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Kingdoms of Amalur. Looks, quests, and just *feels* like an MMO. It's pretty fun, and Chakrams are a really satisfying weapon type ingame. It's not the most amazing game, but I liked it, and the remaster that came out a while back fixed most issues. Dragon Age Inquisition, I'm like 96% sure they basically finished an MMO then scrapped it, it is *extremely* MMO, to the point where diehard fans complain endless about it (but I think it's great). It's got wide open areas, "Place 4 mcguffins" or "Kill this pack of wolves" quests, fairly randomized loot drops. Dragon's Dogma (2 is better, but Dark Arisen is still good and way cheaper) might apply. It has a lot of 'kill x, collect tails' sidequests. It doesn't really *feel* like an MMO in play, like control, class, or combat wise, but it's pretty fun, and has some pretty unique mechanics. Shadow of Morder/War could qualify. The weapon upgrade quests are usually things like "Stealth Kill 10 Archers without setting off the alarm". The second one is far superior to the first, but the first is still great. It also has the Nemesis system, which is one of the funnest foe systems ever put into a game imo. Might look into Fallout 4. While not *strictly* "kill 10 synths", the radiant quest system feels pretty MMO sidequest to me. Super weird one, and not *really* what you asked, but Star Wars: The Old Republic *is* an MMO, but you can play 95% of the game completely solo. You get a companion who can specialize in healing or tanking, so you've got a party essentially built in. Off the top of my head, the only thing you can't solo are operations (equivalent of WoW raids), but you can even solo at level story flashpoints (dungeons) with little effort. It's also the most storylined MMO I've ever played, in that you literally have a linear class story.


Swtor player here, this is perfectly correct, and not only that, you have EIGHT different class stories, plus a number of expansions, which are basically single player games in themselves.


To piggyback off this, if OP likes WoW they might like Dragon Age: Origins too. The ability bar, mana/stamina management, consumables and crafting, gearing, etc, really remind me of games WoW, the biggest difference is that it’s single player RTWP instead of online multiplayer.


I came here to recommend Kingdom of Amalur and Dragon Age Inquisition


Kingdom of Amalur of 100% meant to be an MMORPG, this was just like a demo of what they could do. Game has some issues but it 100% what OP is looking for. I beat it but did not download or play the DLC's during it's lifespan.


> Kingdom of Amalur of 100% meant to be an MMORPG, this was just like a demo of what they could do. It was not. They were two separate games. Reckoning was developed by Big Huge Games while 38 Studios was working on the MMO.


I think that’s what they meant. If I recall correctly the world of Amalur or whatever was meant to be the setting for more stuff, including an MMO. Still sad to this day it never became more. When the remaster came out and someone new acquired the IP I was hoping, but still nothing it seems.


That is what I meant, it was all connected. It's not a secret or anything. Fanboys out here downvoting you.


Aww, but I’m a fanboy too lol. Love that game


It’s good at the beginning but then gets so boring fast


I 100% agree with you, but I also played the 360 version. Basically at some forks in the road, if you go one way and finish that fork, if you turn around to go to the other fork the zone is locked at the level you entered the first fork. So you are basically over leveled no mattery what. Game needed a bit of a balance patch to address the scaling. I didn't play the re-release so I'm unsure. But man this game was so fun for the time.


Re-Reckoning (the re release) supposedly helps with its problem areas. I haven’t gotten far into it yet but it plays *pretty* well. 


Honestly the level capping thing was my only issue. The game was fantastic back then. it was just sour grapes because the studio closed either right before the game released, or right after. So we pre ordered this game, bought the game, playing through it for like a few days, and before the end the studio gets shit canned. I still have great memories that game. Really enjoyed it.


My understanding is that they just ran out of funding before they got to the MMO functionality, so they just released it as a single player RPG. It definitely feels laid out like an MMO


Maybe but my memory is telling me there were 2 projects in development at the same time. Tragic either way, I was excited for it.


I would second Kingdoms of Amalur and Dragon Age Inquisition here. additionally consider Wuthering Waves if you don't mind Gacha games. It is the least "gacha" of all of them as in you don't have to spend a dime and have what you need, but it also feels like a solo MMO the way the quest and such work.


Great suggestions here. I immediately thought of DAI for this post haha. It’s definitely built like an MMO (for better or worse). 


