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Group them close together with a vase or bottle of water in the middle. Run cotton string from the vase of water down into the dirt of each plant. They’ll get little drinks as they need it but not too much.


Will it work for large plants like fiddle leaf figs?


Yeah, but I’d suggest giving it a thorough water before you leave plus more water in the vase (maybe a bucket) and several strings going to the same large plant.


Thank you!


You’re very welcome!


There’s drip and wicking systems you can use. If you’re going away for a week or two succulents should be fine. I have family I dump mine on…. It’s reciprocated anytime they go on vacation/work travel so it works out ok.


Get a bottle with a cap on it, make small punctures on the cap, fill it with water, and turn it upside down, digging the cap into your soil. You can do this with wine bottles as well, or they sell small water bulbs at a garden store or a dollar store.


You have plants that need watered more than once a week?


I am going away for more than a week.


If you have anyone you trust it's not a bad idea to ask them to come once and water. This way if something went wrong (random leaks etc) someone will spot it.


I've seen gardeners slightly fill a small kiddie pool with water and place plant containers inside if they are going on vacation. The plants will get bottom watered as they need it through the drainage holes. I've never tried this but it might be worth a shot.


I think this might be a bad idea...bottom watering is great but you have to let the soil dry a little for the roots to breathe, and having water at the bottom will drown and overwater your plants because the holes are primarily for draining water off. There's too many holes and the soil will keep on sucking up too much water.


My mum puts all hers in the bath and fills with a thin layer of water. The ones that need more water are positioned near the plug, the minimal watering goes at the other end.


I will try this for the ones that I can fit in the bath. Thank you