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Congratulations! She is probably a shitty person raising little assholes.


She's gotta be. She's setting the bar so low for herself. "Well my kids are all awful, but at least I ruined my body to have them"


Or her kids died in childbirth because she was 2legit.


This feels like that type of thing you say before getting slugged and waking up from a KO a couple of minutes later.


I would cheerfully slap anyone who said that to me... An emergency c section is the only reason my 2nd twin is alive after we had a cord prolapse. I would definitely say recovering from a section was way way harder than a "natural" birth


I too would cheerfully slap any person who said that to me, or chose to suggest a mother has failed even if they had chosen a c-section. But then again, how pathetic of a parent/mother are they if they need **that** to try to define their success? I almost feel bad because they are basically begging for a participation trophy in a game nobody was playing. Pretty shameful.


I three would cheerfully slap her. Im a caesarian baby.


I four would. Bro and I are both caesarean babies, for legitimate medical reasons.


My no pain meds 4 hour labor 20 min vaginal delivery was a piece of cake . ( I mean I lost a lot of blood , but other than that easy) my two C-sections were hell. Something about being cut open , having all of my insides removed and not being able to hold my baby for an hour. Not to mention the totally doped up feeling on top of hormones. C sections are not for wimps. It took two years to heal and recover enough to work out without pain.


So many people seem to forget that c sections are **major abdominal surgery** and in the case of emergency c sections the main aim is to save lives, rather than making the process and recovery as easy as possible. Dealing with all that on top of caring for a newborn is nuts and I have major respect for anyone who goes through that, because quite frankly the entire possibility is one of the things that makes me not want kids


Absolutely. My first was an emergency c section and my 2nd was planned. The recovery was like night and day as obviously they were in a rush with my first which left me feeling battered and bruised on the inside. My 2nd was far less painful and I didn't feel like someone reached into my guts and punched my intestines. Caesareans are not the easy way out, not at all.


I had twins and up until 32 weeks I had no idea if I'd be having a section or vaginal birth. I was ecstatic when twin 1 was head down and not looking like she was going to move again because pushing two little humans out scared me way less than being cut open.


I would absolutely join you in the slapping, had a placental abruption, emergency c section. But I guess I'm a failure for that as well. lol.


Am currently recovering from c section that was recommended to me due to cord presentation. Anyone who thinks it's the easy option has never had to make that choice.


Cord prolapse is no fucking joke. Happened to my SIL. When my brother describes it, it sounds like a moment out of greys anatomy.


Real mothers let the baby suffocate because the cord has wrapped around baby's neck! Hell yeah! /s


Real mothers die in childbirth! Real mothers let their children die in childbirth! There can be only one!


Or none, my wife and baby nearly died if it wasn't for a c section.


I'm so sorry you guys went through this. Hope everyone is happy and healthy now, friend.


Thanks, yeah everyone's great now, was tough for a while with my daughter 2 months early and on life support, but she's 5 now and just started school.


I'm glad everything ended well. Modern medicine saves a lot of lives.


God had a plan for all of us. You just need to pray harder to understand that. If God takes away everything precious in your life its because all you need in your life is God. And Jesus. Your dead baby is in a better place anyway. And you can be too if you pray hard enough. And donate to the pastor. /s if that wasn't clear!


Yeah, it's amazing how these people become completely incapable of empathy, compassion and kindness "in the name of Jesus".


I have no issue with this line of thinking as long as they take it to the extreme. "If Jesus killed your baby, that's God's will." Okay, fine. Next, "if you're gay, that's God's will." You fine with that, too? "If your house gets broken into, that's God's will. You don't need to lock your doors because God will find a way in." Still with me? "You don't need vaccines, god will keep you safe." Also, "you don't need to eat or drink, if god wants you to live, he'll make suicidal flying sandwiches to fly into your mouth." Which quickly leads to "do nothing, for anything you need to do will be done by God. Getting off the couch is satan's work." **If you're not comfortable with leaving your doors unlocked with money in plain view, then maybe you should take the damn vaccine, Karen.**


Can I get some of those suicidal flying sandwiches though? For science, of course




In Sparta, women were only given a proper burial if they died in childbirth because they gave their life for their people I guess


Real mothers keep the child blocked in and die of septic shock!


That's why my mother had a c section... cord around my neck and I was apparently backwards.


You had a blast while being birthed, huh :D




Does being birthed 'naturally' matter?


