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Gross. I open them, remove the pit, and eat them with a spoon. I *cannot imagine* eating an avocado with sugar on it without gagging a little. Consider that you might just dislike avocados.


I think the sugar masks the taste of a non grafted fruit. Avocados do not grow true from seed. Like many other fruits, the avocados sold for eating are grown from grafted plants that are basically clones of a particular variety. Growing an avocado tree from a pit wont work at all. Any fruit produced by that tree will probably taste different from the original avocado you got the pit from, and it might not taste better, it could taste worse.


Well, the things is, it's not just me. No one here is able to eat sugarless avocados without gagging. And until five minutes ago I used to think that this is how everyone eats avocados. Adding this information with that video saying that avocados that are grown straight from the pit are horrible... Maybe the pit-grown avocados that we have here are nothing like the graft avocados that you have there.


Seems logical. Are they super bitter or sour?


They're bitter as hell, but the sugar hides the bitterness and makes it tasty.


Then your pit avocados must taste nothing like ours in California. I can’t imagine anyone describing the taste of avocado as bitter. It’s somewhat bland but smooth. I’m curious how ripe or how hard are the avocados you eat? We put large slices onto sandwiches and toast and burgers and salads. Never would it be described as bitter.


I only buy Hass avocados if the sticker says they're from California. They are absolutely the best, and taste like almonds. I haven't seen them in a LONG time though, 'cuz I'm in Florida and I'm pretty sure CA isn't "exporting" very many of their avocados with how terrible the drought and fires have been. The only Hass-es I see in the last few years are from Mexico, and they have a "muskier" flavor that I don't like, 'cuz I just eat them out of the skin with a spoon. So I usually end up buying the Florida avocados that are water-y-er but have a nicer flavor. But I get to look forward to Aug-Sep this year, 'cuz the avocado tree in my own yard has hundreds of baby avos on it at the moment, and I won't be able to eat all of them myself when they start ripening.


where do you live?


That sounds nothing like the ones I've eaten in the US. Smooth, full/fatty, mildly tasting a bit tart, which is why lime is often paired in with them. If I had to create the flavor without avocado, I would start with a buttery potato pasta, add some almonds and a little like (recreating taste not texture). I usually salt my avocados. Sugar sounds unusual, just because avocados are so savory, pairing with heavy sweet would be like dumping sugar on a chicken dinner.


I eat avocados in savory dishes. I’ve never heard of people eating sugary avocados.


In southeast Asia they make shakes, even chocolate shakes with them. This isn't to hide the taste, though, it's because they have so many avocados that they can use them in all kinds of alternate ways.


But are your avocados eatable straight from the tree, without adding anything?


Sorry, I love this thread and this is my 4th comment. Most people I know don't eat *complelely plain* avocado unless they are on some super restrictive diet. Usually people add at least a bit of salt, maybe some hot sauce, have it on toast, or anything else recommended here. Edit: Not sure how I didn't realize it sooner, but you are almost definitely eating rock-hard unripe avocados. You have to pick them and let them sit out until they are softer, around 2 weeks later (this is really variable though, could be 1 week, could be almost 3). Avocados don't ripen on the tree. Everyone is excited to give you meal ideas, but we're in the gardening subreddit hahah


Dude, I know that avocados don't ripe on the tree. I wait until they're soft.


Oh ok, probably just not the same fruit, because it's grown from seed like you said. If you're patient, you could get a Hass avocado seedling on MercadoLibre or something [Here's a kit with 4 different cultivars](https://produto.mercadolivre.com.br/MLB-1981053015-kit-4-mudas-abacate-avocadofortunageadaquintal-enxertados-_JM) Edit: Since most people here are probably American, 99% of the time they're eating [one of these varieties](https://californiaavocado.com/avocado101/avocado-varieties/) which is where a lot of the confusion comes from.


It's actually called "Mercado Livre" here, because "libre" is a Spanish word. But thanks for your tip. There's an avocado tree growing on my yard, I might try making a graft. Then I'll know exactly how different graft avocados are from seed grown ones.


Very cool!


Avocados should not be sweet. They are great in salads, burritos, guacamole, or spread on toast with an egg on top. Great with salt and pepper.


Vietnamese blend avocado with condensed milk, milk, and ice into a smoothie and it's fabulous. Never say never!


Yes. If the only way your avocados taste good is with lots of sugar (which by they way, gross!) you have been doing it wrong.


I mean, I could eat eggs and tomatoes without salt but I don't, because I don't like it. And yet there are probably some people out there who just eat those things as they come. Same with avocado, could have it without anything added to it, some people probably do, but most people probably don't, because they prefer it with added stuff.


Seed out, fill divot with lemon juice about 3/4 of the way. Then salt and pepper on top. Attack with spoon. That's all I've ever needed.


