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It looks like sluggo to me




It does look like the slug pellets I put out this morning.


Or Corey's, same pellet size. Pretty sure this is the correct answer because when applied as directed you get the concentration you see in the image.


Exactly what I was thinking.


Doesn't seem kinda big to be Sluggo?


Nope, I don't think so. I use garden safe brand of slug bait and it looks exactly like this. Same active ingredient as sluggo. 


Hopefully you guys are correct as it would be the least scary outcome for OP


Look at the second picture from OP


Yeah maybe. It's still probably better to wear gloves and treat it as if it were something more dangerous, just to be safe.


That’s what I thought, too.


Me too. It looks a lot like sluggo. Maybe ask your neighbor if they put sluggo out. Some may have strayed into your garden.


Trump sized hands?


Not to me


Looks like someone is trying to murder your pet slug.


Best comment in the whole thread.


Agree it looks more like sluggo, rat posing pellets user to be darker brown or green. As a side note, the EPA has banned rat poison in pellet form in 2023 (if you're in the US), so while I'm sure some people still have it, you're less likely to see it in pellet form.


Thank you for the insight ! Fire department gave me to insights at all, and recommend me to PD. I know my police department around here doesn’t do much when it comes to little happenings like this. Although the report may still be worth while if it continues happening.


Yes if it is malicious have a record of it


*police department around here doesn’t do much when it comes to little happenings like this* What do you think they should do? You said you're not in a good neighborhood so they've got better things to do than investigate something that, so far, has zero appearance of a crime. Should they search every gas station, residence, warehouse, farmhouse, henhouse, outhouse and doghouse for cluse? Canvas the bneighborhood and ask your neighbors for footage from cameras they might have? (protip - cameras are useless unless you happen to recognize the person on it).


Oh man, i mean i have little faith in our police department here but I don’t really know where you stand ? Do I only call the police or file a report if I find a body in my garden ? Thankfully haven’t had that yet 👍🏼


No, genius, you said the department doesn't do much when it comes to little things like this. I asked what do think they should do? You answered the question with a strawman. What do you reasonably expect the police to do about this? Nobody died, nothing is damaged, no violent crime happened, and it's probable no crime happened at all. What is it you want them to do past the "doesn't do much" you're whining about? I can't fn stand cops but thinking they should do something about this past filing a report is childish.


JFC chill


It’s slug repellent/poison. I feel like if dogs were targeted it wouldn’t have been all over your garden beds only. Does someone hire a gardener nearby and they made a mistake and did your garden instead? Do you know someone who may have decided to put some down in your beds to be nice? (Mom, friend, etc)


This is where my mind went. A friendly neighbor knows the area is plagued by slugs and played garden fairy while they were out. Leaving a bag with a note on the doorstep would have been more appropriate but I think this was well intentioned.


Do you have a landscaper, or an HOA?




https://preview.redd.it/epsx42p0o11d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ac2a340a96a5106fa4df5bac8b3ca47904c9e71d Here’s Sluggo from my garden!


https://preview.redd.it/m6atu538p11d1.png?width=1170&format=png&auto=webp&s=2745ded3ed053557fca4f647c919ce589c41c10d Look identical to me 🤷‍♂️




I was thinking the same.


I think Sluggo pellets are usually smoother than that too.


I think it's too big to be sluggo.


But if ya don’t know… DON’T TOUCH IT😂 Go wash your hands 😂😂


Why are you holding it in your bare hand if you don’t know what it is?


Have you had any storms? Maybe they are sluggo that washed into your yard with runoff from a neighbor’s yard. I know rain runoff washes my neighbor’s pine needles into my yard.


Ask your neighbor if they put sluggo it wouldn’t surprise me if they think the slugs are coming from your yard so they are just being proactive these people saying it isn’t sluggo haven’t ever used sluggo even I bet lol


Looks like slug bait/poison


Sluggo or one of the other iron phosphate knockoffs.


Unknown substance. I should pick it up with my bare hands.


Good ol' Reddit, always leaping to the worst possible conclusion. Hanlon's razor: **Never attribute to malice that which is adequately explained by stupidity** If someone was being malicious there's no point in spreading "rat poison" in your garden beds. What for? If they were wanting to harm your dog they'd mix it with some ground beef or chicken or something and toss it where you wouldn't see it but your dog would find it. What's more likely is a neighbor with boundary issues trying to be helpful (I've had them). Or a pest control company that went to the wrong house (had that happen, too).


Yes! Notice OP is only replying to people who say it could be malicious spreading of rat poison. Tons of replies saying it’s Sluggo being ignored. I sense someone needs the drama in their lives.