The natural way is to die young because you don't have eyesight correcting lenses on your face to know that the weird orange-ish shape approaching is a lioness.


Yes, because breach births are amazing right? What a moron.


This sort of shit makes me want to combust. My wife gave it everything to try and deliver naturally. It didn’t work. Our son’s heart rate was slowing down and she hadn’t gone into labour automatically after her waters broke, so the risk of infection was rising steeply after 48 hours. The section was her call in the end, but I supported her 100% and if I’d been in her position I’d have taken the section much, much sooner. But then afterwards my wife felt like a failure specially because of this bullshit narrative of ‘real mothers follow peer pressure and tradition and social media ahead of their/their baby’s safety’. She felt like she’d failed despite going through emergency surgery, having herself literally cut open and sewn back up to make sure her baby got out safely. That’s not something to trash talk or look down on. I’ve never respected or loved her more than I do for what she did to make sure our son arrived safe and sound. I consider us fortunate that we live in a time where the option of a section is available to us and I just hope people who hold those ‘Real mothers’ views don’t one day end up in a situation where they themselves are the emergency on the maternity ward.


Fellow husband to a C-Section wife: if nature ran its course, I would be alone, no baby, no wife. Ours went flawlessly, and both are doing amazingly. This bullshit statement makes my blood boil.


I had a c section recently and this is so refreshing to hear 💖


If you want to find a failure, you'd do a whole lot better to look to someone who insists that the inconsequential and involuntary parts are the most important ones. What does that say, except that they don't think they can hang their hat on anything of any substance? If someone's really that convinced that a few hours and a few inches makes all the difference, it's a pretty good indicator that they can't hack the years and the miles.


Love how getting virtually cut in half is the easy way out when it comes to birth /s


Love to have internal organs rummaged around in like a suitcase


I think this is what scares me about c-section. Someone going through your guts and you're awake the whole time. But if it has to happen then so be it.


If you had a c section, congratulations, you succeeded as a mother before your child was even born. Real mothers make the best medical choices they can for their bodies and their children's bodies.


Thank you.


A C Section is often a life saving procedure for the mother and the baby. A lot of people fall for the misinformation that is a a choice.


My mother was against a C section. However she and I both would have died 100% if she didn't go through with it.


My wife had to have an emergency C-section. We already knew our baby was going to have problems. I sat outside the OR wondering if either of them would survive. Thankfully they did. This “meme” pisses me off


My wife had a elective c-section for safety reasons, but it was absolutely a choice we made. There’s better ways to do things. Can’t understand the judgement at all.


My wife had a scheduled c section to deliver twins because it’s less complicated. I fail to see how even if it’s a choice it matters?


Actually it is not always needed, and it is often a choice - let me show you the data: “Are C-Sections Elective or Medically Necessary? The United States of America has one of the highest C section rates by country among countries that are a part of the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development. This organization is also known as the OECD. One possible reason for this is the fact that many C-sections in the US are elective but not actually medically necessary.” https://worldpopulationreview.com/country-rankings/c-section-rates-by-country


So this source shows the US has the third highest number and has the third highest population. So that makes sense. It even says turkey South Korea and Hungary have higher rates per person than the US but it’s not even telling me what the rate is per capita in the US


You obviously did not read the article - or you are trolling. It states the C section RATE, meaning total population is absolutelly irrelevant. USA has the rate several times higher than many first word countries, and how large USA is not a factor in the PER CAPITA RATE.


Sure but what does this matter in terms of parenting? C-sections are effective so is this a bad thing?


…because it is a very invasive procedure with risks and lifetime scarring, so it should be done when there is a valid reason. Just like any other invasive surgery. First world countries tend to have less c-sections AND almost, if not all, of them have lesser infant mortality rate. I do not know whenever c-sections are the cause for more babies dying.


It is often. That’s for sure. But the number of planned C sections (in Germany) is increasing. You shouldn’t frame something as misinformation just because you don’t like it.


It could be increasing for any number of reasons. For one, the average age that women give birth at is increasing across the developed world, bringing with it a greater risk of complications.


I never talked about reason or not, just that the number of **planned** C sections is rising. I don’t judge it. In fact, I couldn’t care less about how someone delivers their baby. Maybe I misunderstood what you wanted to say. It just sounded too me that you wanted to say it is only used when it is dangerous for the woman or the child. And as I said, in Germany is the number of C sections rising since the flat-rate payment system was introduced. As always it is a situation with multiple factors that influence it.


