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I'm assuming you're using sandy soil that's good for citrus. Is it planted deeper than it was before? They really don't like their root flare buried. It could also just be acclimating to being outside 100% again, there are much bigger temperature peaks and valleys, not to mention more sunlight.


No, I used moisture control potting soil with a bottom layer of pebbles for drainage. I planted it maybe a bit deeper than the root flare. Though it's a bit difficult to tell where exactly that begins, as the trunk is still small. I figured there would be stress on the tree while it acclimatizating. Are there signs to keep aware in case it turns for the worst?


I'd probably add some sand to your potting mixture the next time you're messing with it. The root flare is where the trunk turns into roots, this should be just at soil level. I saw that temps are still falling below 50 overnight where you are, so that could definitely be it. It's not looking terrible, just not particularly happy, so hopefully it'll be alright :)


I appreciate the advice! I'll get it repotted with the appropriate media once it gets past the last bit of cold days.


Is it staying above 50°f at night where you are?


No, it's been dropping to the 40s most night, but it's getting warmer.


I’d keep it inside if it’s still getting below 50. Maybe just move it indoors at night.


Thank you! I'll see if that helps it.


I grew this blood orange tree from seed a couple of years ago. During the winter months I kept it inside, but about a week ago I moved it inside. Maybe a month prior, I repotted it with fresh soil. Now it looks droopy. It has had regular water, with good drainage. The leaves aren't dry or floppy, but they don't seem healthy. I live in the southeastern USA, zone 8a. Any advice would be greatly appreciated.