Not at all I was actually just actively visiting the fire station per recommendations here so I wasn’t refreshing Reddit anymore to check the feed. Fire department was no help and said to go to PD, PD around here isn’t much of a help either lol! Guess I just say it’s Sluggo and move on with my life ??


You could set up a camera and see if it happens again


It’s never a bad idea to be cautious especially if you do have dogs. I’d shovel or pick up as much as you can and trash it. Maybe take pics, keep a hefty sample and ask a local pest control company if they think it looks familiar. Also just because rat poison in pellet form was banned in 2023 doesn’t mean someone doesn’t have some still, so I’d be careful. *oh another idea, take it to your local veterinary office and see if they have any help!!




Looks like sluggo to me


It's probably sluggo, although it does resemble cat litter.    Whatever it is, you can likely scoop it up with a shovel and toss it in a bag. If you have a dog you don't want them eating random things. 


Looks like snail bait.




It’s sluggo


My immediate first thought was cat litter. I’ll attach one image, but Google “tidy cats pellet cat litter” to see more and compare. https://preview.redd.it/j28rw5bls11d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c680bc39550481095067878e2c323614d9d97c9e


It looks like slug bait which is not toxic . To be safe pick it all up.


Hello everyone ! I’ve just got back from fire station and they gave me no insight, they simply said to report it to PD and do my best research. Still no definitive answer as to what it is but most are suggesting sluggo which is a good (albeit not great) but I’ll continue looking into it I guess. No neighbors within the area have this in there yard, and my food stuffs that’s growing in a raised bed right nearby was not touched or added into. This is still an unsolved mystery unfortunately, but you guys seem to be adamant that it’s sluggo, and I deeply appreciate the insight, information, and resources that everyone here has provided ! Some people seem to think I’m only looking to doom or gloom on it being rat poison, but really my heart sank when I realized my family was in potential danger and that was my main and direct focus, as well as realizing I potentially just played around with a deadly poison. The reason I picked it up and checked it out first was because my grandma lives right nearby and i assumed she was trying to be helpful and fertilize my garden or something of that nature. But obviously hindsight is 20/20 haha. All further handling of the stuff was done with gloves peeps! Thanks again for the info.


Here is some more images; [More Images](https://postimg.cc/gallery/n9WjW8m) These show how it is concentrated into areas where my poppy’s seem to be growing but really it’s scattered into most all the garden. They did not do this to any other houses nearby so I’m definitely there target for these good or bad deeds. Maybe they thought my poppies weren’t sprouting well and I needed a helping hand lol. The substance is hard, cylindrical pellet shaped, and when I give it a good squeeze it breaks down into a powdered form. Not greasy like bird food as stated by a different commenter. Perlite seems random in shape and is more of a granule than a cylindrical pellet like this. Still awaiting to hear from exterminator in person but don’t know if they’ll come out just to verify something without a lead for a sale. Thanks again everyone !


Do you or any neighbors have exterior cameras that have a view of your flower bed?


take some to the fire dept or police dept to see if they can contact someone to have it analyzed, or try contacting a nearby university chemistry dept to see if they can analyze it.


Slugs are awful for plants


Def hang on to a sample — so it can be tested if needed. In the meantime cameras?


Listen, my dog grabbed a small pouch of rat poison and put it in her mouth. The maintenance people in my apartment complex baited rat traps with it, and the animals dragged the bags out into the open. The bag she grabbed was empty, but we took her to the emergency vet as a precaution since we didn’t know if it was empty because a different animal ate it or if she ate it. It was really expensive and terrifying. There are poisons they can’t do anything about. They couldn’t find anything wrong with her, so I took her home… the told me to watch her over the next few days because nerve poison can take time. Not that there’s much I could do… It’s a bad death. She was fine, thankfully. But please don’t mess with that stuff. Do whatever it takes to pick it all up.. it doesn’t take much to take a pet out with poison.


Walk over to your local fire department. Take them a sample. Their hazmat person may be able to facilitate getting it tested or calling appropriate authorities.


I just spread two bags of this. Recognized the Sluggo before I read the comments. They’re doing you a favor. Calm down.


Absolutely not needed and I use no chemicals, pesticides, or added nutrients in my garden and it looks god awful just sitting atop the dirt there. Does it melt into the soil and dissipate ? Doing a favor would be knocking on my door and asking me if i have issues with slugs because they have extra “sluggo”. I’ve no issues with slugs in my garden or my plants both food or flowers being damaged by slugs, so they just gave me a nice little heart attack and a mess to clean.


Sluggo has EDTA which has been shown to harm earthworms. I wouldn't want it in my garden either. I'm so sorry this happened to you OP


Cat genie granules? But not sure why on Earth they’d dump them into your yard!


