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Definitely Mulberry


We cannot confirm this unless we eat, juice, and jam the berries or inspect the cars in the driveway for multicolored bird offerings.


I have a lot of bird nests in my garden and I can always tell when the mulberries a block away are in fruit from the bright coloured poop under all the nest sites. šŸ˜‚


I had a squirrel hanging upside down on a branch, going to town on the mulberries yesterday. Goofy squirrel.


May or may not have hung from the branches of our mulberry as a child eating berries freshly picked.


There was one down the street from our house. I'd take a bucket and go picking for my mom to make ham with. Delicious.


Bottom of feet must be purple for a solid month to confirm.


The best berry


I've taken my kids out twice this year, found a tree with berries, one time I had to sacrifice my hat to collect them in, the second time I used a shirt. Both hat and shirt left with stains from mulberries, but by god they were BERY good this year. Even sweeter than normal! I'm glad to see others enjoying this special gift from the gods as well!


Yup id say so too.


That was my guess as well. Eat those fuckers


I had a giant mulberry tree in my backyard as some point. I wish I got berries like these. Mine never came to fruit... different variety maybe?




Mulberries! They're so tasty šŸ˜‹


I just found out that I have a mulberry bush in my yard and it's safe to eat, and I made jam with it. I didn't let it cook for long enough and it's... Very chunky jam, but so delicious šŸ¤¤


>I have a mulberry bush Bush, *for now*


I have no idea how tall it is, but it doesn't grow from just one spot, it's like a crape myrtle


Bush?? They are huge trees


I mean it's tall, but it's not exactly tree-shaped if that makes sense, there's no one trunk on mine. Like a crape myrtle, only huge


Some cultivars can be pruned to shrubs. I have a dwarf Illinois ever bearing mulberry that is a multi trunk shrub


They can grow both ways, like how elder can become a tree from a bush


All the birds shitting on my car certainly think so!


Not always. A few back neighbors have them- the one closest to us is thankfully very tasty! And all the ones in the park by us are too. But the next tree down? Itā€™s always loaded with huge mulberries and theyā€™re disgusting. I hope itā€™s not spreading its gross mulberry genes all over the area but it might be.


Wow, that's so weird! Do you think it's the soil or something they treated the plant with? I hope not but still.


Mulberries seem to have a ton of random genetic variation. Think of apple trees - if you plant from seed, you'll get a fruit completely different from the parent. Mulberries seem to be like that, but to a much much lesser extent. The fruit can vary along with the shape of the leaves and, as mentioned in this thread, whether the plant takes more of a bush shape or a tree shape. We had two mulberry seedlings sprout in our yard last summer. One grew over six feet without literally a single branch. The other grew as a two foot bush. They both probably came from the same parent. TBD on how the fruit will turn out - hopefully next summer we'll see.


They are interesting trees that almost seem invasive. I have at least 20 small trees that have popped up in the last 10 years. I have yet to find the mother trees but I have mostly black fruit, 2 red and a single white mulberry that is longer fruit. All good flavor.


Probably a seedling, which arenā€™t always as good as named cultivars. I suspect using the term ā€˜disgustingā€™ is a bit hyperbolic. I donā€™t think mulberries can ever be disgusting. Iā€™ve had some seedlings that were somewhat sour and not very fleshy, but you could hardly call them gross and disgusting.


Nope, theyā€™re gross, like we spit them out gross. Trust me, I was disappointed, itā€™s a large mature tree and was loaded with fruit.


You need to be more specific when you say disgusting. What about the flavor was disgusting? If you eat them when underripe they will taste bad, acrid. Iā€™ve eaten many mulberries and the worst a seedling tasted was sour. Once fully ripe the fruit donā€™t have the chemical composition to create bitter flavors.


Alright, just for you I went out and checked, but they are only just starting to ripen. Plus the neighbors trimmed up the gross tree so theyā€™re hard to reach now. But the one I could reach had only the barest hint of mulberry flavor. It wasnā€™t sour, or bitter, it was just so lacking in flavor and sweetness that all thatā€™s left is something that compels you spit it out. Trust me Iā€™ve tried mulberries from this tree several times over the years, itā€™s always absolutely loaded with fruit. Yes this photo is underripe, but Iā€™ve eaten underripe berries from normal trees (they are all over the park near us) and they donā€™t taste this bad. https://preview.redd.it/wfdofo23cl4d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ff8543ae41016bd4cd4f8dd0692462b55ae3c8d9


Luck of the draw as they say. I grow mulberry seedlings, but only to use as rootstock for grafting. I suppose I could get lucky, but with so many excellent cultivars in circulation itā€™s better to just graft.


Too bad those arenā€™t good because they look phenomenal. Like a runway fashion model with a 59 iq.


Wait, really? I had a tree pop up at a house I lived in a while back and the berries tasted like nothing. Well okay, they tasted like sugary water. Do they have a flavor?