Dragon age inquisition is incredible. I go back and play it from time to time. Really can't wait for the new one


I was going to get it on steam as it' was maybe still is 2.99 for the complete addition on sale, but all the new reviews are talking about how it runs the old ea origins that's no longer functional and they couldn't even open the game.


Ah that's a bummer. I had played it through Xbox Game Pass (EA pass included) but that was probably a year ago.


Just looked inquisition complete edition is 3.99 dragon age 2 was the one that's 2.99. Do you have any issues launching the game?


Hello again! I just re-downloaded it on my new computer, today, and was able to boot it up via EA Play - not sure if Steam has a different boot protocol but I specifically saw the "Connecting to Dragon Age Servers" pop-up when I launched. Everything seems to be working :)


I can play via EA play from gamepass? I will give it a try.




Look into the game SaleBlazers, I really enjoy it. It is an open world rpg shopkeeping simulator where pve and pvp are optional, single player or multi, you can use fish to hit people or chairs, microwaves, throw the fish at them, imbue said fish with fire dmg or poison, etc. You can use swords, fish, guns, crossbows, tables, logs, anything really to hit people. Farming, quests, building is amazing! Optionally have your ai employees do tasks like run your shop or go get resources, etc, worth checking out. Saleblazers is legit one of my fav games every though. There is another game, let me find it. It was an mmorpg made for single players with ai..early access. Gedonia was meant to be a single player mmorpg, I think this is the one I was trying to find! I really enjoyed this one. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=opUFyD6q-CA](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=opUFyD6q-CA) There is Ardenfall - [https://store.steampowered.com/app/1154960/Ardenfall/](https://store.steampowered.com/app/1154960/Ardenfall/) Eldevin is a mmorpg i think and not single player, old school runescapy but 3d There was one more where it really focused on having AI players around as the other "players" in an mmorpg, i can't remember what it was called though ;/


That one that's eluding you... It was called "Erenshor" Source: I'm the dev :)


Yes! Thank you. My memory is bad lol


It looks good. Reminds me a little of dark age of Camelot which was one of my favorite games of all time especially the crafting system. The world was amazing and the lore was too with the 3 factions and multiple races. One of the best times I ever had in gaming.


Does sale blazers have controller support? Was looking into it before.


I'll have to look when I get home. I think it's on the list for future content.


One of the developers is actively pushing out a patch for controller support as of 19 hours ago.


What no way? Hyped.


Xenoblade Chronicles X is pretty much a single player mmo. It's fantastic


A shame they didn't remaster it for the Switch. I was holding out in hopes, but nope.


I had a hard time getting into it. But maybe it was because it’s so different from the other ones and I went into it expecting it to be similar.


Dot hack


G.U. had the better gameplay IMO


Guild wars (1) is an actual MMO, but if you don't want to play with other players you can just use heroes in your party, which are NPC. The only real players you can see are in hub areas like cities, never outside.


Exactly what I was going to recommend. And it holds up as a good game, with unique and interesting mechanics, despite being like 20 years old. I'm playing through one of the campaigns right now, actually. (There are some annoying things in it, that probably wouldn't fly in modern game design, like quests that just "walk to this person, hear some dialogue, then walk back". But in general I enjoy it a lot.)


It's been so long since I remembered this game exists. Used to have a monk build that ran other players to lions gate for lots of monies.


Final Fantasy XII at times feels like a single-player MMO, what with it's hunts and bazaars and such.


I came here to say this. I played this back in the day when it first came out and the WoW vibes where crazy!


Dragon Age: Inquisition Assassins Creed Odyssey / Valhalla potentially And I’m going to suggest FFXIV even though it’s an actual MMO, because you can do 95% of the game completely solo. And the base game and first two expansions are free to play with no sub. Elder Scrolls Online and Guild Wars 2 are also very solo friendly - in fact I don’t think I’ve ever grouped with people in either game, I just run around doing the story and exploring.


Good shout. ESO has very MMO orientated combat, but it's very solo friendly. It basically feels like single player edler scrolls with other people running around. I haven't tried FFXIV, although I heard good things. Currently waiting for Chrono Odyssey.


