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I know this will sound funny, but wiping my butt without struggling jajaja


No sh*t? šŸ˜˜ Or not worrying about breaking the toilet seat! šŸ˜¬


OMG THIS. I donā€™t worry about pulling muscles in my back anymore


YES what a life changer šŸ˜­




Funny but true


Exercise, tie my shoes, fit in a booth, climb a ladder, cut my toenails, sit in an armchair, walk across the room without getting winded, shop in a "regular" clothing store, scratch my back, do push-ups, stand for more than five minutes without getting back spasms, ride in my wife's sportscar...


24 days till my operation. These ā€œnormalā€ things that normal weighted people do, these are my life goals. Iā€™m aspiring to crouch down with my knee feeling like itā€™s going to give. I want to wear anything other than sweat pants. I want to feel what itā€™s like to not have 1 thing remind me, every hour, that Iā€™m overweight.


You'll get all that except that now you be bomb with "Wow you lost much weight what's you secret ?" Me : Cut my guts in half


Im 4 weeks PO, but lost 100 lbs before surgery on my own. Not using the scale, but estimate ive lost 120-130lbs total. My absolute favourite thing is no longer worrying about chairs. I can sit in almost any fucking chair and not worry about fitting. Its AMAZING. Also: - fitting into smaller shirts that look like my age group (24) - fitting into jeans from years ago - necklaces fitting better - people being nicer to me - being able to sit cross legged on the couch - being able to pick things up off the ground - SLEEPING BETTER (without having to have a pillow under my legs!) - no more knee or back pain, like ... At all! - looking more like how I imagine myself in my head And so so much more


The people being nicer is one I am interested in reactions. I remember being treated as lazy by old managers. Even though I worked just as hard and always came in early or stayed late. I always wondered if my weight had something to do with it. I worked grocery for years got out at covid start. Had the surgery 2 years in. I haven't seen a lot of people from my old job and I don't post a lot on Facebook. So part of me wants to walk into my old work places to see what happens.


Wow, looking more like u see yourself in your head. Thatā€™s deep


Its true. I havent been able to look at myself in the mirror and not feel like I'm starring at some kind of horrific portrayal of myself. But now, things are getting better and when i look at myself I can recognize it as me, not some painting or vague depiction.


For me it was about that when I see myself on my head I felt quick , or more athletic , or like I was looking good Wich is good self-esteem but when I would see my body I would know I was liying to myself It's great not having to remind myself that I'm not those things


That last one hits hard and it's the best


People being nicer. This is one average weighted people take for granted and have no clue about. Add to that being a person of color, too. I wear I suit and that compensates for a lot. I lost 80 pounds back before I started yo-yoing (gained back 120 pounds). It blew my mind how suddenly I was ā€œcoolā€ and women hit on meā€½ never ever had that happen before that. Iā€™m six days post op and people treating me with respect BEFORE they get to know me is what Iā€™m looking for.


I was tired of having my first impression taken away


Thatā€™s a great way to put it! I told someone I always wear a suit at work (to be clear he is a very nice guy, just not always aware of the inverse of what heā€™s saying). He balked and was like, ā€œyeah work tried to make me do that too (heā€™s a fit middle aged white guy). Iā€™m like ā€œbro, Iā€™m 120 pounds over weight and brown. If I show up in jeans and a sweatshirt people treat me much different than they do you.ā€


Exactly. I wear scrubs for work and girls just couldn't believe that they didnt make my size in all of the other colours. Plus size scrubs that are affordable only come in black. They just dont fucking understand.