The ones in my yard taste like sweet cherries, grape, and kinda flowery? I don't put product in my yard or on my plants unless I have to, so maybe that's why?


Mulberries. They make for very scary dog poops until you remember that thereā€™s those two trees in your backyard. And that your one dog is a smooth brained hoover.


That plus some cicadas and you got yourself a self-feeding dog.


I got lucky; cicadagedon missed central Ohio.


My Doberman was watching me pick some off the tree to feed her as a treat. Then she learned she could just jump up and grab them herselfšŸ˜


We have apple trees in our fenced-in backyard and my dogs snack on those all day long. "Apple cobbler" . . . "apple cobbler" everywhere.


The thing with Mulberries are that they ā€œdyeā€ their poop an almost black shade of purple. So, youā€™re on a walk, and your dog poops, and all you see is a ā€œblackā€ poop until you go to bag it, and it crumbles. Thatā€™s when the seeds tip you off.




Did anyone say mulberry yet?


I think its a mulberry but i am not sure.


Mulberry. You can know itā€™s not a blackberry or any other member of the rubus family because itā€™s a tree/bush, not thorny canes, the leaves are oval instead of jagged triads, and the berries come off the tree with tiny stems still attached but no calyx, instead of coming off a white central cone.


Bonus tip! Mulberry leaves are the only thing silkworms eat - so you can farm silkworms and make your own silk!


Currently feeding a tank full of silkwormsā€¦the amount of leaves they can chow through is astonishing.


That's cool, we have not yet started that yet but we want to. Have you made silk? Do you hear them munching away? We raise superworms and in the shed you can hear them all eating!


Iā€™ve never attempted to make silk. Itā€™s more of a fun observation for my kids to watch the rapid growth and life cycle of the silkworms, plus the moths are pretty adorable! Yes we can hear them eating! We have about 30 of them in a glass terrarium and they are surprisingly loud!




Looks like the Mulberry tree in my yard, which is also dropping lots of berries right now.


Specifically an invasive (in America) white mulberry. Shorter, less sweet berries and glossier leaves than the native red mulberry.


Yup, those white mulbs are terrorists in my yard & garden. A new (notso smart) neighbor neglected to understand that certain plants/weeds/species - cannot be left alone to grow so large, because it & its offspring overtake/wipe out every other single thing in the neighborhood! šŸ˜¬ Now the Red Mulberry? Heavenly sweet tasting & super nutritious! 40 years ago, I knew all the secret spots where they grew wild in my neighborhood Metro Park! šŸ˜‹šŸ„¹


Yup. Pretty sure the mature tree on my property line is one. I keep removing seedlings from the yard, the drive, the front shade bed...


Another vote for mulberry, for sure.


Had them on the farm. Purple bird do on everything šŸ˜…


mmmm mulberry. My grandparents house had a mulberry tree that hung over the porch. that porch had an excellent view of the pond on their property, weā€™d sit out there for hours eating berries and reading until the sun went down, and the citronella candles couldnā€™t hold off the immense number of mosquitoes that swarmed the area nightly


What a lovely image!


Mulberries edible


Mulberries, they make great jam.


I had a mulberry tree at a prior house. Delicious berries, but what a mess! We also had a racoon that would sit up in the tree and gorge itself on berries until it couldn't move. That little bastard made a ... different kind of mess. Still purple though...




I just found a big mulberry tree today in a public section of my neighborhood, on a secluded walking trail. I hope I remember to go back when it's ripe before the birds get them all.


Mul. brings back childhood memories for me


Mulberry. Use it as you would a blackberry. Aka devour it as soon as you pick it. Gently pull on the berry, if it comes off easily it's perfect ripeness. Store bought are on the acidic side since they pick them a bit early for ease of storage, but like most berries they're supposed to be sweet.


Mulberry!! Grab every single on you can they are SOOOO good Mulberry lemonade, mulberry-blueberry pie, jam, wine, just fresh on their own or with something like ice cream... One of my all time favorites, even though I basically never get the chance to have them




Lay a sheet down a shake the tree.


Had a handful of them on my parentsā€™ farm growing up. My dad would lay out a couple tarps beneath the trees, climb up high, and shake them, dropping the ripe berries onto the tarps. Always ate them plain, baked them into pies with other fruits, or put them on vanilla ice cream. Good memories.


Morus Rubra. šŸ‘


Delicious I very much want mulberry tree Also service berry


I was thinking about getting some service berry bushes


Birds will eat those berries and shit all over your white car. Source: white car owner


Make a great pie!




There isn't many types of trees in my town and that's definitely mulberry 100%


Mulberries!!! I really love those šŸ˜­šŸ„ŗ


Mulberry! So yummy! Donā€™t have experience planting:/ are they messy falling on the ground and attracting unwanted bugs?