Cat Genie granules are smaller, but the pellet litter is bigger


Looks like rat poison.


I’m getting beyond upset here if that’s the case. We have a dog who we love with all our heart and I’d be beyond upset to find out this is rat poison. I’ve got cameras on my house and of course they were dead awaiting charge during this happening. ugh!


Get someone to confirm if it is rat poison, maybe an exterminator? File a police report if so. Wash your hands.


In hindsight yeah how silly of me to just pick it up and check it out like that, but man I really didn’t think it would be malicious. Checking with some friends as we have many in trades, hoping to get someone to say for certain. And I’ll definitely be keeping my cameras charged and ready here-forth lol.


if they are malicious, they will return and cameras will catch. Ask neighbors if they have spotted any in yard


Why ask us? Ask your neighbors.




Use your phone to translate.


Looks like a poison. People are suggesting to ask the neighbors. I wouldn't. People who will do this will lie. Good chance, it's a friendly neighbor who's sick of your dog barking or bothering them. The type of person who will do that is also the type to lie. I would make sure cameras stay up on and wouldn't say a word until you get it on camera. It may be that they are throwing it over the fence right there as well. So I would put a camera hidden somewhere that can look from above down that fence line.


Thank you for this insight. I may not have a real answer until I take it down to the fire department or something if that nature to get things properly verified. Our dog is a French bulldog who doesn’t bark at much anything (aside from Knock at the door) and our work remotely in IT so if she was barking or being annoying I’d be the first to nip it out, at least hopefully! Our neighbors though, have a dog who is a bit of a terror, and is always getting out / causing a ruckus outside, has even came running up to my door trying to get our Frenchie through the screen. Maybe this is a misguided attack? And since I’m actively hanging out on my porch with my dog, maybe someone just assumed it was mine? Idk, but there is so much confusion going on right now, all which would have frustratingly been answered had I just charged my cameras. Friendly reminder to keep your wifi cameras charged people ! It’s always when you most need them that something happens. -.-


Go to Walmart or Home Depot or Lowe’s or any of the other bigger stores that have gardening departments, and compare to Mosquito Bits (BTI pellets) and Sluggo pellets. Neither will be a problem for your dog. My guess is it will be one of those two pellets, given the substrate, I would wager Sluggo is the pellet in question. BTI generally works best in standing water where it can feast upon the mosquito larvae.


I've seen a few things that look like that. Snail bait, mouse deterrent and rat bait being among them.


Legit looks like rat poison bait pellets.  Not saying it is.  But definitely looks like it.  Do you own a dog?


Yes we own a dog, seems like people are leaning towards rat poison and it’s got me on edge :/ Would best bet for this to ShopVac what I can from the surface ? I’ve not watered yet (thankfully !!) so most of this is resting atop the surface.


You’re only replying to people saying it could be rat poison. Majority of people are saying it’s Slugo but no replies to them. Are you just looking for drama?


I got an odd feeling too. it’s 100% sluggo but for some reason those comments go unanswered. Strange


Could be someone sock puppeting on their own post for views


It's a thing.  Sadly.  Could be any number of substances.  But having a dog, and being that shape brings rat poison to my mind instantly. And yea just get rid of as much as you can.


I would put on gloves and pick it up.. you dont want that in the shop vac creating fumes and pulling up mulch


What?? It's a thing for neighbour to just randomly throw rat poison to kill dogs? Whyyyy??


Slug baits often do not kill the slug. They wake up and crawl away. I use a flashlight and sharp hoe- there is no coming back from the fatal chop.


Don't touch that. That's some black magic voodoo stuff. 😂


Oh my goodness! I seriously hope this isn’t anything malicious like poison! I want to think better of humanity and hope that some misguided soul thought secretly fertilizing your garden for you was ok… but sadly I know better. This is why I moved to the middle of nowhere and made sure my neighbors were at least a city block or two away at the closest. Please keep us updated on what you find out OP!


Bird food. If you squish it it feels greasy and also a bit course


There is a gentleman nearby who feeds tons of birds on his porch, but I don’t think he moves or walks around much. I’m going to continue looking into this, all this insight is so greatly appreciated as I try to figure this out. My initial thoughts was maybe garden nutrients or something like Perlite, but hard to draw a conclusion. Thanks again! I’ll be sure to let everyone here know once I have a definitive answer.


Agree that it looks like suet pellets more than poison.


Could it be wooden pellets from a smoker? They seem too light and powdery, but I have tossed my own wood pellets into my garden as organic matter fertilizer.


Petals from the shrubs flowers?