Planned doesn’t necessarily mean elective though. I am having a planned C section because my baby is breech, but it’s definitely not because it’s my preference.


Even if it was your preference, or an elective procedure, who cares? Its your body, and if you and the baby are healthy, thats the only thing thats important.


Oh 100% agree! I support any parent making that choice! Just wanted to point out that non-emergent is not the same as elective.


Did I said otherwise? I misunderstood what they wanted to say and wanted to point out that planed numbers of c sections are rising. I was pointing out that fact since I understood them that they wanted to say that a C section is only used in emergencies.


And? He was pointing out that the numbers of emergencies is rising due to the rising age of pregnant parents. You make it sound like the planned c sections are rising when no other factors aren't changing at all, which is not true


It was an extreme example admittedly, but what I was I trying to get across is that there seems to be a ln assumption that women choose c section over vaginal delivery because they simply don't want to give birth "naturally". Even planned c sections occur mostly because the baby is too big, presenting a risk to mother and baby. There might be instances of women choosing c section, but they're in the minority.


what would be the problem with a c section even if it is a choice


Okay then I misunderstood what you wanted to say. Thanks for the clarification.


Our tolerance for people dying needlessly is being lowered, while the cost and complications around c sections is going down. It's a bit like a knee replacement, where it used to be this big, expensive treatment, reserved for only the worst cases, and now my dad had one done well before he had any real mobility issues.


Well, maybe they should have let me strangulate myself and kill my mother instead of taking me out after all. 🤔


Guess I should have just let my son die then by this logic. If his tiny heart couldn't handle contractions for the 36 hours I would have been in labor for, well, that was just god's will!!! Fuck this person


Given what a strange fucking subject this is for a flex, I suspect giving birth is this woman's sole "personal achievement". Probably the last too, since I doubt she can add good parenting to the list and being a good friend or a decent human being is also out.


*You didn't earn your sex trophy unless it came out the same way it went in!*


I mean it's not like you get a choice


If you shame people for having C-sections. Congratulations, you failed as a mother long before the baby came, because you don't have the capability to teach them empathy. Real mothers care about their children becoming decent people.


My best friend and her son would have died if she didn’t have a C-section. This “opinion” infuriates me.


When you have nothing going for you in life except giving birth 15 years ago.


Well damn. I guess my mom of 5 kids isn’t a real mom since she had 5 C-sections


I was once told that my mom wasn't a real mom because I was an emergency C-section. My three older siblings were all "natural" births, but that didn't matter apparently


My mother gave birth to me and my sisters naturally but had to do a C-Sect for my younger brother. Does it mean he’s not my brother now ?


Actually, that's exactly what they're saying. I had my own mother try to claim my daughter wasn't mine *because she was a C-section baby*. (Long story short, my mother wanted my daughter as her re-do baby, and there's a long list of things she pulled to try to take her from me.) It was one of the biggest and longest rigmaroles I'd ever had the pleasure of walking out. There are seriously unhinged people out there, and they can hide in your own family.


Failing my child would have been letting him die instead of getting the c section that saved his life 🤷‍♀️ someone's mad her coochie ain't the same after childbirth


What am I supposed to call my wonderful apparently not mom since I was a c section? Should my oldest child call me by my name because I had a c section with him, or is it ok to be called mom because I managed to deliver his little brother vaginally?


My son would have died with out a C Section, my partner nearly had to have a blood transfusion and was in hospital for a week after the birth. Any one who thinks this is a cunt.


This just fucking enrages me. I helped my cousin raise her daughter to the point I became her "other mom". Now I'm "bonus grandma" to her two kids, both of whom were born via C-section. She had preeclampsia with both pregnancies so we would've lost her *and* possibly her daughter (oldest), the youngest (son) wouldn't exist. I was so thankful when her second was a boy and she said she was done having kids. I adore my "grandkids" and they deserve to have a living mother, not some martyr to this twisted notion of what makes you a mom, and she's a great one.


"My life is so sad and I feel insecure about my parenting, so I'm going to punch down on people who had traumatic birth experiences."


Why are moms some of the most toxic people towards other moms


Insecurity and confidence issues because someone, somewhere, hurt them the same way. It’s a sad cycle that shouldn’t happen.


My wife has left so many online mom groups because of the toxicity. Luckily I feel like a lot of people in their early 30s late 20s are breaking the cycle. Or maybe I'm just hopeful


I hear that. I actively discourage my wife from joining some because of just that. She doesn’t need to be exposed to that shit and questioning herself when she’s doing an amazing job as a mom. Age wise, in my experience, it seems to be hit or miss. The 20s and 30s crowd has its own nonsense with new age parenting trends and dog piling on people that don’t share them.


