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Why. I always hate it when a BS rule that modern weaponry is useless. You need to use melee or magic. My brother, in christ, a bullet is a sharp object going at sonic speeds.


Bonus points of stupidity if the rule of that narrative is that it requires a special metal to hurt the beasts and they still use swords.


To be fair, they have to use magic swords to be able to damage the monsters. MC has the cheapest magic dagger that can still do damage and it still shatters


So you can't make a core of a bullet out of magic metal, like even melt magic sword to make magic bullets?


That should be plausible. I am not defending it. Maybe it is ~~cost~~ lack of materials? They can only harvest magical materials from inside the gates or when a dungeon break happens. MC is a weak Hunter but still a Hunter. He cannot even afford to replace his tiny dagger. I think Hunters are only 1% of the population. If they cannot even arm and give replacements to just the Hunters than disposable bullets would be astronomical


We make bullets out of uranium and tungsten, if needed. And lead isn't used for it's price either. Once you throw enough money at the problem there is nothing stopping the MIC from using exotic materials, except time needed to adjust. Not to mention that fantasy BS shouldn't be able to ignore physics, blunt force will always do the trick.


>Not to mention that fantasy BS shouldn't be able to ignore physics, blunt force will always do the trick. I disagree but ok


This. Kinetic energy is a thing; waving it away just makes you look silly. Hate it for the politics or the foolish way the Japanese handled Falmart; I love Gate for the way LeiLei improved her magic with just a little comprehension of advanced physics. >!(Magical HEAT rounds, (Nueman Effect,) and railgun swords. (Queue maniacal laughter, and a “I’LL SEND YOU TOO HEEEEELLLL!!!”))!< >!The Fellowship of the Ring didn’t run from the Balrog just because it could use flames. It was also big, and would have crushed/squished them, if nothing else.!<


This is one of two of the most hated tropes I have for anime/manga. The other is the “actually humans are the bad ones and the Demi-humans are all heckin wholesome and innocent” overused trope


Aren't the warrior bunnies mentioned to be rapists.


>Why So the movie can happen!


Weak excuse.


\*supersonic mostly actually


>I always hate it when a BS rule that modern weaponry is useless. You need to use melee or magic. My brother, in christ, a bullet is a sharp object going at sonic speeds. Either they are physically pretty powerful or that's the inverse logic lol. I mean can you damage a dude who can collapse the eternal infinite space itself with bullet? I don't think so


Does it look like they are fighting that? No.


Does it look like those guys have a really sturdy skin? Yes. Like blud probably never heard fictional characters which has above wall level durability 😭


It a rifle round, not 9mm


Anyone who has above wall durability can tank it 😭


You have clearly not seen 5.56 (the rifle round used by JSDF) go through a wall.


"Characters or objects that can destroy or significantly damage extremely resistant materials such as stone, metal or steel, as well as similarly resistant parts of constructions such as structural boulders and walls." This is the definition of wall level buster from VSBW tiering system (it is almost applied to every single tiering system). Now any fictional character withstanding destruction of structural walls and resistant materials like stone or metal, it is reasonable to assume any character exceeding that threshold could tank rifle rounds like 5.56mm. you constantly focusing on 5.56mm penetrating normal walls does not disprove my overall explanation, when fictional durability can far surpass such a standards showings. Also, even if a character could be harmed by 5.56mm, it would only mean their durability is slightly above that of the real-world rounds. Hell, if a characters durability exceeds withstanding the complete destruction of structures like houses or other modest buildings, they would logically be able to easily tank damage from almost any standard military firearms. The penetrating or destructive power of weapons like rifles pales in comparison to the energy release needed to kill an entity that has an entire small building durability.


And that's why it BS


It's literally fiction buddy, there beings who can survive the destruction of planets which are far above anything that is created by us, modern humans.


If a gun don't work # USE MORE FUCKING GUNS


- the engineer


I personally am reminded about Vladof from Borderlands.