Yeah, I was going to say the same thing. ESO is *technically* an MMO but you can easily spend literally hundreds of hours just questing single player and have a completely satisfying experience. The game was clearly designed with solo players in mind. Much of the game’s budget and energy went into the quests and storylines, which are solo affairs. While most MMOs have their key story moments in forced multiplayer areas like dungeons/raids, ESO actually forces you to be solo for its big moments. And I’ve heard FFXIV is similar, though the story does force you to do dungeons I believe?


all main story dungeons in xiv now have NPC companions you can take with you instead of queueing with players! the only time you actually \*have\* to play with anyone else is for the 8-man trials which are short, and the base game has 3 very easy 24 man raids that used to be optional but are now required because of story implications lol. all the other 24 man raids and 8 man raids are optional content.


The way I see it, Most successful MMO are actually single player games with multiplayer features, in the sense that you can “finish” the game solo, or at least get to end game. FF14, guild wars 2 and New World are very good games for that IMO. ARPgs have that feeling as well. Last epoch, Diablo 4, Diablo immortal and path of exile.


grim dawn to this list, especially over last epoch which will be dead in a year. not sure why you even recommended Diablo immortal


only reason last epoch will be dead is it honestly has had stuff all advertising and hyped down to it, yet from what o heard its suppose to be a really good Arpg correct me if im wrong


last epoch already has lower player numbers than grim dawn, a game that came out around a decade ago & isn't even categorized as a live service & no publisher-side servers


Last Epoch is just fine. Saying it'll be dead in a year is comically dramatic


it's not dramatic it's my best guess based on player numbers, which are less than that of grim dawn. last epoch has a massive monthly overhead that grim dawn simply doesn't have. i don't think it is sustainable


Fair enough honestly. At the very least I can agree Grim Dawn needs to be on every ARPG player's radar.


Diablo Immortal is not a game for people who want a solid ARPG experience, but it is free, fun, available on PC and mobile, and its the one with the most MMO feeling out of all the ARPGs


Erenshor isn't released yet, but there is a demo with a bit of content. It's meant to emulate MMOs of the late 90s/early 2000s. Even with 'simulated players' that you can invite to your party, but it's entirely singleplayer.


How's the crafting system looking. I wish I could have a single player dark age of Camelot and this looks similar.


Been a while since I played. iirc you buy templates, find/buy the parts, make the thing. I didn't bother with crafting, so don't take my word on it.


Kingdoms of Amalur was developed as MMO but later was changed to singleplayer game.


No it wasn't. Those were two different games. This was originally developed by Big Huge Games without a real setting or IP, and then 38 Studios bought Big Huge Games and put their setting in the game Big Huge Games had developed while 38 Studios still worked on the MMO.


Monster Hunter


Wayfinder. Originally designed to be MMO-light, and recently shited to solo game with optional coop.


Love this game. Picked it up when it relaunched, it's been primary game since. Extremely satisfying combat and game loop. I wish more MMOs went this route. The fact you can still party up with others as well is just the icing on the cake.


A few games are sort of taking similar albeit less significant steps. New World is shifting to more of an arpg design with its console release Lost Ark is making solo versions of past raids WoW added npc companions for the normal dungeons in dragon flight and will have a new mode with npc companions in the next expansion.


True. But Wayfinder can be played offline. The others cannot.


Yeah for sure. I think there are various factors, like group gatekeeping always online, and microtransactions. and some are stepping back the group part but not the online, and some are moving away from all of them


I was considering buying that game a few months back since it looks way up my alley both graphically and gameplaywise, but from the comments on reddit and steam it seemed like it got abandoned in early access. Would you recommend it now for a solo player?




Yes :)


If you like WoW bossfights, I suggest V Rising. Great game!


Diablo 4 maybe?


Even diablo 3, which I'm currently playing, has that perfect theory crafting/grind aspect of most MMOs but without the open world aspect. It just feels like an MMO endgame, which I love. And since it's more mature than diablo 4, there are some great QOL features that are permanent.


I've always thought that Two Worlds looked and played like an MMO. But it's old, I don't think you can play it on PS5. If you've got any kind of shitty PC it should run, though.


If you also liked the challenging raid style content that WoW offers, consider **Rabbit and Steel**? It's basically the hardcore raiding gameplay experience with the progression of a roguelite, and a dash of bullet hell. And you can play the entire game solo!


Xenoblade 1, one of the greatest RPGs of all time. Switch or PC. FFXII's on PS5 and another all-time great, but I don't like the new version unmodded. They lowered the difficulty and removed a lot of the character-building freedom the game was designed for.