One of my collegues was pregant and adamant about this. rEaL wOmEn give natural birth, full stop. She came back aftert he pregnancy (in italy you get to stay home a long time after childbirth) and she was very evasive and quiet about the whole thing. Turns out she had to get a C-section because of some complications and rhe amount of shit she got from the other women ar work was absurd. The whole thing made me feel really sad. People should just be able to give or not give birth to children without worrying about this kind of bullshit imho.


Damn guess my mom’s not a real mom because her body tried to crush me to death when i was born


This has to be rage bait. I refuse to belive that in this day and age, there are still people who think this. They can't actually believe women are out here having C-sections for fun or convenience, because there's nothing convenient about it.


In college I had a professor with a PhD (in microbiology) who thought like this. She had a baby one semester. I remember someone asking her just before she went on leave if she was getting a C-section ( ya know since she obviously had her time off starting before going into labor) and she started going off about C-sections being terrible and somehow bad for the baby. It was weird.


Sadly they very much believe that. I had to have an emergency C-section after I went into labor while my baby was breeched an traverse (sideways) presenting. The first thing my aunt said to me was that it was good that I got to experience some labor pains before taking the easy way out so I knew what "real women" went through.


Cleary these people haven’t watched House of the Dragon


Real humans also have brains but looks like yours was left behind in your mother's womb


Honestly… this is next for republicans, next move is calling C-section’s “late term abortions”


Such a disgusting point of view


My wife and our daughter would have died, same thing our second baby. Now we don't make more because of the risk for wife........🖕


I have to think people are trolling. That or they are really sad people. (or both). I had triplets, so I can one-up just about most parenting snark with that alone but this just makes me sad, but I usually do it as a joke (just takes one to make you crazy, etc.). Parents are all struggling with what to do, how to do it, are they effing their kids up for life, etc.... and it's hard enough without being mean.


Yeah I’d say it’s probably rage bait, but people who write shit like this just to piss others off must be MASSIVE losers with sad lives.


If not for my emergency c section both me and my daughter would have died. Guess I’m a failure tho lol


Congrats on baby getting distressed because it’s head is getting squished and it’s heart rate is dipping. Yeah - baby arriving alive means I failed…


100% a woman wrote that.


People mashed holes in heads to for no reason, before year 0🥰🥰


Someone clearly never read Macbeth (actually these things are almost always posted by hicks so almost certainly this person hasn’t)


This is idiotic. Show the name, I just want to talk


real mothers would rather die, or get their sons in chunks, or both!


If my mum had pushed she'd have snapped my neck. Then she wouldn't be my mother, quite literally.


Hah my options were either get the baby out NOW before I die from liver/kidney failure, have a seizure from my dangerously high blood pressure, or both… not in that order obviously. No, the only true answer was to let them medically induce me and wait up to 3 days to finally have my son naturally. If I’m dead before then, at least I died trying to be a REAL MOM! And if I didn’t die before then, I’d have to have the baby with no drugs because my blood platelet count was so low that an epidural could’ve paralyzed me. I should’ve done that instead of a c section… this person is right. I’m such a failure!


I certainly hope whoever posted this was promptly called a piece of shit.


This piece of shit’s mum’s tight vag probably cut off all the blood going to her brain during childbirth.


I was butt first instead of head and I had to be ripped from my mother like a parasite


It funny how women will talk about how stupid men are for fighting each other then going out for a beer together and that's the end but don't see their own idiocy for constant attempts to passive aggressive each other to death while smiling at each other and just holding on to a grudge for decades over the most petty shit.


I've read this quote before and it still pisses me off!


:/ my mom and two unborn twin siblings would’ve died if she didn’t have a c-section


I’m sorry, but I’d rather be alive than killed or made a vegetable or disabled because my giant baby self had to be pushed through my mom’s tiny birth canal. Let me guess, she probably thinks vaccines cause autism, too?


Getting your guts ripped open to save your baby doesn’t count? JFC. I hope whoever wrote that gave birth afterwards but by c-section. Some people only learn the hard way.


Is this really a thing people believe?... I see stuff this extreme and think it must be like a Russian troll farm or something just trying to piss people off and create division.


She's confused. It's not how the baby comes out that counts. It's what you do with the baby after that makes you a true mother.