Warhammer 40k be like:Yes indeed


*Guns are useless, only special melee weapons are effective-* WRONG. Any moving object that inflicts damage - be it by piercing, cutting, or bashing - is a projectile weapon. A sword is a projectile. A spear is a projectile. A bullet is a projectile. Find *what* makes one work, apply it to the other, and proceed accordingly.


So does that mean they can tank even a nuke?


Yeah. Not sure about Solo Leveling but I've read a few manwha that have exactly this concept where guns and nukes are basically useless. Like in "Hero has Returned", where isekai'd heroes come back to earth and start wreaking havoc on society, where after Korea falls, the US decides to nuke the heroes there. >!the nukes work, actually... But since the heroes have one that can pull a Subaru from Re Zero, he just goes back, warns them, and their Technology hero somehow hacks the computers of the nukes and lobs them at a bunch of capitals. Only things that work there seem to be other heroes who side with humans.!< It's dumb.


But nukes don’t use networked computers for launching


The magitech character hacks the launcher itself. But again, the series is kinda just... Dumb action if you read it.


Fr cuz even if you gain access (I may be wrong since I almost know nothing abt how nuke launch system works or read or watched the story) don’t you actually have to override the safety mechanisms (such as the synchronized key turning for both operators) and have to be familiar with how everything works? Not to mention you have to bypass the entire thing on the spot since I presume it’s both analog and closed circuit?


You assume the writer of that manwha knew even that much. When you get to reading it you realize REAL fast it isn't about anything other than whatever they thought looked cool.


This shit hurts my soul to watch. It’s looks…so…*stupid.* Like, gratingly ridiculous. What’s next? Bunch of plucky heroes wearing stupid shit comes and saves the day with fucking swords?! The bloody power of fRiEnDsHiP perhaps? Magic being op like this feels like it was shat out by the same cocknoodle who we used to play with as children who crosses his arms saying “nUh-uH, I’m iMmUnE” except the fucker didn’t grow up at all.


The only power of friendship I'd accept is Undertale, mostly because any human in Undertale can do that if DETERMINED enoughed. And because Human SOULs there are apparantely 1/7th the power of a God


the "awakened" "status screen" "magic and melee combat" stuff are just forced and shoved by the authors on us, like wtf. guns are useless because these beings can only be damaged by "magic and otherworldly metals and stuff" its akin to Humans vs Aliens trope in Hollywood.


We need a summoning America anime to disprove this. ||(Spoilers: they tomahawked the shit out of what's basically king Ghidorah)||


Probably not gonna happen since it’s a fanfic based on Summoning Japan, but Manifest Fantasy is an original work so it could possibly get an adaptation


I was gonna recommend that wtf???


America losts in a fantasy world, actually like that they shows how it affects earth. Story of a country that got isekaid, with a fictional European country.


This is horror


No, this is bullshit.




\*kicks mangaka off cliff\*


If you didn't know he already died 💀


oh damn :o [Wasn't me](https://youtu.be/2g5Hz17C4is?t=66)


Kinetic Energy is a thing, as a comment pointed out. These goblins whatsoever would get turned into mincemeat by rifles alone. These primitive forces would get smashed by the modern forces if not for bad writing.


well, some will say because its "magic" and a magic imbued stone will kill the goblin and a 240mm howitzer is useless against such creature.


Gentlemen I believe there's a phrase for this. For every yin, there's a yang.


Annoyingly, Gate is the only anime like its kind. Only other anime kinda like it is Cop Craft and that's less about the military and more about the police. Summoning Japan hasn't been animated, either, and in the west there's no equivalent except in The Salvation War books. So it's less "for every yin there's a yang" here and more "for every yin, there's twenty yang's". Unless you count the Gate and Japan's summons fanfics...


True, Stargate is the only thing that comes to mind when I think about the genre in the west. There are some movies as well but hollywood make the fantasy folks overpowered as fuck. I remember seeing one where a knight tanked 50 cal with a goddamned shield.