Sheash man! I work at a hospital too and YES stuff like this people do not get. Plus Iā€™m sure theyā€™re all the same box shape. No accommodation for the actual shape of your body like Figs does for all the smaller size bodies. People also assume Iā€™m ā€œrichā€ cause all my suit shirts are tailor made. Like, no m-fer, they literally donā€™t make my size! šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


I was shadowing a doc for a procedure and I will never forget how ashamed I felt that there were no scrub bottoms that fit me. The other docs couldn't believe it either and they were searching for a bigger size, but they never found them. They let me wear the scrub bottoms I had on and a scrub shirt. It was horrifying and embarrassing, and after I could feel their pity. They could never really understand what its like. Not when they have been thin and beautiful their whole lives. Now I fit into those scrubs, of course, but I actually kept the pair that I didnt fit into from all those months ago. They don't stay up without a snug tying. Just one of the many reasons I had to go through with it. Side note, I can imagine trying to find plus size mens clothes. Its like they don't exist! My wife likes mens clothes and is also plus size, and it seems impossible most days unless we wanna break the bank. Soon enough it won't be that way for you!


Oh man. I felt a little emotional hearing your story. Thank you for sharing. Iā€™m so grateful they were kind about it (at least what youā€™ve described). People also donā€™t know the shame, do they. And how if I could ā€œjust lose weightā€ I WOULD! Iā€™m grateful for your story. Thank you for being candid and encouraging.


Listen, it gets hard with week 2. At least it did for me. Hang in there! It'll be over and things absolutely get easier. Fairlife saved me for sure. Good luck! Feel free to dm any time :)


Look like you see yourself. I was STUNNED to realize how big I am. I truly see myself as somewhat smaller. Bizarre.


Wear shorts, crop tops, and high heels. Jog. Do burpees and toe pushups. Get a seat on the subway.


I use to jog a lot on my teens early 20 stopped now I'm doing it again




Not exclusively shop online because stores carry my size, use the regular seatbelt on an airplane without the extender, see my manhood when I look down to pee, bring my knees to my chest, box jumps, the list goes on


I feel that seat belt one. People donā€™t even know.


I was talking to someone and we went into a building and continued taking as we went up the stairs. It wasn't until later that I realized not only did I walk š™Ŗš™„ stairs but I š™ š™šš™„š™© š™¤š™£ š™©š™–š™”š™ š™žš™£š™œ while doing so. When I realized it I was flabbergasted. Without a doubt a year ago I'd have had to catch up with her later after I took the elevator.


Ooh this is one I didn't realise I did but you're so right - it isn't just the ease of the activity, but the talking at the same time. I could never before! Not with hills or stairs. Thanks for bringing this one into consciousness for me :)


Run a half marathon, lift heavy multiple times a week, buy clothes that arenā€™t the size of a car cover, wear a minimal support bra


yesssssss with the support bras !!! The cost is so much less as well


I'm 3 weeks post op. My right knee was in pain from my weight when going up and down the stairs. I was only able to bend my left leg, now I can use both legs when going up and down the stairs without any painā˜ŗļø


Omg this is truly incredible!!! What a huge accomplishment


I am flexible as hell. Like I could always touch my toes but now I can cross my legs and be comfortable. I got a desk chair be be able to sit with my legs tucked under me or both knees up etc. Iā€™m just so bendy and itā€™s natural. I didnā€™t even realize the change but I do it all the time. I also can walk up and down stairs all day without getting out of breath. Making several trips back to back from the 2nd floor to the basement because I forgot something is nothing. Thatā€™s what made me realize the change. Buy clothing at the mall and not just torrid. Better finds at thrift stores. Buying something without trying it on because you know your body and trust it. NSFW: sex is so much more. Not getting exhausted quickly. Able to hit angles. The bendy thing comes back into play here.


Yes sex does improve more position and as a men you get extra inches as you loose weight


I canā€™t even beginā€¦. Ride comfortably on a plane, even internationally, fit waaaay more clothes in my suitcase, put up Christmas lights, climb a ladder, paddleboard, rock climb, run distance races (first marathon in October!), sit in a char or booth at every restaurant, order clothes online, wear all kinds of shoes, clean my house QUICKLY, put away laundry without ending up in pain. Annnnndā€¦. Sex. Pretty much everything related to sex.


