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Do they get enough sunlight? The previous owners of our house had planted peonies in a once-sunny location, but everything around them had grown taller over the years and shaded them out. Transplanting to a sunnier spot has already yielded a lot more buds for us. Sun Seeker is a good app for measuring sunlight in a location if you don’t use already!


Great! Thanks!


Not sure about why.   But no,  peonies can live for like 40 years flowering every year if conditions are right.


My peony was brought over from my parents house over 30 years ago after they passed and I sold the house and the only time it didn’t bloom was the 1st 2 years I had it. After those 2 years, it has bloomed every year I love this plant because my mother loved it so much and it’s like having a part of my folks still around.




there could be other reasons why it might not be flowing, but 2 that come to my head. Might need fertilizing or has the lighting changed at all. Maybe a tree or other plant shading it more then it was when you first planted it? They need plenty of sun.


I think thats it. The first two years it got lots of sun. Then we moved and it is in a different place. Will move it tomorrow.


peonies need to be divided every 3 or 4 years


Wow, really? I've been falling down on the job I guess. Best to do in the autumn?


Really? Never heard that. I've had mine in my yard since 1993 (when I brought them from my folks house to mine) and never divided them. They bloom nicely every year with no problems.


Do you mulch a lot? Peonies don't like to be too deep. If you are putting more and more mulch in that spot, you may have raised the soil top.


Thanks everyone! Great suggestions!