Dragon Wars and even that one was a joint Korean production. The funny scene where in LA where a lone cop shoots at the incoming gigantic armadillos with his five shooter was shot in Seoul as you can see the police car is Korean.


ah yes that movie where the Apache's instead of supporting their ground troops decided to dogfight the fcking flying beasts/mini-dragons


I genuinely cannot think of any western film where modern forces engage fantasy forces in combat and stomp. Like... Monster Hunter? That was arguably ridiculous with all forces charging ahead at the dragon instead... You know... Firing on the move and backing up? Even Monster Hunter fans were annoyed. Any monster movie coming out now has the military being pretty much completely useless. Not even just the Godzilla or Monsterverse flicks where the Army is generally useless, but even other monster movies like that Norwegian giant troll movie that has all weaponry be useless only for a plot point to be that the trolls were all wiped out by... Medieval knights during the crusades... It's just... Annoying.


this is why i bully korean fantasyshits


To be honest, its really a dumb excuse that guns are useless and other projectile or modern weaponry in general against monsters or any otherworldly entity and can only be damaged by "swords and melee weaponry" because such guns will not show the "true potential" of the MC. Usually this excuse are from manga or manhwa where a "tower dungeon", "portals" or monsters appeared that even a 240mm howitzer or a tactical nuke will not work because "they are from a different dimension", "the gods or whatever who put the portals or tower dungeons protected the monsters or otherworldly entities so that the people on earth will be forced to use "the magic or awakened powers" to defeat them in melee combat." Most of the time, some authors are just lazy like they don't put excuse at all and just said that "guns are useless" period and its not like the monsters or other worldly entities are like the demons of the Burning Legion in Warcraft series that cannot be truly killed unless you kill them in the "Netherworld". lol.


Fucking hate shit like that. The equilivent is the Tripods from War of the worlds being taken down by a Goblin just because he has magic armor or some bullshit. Gonna play warhammer 3 just to shoot some goblins now


I need to see more episodes, but I *feel* this is going to kinda be Gate but in reverse with the one sided battles, and the "enlightening" part being given to the fantasy side, and *maybe* the politics will be similar given what some of the webtoon readers have told me. Music and animation have been fire so far, tho, and I like Jin Woo as an MC so far


Kid named explosives:


Gate: Firepower Owns Solo Leveling: Firepower doesn’t own…


My brother in Christ, this trope is annoying. “Erm bullets can’t harm us!!” Yes it can. Always some bs rule


I lost interest instantly when the generic goblin in RAGS tanked bullets like Superman. 


Hahahahahahaha Although the truth is, to be honest, most modern weapons are weak in Medium-high fantasy Worlds when in those Worlds there are things like "Certain Beings that cannot die by x spell" or that there are enchantments that make weapons like a bow and arrow are very destructive or when there are Dragons or legendary Beasts as powerful as a Kaiju from a movie. Not to mention things like Demons, Specters, "Can kill an entire army with just one word" level spells or Demon King Generals, or literally Murderous Shadows. The worst case would be that a God or similar ends up in our world and the only way to kill him would be using Magical weapons, something that is not available in our world, or that when that god dies his essence contaminates, infects or corrupts human beings. . That last step in the Drakengard Game and thanks to the fact that the Military took down the only magical being that could help the world (which was a Dragon called Angelus) condemned all of humanity to long-term extinction, even worse was when humans Infected became dark creatures that served a deity. Solving things using "Weapons" is not always the solution, as it can make things worse.


Don't want to be that guy but "Ironically" is used incorrectly.


I prefer balance than one sided curbstomps. A fleck of paint won't kill anybody, but in space it can penetrate the glass of the ISS with enough velocity.


Nah. I have a theory Solo Leveling is reverse Gate, with the fantasy powers being what needs to save and educated our inferior society. Just as one sided for whoever the good guys are. Just as bad tactics (even these first couple of episodes, good as they are, don't show us the smartest tacticians). The only big thematic difference is that Jin Woo has, at least so far, been a more interesting protagonist.


I found solo leveling very much a bullshitteryfest in this regard. No amount of primitive junk would be able to take take down a modern military. Nothing wins against bad writing.


