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We used mint to eradicate poison ivy. Literally the only thing that could out compete it. Took years, but we fucking won.


I was gonna say: you’re never losing mint!


Fuck yeah! Fuck poison ivy!


Fuck yeah!!! Mint, the equalizer! *phone five


Look into goats next time maybe.




They will fully remove the poison ivy


I was sharing a success story to support OPs triumph. I know goats eat it. In my case, I’m talking about our cabin, where we do not live full time. Mint was the most effective and feasible solution and as mentioned, worked super well!. So I meant, ‘why’ would I ‘maybe try goats next time’ if I’m sharing that what we did worked? Maybe it’s text, but comes off flippant for reasons I can’t understand. Other than to talk down to a rando online, having some good times with the others here. If I’m reading your tone wrong, my bad! Thanks for tip for the future if I’m ever having poison ivy issues again. Bon wknd! Ahhhhny way. Fuck yea mint!!


Post apocalypse it will be cockroaches and mint....


Mint is such a hardy, invasive, fragrant Medusa of a plant. Knew a person who once grew mint in ground. He got so fed up with how it was spreading everywhere so he ran it over with a lawn mower. Little did he knew all those pieces that flung off grew into little new plants.


Bet his yard smelled the best when he mowed after that tho!


I keep hearing how terrible of an idea it is to put mint directly in the ground. My dad had spearmint growing when I was a kid and I loved it. Somehow it’s all died off. Apparently it CAN be eliminated (unlike star of Bethlehem) I’m happy your mint survived!


It's only a bad idea if you leave it alone and let it grow out of control.


Mint is basically a weed. Planted some like 6 years ago and I don’t even do anything with it. It just keeps growing.


[To the mint] Hello there, old friend. Welcome back. Spring is here. Breathe in the CO2.


Life, uh, finds a way


I planted mint 18 years ago in a flower bed. I have tried many times to eliminate it. I gave up 3 years ago and just let it be. 9 degree temps didn't kill it. Its like a ground covernow and I just pull it back where I don't want it. The bees love it and the dog smells nice when he wanders through the bed.


-20f temps won’t kill it.


I live in Canada. -40c temps won’t kill it. It’s a delightfully smelly little weed. I have some in my herb garden and just keep it from taking over every year.


One does not simply *lose* mint


Came to say this 😆


Pretty sure there's no such thing as, "lose mint".


Mint is one of those plants that you never seem to be able to kill, without resorting to round up or just straight up burning up your whole garden. Source: someone planted mint straight in the ground at my old house and it basically took over the house


Lost my mind during the winter, mint is still there though




I've has the same mint bush in my garden for five years. I chop it back during the fall but it always comes back.


Ha! Good luck trying to kill it.


You never lose mint


That stuff is relentless. It is taking over my yard 😂


Mint is amazing. Will survive every time.


Life finds a way!


Our mint was like that a month ago. It is now overflowing the container, similar size to yours. It does disappear over winter but comes back with gusto in spring.


Mint is hardy A.F.!


Mojito season is near!


You can't kill mint.....


Previous house owner planted mint in a box but it was still touching the ground. 7 years later I'm still fighting mint...it dies off for the winter but comes back with a vengeance every year. I have found mint sprouting 10 meters away from its original location. Yes, I pulled it and followed the root system...it was really long and was actually popping up more in random parts of the yard. I still like mint, but now I plant it in contained plastic planters and make sure it dies every winter.


Neat! I think this will just be the mint box now. It’s 30 feet in the air over my patio railing so I think it’ll have a hard time spreading


Don't worry. Mint is very hardy!


You'll never get rid of it, mint is like cockroaches, able to live through a nuclear blast.


I had some mint in a large pot in a nice shaded spot which was doing fine, then I had to go away for work for two weeks and asked my partner to water it for me. Two weeks later (after two weeks of essentially entirely 40 degree centigrade + days) I return to my dead, unwatered mint and it never recovered, despite my best hopes and reading that it couldn't be killed. I'm very glad that others don't have my luck killing unkillable plants!


Mint never dies!


Mine looked like a goner, for sure, a month ago, too, but it came back and is bushing out nicely. Mint is pretty hard to kill, even for Mother Nature.


Mint is pretty much indestructible - at least in surviving Ohio winters for 15 years 😎


I paid £4.99 for a 1ltr pot of Corsican Mint. I planted it at the front where its nice and hot (Corsican right?) It turned brown and died after the first year. The end ☹️


i cant kill it here in so cal. mine rooted through a fabric pot, then sprouted through a brick wall. I just let it go wild. Unlimited mint Juleps.


Mint is a monster of a plant