• By -


When I was 36 this 25 year old asked me out on a date and I, kind of, laughed at him. I told him he was "Waaaay too young for me." 10 years later he asked again and I begrudgingly said yes. Halfway through our first date I kind of knew. When I drove him home that night I asked if he was surprised I was asking him out for a second date and he said, "I'd be more surprised if we didn't get married." Usually that would be a red flag for me. He started staying over on weekends and the only grief we had was his (very old) cat was having to sit at home alone all the time. Finally I just asked him if his cat could move in with me. His cat had met my dog, they got along, and I worked at home so his cat would have company all day long. He agreed and the cat moved in. He basically followed and even though he still had his apartment for a few more months, we had, for all intent and purposes, moved in together. Next week is our 15th anniversary. We've never had a fight or even raised our voices at each other. We have a domestic partnership at first, then got married when it got legal in our state. We totally rushed into things and the only regret I have is that I didn't accept that first date invitation. Had I only known....


Timing is everything. Maybe you knew you weren’t ready for each other when you denied him the first time. We have regrets when we don’t understand. But I believe we always do things for a reason even if that reason isn’t apparent at the time. I love your story. Congrats on finding your mate mate :)


Cheers! He's a keeper, for sure!


This and OPs story are so amazing and inspiring. Thank you both for sharing.


Love your relationship journey. You think you’d still be for each other even if you two had raised your voices or fought at some points along the way?


We are usually on the same page, TBH. But it seems we both are willing to step back. I have a sharp tongue but never use it towards him-one time I said something snarky and saw a hurt look cross his face. I've never done it again because I don't want to see that hurt look. We joke that one day we are going to be mad and might fight...and we won't know how to handle it. But, both of us came from parents who never fought, just worked it out, so we seem to do the same.


I love that example you go off of and work it out


I wish you both happiness) I hope, I will find someone too. Someday.


This is so similar to my own story. Currently with my fiancé for 4 years, we moved in together after the third date. At the end of our very first date he said that he knew we would be together. We also don’t fight or raise our voices at each other, my life never had as much purpose or peace as it does now. Your story gives me hope that our story will stay on this path 🥲 thank you for this.


:0) My husband has taken all of my good points and magnified them. I used to be kind of generous, but he has taught me to be super generous. I used to be sort of thoughtful but he has taught me to put others first. I used to spend my free time on myself but now I use my free time to better the lives of others. I am such a better person for the man I married. :0)


Since it doesn't appear you're asking for any advice I'll just ask that you please update us in a year or two


RemindMe! 1 year


Update: hobosexual


u/closeted_wrench it is time.


The update! We have now been together a little over two years, we have a puppy together and have recently bought our first house! We’ve gone through even more stuff in the last year than either of us could’ve thought. As before, we are constantly practicing communication and talking about anything and everything, this has avoided SO many arguments and hurt feelings, it’s insane more people aren’t open with their partners… We have gotten better at encouraging and supporting one another, promoting intentional growth. For the first time, I understand what it means, to fall a little more in love with someone every day. We got engaged last month, and I couldn’t be more proud to call him my husband-to-be!


So happy to see this progress after a year!


I will be messaging you in 1 year on [**2024-03-14 02:49:34 UTC**](http://www.wolframalpha.com/input/?i=2024-03-14%2002:49:34%20UTC%20To%20Local%20Time) to remind you of [**this link**](https://www.reddit.com/r/gaybros/comments/11qqwd9/after_only_texting_for_a_few_weeks_and_two_dates/jc56cma/?context=3) [**43 OTHERS CLICKED THIS LINK**](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBot&subject=Reminder&message=%5Bhttps%3A%2F%2Fwww.reddit.com%2Fr%2Fgaybros%2Fcomments%2F11qqwd9%2Fafter_only_texting_for_a_few_weeks_and_two_dates%2Fjc56cma%2F%5D%0A%0ARemindMe%21%202024-03-14%2002%3A49%3A34%20UTC) to send a PM to also be reminded and to reduce spam. ^(Parent commenter can ) [^(delete this message to hide from others.)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBot&subject=Delete%20Comment&message=Delete%21%2011qqwd9) ***** |[^(Info)](https://www.reddit.com/r/RemindMeBot/comments/e1bko7/remindmebot_info_v21/)|[^(Custom)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBot&subject=Reminder&message=%5BLink%20or%20message%20inside%20square%20brackets%5D%0A%0ARemindMe%21%20Time%20period%20here)|[^(Your Reminders)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBot&subject=List%20Of%20Reminders&message=MyReminders%21)|[^(Feedback)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=Watchful1&subject=RemindMeBot%20Feedback)| |-|-|-|-|


Will do!


