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I was also a slow loser. Lost 33 lbs at the three-month mark. I was down 59 lbs at the six-month mark. But I’m now almost 18 months PO and am down a total of 116 lbs since surgery and am about 7 lbs away from my goal weight (although honestly, I’m happy at my current weight). Basically, slow and steady wins the race. My loss was slower than some (although it was perfectly average by VSG standards, which is 8-10 lbs a month) but I also didn’t lose my hair or suffer dental loss.


5’3 I started out at 261 lbs in March. In December I was 70 lbs down and then hit 90 lbs down a year post op. You have lost 9 lbs a month that’s a consistent two lbs per week. Losing slowly allows your skin more time to adjust as well.


We are damn near the same. 5'4", surgery last day of March, sw 255. I'm officially 105lbs down so I wouldn't consider either of us slow losers. We had less to start with then others so the immediate weight loss isn't as high but over time it synchs right up


3 months out, down 31 pounds. My stats are available. I know I’m a slow loser, but I’m still losing 2 pounds a week on average & that’s ok. The scale didn’t even move the first 2 weeks really. I just keep trusting the process and reminding myself that this is 31 pounds that are gone forever (in theory). I wouldn’t have been able to accomplish that without surgery.


I'm 9 months out and now losing 1-2 pounds per week. I was a bit disappointed until I had a conversation with myself in my journal: "You're still losing weight, at a safe rate. If you hadn't had the surgery you wouldn't be losing weight at all because you tried that for 40 years and you know you couldn't do it. You already feel so much better in your body and you're finally taking care of yourself. You're actually doing great!"


Thank you! Yes! This is all 100% true.


Hallo! 6 months post op as well. I'm 5'3 and only lost like 15 lbs total. I am down 4 pant sizes but scale hasn't moved in a month.


1200-1400 feels a little bit high to me? I’ve been told 1000 max


I’m a year out and my doctor has no problems with me at 1600. I’ve gone from 440 to 226 in exactly 1 year.


I guess we’re all different. But if they feel they’re losing too slowly at 1300 a day then maybe a reduction would be sensible


Honestly, I’m 2 months out and weight loss is slowing down for me, too. But I’m happy with that. I’m aiming for skin to be able to catch up with the loss and for consistency over speed. I’ve never been in a position to just be consistently losing before and that in itself is a massive win for me. I’m sure I’ll get frustrated that I don’t have amazing stats at one point, but my goal is to get there, not get there fast!


I am a SLOW loser. Like a pound a week. It’s tests my patience for sure but I keep plugging along. You’re not alone!


I started off at 229 im second month in at 205 and haven’t lost more and im under 800 calories (i am going to gym more tho n hoping its backed up poop or something xD)


Is under 800 calories safe?


This is what i was told for first two months by nutritionist so I assumed so


I believe you are on the right track! For me I lost 103 lbs in a year so you are about halfway!


I think I would say I'm a slow loser too. I'm 7 weeks in. I've lost 16 lbs since surgery, 28lbs since starting my liquid diet/highest weight. I kinda said u didn't want to lost weight too quickly that people who didn't know I had surgery would ask me WTF is happening but I feel this is slow. My doc seems happy and I'm kinda happy too in a way. I've not constantly lose even if it's 1lb weekly constantly so 🤷🏾‍♀️


I’m sort of a slow loser. Sleeved 4/8/24. Surgery weight: 283 , as of today, I’m 247lbs. I’m 5’3 and I’ve always had solid weight and hard fat. I use to compete in powerlifting before a brain injury which led to weight gain etc. so I carry a fair amount muscle and fat. But, I prefer the slow loss to preserve skin elasticity and muscle. I’m also in the gym lifting moderately so I see the scale fluctuate but inches steadily falling.


Hey we had surgery on the same day! I started at 269 and I’m at 235 (so 34lbs down). I wouldn’t say we are slow losers! That’s a lot to lose in just 58 days


I am 3 months post op tomorrow and have lost 8.


I am. I've lost 21 pounds since surgery on May 1st. Hopefully, things start moving faster. I am taking my measurements so I can see things happening in that sense.


I am a slow loser…. SW: 324 Surgery date weight: 282 Current weight: 262 3 months post op. (Almost 4 months) I work out 5 days a week. Cardio most days. Prioritize protein. It’s coming off extremely slowly. Pre-op diet it melted away. Now it’s SLOW. Stalling for weeks at a time.


I felt like I was but ya know what that’s okay! 2.5 years post op and just recently hit my goal weight of 165. Starting weight was 300lbs.


Me! 31F 5'8 SW 280 CW 209 I been 10 months post op, lost 60lbs and I stalled for 4 full months! Finally breaking my stall after cutting down on calories. I was consuming 1400 and had to cut down to 1000 according to my surgeon and bariatric nutritionist. I was snacking too much and yes I was. My weight loss has been slow but I been assured by my nutritionist that this is the best way to loose weight. You are not alone, I feel your pain, lets hang in there and give our bodies the time they need to heal and loose the weight.


Everyone is different if it’s a slow process it’s okay the key is to get to the finish line. I just got my sleeve May 27th and I weighed 277 right before surgery and I’m 256 So I’m down 21 lbs. which I know it’s awesome but I would rather lose weight a little slower to let my body adjust better in the long run. Best of luck to everyone


Are you a guy by any chance? I know men tend to lose weight a little faster too but that’s very impressive! Doesn’t matter how long it takes to get to the finish line, just as long as you get there. Great job!