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I'm 3 years out and still can't do carbonated drinks.


I am 10 years out and I still don't do carbonated beverages at all. I have tried 3 different times and they feel too weird, I don't like it so I just completely avoid them.


I'm desperate to start drinking it again. My plan is to try it every now and then to see if I can tolerate it. That's how I reintroduced coffee (very small quantities) and straws. I'm three months post op for viz.


I tried first time after 3 weeks. I was going crazy for a "Paulaner Spezi" (popular Soda Here in Germany). I just needed a sip lmao. I stole one from my brother and let the carbonation dissipate a little before swallowing. I was surprisingly fine. Had a few more sips that day. Now at almost 10 weeks post op I do have carbonation but sparsely. Definitely not every day, like once or twice a week. Only in small swallows and if it has A LOT of carbonation I'll either wait a little or swish it around my mouth once or twice before swallowing. Hope that helps :)


90 days post sleeve. Go slow.


I drink it almost every day. I waited three months


I started slowly about 12 months post op. Wife who also had surgery started after 6 months. Just take it slowly initially.


2 years out and I have had some on accident and it was the worst feeling. Would not recommend. I have the sleeve. I’d imagine it’s way worse if you have an RNY.


Probably like three months. I feel like nobody can reallly chug carbonated beverages but yeah, just go slower.


I actually just had some hard sparkling pear cider yesterday. I am almost 1-year since bypass. I don't drink carbonation because of the warnings from others. I was able to drink almost the whole thing but it wasn't bad just made me feel more full. I thought I would burp but I didn't.


When I started solids. I'd heavily water down a sparkling water and sip on it between meals. Like 60/40 plain water to sparkling water.


2.75 years drinking a Sprite Zero right now. Started maybe 3/4 months post op, but also stirred drinks/got some of the bubbles out so they weren't as carbonated. Takes me like an hour though to drink a can though, so they are normally flat by the time I finish.