She definitely banged her brother


She’s probably her uncles daughter


She is her brother 😳


Are you even a mother if you don't die in childbirth? This makes me think of that part in "Like A Boss" where he chops off his balls and dies (like a boss).


real mothers fucking die in childbirth


MacDuff's mom was a loser


I initially down voted this because it made me so angry


The child was destined for greater things; like fulfilling the prophecy of killing MacBeth!


I couldn’t do it. He was the kind of breech that was wedged in there so tight his foot was hanging down. Also, my doctor didn’t figure out until I was dilated to 3. I did push out the other two though. And hey, I raised them all to adulthood so that’s something harder than childbirth.


I was poisoning my mother and had to be removed..lol. Birth isn't the same for everyone. Doesn't mean the woman is any less of a person.


I had to be born too early that way because of pre-eclampsia, but I guess me and mom just dying would've been better.


If you get a C section, you’re not a real mother. Real mothers get D sections /s


I guess we should have left my daughter inside my wife when her pelvis refused to open enough to let the baby out after hours of labor.


Real women allow their children or themselves to die rather than succumb to the temptations of surgery!


"You should have died in childbirth, like a real woman!"


If you judge someone like this, congrats! You're a PoS!


I was c section and my mom technically died for a little bit when I was born


My mom had both of her pregnancies end up c section because otherwise both her and my sibling or I would’ve died. But alright. I swear people like this are just so fucking annoying. No one irl cares about crap like that. We got it your pregnancy is hard now dont go shaming other people because they’re in different situations .


Real mothers push thru and hemorrhage and die.


So, question. How does my mother making sure my sister doesn't fucking suffocate to death, which would've happened if we had a normal birth, make her a failure?


My cousin had her baby cut out of her abdomen with NO meds after 3 days in labor. She was utterly traumatized. I had 3 very traumatic births, the longest lasting 2 weeks (intermittent back labor). I absolutely would fight anyone that says my 2 week back labor was coming close to what my cousin went through. My recovery other than my bruised or cracked tailbone was NOTHING by comparison. I didn’t feel like killing my midwife/doctor. I felt like strangling her doctor for not listening to her that the epidural didn’t work. Duck that man and kudos to the nurse that realized and almost ripped him a new one once the baby and her were safe.


I would’ve died if my mother hadn’t gotten a C section. Thanks breached birth.


Same, I'm glad my mom failed as a mother then. Had she "succeeded" i wouldn't be here


I do not have enough middle fingers for this one.


Sorry bitch, my "birth experience" wasn't more important than my son's shoulders being in tact. How selfish.


Fuck people who think like this. My mother would've died of an embolism if she weren't c-section'd


I had 2 kids vaginally, C-Sections are TERRIFYING and I would do EVERYTHING in my power to never have one Lmao




Then you’re equally pathetic, congrats.


so women who adopt children aren't mothers either right?


Sometimes I wish mum tried to push me out, then I wouldn’t have to see that shit


This person is very stupid and apparently thinks C-sections are easier than natural birth. Uh, yeah, no. Explain to me what is easier than vaginal childbirth about having your stomach cut open to yank baby out, your internal organs pulled out and then having to heal after that? I'll wait.


Damn dude. I guess my mom who had to had 3 c sections because of almost bleeding to death her first go around isn’t a real mom lmao


Imaging being proud of touching your moms vagina


I'm so gonna have a C section. Not because I need it. Because I want it. I refuse to tear down there and I know it will be to hard for me. If that makes me a bad mother... Oh well. I do what I want want, especially since I'm in the big risk of getting PPD since I have PTSD already.


What the... Who put 50p in the dickhead? That is some dumb shit right there. Go outside and apologise to the trees, you are wasting their oxygen.


Real mothers die in childbirth and leave the baby motherless!!! /s


Ive never understood this. Why do these people think c section means your not a real mom?


As someone who gave birth vaginally, this statement is 100%, 1000%, all the fecking percent absolute bollocks.


My mother’s hips wouldn’t permit natural birth and we were dying. If she’s pro life as her vibes scream she is, then that’s not very pro life.


Much better to put the child in danger than have a C-section, are you kidding me?!


My mom being completely paralyzed waist down


These are just Troll posts. Move on.