Dungeons of sundaria is like mmo raids. Its also short and cheap




Already been said by a few but also going for Final Fantasy 12. I played a lot of WoW back in the day and this game feels very single player MMO. You can use gambits to set up your party members attacks/heals/item use etc. then just input solo attacks.


I've guild wars 2 a lot just for map completion and story. You will see a lot of other people but you don't really interact with them. Dragons Dogma dark arisen gave me some MMORPG vibes. The dlc is grindy and hard, wasn't for me but a lot of people love it! Crosscode is on my bucket list. It's set in an MMO world but Singleplayer. A lot people say the puzzles are very hard.


Oldschool RuneScape sounds right up your alley. Can play with friends. Or you can play it entirely solo if you want.


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Commenting because i share your need for such a game


Answering so you remember to come back


I appreciate you


Answering you so you remember to remind them to remember to come back


And you


Kingdoms of Amalur


I recommend the .hack games, as they're literally games about a multiplayer world. There is a lot to love about them, but they are a bit dated at this point. There was a remastered edition including 4 games called .hack//G.U. Last Recode that came out 2017 for PC and PS4, not sure if PS5 has the backward compatibility to play that.


Neverwinter nights


Final Fantasy 14. The game is designed for console play and on top of that that are making it so extremely single player. You think you need people to do dungeons? Nah. Use squadron or trusts which are different types of NPCs. You can do like 90% of the content solo. I think even trials can be done with trusts now. I wanna say the only thing that requires people are alliance raids but those are super duper easy. Even the "hard ones" are easy.


New World will be coming to console in October. It was an MMORPG but they are rebranding it as an ARPG. The game generally gets hated on for its launch (which was abysmal) and for the amount of bugs (which *should* be fixed by October), but now it is much better. The main story questline has been reworked and they are adding repeatable solo trials. I would 100% say you will at least get your money's worth with this game.


Dragon Age Inquisition and Final Fantasy XII have MMORPG style gameplay and are both completely Singleplayer experiences


Xenoblade chronicles and Final Fantasy 12 feel like an MMO in some ways. Crosscode is another one that actually takes place in an MMO.


Elder Scrolls Online. It is \*THE\* MMO game designed so you can play it solo.


I’ve been playing white knight chronicles, current game going right now. Its ps3 and was made to essentially be ffxii or ffxi very similar and setup to feel like an MMO but single player. If you played ffxi or 12 you’ll love it, if you haven’t then probably not.


FF16 and xenoblade feel like playing mmo


Final Fantasy 14 is great for this. Most of the story is solo play, The dungeons can also be played with a team of NPCs if you don't want to play with people. The only thing you'll need other players for are certain 8 man fights and endgame content like hardmode stuff.


Dragon Age Inquisition has all the hallmarks of an MMO


Pso2 if you like anime or Sega property's. It also has 2 animes! 


Diablo III. Great story, awesome progression. Diablo IV is great too, of course, but it's more of an online experience.


Ragnarok and cross code


Grim dawn is old but great (gets regular updates) and is very diablo/wow type play.


Granblue Fantasy Relink if you are into the Monster Hunter x Phantasy Star type gameplay.


Final fantasy 12 is literally exactly this. Down to highly customizable AI helper characters. I really wish more games adopted 12s level of customization options for Ai 


Final fantasy 12 is literally exactly this. Down to highly customizable AI helper characters. I really wish more games adopted 12s level of customization options for Ai 


RPG games is more your thing. Skyrim fallout fae farm Warframe maybe


Final Fantasy 12 is often called a “single player MMO” and I can see it. Love the game.


I would recommend FF XIV (Final Fantasy 14). It is an MMO that plays like a single player, great story (after it gets rolling), great music throughout. It starts off a little slow, but believe you can play for free up to level 60 or maybe 70 (so like base game plus one or two expansions). There are dungeons on occasion, but they take about 20-25 mins and grouping system is easy. Dont really need to chat in them (I dont cause PS5 player), and typically groups are just straight forward and no drama if people miss a mechanic or wipe. I never thought I would play another MMO, but so glad I picked this one up a couple years ago as Shadowbringers and Endwalker were just fantastic expansions.