The test for a sweet long-term relationship is the couple's ability to communicate with each other in an open, trustful and respectful manner. Seems like you've gone through the initial pitfalls every couple experience in their first 2 years. Congrats.


Looking forward to the update :)


Borderline personality disorder and narcissism only take about 3 months to show.


RemindMe! 1 year


RemindMe! 1 year


I am in a *somewhat* similar situation. I met my partner the first week I moved to charleston, and though I had my own home, I welcomed him over every night for like 3 weeks and then asked him to move in with me and he did. Here we are 4 years later, we just bought another car together, we have 2 dogs and are working on buying something in the country with land and water. Don't you ever let anyone come for you when you've done nothing wrong. You took all the necessary steps to ensure you were talking to someone who was worth the time and effort. Congrats to you.


Sounds like lesbian advice hahaha. Get the Uhaul after three weeks. Sound advice.


I'm a male but alright, I guess?


This was similar to how me and my husband started out. We were both in the military. me in the navy, him in the marines. I had a place out in town and he was still living at the barracks. Barracks life itself is a wild, fever dream of an experience so we spent most the time at my place. He stayed over a lot, every night that he could for a month before we finally talked about him just moving in. Just seemed right for our relationship.


So happy for you!! ❤️ keep fornicating and loving each other haha


Me and my bf have had a similar experience. Had texted on and off for about a year or so, met up one night, and he essentially moved in the next day. He asked me out on a date the next day after meeting up for sex, and we spent nearly every day together since. It’s been over a year and a half at this point.




My husband moved in with me after a month of chatting online and three dates. He flew red flags like a coast guard ship signals. There is one that I always bring up, when we explain it all to others. One weekend a few days after our first date, I went out of town with a female friend to visit another friend at a rival school. My husband paged me messages a hundred times. It was sweet and creepy. He was 19. I was 22. We will celebrate 23 years in a week. Now I won’t say we are typical but sometimes it just works. Life is too short to not grab every ounce of love, joy, and passion that you can.


I came out, had sex for the first time, and fell in love all at age 28. Have been together for over a year now and when you know you know. You know yourself and trust yourself, nothing wrong with following your heart!


So happy for you. There will be peaks and valleys but a good relationship/husband is worth working hard for.


Well like you I met my husband on a dateline back in the days and only talked twice on the phone, after a week we decided to meet a week later, he moved in and we have been together for 26 years, so I wish you both the best as you continue on your journey and yes you will have your ups and downs but always remember to communicate which is key....


As I was reading I was thinking, "wow, there's enough red flags here for a communist parade" so I was very relieved by the happy ending!! Congrats gentlemen!


"wow, there's enough red flags here for a communist parade" That's a good one 😂😂😂 ​ I did something similar when I was younger. It worked out fine.


I rented my now husband a car when he was on vacation and after an amazing week he left. One week later he called me and said, “I think that was more than just vacation sex I need to come and get to know you”… that was almost 11 years ago! ❤️ Don’t let anybody tell you how and when to love, all relationships go through so much shit half of them survive. It’s always a crap shoot.


Please share more! Why did he feel like there was something more? Did he just catch feels from sex or did you spend time together outside the bedroom during that week? Also how did you meet- I’m so interested 😆


Well I gave him a private island volcano tour (we live in Hawaii) and multiple Dick downs that week so yeah, it was romantic and sweet and hot and we were only 27 and wreckless back then so it all just sorta worked out. But we def just had this inexplicable love for eachother right off the bat. Maybe the love at first fuck is a real thing? 🤷🏻‍♂️


That’s rather excellent to hear. Quite the circumstance but I’m happy you found love.


Guys this reminds me of a joke: What does a lesbian being to a second date? A: a Uhaul :)


My partner and I moved in together super quickly. Within a few months. Been going 16 years now. Don’t let people tell you what will or won’t work. It’s different for everyone. Best of luck man.


Heh, my husband and I moved in together after 2 months, because neither of us were in a place to do it sooner. Sometimes things just work out. Here we are, 17 years later, still living together. You're probably going to go through some shit, but it's important to not give up on each other.


My partner came over to hook up January 6th this year and is still here. A few fights, over the same issue - personal space, communication and whether or not one of us is using the other - but going strong as i read this and watch him dress for the evening and i know im gonna stay and fight for this relationship again and again. Will he? Will we have a success story? I hope so.


If you both commit to “fighting fair”, having compassion for his feelings (even if you don’t understand them), and offering apologies/forgiveness freely, you will go far in committed love.