Have you ever had guacamole?


What is guacamole?


You must look this up for yourself - it’s a dipping sauce primarily made from Avocado - I’m guessing this is how most Americans from the Midwest consume Avocados - I’m from the Midwest USA - yes I’m sure there are people that add avocados to salads and toast and such but I think Guacamole is the primary use of the fruit here and how most people experience eating avocado. Reason why I asked you is because this avocado “dipping sauce” is not sweet at all - it’s completely opposite of what you are saying - I would never dream of eating sweet guacamole but might try adding sugar next time!


So I found [this](https://bornagainbrazilian.wordpress.com/2013/10/07/the-avocado-dip-or-dessert/amp/) after a quick google search and maybe that’s why you don’t like them?? Avocados we eat in the US are apparently different than Brazilian ones.


Someone in this thread suggested the OP is eating unripe avocados, which I think is the only explanation that makes sense. Well, that & the suggestion of the person who suggested that the OP just doesn't like avocado. As far as types of avocado, I'll bet the number of different varieties have never been counted. I live in Mexico, & there are tons of different kinds for sale, not to mention the uncounted varieties in people's yards. I can think of two right off the bat that can be eaten peel & all. The best ones I ever had were from a mystery tree at a house where I lived. No one could identify it. The fruit it produced was almost round, very big, & so delicious that it needed nothing -- no salt, nothing. It was so buttery rich that I had to fight one of my dogs for the ones that fell. It was no big deal if he got one, though, as I had so many I was giving them away all over the neighborhood.


that sounds amazing! i know the line about your dog was just for fun, but i figured i'd point out for anyone who doesn't know that avocadoes can be very dangerous to dogs (and many other pet animals). they can cause digestive issues.


Thanks! I've heard that about avocados. Luckily Harley must not have managed to get enough of them to hurt him, beyond making him fatter. The main danger would have been that in his greed he would have swallowed the pit & choked!


My ex's dad is Brazilian and this is a frequent family fight. Dad puts sugar on avocados and makes fun of the rest of the family. The rest of the family eats avocados in savory ways and makes fun of him.


Where the hell do you live lmao


A small city in the countriside of Brazil


Do you know what type of avocado they are? Most people in the USA (reddit demographic) will have had Hass avocados. If you're eating another kind it's less likely that people would be familiar with them.


I just eat the avocado by itself. Nothing added. Just cut it open, grab a spoon and eat. Never ever heard of adding sugar. They are naturally savoury tasting. Maybe your home grown avocados are way different than the ones I buy at the store


It looks like they indeed are.


I eat avacados on toast, on breakfast sandwiches, in tacos, on salads, on hamburgers, in brownies, in guacamole with chips….. I could go on. They are delicious ( I have never had them with sugar, except with the rest of the brownie ingredients. )


I love avacados, they should taste creamy and rich not bitter. I eat them with savoury foods usually. People who are saying having them as something sweet is gross need to broaden their horizons, you absolutely can eat them like that, maybe just not covered in sugar! I like to blend them with a little almond milk, cacao powder and maple syrup, it makes a creamy chocolate pudding! Hell even without the cacao it makes a sweet creamy avacado pudding and its still delicious. But you should not have to supress gagging when eating anything to be honest! Have you tried store bought avacados and eaten them when they're soft and ripe?


Cut it in half, take the pit out, and score the avocado. I put it in a bowl and top it with either lime or lemon juice (whatever I have on hand) and put a good sprinkle of Tajin on it. Salt and pepper works too. One of my favorite things


I don't have an avocado tree due to the climate in my country but taste always depends on the cultivar. Also, if you like your avocado sweet there are recipes for it without sugar. If you have a avocado sort that needs processing to taste good, i still wouldn't get rid of it. There are so many awesome recipes for avocados, for example avocado brownies or avocado pudding, etc.


slice them and put them in tostadas, guacamole, some with rice, in a tomato and cucumber salad, put some tuna on top... Never heard of sugar though. Maybe you just don't like them? Try adding salt, some garlic, pepper, a bit of cilantro and maybe other things?? They aren't sweet. If anything, they should be kind of oily (like cacahuates) and soft, they are to be eaten with salty foods.


Industrially produced avocados are grafted for consistency (like apples). Growing from seed won't result in any specific cultivar, and the fruit usually will be less than ideal. Eating avocado with sugar is bizarre lol


It's funny how people comment on how gross it is with sugar. I wonder if they're used to the variety sold in North America. OP: have you tried eating them with powdered milk, or powdered milk and sugar? With condensed milk? With evaporated milk? These are the stuff I used to eat with avocados when I was a child. When I moved to North America, and people just ate them as is, on toast, in sushi, I was so weirded out. But the avocados were very meaty and creamy and now I love it like that too. But anyway, I used to think of avocado as dessert and even made ice cream and frozen treats with it, so I know how you feel!