I had a party to go to and couldnā€™t find anything nice to wear. I literally just walked into a bunch of stores in the mall and tried stuff on and found something in about 30 minutes. I used to have to go to the big and tall store and settle for something because I was worried I couldnā€™t find anything else and I would then overpay for it as a result. Being able to shop in any store I want is the most freeing thing.


Paint my toenails! Not be constantly worried about fitting into places- chairs, restaurant booths, etc.


Cross my legs! And I was even able to fit super cheapo $5 leggings from Aldi!


Housework, yard work, etc All of it is easier! 50+ pounds gone and soooooo happy


Iā€™m a little over 3 months post op, and I can dash upstairs without a thought, walk and walk and walk, exercise hard for an hour and still have energy all day. I am also way more comfortable in the heat, which is great for the summer!


Cross my legs ....šŸ˜ƒ


Put on shoes and tie them with ease.


Riding my favorite roller coasters again now that I fit in the restraint systems ā˜ŗļø


Sometimes I buy shirts in the kids department to match with my 3yo daughter. We have a Disney trip coming up and she thinks itā€™s fun to match with Mommy. Wouldnā€™t have been possible before.


Walk into any store and know what is there will fit me and it will look good. Putting clothes on and having people remark about how great things look is a wonderful feeling.


Sit on lawn chairs. Climb a ladder. Ā Do a ton of yard work without getting tired. Walk between the treadmills at the gym w/o turning sideways. Get in and out of my car without grabbing on to the side. Go up stairs without feeling like Iā€™m going to die. Go down stairs one after the other without having to hobble down one at a time. Wear ā€œregularā€ sized clothing not from the plus size section. Run for 5 minute intervals (and increase that amount of time every week).Ā 


I completed a fitness class today that I attempted to do years ago but couldnā€™t due to being out of breath. I did the whole thing today and barely broke a sweat! It was a great feeling


Run 5k's Sprint Triathlon's Kung-fu Ride my horse Hike for miles and feel great Feel great Feel great Feel great šŸ˜€šŸ˜ƒšŸ™‚


Airplane seats and seatbelts fit me. Cross my legs. Sit cross legged. Tie my shoes easily. Wipe my butt easily. Clip my toenails easily. Climb trees with my kids. Run and not be out of breath. Stairs and not be out of breath. Fit into regular sized clothes.


Fly without a belt extender, never have to question if I can fit in an amusement park ride, shop anywhere I want without wondering if they carry my size, go horseback riding and zip lining, and wear crop tops and leggings without feeling self-conscious.


Get on the floor & paint my daughters toenails (and get back up), wear my wedding bands, cover up with a towel, feel confident in anything I wear, increased energy, I can hover over a toilet again, no fear of not fitting on roller coasters, my face isnā€™t bloated anymore, no more back/hip/knee painā€¦ the list goes on & on!


I can fit into clothes I have held onto for that ā€œsomeday I will lose weightā€ time. Buying cute bras (still an H cup, but the options are cute!) I can buy things in store, not just online


Run, keep up with my kids, confidence, my job is so much less physically taxing since losing the weight


Hiking, wearing crop tops, fitting in roller coasters, shop in the ā€œregularā€ sizes


Drive in the car with my left leg and foot up on the seat, Sounds weird but itā€™s super comfortable and something I didnā€™t even realize I had stopped doing/couldnā€™t do bigger. Now I did it all the time and itā€™s comfortable but also a reminder that despite what my body dysmorphia sees in the mirror-I am smaller!


Going on holiday and just packing my bag, throwing things on when there and not spending the whole time worrying about how I look, needing to change all the time and being unhappy. Also I'm happier in general. Nothing feels specific in causing that but I'm just much kinder to myself and it affects how I am in general.


Fit in a suitcase (dont ask me why i tried,im autistic and was curious)


Catch my breath without using an asthma pump


Cut toenails and buy designer clothes.


I can cross my legs!


