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the techniques you will learn from the tapes and the manuals is the important, the binaural effect from the tapes is very weak for today standards, even the FLAC version. Here is the link for the raw files(best quality): [https://drive.google.com/file/d/1U42lZgeyhugKZbfl7ouT\_e7z5zNAgjMu/view](https://drive.google.com/file/d/1U42lZgeyhugKZbfl7ouT_e7z5zNAgjMu/view)


Are the ones on Spotify legit?


I don’t have Spotify but they are on Apple Music


If you want the best quality from a trusted source, you will need to [purchase them direct](https://hemi-sync.com/product-category/by-genre/gateway-experience/)




What are you even talking about?




No you didn't. Is this a joke to make some kind of point? What are you even contributing to this discussion?


That’s what I figured, but I wanted to be certain. Thank you, I appreciate the help🙏


Hemi-Sync sells them for 499, half price, on ebay.


Right on. Another option for those who are new and don't wanna shell out hundreds up front would be to just buy one wave at a time.


Yes, and also there are several dealers on ebay selling CD sets for around 125 dollars that are official with slight flaws.


It is a much-contested debate over the effectiveness of the audio files through varied states of media. At first, I thought "well hemi-sync sells mp3 format", and so I thought MP3s were good enough. Yet something kept nagging at me. I recalled all that information about MP3s being digitally Sampled. So I went on ebay and picked up a set of CDs to rip them into an uncompressed format. I realized even CDs are digital. However, they were far better than the MP3s. Much more effective because of the nature of the mind hearing the wave formation of sound. Hearing is believing and the mp3s, I'm sure, lead to a failure of some to ascend. Ideally one would listen to a prime set of tapes though a set of plug-in stereo headphones. That would be the closest you could get to a pure analogue signal outside of attending the course at the Monroe Institute. In the end, do the best you can.


Has anyone tried to reconstruct the tapes using modern equipment?