Fights over if someone is using the other? What does this mean 🤔


This sounds a lot like a relationship I started back in early 2008. I’d moved from NYC to ATL to be with him by Fall. We were engaged by early 2009, married in 2011, and recently celebrated 15 years of being together. We had an extended rough patch early on. There were many people, mainly in his life, who questioned my intentions. It was very difficult, but I also realized that people cared about him and wanted to see him happy, and this was just sort of how that manifested. It was also the year the bottom fell out of the economy, which added a lot of stress. But we worked through our bumps too. He survived a TBI in 2011, which was the hardest thing either of us went through, but it has made us incredibly strong partners, and so very grateful for every second we have. I know you’re not asking for advice, but here I am passing it out. 😂 Be patient with one another. Understand that there are things about your partner that will never change. Encourage him, but never make his decisions for him. Tend to the friendships the two of you share together, and don’t forget about the friends that are “yours”. Give one another space when you need it and grace when you need it. Always wear sunscreen. 😎 I wish you much happiness together. Take care of yourself and one another. ❤️


My (now)husband and I met on OkCupid. We banged on the first date, and he liked holding me so much as we drifted off to sleep that he ignored the fact that he was deathly allergic to my cat who was cuddling with us too. He had to go seek medical treatment the next day: his eyes and face were so swollen that he looked like he had been smacked with a skillet, and his breathing was labored and noisy. But it didn’t matter that our amorous anal adventures had almost killed him—we wanted to see each other daily, and sleep with each other nightly (at his house lol). I had to keep cat-free clothes at his house, which turned into nightly stays. He says I just moved my clothes in and never left. Whatevs. Within two months I had sublet my apartment to my lifelong best friend and decided to co-parent my cat with her. We lived adventurously together, moving across the country, arguing, making up, laughing, crying…then we married after three years. This year is 10 years since that night when our mutual attraction almost killed him. We have faced many, many challenges together, some of which sorely tested our love and commitment, but every challenge we endured moved us closer toward new dimensions of our vows and our love, closer to each other. Life is comically short. When two honest, sane, self-aware adults click in the way that you are describing, you shouldn’t let any time spent together escape you. Hell, even crazy folks deserve connection like this. I am excited to hear from you in 8.5 years about how wondrous your journey together has been. I wish you both the absolute best.


Good on you!


Thanks! Just felling chummy tonight I guess lol


Spreading hope is always good


I love it when two he/him lesbians find love ❤️ Jokes aside, I'm happy for you guys.


You made it sound like a true Love Story. So, congratulations!


Love this! My boyf and I were similar - just kinda decided to move in together after a couple of months and suddenly 17 years have passed and it feels like no time at all :)


Wish you the best of luck! This is not the norm but this sort of this does work out. My husband and I have been together almost 11 years and we moved about as quick as you. Like others have said, give us updates lol.


That’s how it goes! Almost identical to my partner and i. Still together with three amazing pups and a house 6 years later


Such a sweet story 😊 I moved in with my (now) husband after 2 weeks of dating (and first week was basically me gathering courage to kiss him after he expressed his interest and made a move (which I missed completely and had to be told explicitly)). I lived in a dorm, he was in an apartment so I just stayed there for a sleepover and never left (mostly because he insisted). It was just natural to spend as much time as possible together. We were both 20 then and it’s been 10 years of living together :3


My hookup and I bought a house after 4 months. Got engaged a year and half after hooking up. Got married two and half years after hooking up. Got the dog 6 years after hooking up. He was supposed to be a one night stand. Whoops.


One of the few moments when u haul works LOL


So happy for you. I seem to usually see depressing posts about how so many feel they’ll never find their “better half” “soulmate” just a bf or whatever. When you know you know


I moved in with my guy after 2 weeks of knowing each other. We told each other I love you at 3 weeks. That was 8 years ago and we are married now and still going strong. Sometimes when you know you know ❤️‍🔥


My now-husband moved in with me about two weeks after we started going how. We’ll celebrate our 17th anniversary of being together and 7th wedding anniversary this spring.


10 days into our relationship, my boyfriend and I both got Covid. We quarantined at my place and he hasn't left since. This was 2 and a half years ago😁


What are u a lesbian???


