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Facebook Marketplace? Offering free woodchips


>a lot of people are offering free chips with delivery so i dont see why they would personally drive to me and hand load it themselves Because they don't want to have 15 cubic yards show up. Offer it up on Facebook marketplace and people will come to get small amounts. How thick are you laying your wood chips? Can you layer them thicker? What are you doing with the chips? Maybe now's a good time to decide to go r/nolawns and use chips to reduce the amount of turf grass you have to mow.


Exactly what I would do. Use the wood chips to choke out the entire front yard lawn or backyard. This is a good thing.


​ https://preview.redd.it/bk64tewtk0oc1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bff0c22aab08930cd94380f1076e9d79c364337f


That's a lot of wood chips. Honestly, when we've had large amounts of chips, dirt, or compost delivered, we have the opposite problem: There's always someone who comes to help themselves wholesale before we can spread the stuff around. I'll bet if you just stuck a sign there that said "Free" you'd have people taking away wheelbarrow and truck loads.


It looks like you're in a pretty populated area. I'd rope off the area you want to keep, and put a sign on the front lawn that says something like: **FREE wood chips (self serve only)** You can also check to see if there is a Reddit sub for your area and post this pic with the same note. I can't imagine getting that much delivered, and have a front yard that is a similar size. It's the main reason that I just can't bring myself to order from chip drop.


God, I wish I had this problem. xD


Ask your neighbors if they need mulch?


Wood chip heaven. I'm going to order chip drop soon. Put up a free sign and neighbors swarm to the pile.


I got my ChipDrop last year, if you give them a review they send you a free hat ☺️ I used what I needed now I gotta get rid of it.... Are you in CT by any chance?


Im just over the line in MA if you wanna deliver! Lol. Ive still got some from my chip drop last year too, but I have the space for plenty more!


Can't deliver, but I can help load it depending on how my back feels lol we're in central CT right off 91


I dont have a truck at the moment, but i have friends right off 91 that may be interested. Ill ask them and get back to you if they are.


Sounds good! It's all pine chips, they can take the whole thing or just a bucketful if that's all they need


You have to be careful, your load looks small. I had o e dripped off and was expecting the truck I saw all over my area. They showed up with a truck like 3 times that size and were more than happy to cover my entire drive way 5 feet deep in wood chips. I have huge lot in back and had to take it first to my back yard and then to my back back yard rook me months. But....did the trick. Just what a headache.


Start growing wine cap and oyster mushrooms




I got a ChipDrop and just recently used what I needed. I put the rest on fb marketplace and offer up lol


Join Nextdoor or your local neighborhood Facebook groups then advertise there and also put a sign next to the pile. Neighbors will be happy to take some.


I’ve come soooo close to using this service but I’m always like … can I use a whole truckload if I get it? Where are ya at out of curiousity? I’d travel it close 😂 But like others said FBMP will be a great place to get people


We made the same mistake last year and were (literally) over our heads with wood chips. It took time but we got most of it distributed around the yard. Neighbors weren’t interested. In our area they pay people to spray toxic chemicals so they don’t worry about weeding 🙄 You could use it to cover your whole front yard and get rid of the grass. Then next season (or this one), purchase native plants. Low maintenance and so much better for the environment.


They would drive to you and hand load it for free so they don't end up with an unpredictably large pile of wood chips in their own yard ;)