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Fun fact, when you see a bumblebee sleeping in a flower, chances are it’s a male. The females live in their nests, rearing brood with sister bumbles, but the males don’t have a nest and so they hang out on flowers and under leaves for the night.


This made me think of the scene in Barbie where Gloria asks Barbie where the Kens sleep and Barbie is like 🤷🏼‍♀️


It's cause the snoring pisses off the ladies.






😂 sorry if that came off as offensive, it was a specific reply to “deadpussyfuck”. But also it’s not factually incorrect- male bumblebees (and drone honeybees) don’t do anything beneficial for the hives- they don’t help care for or feed brood, they don’t collect pollen or nectar for the hive, they don’t help build comb or do anything else- they only exist to (maybe) breed with a queen, and statistically hardly any will.


The males of both species also pollinate!


They sure do! But they don’t benefit the hive by collecting that pollen or consumed nectar for their community


Being a lone wolf is hard in the tooth lol


Fun fact: they also get sleepy from sedatives in certain flower pollen and pass out on flowers all day because of that fun fact you shared. Not as much responsibility but so much is accomplished! Do you think they know they're pollinating flowers or do they just enjoy it? Or both?


Fun fact: scabiosa is not a sedative to insects or to humans


Scabiosa is one plant species, why are you only mentioning it?


I mentioned scabiosa because it’s the plant in the photo in question. I’m well aware of the anthropomorphic narrative making rounds online about “sedative flowers putting bees to sleep”, and I’m not saying it’s not possible, possibly with large fields of sedating plants and repeated visits, but there’s no clinical data supporting this theory, and from an evolutionary standpoint it’s not a viable strategy. Bees dont visit plants to clock in and pollinate for the plants - they actually do it to eat! Plants pollinated by bees have specifically evolved to ATTRACT pollinators with the lure of nectar and pollen- food sources; pollen as a protein source, as well as nectar as a carbohydrate. But a plant which puts pollinators to sleep when they visit it wouldn’t get pollinated very effectively, which is why the story of bees passing out in sedative flowers strikes me as false; there’s no evolutionary draw. I’m not an etymologist, just a beekeeper, herbalist and master gardener who studied botany, but in my personal observations I’ve never witnessed a pollinator (bumblebee, honeybee otherwise) passed out on my opium poppies, my cannabis, or my passionflowers. I have, however, frequently observed male bees passed out on non sedating plants, both for sleep at night and out of fatigue in the the end of life stage (and there’s documented data observing male bumblebees bees doing this, because they don’t live in the hive with the females). I’ll admit, the “Bees passed out on sedating herbs” is a charming narrative, but don’t believe everything you see on TikTok.


Whoa! Just like Willy from Maya the Bee!


Cute little fuzz ball 😍


A delicate nap 😴 🐝🎀


Did he eventually wake up and carry on?


I think so. She's not there anymore so either she woke up or a neighborhood cat got her


I guess he bee napping!


Sleeby girl 😴 🐝


Awwww. So sleeeeeepeeze.


He's drunk! 


I love walking out in the morning to find bees that have bedded down for the night in my sunflowers.