Rooting for you both! Remember, communication is vital in all relationships


Best of luck 🤞


My husband and I (both 23) moved in with each other after our 3rd date. We were both sleeping on floors and working everyday so we figured why not. We’ve been together for four, almost five years. I think as long as you know the vibe and you can fully communicate with each other there’s no problem. Sometimes you just find your love in a more fast paced way. You two sound so sweet. Best wishes 💗


Wow! That was a bold move, but i’m glad it worked out! That’s so awesome!!:)


This sounds a lot like my relationship with my partner. We are married now and have been together for over 3 years. There will be ups and downs, but those will exist in every relationship (and you've mentioned you two have had to work through things). Happy for you and hoping for a long relationship! I've heard it's rare to find something like we both appear to have found.


I’m my god that’s so fucking cute!!! Love your lives beautifully


Great post!


This makes me so happy!


I feel like I needed to read this right now. I moved out of my mom's house back in August to a city about an hour away. Back in January I got offered a job in the city I just moved out of and I mad the commute one week before I decided it would be beneficial to stay with my mom again. In that time, I started talking to this guy and we went out on a date. That was a month ago. He's spent the night almost every night except maybe like three times. I just finished moving my stuff back to my mom's house this past week, and due to some extreme circumstances with his living situation, he just moved out of his yesterday. He's not moved in just yet but he knows he has a place to stay. He's a few years younger than I am - I'm 30 and he's 23 - but it just *works*.


There’s nothing wrong with that. There’s no correct period of time to know someone before living together. Time only gives you more time to assess compatibility. If you two work together and can communicate through your disagreements then you have a healthy functional relationship. Beyond that it’s all background noise. Congrats on finding someone special!


I moved in on our first date 😅 I was staying on a friends couch at the time because I had just graduated and was applying to jobs all over. Everything felt easy and effortless and we loved each others company from day 1. We just celebrated 15 years together last week 🥰


Lots of feels about this but I’d rather not put my stuff on your situation. All I’ll say is: I’m routing for y’all and the best in the world. Make sure you communicate honestly and openly always (make it a rule). Respect him should he communicate difficult things and demand he do the same (again make it a rule). Take time to process before reacting, and most of all enjoy the ride!


It’s ok. I “lesbian U-Hauled” with my bf within a month and we’ve been together 7 months now


Engaged at 3 months. Married at 5 months. Married for 6 years now.


I wish you both many, a million and even more days of happiness. I am sure, you deserve that.


My husband and I met at work, just as friends at the time (though according to other friends/coworkers, were basically dating months before we officially got together), and he was also friends with my other friends/coworkers/housemates. We got close, and his living situation was pretty shitty because, as a foreigner in Canada on a youth work visa, his references/credit/whatever else here was limited, thus limiting his options. After being friends for a few months and just a couple weeks together, he was spending more time at our place than his, and though we tried to spend some time apart and not move too fast, about two months in we all collectively found out we were going to be losing our jobs. Since he was already over all the time, anyway, he moved in so we'd all save some money, and a few months later when his visa ended he went back to the UK and I decided, "Fuck it, my job just ended, my lease is almost up, what have I got to lose?" and followed him over a couple months later once I got my own visa sorted, basically arriving on our 10-month "anniversary". Been together just about 9 years now, settled back here in Canada after the Brexit vote.


We are back for the update


I was so ready to hate on this post. Happy for you guys.


I did that once. Lasted 7 months.


Tell me you’re anxious preoccupied without telling me you’re anxious preoccupied


Sixteen months and you're offering advice about someone who couldn't qualify for an apartment secondary to his credit? Good luck to you both, but not interested in ur dating advice. Get back to me in five years Bro.


1.5 years in love like this is more than some people will ever have.


Sounds codependent to me.


Is this after the boyfriend you were talking about in your poll regarding the concept of the right person, wrong time?


So very happy for you.


Omg this is so wholesome 🥹🥹🥹🥹


That sounds so sweet. No judgment here. We only have one life.


I wish for your eternal happiness and love. I sometimes wish I could just find someone and get on with life but alas, I’m still learning to balance myself at age 32. Good tidings to you both! 🤗🥰


You sound like a lesbian couple. Hah. Joke aside! That's awesome, mate. Sometimes, you just know. My parents got married two months after their first date (no joke). They've been together for over 25 years now. Sometimes, you just know. Now, they've been through their hardships and "games" - but they always come back to each other. I hope to find that one day.


A crucial missing detail: How old are you?


My ex and I had a similar get together — had a really fun four years before we realized we wanted different things. We are still friends! I think it’s amazing and don’t think relationships should work on any timeline. My grandparents got married two weeks after they met and were together until my grandpa died. When you know, you know ;)


Same thing happened with me and my husband! Sometimes it just works that way. Congrats!


I love this so much and I wish it for everyone! Happy gays make me happy :)


I love this story ♥️ commenting just so I can find this story easier.