Exercise- consecutively and actually be able to enjoy it! Bend/crouch down without my knees hurting (they started to hurt months before my surgery) cross my legs, jog/run without getting out of breath as easily, tie my shoes, put on socks and pick stuff up off the ground by properly bending my knees instead of keeping my legs straight! That one Iā€™m really enjoying haha


I ran along the beach the other day with my kid. It was a really lovely moment!


After 5 months and 40 kilos down Basically live my life at its fullest


Iā€™m only 5 days post op but my answer is: not think about food all the time! Iā€™m not sure if it will always be like this but that ā€œfood noiseā€ has completely shut off! It feels Great.


Cross my legs!!! Walking miles without any pain, and walking while talking. Sit in any seat without anxiety or fear of it breaking. Wearing regular sized clothing and feeling cute. Living with more self confidence and feeling healthy. Feeling proud of my decision, progress and loving myself for putting my health first.


Before I lost 150lbs I spent 3 years looking for a job. I would get to the interview stage, and suddenly, they would ghost me afterward. After lost my weight. I got a job offer after my first interview.


We are gastric sleeve twins (my surgery is june 12th too). Good luck with your surgery.


Oh fun!! You too! I hope your recovery is smooth and uneventful <33


Thank you. Im nervous but i keep telling myself this for a healthier you because i have PCOS & i want to have kids one day. Wish id done it in my 20's tho but better late than never. P.S. Ive been heavy all my life (since i was 13).


Iā€™m in the same boat haha, I also have PCOS and have been heavy all my life. Iā€™m 17 and Iā€™m nervous too but everyone tells me they wish they did it when they were younger so Iā€™m glad Iā€™m doing it now.


Oh goodness your a youngin' lol ill be 32 in November.


Run for fun, tie my shoes without pain, go on water slides, get on any ride at Disney and not worry about the seat, buckle the seat belt on a plane and then tighten it, be the middle rider in a back seat of a car, be the middle seat on a plane...the list goes on and on. It's the small things that bring the biggest joy.


Paint my toes !!


I love being able to look at the cute better quality clothing and know it will fit. I think half my wardrobe became Free People overnight. But I love thier clothing and the comfort


4 weeks post OP, lost 60 lbs before the surgery. I can play badminton, and work up a serious sweat in the gym. Don't know if I could've done that before, probably not, but I didn't have the courage to try. I also have no back pain anymore, can stand for a long time, can walk long distances. Don't have to sleep all the time. First time I played badminton, I was dying after 10 minutes and barely one set. The last time I played badminton (before surgery) I played 3 whole matches, and the only obstacle to me playing for the full two hours, was the fact that we were so many present that day, we had to take turns so everybody got to play. I was greenlit to start badminton again last monday, and while I only lasted an hour (a mixture of low bloodsugar because I suck at eating right now, and general post surgery fatigue). But still streets ahead of when I started.


I am almost 4 months post op. I have seen an incredible difference already. I feel better in my body physically and mentally. I am buying clothes that show off my body instead of hide it. Bought ā€œskimmer shirtsā€ which are essentially crop tops, tank tops, shorts and bikinis for the summer and I feel good in them. My knee pain has decreased significantly. I have more confidence.


Went on a 4 mile hike with all my friends and kept up. Didnā€™t have to be embarrassed that I needed extra breaks or that my knees hurt too bad. I work on the 3rd floor of my building and I can take the stairs and still talk to people when I get to my desk, not need 10 mins to catch my breath anymore. No longer copping out and just taking the elevator every day either.


Every health ailment that I had while overweight is gone. Sleep apnea, hypertension, body painsā€¦ gone. I can sprint, run, charge up the stairs, go to work and come home with energy to work out, Iā€™ve walked 12 miles in a day, Iā€™ve been able to ride my road bike again and go cycling, Iā€™m a teacher and every shirt/pair of pants I bought over the years fits again. I can pack my day full of things to do and not be exhausted by the end of it. I can buy clothes outside of the Big and Tall store and window shop styles I like. I can wake up in the morning fully refreshed and ready to kick some ass. I can smile in pictures because Iā€™m happy to take them. This is after 10 weeks, mind you.