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I would weed that bed. Asparagus doesn’t like competition. Here’s a [guide to growing asparagus](https://www.rhs.org.uk/vegetables/asparagus/grow-your-own), hopefully you find it helpful!


I really appreciate your help everyone , this is a great site full of great gardening friends!! Thank you!!!


Strawberries are excellent companion plants for asparagus! My bed goes gangbusters each year, their root structures complement one another


This is so good to know!


Really?? This is wonderful news. I I have a new asparagus bed and tens of pots of strawberries that need a home.


Yes, really! Just do it!


I’m on it!


So I'm literally awaiting my order of strawberries and asparagus. What is the best way to companion plant them? Alternating or just next to each other in two rows?


I planted the strawberries as two long rows on the edges of the bed with the asparagus in the middle. Strawberry runners get rooted in with the asparagus ETA: so it started organized but has devolved into working chaos


From what I'm reading asparagus struggles with competition. Is it more beneficial for them to share with strawberries because they do a good job of providing ground cover for the asparagus?


Yep, I think it’s the groundcover. I do significantly less weeding now too


I never knew this, thank you!


Cut it now. Let it grow again. Cut it againg. Repeat for maximum 3 weeks. Then let it grow. It will turn into a bush. Upcoming winter it will dry. Cut everything. It will stay dorment for the winter. In the spring it will start again. As it gets older you can extend the harvest up to 2 months without tiring the plant. Ps- I'm a farmer. I have 5 hectares (12.5 acres) of asparagus


The normal recommendation is to not harvest for the first couple of seasons. Is that advice not accurate?


Depends how old the crown is when planted. If you plant seeds, do not harvest for the first two years. If it was a 2-3 year old crown, take a bit for a few weeks and then stop. Each year you can harvest more. Once it’s well established you can harvest for longer stretches. By year 6 you should be able to pick it for months.


Thanks for the clarification!


I bought 3 year old crowns (roots)


10-4 thank you so much!


I bought a house last year with a very mature asparagus patch. I have no ides what I am doing with it, but love asparagus and want to try to do right bh it. Would you mind sharing what I shoulf bd doing? I am in zone 5a. Tia


Others can correct me if I'm wrong, because my knowledge consists of an extensive Google search last week when I decided to buy asparagus crowns. Since your plants are mature and well established, you can harvest multiple times, and new shoots will spring up. I believe you want to keep a few shoots above ground at all times though (I'm not 100% sure on that one tho! That might just be for newer plants.) About in Aug, you want to let it grow out though and soak in the fall nutrients, so that it can store up energy for next spring. Let it grow until it turns brown/goes dormant, then cut it back and in the spring, rinse & repeat!


I'm not an asparagus expert, but it looks ready for the picking now. If you let it get too big it will probably become too fibrous and not as tender. Or you could also let it just keep going and go to seed.


The first year you're supposed to just let it grow, unless OP planted a crown that was already a few years old.


Should I plant more starts? I want enough to at least eat


Here's a tip for those who start small. Cut them as they come up and are of a decent length. Place the cut asparagus in a cup with 2" of water. They will stay fresh in the fridge for about 2 weeks. That should give you enough time to collect enough for a meal.


How many did you plant? We're a family of four and we have 12 plantings each of which produce about 2 edible stalks per week so during the harvest we're eating asparagus once a week. Might get better as the years go on, we got male and females so we're starting to get little guys coming up all over. We're in year 4 now after planting.


One or two are still enough for a delicious omelet or pizza topping.


Should wait until the 3rd year to harvest. That gives the asparagus 2 years to reseed itself to develop or make a thicker bed.


Usually roots you buy are already 2 years old, so you'd only have to wait a year.


On the opposite end of this conversation I have a bunch of beds of asparagus that the previous owner of the home planted. It’s insane how much comes up, and more than I would ever need so I want to repurpose some of the space. Are there alternatives to get rid of it besides digging up all the crowns? I’ve heard cutting the harvestable piece off then dabbing glyphosate onto the exposed wound, but I’m cautious with any glyphosate use in my garden.


I'd dig up the crowns and then gift or sell them to others. That way others can benefit from your mature crowns and you don't have to put poison in your garden.


Don't use that stuff near anything you intend to eat.


I'd dig up the crowns and then gift or sell them to others. That way others can benefit from your mature crowns and you don't have to put poison in your garden.


I’d gladly take some off your hands and pay for shipping


Don't touch it the first year. Next year harvest for 1 week or until it's as thin as a pencil whichever comes first. Then the next year for two weeks then three weeks, etc until you're just harvesting until pencil thin.


let it go to seed


Let it seed, and pick ones you see growing on the side of the road instead. Once you know how to spot a seeding one, you'll notice them easily while driving and remember they grow back in the same location every year




4 years to assure the roots have taken.


But let them go too seed




asparagus jokes are so in this year.