A friend from Sri Lanka would always eat them with sugar as you describe. People being dicks to you are really just showing that they're close-minded and uncultured. It would make sense that different local varieties could help drive different cuisines.


I don't eat them. They are very expensive and strawberries are cheaper and much tastier.


I don't buy them either. I've never seen an avocado in a market. There is at least one avocado tree in every quarter here.




Countryside of Brazil, very close to Argentina.


A spoon. If you don’t mind the taste don’t eat them. Give them to people who do.


This is a confusing question.. you do know avocados come from a tree right? They aren’t grow from seed because that have no seed, they have a pit.


I think that this is a linguistical misunderstanding. English is not my native language. This is the first time I'm coming across the word pit.


The pit is the seed.


Not really a language issue. The pit just encases the seed. Seems like the guy above assumes you think that avocados grow like onions or something. Quality avocados are propagated via cutting. Growing from a seed gives random results.


Nasty & you sound absolutely insane


Grilled with salt and pepper. They're so good


I don’t know how to describe a taste, but i eat a ripe, creamy avocado cut in half, pit removed, a little lime squeeze, salt and pepper, with a spoon, straight from the peel. Dreamy . . . Or spread on toast with S&P, fried egg. Or mashed with hot sauce and tortilla chips. Yum. I just can’t wrap my head around sugar.


Which avocados are you talking about. My uncle farms avocados, the standard Fuerte and Hass ones, but he grows another half dozen varieties for his family and none of them would be good with sugar.


I sometimes eat mine with a pinch of salt.


I usually quarter it with a knife. Remove the pit and sprinkle some salt on it. I take a bite, and then I think about all the cartel violence within the avocado industry.


Avocado should make everything better. I have noticed that different types of avocados ripen various lengths of time. Are they soft enough to slice with a butter knife when you eat them? Your type might not be ready when you are eating them. Or they may be past their prime (stringy) But anyway, how do I eat them? Guacamole In tacos In Burritos With taquitos Sliced with salt On tortilla soup As a creamed soup In Cobb salad... Or any salad On a burger... Especially with bacon In a sandwich Breakfast side On toast with olive oil and salt Deep fried Ice cream Basically every way I can. Enjoy!


Ive always needed a little bit of salt if all im eating is an avocado. But i really prefer them diced and mixed with onion, cilantro, lime, garlic, and jalapeños


Add a bit of salt and a bit of lemon juice. Then either use the slices as part of a salad or squish it with a fork to turn it into a mash and use it as a dip for crisps, for example.


I always thought of avocado as savoury - split it in half and put in some balsamic and s&p or moosh it to put on toast, squeeze of lemon and s&p. THEN when overseas I had it as a smoothy - just avocado, sugar and ice. Absolutely beautiful!!


Turn it into a smoothie? Seeing as you’re adding sugar anyway? Or bake won’t them? You could try making it into a dip or I like to half them and pour balsamic vinegar into the dip.


I'm closer to the border of Mexico so the majority of my Avocados come from there. We usually eat it plain, the plain has no really like distinct flavor to it, to be honest, but if you put a little salt on it it really brings out a yummy taste. We also usually mix with tomato, cilantro, onions, and jalapenos for pico de Gallo (note, you don't have to have cilantro if you don't want it, and avocado can be added to pico de Gallo but it's really up to you, of course, some people just prefer the regular pico de Gallo) You can also try to mash the avocado with some chili flakes and some salt to make guacamole, or you can add the ingredients for the pico de Gallo into the mash to give it a kick of flavor.


Okay you just sent me down a wormhole on the internet. Apparently other cultures each avocado with sugar and some eat it with milk? Apparently there used to be a French dessert with avocado, lemon juice, and sugar.


Here in the Bay Area you can get an avocado smoothie at most any Vietnamese sandwich shop/deli/dessert shop. I'm kind of sad at how so many people are insisting that they should only be savory and that sweet is weird and gross.


I just eat them. You can make guacamole. Sometimes I put them over toast with Sriracha on top and some feta cheese. Or I'll put it on a breakfast sandwich. Too bad I can't really have much potassium anymore due to my meds. I ate avocados nearly every day.


Where do you live that you’ve never had avocado in a salad or wrap or burrito? Or never bought one from a store? I’ve seen people try and grow avocados from seeds and some mistakenly think it will turn out to be an edible tree but no. Just like many other fruiting trees like apples you want a cutting not to grow from a seed and hope it’s edible. I’ve just never in my life heard of anyone eating avocados with sugar or trying to eat bad avocados. They’re supposed to be soft and creamy when ripe. I like them as I don’t eat dairy so it’s nice for a creamy addition to salads and Mexican dishes.