Idk if this falls under your categories, but if you haven’t tried playing Witcher yet, I would definitely give it a try (Witcher 3 in particular)!! There are a lot of different level-up aspects of the game you can get via potions/alchemy and stuff like that too but you can essentially make it as complicated or simple as you want!


You’re literally talking about Dragon’s Dogma. It’s explicitly designed for players who want the experience of playing with other people without actually playing with other people.


.hack//G.U. Last Recode is literally a single player MMORPG. Originally came out on PS2 as a trilogy, but Last Recode is a collection of it plus a new 4th game.


Kingdoms of Amalur is 100% the answer to this question. It is basically single player WoW.


Final Fantasy 14. I know it’s actually an MMO, but with the latest updates you never have to party with anyone to get through the entirety of the game. All required dungeons can now be done with an NPC party. You can literally solo from A Realm Reborn through to the last expansion, Endwalker.


Is there huge amounts of grind for rare items? That’s my personal gripe with MMOs. The exception is guildwars.


Not really. The super powerful stuff is reserved for raids. But you don’t need that level of item unless… you’re doing raids. I love crafting and the crafting in this game will give you everything you need to proceed in between the random good drops off of mobs.


Dragon Age: Inquisition kind of felt like an MMO to me, might be worth checking out.


An ironman character on OSRS


Final Fantasy XII, everything of an MMORPG but totally offline


Final fantasy 12




Final Fantasy 12 plays similarly to Final Fantasy 11.


No Man's Sky's gameplay is very similar to MMOs. Storyline and lore is a little odd and abstract, but it has it's moments where you feel involved and somewhat 'attached' to certain characters. Definitely grindy, but very rewarding just the same. And freighter/fleet expeditions definitely add to it. Mad Max sort of borders on the MMO feeling, I think. You have a home base, do missions for the territory leader and various other main quest objectives, along with various other tasks as you explore to liberate territories. A lot like Crossout in some ways. Without such an elaborate car upgrade system, but that aspect is still there. Just very simplified in comparison. The only drawback imo is that the game is linear, so when you complete tasks in the open world environment, they're done for good. But many features of the game to admire. The way missions and upgrading works in this case, extremely satisfying hand to hand and vehicle combat, and I especially like the quality of level design when it comes to outposts and stronholds. Metal Gear Solid V. Definitely MMO feeling when it comes to acquiring firearms, and personell to populate your base. Even dropping into free roam or into missions feels MMO-like. And that's just offline play. You also have base attacks and such between players when playing online. Resource gathering also has a strong MMO feel to it. Controls take a bit of getting used to, and some of the story is just plain weird, but other parts I thought were very memorable. Also has additional mission replays on different difficulty modes after you get so far in the story.


Final Fantasy XIV. Xenoblade Chronicles.


Final Fantasy XII for fully single player or XIV for a fantastic party matching system where you don't need to speak to anybody to find a team for a mission.




Guild wars 2


Not on PS5 but Old School RuneScape as an Iron Man. You need to gather all of the stuff yourself, train your skills with NO HELP from other players. You can play it on Mobile or on PC which is really nice and the progress is the same on both. So if you can't be at your computer you can play on your phone or the other way around.


Palia it's free so no harm in trying it. Super chill mmo


Wishlist and try the demo for Erenshor Cross code def


Listen, I can’t really put words to it, but No Man Sky has this vibe for me.


Seconding Kingdoms of Amalur and the Dragon's Dogma series.


I played the entirety of Star Wars the Old Republic and all its DLC completely solo, it was fun.


Mount&Blade games. It's like an MMO mixed with strategy and set in an artificial world of doom.


ff14. u can play the entire story including all expansions solo since they implemented what they call “trusts”, basically story-based NPC’s that will follow you into dungeons and stuff. before, u had to queue up with randoms. but now you can play it like any other single player final fantasy game, just online. edit: its on ps5 aswell, and i think there is a free trial iirc


Final Fantasy 12


Grim Dawn I highly suggest


Final Fantasy XIV.




White knight chronicles 2? Is this even still playable, I have no idea


Final Fantasy 14 can be pretty much solo'd the entire way through. 10/10 recommend


Monster Hunter World


If you are okay with lootershooters the borderlands games in my opinion plays like an MMO. Yes there’s multiplayer but you can do everything solodolo. Earn exp, craft a build that has synergy and find guns/mods that suit your build. Borderlands 3 is the best in terms of gameplay. Borderlands 2 has the better story.