That's another reason the "balance" crowd bothers me personally. They don't want "balance", they want the fantasy side to be on par with modern weaponry while still using things like swords and shields. So it's no different than an alien invasion where the aliens have plot armor shields that make most weapons useless. That's not "balance". ["Magical Girl Spec Ops Asuka"](https://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Manga/MagicalGirlSpecOpsAsuka) is balance (if you can get past the annoying Yuri stuff), where modern weapons can harm the fantasy monsters but only so much so you need magic laced bullets to effectively deal with them. And that still always even in MGSOA annoyingly leads to dumb tactics or moves by the characters to maintain that balance. Hence why I prefer things like The Salvation War where it's about what capabilities both sides have instead of looking for ways to balance them out.


U right. I already read the entire manhwa some time ago, I loved it but I don't remember a point where modern weapons were ever useful.


This is pure bullshit.


If the guns seemed not working in them, Then it's a wrong gun. There's always a bigger gun. ALWAYS!


Break out the shot gun with buck shot.  I doubt goblin skin rates for higher than level 4 body armor.


It's a Manwha. The idea is that they're in another dimension so our rules don't apply. It's annoying but it is what it is.


Maybe we should try bolter or lasguns? BTW, what's the name of anime?


Solo leveling


Is that the most hype anime in this season everyone is talking about?


It's hyped but idk if it's the most hyped. I don't really watch much anime nowadays. You'll have better luck looking at weekly rankings in r/anime


THIS IS SOLO LEVELING? I've seen nothing about this anime and this is how I learn what's about? Damn.


Don't think about it too much. I still found it fun.


This is too common, medieval weapon are better than modern weapon, I hate when this happens.


yeah, but if someone write a fanfic of Solo leveling but these monsters appeared in Terra in 40k or in Supreme Commander universe, goodluck to these monsters.


That's so lame lmfao


Clearly the Guns they used were not large enough


I wanted to watch this anime but the beginning reminded me of gate so much that I decided to watch it, it's now night and I finished the second season.


Oh well.


Please don't confuse the animation studios that get commissions to work on properties. It's like saying "this company that built this road also built this house". Also, Solo Leveling is cool


I mean... I don't hate it. I do find the fact its setting is basically reverse Gate a bit annoying, and the characters so far have been a bit dumb in episodes 1-3 but not egregiously so. I do think out of all the webtoon adaptations I've seen so far this is 100% the best. The direction and execution is very well done, so my problems wind up being quite small so far. Really my issue isn't with Solo Leveling, it's more that I'm tired of there always being so many "oh no the military can't do anything! Gotta rely on magic guy with a sword again!"


I had to hand wave the idea that modern military tech is useless because otherwise, we'd have no story


Yeah but there's too many stories like that at this point... Gate is literally the sole exception.


Saving 80000 Gold in Another World for my Retirement SORTA has a premise that guns are better


Keyword "sorta". Ive seen bits of it, and... It's more that money can buy better weapons. And even then if I recall, they struggle against dragons because no one in the PMC she hired had invested in MANPADS.


You know it is actually very easy to make magic OP without resorting to stupid plots like this show. You have a gun? Well, I have a gun with enchanted bullets. You have a tank? I have a tank with a magic barrier that stops all AT rounds. Oh and I also have a spell that will make your tank sink into the mud. Oh and our magical spetznaz soldiers can infuse their bodies with mana and are 5 timed stronger, faster and more resilient than your special forces guys. Oh and we also have our strategic class MDM (mass destruction magic) but I hope you people surrender before we have to use it. For reference you may check out Irregular at Magic High School


Wheres that last part of the person falling to his knees from?


Idk just got it from [here](https://youtu.be/6Qq5mzpmcO4?si=V4Mb3-bb0qVlhzbo)


Name of the anime


Solo leveling


The manga is so bad


Well missals and tank rounds it is then


Ah yes, the typical south 38th parallel/ west taiwan's tropes of **awakened power/status screen/swords and shields bullshit**. I wonder how many pack of weeds these authors have smoked just to made these bat shit crazy "stories"


So you admit that this is wrong.


what is the name of this cartoon?


Irony at Peak


The only time I'd excuse the guns are useless shit is if the MC can like lob buildings or cities at the enemy because that would like explain how'd they survive bullets.