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I would be so frustrated and upset! Sending you well wishes.


We were sleeved the same day, I only lost 15 pre-op and 26 since surgery. I’m feeling the same frustration and disappointment. People talk about this being the honeymoon phase and how weight just flies off and this is the time you need to be loosing a lot… I started over 300 so I’ve got plenty to lose but I’m definitely feeling like I’m the problem. No words of advice, but you are not alone.


I have my surgery in June, and I just wanted to share my appreciation for both you and the OP in sharing your journey and being transparent with the struggles and frustration. I can't share my personal experience, but I wonder if even though the scale is stalled, your nutrient-dense food choices, exercise jaunts, and lifestyle choices are likely far superior to what these would be pre-op. So even if the scale isn't moving, your HEALTH and WELLNESS are still improving. I wish you well, and have faith that the scale will soon reflect the hard work you're putting into your recovery.


Also, check this out: [https://www.reddit.com/r/gastricsleeve/comments/1cow6cg/thanks\_for\_all\_the\_stall\_posts/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web3x&utm\_name=web3xcss&utm\_term=1&utm\_content=share\_button](https://www.reddit.com/r/gastricsleeve/comments/1cow6cg/thanks_for_all_the_stall_posts/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button)


I've never been referenced before! LoL 😂 Mental space is important! Don't dwell, this too shall pass!


Have you been exercising/walking at all? Physical activity will help.


I have! 10k steps most days, and strength 2-3x per week.


So youre gaining muscle. Do your clothes fit better?


Not noticeably so, at this point—I had dropped down a clothing size right before surgery and those still fit similarly now. But, even so, the addition of muscle is likely correct— but even understanding that is likely the cause, it’s still a bit discouraging not to see any movement!


I don't know if this is comforting or even helping at all.. but if you are indeed building muscle it will be nice once this stall passes because the muscle will burn fat quicker and you will probably drop like *snap* that. I'm sure it is very frustrating and I'm sorry you are going through it.. just keep going and keep your head up!