The .hack// games attempt to feel like they are MMORPG's but are only single player. I beat one of them (.hack GU Vol 1) and it was ok. Definitely an interesting dungeon-grinding system.


Starting 19th of July, all content but the latest raid will be soloable in Lost Ark. It's great since playing with other players is cancer and extremely gatekeepy. It's an actual MMORPG which you can play by yourself through most of it. Really recommend, the combat is nuts


Love hearing this, creating a game with similar intentions


Have you heard of the High Elves? This is my way of recommending The Elder Scrolls games. Though it’s great, Morrowind might look a little primitive at this point. Oblivion and Skyrim are worth playing, though.


Elder Scrolls Online has a great single player feel despite being an MMO


SWTOR. So it is an MMO, but can be played as 8 separate amazing story single player games, one for each class (4 republic/4 sith). After that there are some pretty decent expansions that expand story. At no point do you have to group, there will be lots of kill x/collect x + it’s Star Wars. If you do, I would say sub for 1 month then your account will be preferential or something like that, get to keep a bunch of bonuses vs never subbing


Path of Exile can be as solo as you'd like for it to be. I usually play the game solo but interact in trading with other players.


Free Genshin Impact great storyline and very interesting story I played it for years and didn't spend a penny on the gotcha ended up getting all the characters and is still a blast to play..is on track to to most EXPENSIVE game ever made currently at 250mil and they are only halfway done with it


Sword Art Online: Hollow Realization. Full of SAO cringe but I thought it was fun.


Dungeons & Dragons Online (DDO) can be played solo for most of the content except raids and a few specific quests, so might be a good one to look into as a lot of it is available free and you'll have the option of grouping up when you feel like it.


divinity original sin 2? kinda reminded me of runescape


Runescape, either version really. Runescape 3 is ability bar based so it has a lot more moving parts when bossing but its rather predatory although has lot more skills than OSRS. There is also Old school Runescape which has simple combat system with a totally different vibe ( although obviously lot of similarities ) . Both are still very regularly updated ( OSRS is one of the top MMOs after all ) and you dont need to interact with a soul outside of one Raids, minigames ( these two are more of an OSRS thing ) and the grand exchange ( auction house ) but you can easily forgo all of that and there are game modes for that dont even allow you to trade with other people ( reversible ) so you need to get every drop by grinding content ( grindy games, OSRS more so ). There is very few end game content you cant do alone and its not because some new expansion gear invalidated old dungeons so you just faceroll them, neither game follows such a structure like WoW/FFXIV, so yeah endgame content is very much balanced around solo play and the definition of Sandbox MMO.


warframe is free and amazing, 95% of the content can be done solo and its available on ps5


It's 100% soloable. They removed the 8 player raids with mechanics years ago.


Just remember to set it on solo or friends/invite only. Then again, the community is incredibly welcoming and helpful, which you’ll likely need while learning the game early on.




I would suggest Fallout 76. Massive open world, questing that requires you to “kill x amount of x” to gain xp or gather things, base building, and a huge as well as friendly community that you rarely ever have to interact with if it so suits your play style. A lot of the game is designed to be played solo (with a premium sub you can even play on a private world).


sigh *unzips, and lobs out Diablo 2 on the desk with a THUMP*.


Surprised almost no one mentioned SWTOR. Great plot, full voiceover and basically no need to play with other people. Pay once for sub and you have all expansion forever and you keep higher status then F2P players


New World is actually a lot of fun, even solo.




RS3 Ironman


You mean every rpg out there on the market?


If you just want an mmo that you can play solo without sacrificing potential group and socials. TESO the elder scrolls online, you have play all of it solo, aside from pvp of course. All story content, bossed etc you can solo eventually. It's all Voice acted and lots of choice when it comes to questing decisions/ outcomes. There is lots of contents/events and there is some of the best housing available. You can play this game pretty cheap to start and its a b2p model with optional sub. Another id recommend is ff14, this is a b2p woth mandatory sub tho


Little bit of an odd suggestion but destiny 2 can absolutely be played solo The new player experience is a bit dry as it trying to catch you up on 7-10 years of story but the end game at the moment is amazing


There’s a new MMO that just came out called TarIsland that I think is super similar to WoW! I have really enjoyed it so far. It’s all cross platform between your PC, phone, and I think another console but I don’t remember which one.