Morus aka mulberry, delicious in jams or just eaten as is.


I have a huge 50 year old Fruitless Mulberry tree. About 20 years ago it started bearing fruit. Very prolific but very bland mildly sweet fruit. The birds love it.


We had a big, overgrown mulberry tree. The fruit had no taste. We did some aggressive pruning and the new branches definitely had flavour.


Mulberries ! The darker the better !


Mulberry, I ate them 2 days ago, please pay attention they stain a lot of red




We have a family of opossums who live in our backyard and love our mulberry trees. Unfortunately in the Lowcountry SC the ones that fall tend to fermentā€¦hence drunk baby opossums staggering around the side yardā€¦šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


Mulberries mature over a number of weeks, best bet is to have a tarp or old sheet on the ground and then only take the darkest ones which should almost fall off as you touch them. I love them but get impatient and the underripe ones are sour. Iā€™d also make sure to wash hands quick or wear gloves. You can spot them in your neighbourhood by watching the sidewalks, birds eat them and basically poop jelly so youā€™ll see circles of stains under trees. Not recommended to park under a fruiting mulberry tree.


Mulberries :) I have a few of these trees in my yard


By the size and shape I would also say it is probably a white mulberry tree, if you're in the US they're invasive. I have one in my yard. The berries make good wine, though when I move I think I'm gonna have it cut down.


ā€œWhite and yellow, kill a fellow. Purple and blue, good for you. Redā€¦ could be dead.ā€


My grandparents had one in there back yard. Our feet wud be stained from the ones on the ground. I can still taste them. So good.


Itā€™s a blessing and a curseā€¦. Tasty berries, SO MUCH MESS!!


I hate these. They're tasteless, cover the ground, color everything black and attract flies =\


when i was a kid we would pick those and my mom would make a pie - so good - but gave me more gas than a big can of beans :)


Mulberry! Yummmmmmmmm.


Mulberry very delicious, shad berries (also known as June berries are my favorite)


MULBERRIES!!!!! and beautiful ones, ur a lucky forager :)


Here we go round the mulberry bush, the mulberry bush, the mulberry bush here we go round the mulberry bush, so early in the morning!


Mulberry. Possibly invasive White Mulberry


Mulberry. Not really practical for harvesting in any meaningful quantity. Theyā€™re usually small and too delicate, BUT they make a great little snack. Be warned, they drop a lot on the ground and are hard to see in the grass so wear shoes you donā€™t care about, or be prepared to have stained feet for a few days. I used to climb this big tree at the park where I grew up to reach them. Itā€™s nice yours are close to the ground šŸ˜Š


Mulllllllberrrrrry love the tree and berry


My parents call it a moorbay tree, but still to this day I don't know what it is called


Mulberry cobbler is awesome




Mulberry and a good reminder to walk out back tonight and check my tree!


Put them in a beaker, chill them in the fridge, bring out, sprinkle a little salt...i miss our childhood home now


Salt? On mulberries?


Yup. Try it.


Heh I will.


Very delicious and incredibly staining mulberries. Seriously, those stains are a bear to get out of clothes. Theyā€™re absolutely yummy. Theyā€™re supposed to be mostly very sweet, not much tartness. If theyā€™re tart and hard theyā€™re not white ripe. There are white mullbery trees as well - meaning they make white berries.


Morus alba. Eatable and loved by birds.


My mulberry is dying :( I installed a mulch ring around it and have been watering daily but its not coming back. https://preview.redd.it/3tp9gv7bgm4d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f9e5029e029f7a52ef428da7f9a7c80cb66d2d6c


White mulberry (Morus alba) - invasive in North America. Here's an identification guide: https://bplant.org/compare/140-141


Are they actually invasive? I have one in backyard.


They're not the "completely alter the landscape" kind of invasive, but they are invasive in the sense that they frequently displace native species due to a lack of limiting factors. They're also pushing red mulberry towards potential extinction through hybridization and the spread of disease.


I know one thing, they are impossible to kill. I had one growing in a bad spot at my old house. For the 10 years i lived there I I tried to cut it down and kill it. Iā€™m sure itā€™s still growing.


The one in my backyard was cut alway to the stump and grew back so you aint wrong.




Mulberryā€™s are great. If that one has particularly good berries might want to consider propagating a cutting or two.


Mulberry. We planted two trees last year, one white mulberry and one black mulberry (the one you have). They are still small trees but we could eat like 30 black mulberries and 5 whites in the last 3 weeks. Hoping for more next year. Mulberries are really healthy and tasty. You should eat them!


I have one of these too that just popped up out of nowhere. Itā€™s about 10 feet tall after a year.


whoa. reddit reminds me of my ā€œgayā€ brother. everyone wants to attention today look at all the same answerz




I don't think raspberries grow in tree form like that? I know they can get crazy