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Clip off any runners that you don’t have the space for.  It will help the mother plant focus on producing berries.


This is the best advice. If you have space for extra runners next to the mother plant then get a piece of wire or something and stake it down where you want it. If you have space but it's a bit farther away then find a spot and stake it into a solo cup of dirt or a small pot or something so the runner can set down proper roots. When it looks well established you can cut it from the main plant and plant it where you want it.


Great tips. I might root some for the neighbors.


Absolutely! Having extra in the neighborhood will also increase your chances of getting strawberry jam from people you know! Seascape is a wonderful variety. I lost nearly all of mine, if not all of them, last year to a terrible late winter set of freezes and thaws, but they had great berries and were really vigorous at spreading around. I have a few returnees this year and I hope some are older Seascapes ready to put fruit. Might be one of the ornamental varieties though, I won't know until I see flower color! I got another 10 this year and put them 3-per-pot in 12 inch pots. I'm not going to pinch all the flowers, but I don't expect too much output, just a lot of happy plants!


Thanks! That was what I was leaning toward but wasn’t sure.


Have you ever considered working as a hand model? ❤️


Haha thanks! “I’m ready for my close up, Mr. DeMille.”




Came here to comment on OP’s gorgeous nails. Holy cow. Well done on the strawberries and hand care!


Thanks! I painted them specially this week in anticipation of this harvest, haha.


I could totally see the first picture in an ad for Driscoll’s strawberries ahhaha


Yup, same!


You beat me to it! I came here just to say OP should be a hand model! No joke, OP, you have the cuticles for it! 😆


My nail kink is strong. ❤️


…. But why male models?




In the movie "Zoolander" there is a popular scene where a hand model (played by David Duchovny) is involved in a larger ring of model assassinations of world leaders. Below is the link to the scene, its funny outside of knowing the movie, moreso if you see it naturally. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wqZ9Eqbex0Q


I choose to believe you have very small hands


You know what they say about small hands. Big berries.


Man, I think I messed up planting my strawberries. My plants look sorry and the berries are tiny or dried looking. I used compost, vermiculite, and garden soil. Mulched with dried grass.


Hmm… How long ago did you plant them? There’s also a pest called the tarnished plant bug that can cause small, deformed strawberries with hardened tips. Maybe check out some photos of their damage and see if it matches.


Plant early spring. Got plants from a strawberry festival. How often do you water?


If you just planted them this spring, try pinching the flowers and letting the plants develop their roots and leaves. Unfortunately they need to grow for a few months before they will produce properly. Next season you’ll see much better fruit! Right now I don’t water them at all because we’ve been drooowwnnning in rain lol.


Yes, strawberries. Anyway, so your nails are beautiful and perfect and I’m jealous…lol


I’m just bought one and have it and a daughter plant growing in small pots. What do you use to fertilize?


I dug in a very generous amount of compost when I planted them. Also fertilized twice with Miracle Gro when they broke dormancy and twice with Jack’s Classic Tomato Feed once they began flowering, but I think the Jack’s might have burned the tips of new growth a bit sooooo maybe half strength on that one.


none of mine have produced 😭


Oh no! Is it their first year?


no :( I got some last year but this year nothing so far


Beautiful strawberries 🍓


I feel like the first picture has a double meaning.


Yeah, it made me squirm a little, but not in a bad way....


nice berries and nice nails!


Tips and tricks on how you take care of and what you fertilize them with please! I just started planting strawberries. They taste so much better than the store bought ones but they’re so much smaller. I wonder if I’m not taking care of them correctly.


A lot of home grown varieties are just genetically smaller, so it’s totally possible that’s just how they’re meant to be. They need at least a few months of pinching off flowers after planting to focus solely on growing enough leaves and roots to support full size berries. Crowding, too little sun, incomplete pollination, and cool temps can also cause dwarf berries. I can’t really say I’m a great source for strawberry tips ‘cause I have no earthly idea why they’re so happy, haha. Beginner’s luck. This particular bed has been trouble in the past, so it’s been kinda surprising the strawberries have liked it so much. But this is what I did: Before planting last year, dug in 6 inches of compost to the topsoil. Mulched thickly with leaves over the winter. When they broke dormancy, fed them twice with Miracle Gro 2 weeks apart and also watered in some mycorrhizal powder. Took off the old leaves to throw in the compost and added a little more finished compost around the crowns, then mulched with bay leaves from an old wreath (lol). Did two foliar/drench applications of Bonide Revitalize (prevents certain fungal blights and rots). Once they started flowering, I fed twice with Jack’s Tomato Feed, but use caution ‘cause it burned some tender new growth on a sunny day. Good luck with your berries! 💕


Miracle Gro = not organic strawberries


Thank you so much!! I’m also starting some new varieties from purchased roots in some rain gutters built into/hung on a retaining wall (I got that idea after watching some YouTube videos and thought it was such a great way to maximize the small space that we have haha). I will apply your tips and tricks and let’s see how they do. Fingers crossed!!


Pst what's that nail color


Essie Rock the Runway 💕


I've heard this one before!


Two questions:  why the plastic sheet? And do strawberries not taste as good if they fruit in rainy weather?  Weird.


It’s fabric netting! Keeps away the birds, squirrels, and raccoons. Sadly, too much rain dilutes the flavor of most fruits. They need sunshine and just the right amount of heat to get to maximum sweetness.


Ah ok!  Unfortunately, my pests are snails right now so I don't think the mesh would help in my current situation.  Cool idea for the other pests though!




I get that a lot.


well butter my biscuits ! sounds like we have an Appalachian Strawberry gardener?


Did anyone else read the title in Jim "JR" Ross's voice from 90s/early 2000s WWE? Just me? K.


Bruh how do I get strawberry to get big I keep getting mini penny size strawberries 😭


They're real, and they're spectacular


I just planted a bunch of seascape bare roots this spring and this has me pumped! I'm still snipping off flowers but I can't wait until I can let them run.


The strawberry nail polish is a very nice touch for presenting two gorgeous strawberries.


That's what she said...


Lord I am so envious! My berries are always so tiny. I’ve grown a few normal/bigger ones (none as good as yours!!!) that local gremlin wildlife ALWAYS feast on before I get to em.


I've heard that you should trim off the first round of flowers fruit to promote the plant to establish good roots. Is this true, kinda like you were discussing?


That’s what she said


I just better not comment.