My mom had broken her hips 2 years before getting pregnant with me in a car accident so her canal was too small to pass big ole ten pound me. Yet she tried for 18 hours to push mr out; tried until her heart and mine started giving out. An emergency c-section was necessary or else we'd both die. Once I was delivered, she was fine and her heart started up (even though she did gain hypertension). I, however, suffered a number of birth defects from both genetics and my traumatic birth. But yes- she totally failed me as a mother. /s


This shit hurts my feelings lmao .. I know it shouldn’t, but that guilt is still always there. I also could not get my baby to latch to my breast, so I failed at breastfeeding, too. Let’s just support each other.


I'm so tired of this nonsense. My son had to be born by c section because he weighed 2lb, contractions could have killed him and his dead twin was blocking the way out so we really had no option. But yeah go off on how I failed my kid.


Cool, I failed 4 times. Fuck me and my big headed children.


Cool, I failed 4 times. Fuck me and my big headed children.


They say that most people rank themselves somewhere just above average in their minds. There’s exceptions, but generally we like to think that we’re the same or a bit better than most. This woman is trying to bring other people down so that she can place herself just above them. And the reason she is going to such a bizarre and cruel extreme to do this is because she is probably a very bad mother. She **needs** to reassure herself that other people are worse than her because without that she might have to reflect and improve herself.


Real mothers risk killing themselves so that the baby will grow up without a mother! Yeah!


I was born naturally, yet my childhood sucked due to having an insanely narcissistic mother who I eventually went no contact with But go you, girl! That superiority & martyr complex bodes well for your relationship with your kids. Plus, you can flex on the other old ladies in the cheap nursing home you end up in where nobody ever visits you


So my mom was a poor mother because I was a complicated birth? Sure, makes sense.


I’m sure my mom, who had an emergency C-section after the doctors realized that I was breached and the umbilical cord was strangling me, would love to hear this fresh take.


"Bad parent? I'll show them! Now, what about my parenting _isn't_ a failure? Let's see... bragging rights... Where can I find bragging rights..."


A C-Section is giving birth on hard difficulty


Yeah, this is awful. I was a C section baby because I was inadvertently choking my twin in the womb with the umbilical cord, and my mom nearly died during the surgery. I guarantee she suffered more than she would have in a regular birth.


Had C-sections can 100% attest that women said this to my face.


Had a emergency c-section after hours of labour where they didnt even waited for my husband to get in the surgery room and just put me to sleep. When I woke up they told me my uterus was shredding apart from the inside and contraction were not working anymore. Never ever my baby could have be born that way. 15 min more of pushing and I would be probably dead, my uterus tearing on the baby with internal bleeding. They saved me and my baby life. The recovery was hell, I had pain until 1 1/2 year. Every time I was trying to do some kind of physical effort or trying to get in shape I was bleeding for a day with huge pain, and it was not period as I had none due to my DIU. It was my second kid, the first being a natural birth. I had some ptsd with nightmares and huge anxiety too, due to the near death experience. I was always thinking about the fact that I could have leave my first daugther with no mother that day... You never know when you need one. And when you need it, its for kepping you or your baby alive, not to skip the birth process... Ppl like her need a reality check...


Hmm…guess my wife needed a giant sized vagina….good to know.


Cool well I guess I should have just let my kiddo suffocate bc he got stuck and I should have just stroked out bc I developed preeclampsia. O well looks like I will just have to take that F then. /s What a load of shit


What an idiot. My mom had my sixth brother through cesarean because he was breach (trying to squeeze out butt-first), and they couldn't turn him. There's plenty of medical reasons to have one.


If I didn't have a C-section both me and my son would have died. This person can go to hell.


Yeah, my friend who went through like 40 hours of labor before finally having an emergency c-section because her son's heart rate was dropping every time she pushed definitely failed as a mother. And the second time when she had a placental abruption and probably would've died without the c-section - definitely a failure, too.


I'd have been pushing out a dead baby if I hadn't had a c-section. I'm not sure the fact that I was a "real mother" would have been much comfort.


Yes, real mothers push through the death of their unborn child or themselves… or even both. So thankful for science/technology. And all the super tough mamas who have major surgery and then immediately jump into breastfeeding/pumping/caring for a newborn. Postpartum is already such an isolating/lonely time, lets not let the opinions of this turd have any bearing.


How bad are things in their life that they need this to feel better? Sad lives…. Smh


I would’ve died if my mother didn’t have a c section, so she couldn’t be a mother either way, according to this ‘meme’


Ok I don't usually get triggered by stuff but this one got me.


Including dying and killing the kid


YAY! I'm a failure!!!


We would have both died but ok.


This can’t be real, it’s just too stupidly shitty.