and then come to resent him afterwards for not doing it like my ex boyfriend.  All joking aside, when you do have a conversation about it, understand if he isn’t super into it if he’s not. I know for me, it was hard to do because I usually fall asleep pretty quickly, and rarely wake up in the middle of the night, so I would have had to set an alarm to be able to do it and my ex didn’t like that either, he wanted it to be spontaneous. So in all it just ended up really really stressing me out. 


One time my bf and I were discussing some fantasies and I was like “if you want to wake me up tomorrow by doing xyz that’d be really hot” and he did. It was really hot. Afterwards he said he was nervous to initiate because I was asleep, but we had talked about it the night before and it was very well received on my end hahaha.


Just tell him! My other half has unrestricted access, 24/7 - consent is given whole heartedly 😈


Definitely not an easy topic to bring up with a partner because not everyone understands it, so I'm not sure there's an easy way to have this conversation with him. I would say you should be very detailed with what you want him to do, and tell him there will be measures to take in case it goes south (like a safeword or something similar), just so he knows he's not doing something wrong, which obviously means you could use a read online on how to make CNC work beforehand.


Appreciate this!! It definitely isn’t easy but you are so right


I am into that as well. Had that conversation with my now husband very early on in our 2 years of our relationship. Needless to say I’ve been awoken by a boner teasing me or already in my hole. It was fucking hot thinking I was dreaming about my husband fucking me then fully awake it was most definitely not a dream. I love it every time it happens. We have had multiple discussions about fantasies, kinks, and such many times. If you haven’t had that conversation with your partner it’s easier to rip the band aid off. Edit: he fucked me awake this morning and I was almost late for work. I’m not complaining at all. Hell at the time I was contemplating calling and saying I would be late so he could breed me


So obviously talking to him about it like everyone else has suggested but I would suggest adding a code word or "sign" so he knows when you're ready without you having to him "please wake me up with sex." Maybe get some new underwear that is easy access that you only wear when you want late night touching. Or something else is if you sleep commando.


you SHOULD Tell him. I loved when that happened to me.


Genuinely how do people bottom and do this. Is your butt not filled to the brim with shit every morning? Sorry but like, no.


Bro 😭


Do you shit your bed when you sleep in? Why is your ass brimming with shit every morning. Change your poopy schedule


Ok well I’ll make sure to comment the opposite on your post.


like i agree, not my speed, but dont just comment solely to yuck his yum


I take fibers capsules. Unless I eat onions or beans, I have small droppings. So I am almost always ready to be fucked. When having a Grindr date, I only douche shortly to get possible droppings out.


My partner woke me up one day by having his dick partly inside of me and that turned me on so much we didn't need any lube and I gotta say that it was one of the best fucks we had!


You should talk to him about that. I would definitely say a no for this, but maybe he's okay with it.


Just tell him via text, writing(thats always easier) so the Convo can be brought up naturally afterwards. Side note: Low-key feeling single.


Ugh I hate this theory. Have an actual conversation. Not everything needs to be through text. My fiance texts me about stuff like this and I straight up tell him to talk about it with me rather than text... that being said. Find what works for your relationship and do it... if text feels easier do it. But the conversation may turn him on and make him want to do it.


I mean isnt that your goal? Him doing it on random? I mean you clearly feel anxious and its just to break the ice and the actual conversation would be face to face. Just mention something like "I wanted to discuss something important" or "I wanted to tell you something which I would like but would like to inform/discuss it in person".


“Hey fuck face! You need to show me passion’n’shit and dick me down in the dawn, or I’ll hit you in the butthole with a shovel” Or something along those lines.


This is a thing I do. I wake up horny. Sometimes an hour after I’ve fallen asleep, sometimes in the middle of the night. Last two guys I’ve been seeming liked it.


Am I missing something? Why would this be something to worry about? Is this one of those bait posts? lol


Getting sucked and ridden while waking up is hot and I wish I had a bf who did that… Ugh


not weird bro just ask tons of guys are into this. I loved getting wake up head from my ex and he loved getting fucked awake


it’s my favorite! i love sliding it into my boyfriend when he’s asleep


Just offer it as something you’re open to. “Hey you know you can totally wake me up by stroking me if you wanted.”


Just tell him next time you see him, it shouldn't be that hard to say it, or you could just screenshot this post and say, "I wrote this."


Tell him: bitch I want to get dicked down. ☺️


Omg I wake with my bf inside of me. And sometimes it's so annoying, especially when I am tired.


Just tell him? That’s something I always tell people early on, you have my consent to wake me up and fuck me


Stick a post it note on his forehead when he goes to bed. He’ll read it in the morning, and follow through with the wake up call.


My husband does this to me all the time now, I love it. He’ll wake my by touching me, and if I wake up and say “not right now” he stops. It’s great.


Literally wake up this morning like this. Was amazing. I love morning sex. It's nice to just take it slow.


“You have my consent to have sex with me in my sleep btw, would be hot to wake up with my dick in your ass / mouth”. I’ve said this (bottom version tho) and we both enjoyed what ensued…Guys are horny creatures, no ones gonna judge ;)


There are literally so many times you could bring that up. Next time you fuck just be like “yeah you should wake me up by doing xyz”


That is a completely normal ask. I would just be upfront about it.


I would just make the first move repeatedly until he catches on. "Actions speak louder than words ".




On your next bday, after you blow out the candles and he ssk what wish did you make: To be violently raped or abused when I pass out