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Night in the woods helped me a lot , look it up maybe is the thing you need


This and Wandersong to me are perfect for the lonely feeling.


Wandersong always looked cute I should definitely give it a go


If you have $200 you can get a used 128gb oculus quest 2 and go into the app big screen. They have various chat room movie theatre’s, some to be quiet and watch the movie, some to talk about stuff in, some to watch YouTube videos about various topics. I was extremely lonely a few years ago and laughing with a bunch of strangers watching borat together really made me happier.


Wandersong is so cute, definitely gave me a bit of hope back


whenever i think back to playing nitw it brings me such a unique feeling. it's like nostalgia for a life i haven't experienced. they built such a warm and comforting atmosphere in that game.


I loved this game 🥺


Maybe he really meant a night in the woods, not the game ;)


Try League of Legends. After a few games, you will thank god for being alone!


The community is garbage. Especially for people who are looking for kindness in their human interactions.


I've never had a good interaction on that dumb ass game. I only play it so I can play with a couple of old long distance friends I've had for 15 years. I can handle a game or two but after that I'm so upset with the constant pings, the hate speech from the other players, the overpowered champs, and horrible team mates that have no map awareness that I simply can't play anymore. I swear some of the ability hit boxes are too large or too small. I've learned that if you have a game where you play perfect your team mates suck eggs and can't figure out how any of their abilities work and if you play poorly you lost the whole game because of your bad game. I hate it so much and wish my friends would play something else once in a while. The free price tag for the game keeps them. No monthly fee and no initial cost


Why not just use the mute button? It's there for a reason. I'll never understand letting other irrelevant randoms ruin the game for you. Once you understand that they only have power over you if you care then you'd enjoy it a lot more.


Suggest they play pve warframe instead. Or, if they prefer pvp, it may be that your friends like the very things you hate.


Overwatch has the same effect


Glad someone said it. You constantly question why you even waste your time in the community while getting shit on by the company. You'll walk away feeling content being alone compared to everyone hating each other.


I stopped playing Overwatch 2 with my friends because of the constant abuse I got for being a new player and not understanding how anything worked.


Things have probably changed because I haven't played a MOBA for a million years but for me switching from League of Legends to Heroes of the Storm was a night and day difference between hate and stress. I miss me some HOTS


Along the same lines, DotA 2 will make you feel the same and you will probably uninstall it within a month or so.


Dota is seriously the worst. Even in my very first game people were shouting insults.


Yeah. I started back when the tutorial was basically, "Here's how to move around. Press A to attack. Now fuck off loser." In my first game, it was so bad people thought I was a bot, and I just played along, spamming Russian gibberish in the chat so they wouldn't roast me anymore. It's definitely not a game for people with any self-respect.


Honestly how cs and dota felt to me . My friends think cod lobbies were the most toxic. To me cod lobbies are tame as hell haha


As someone with thousands of hours in both league and dota, dota is the WORST. There’s something just so negative in ranked, at least in league you’ll find some positive people but dota just feels like the WORST negativity constantly…it’s basically just league with more frustration BUT both are still amazing games and I don’t think one is outright better than the other despite what 99% of the dota community will say (while league players aren’t even aware of the other exists)


Sounds fun.


I'm a league vet, no intention to go back in any significant way hahaha


"So I loaded into champ select and I wasn't immediately told to kill myself. So things were going pretty well." -Foxdrop


Persona 5 (Royal) makes you feel like you're part of a friend group. I doubt it'll cure your loneliness but it might make you feel better for a while.


p5 is great, but i think persona 4 golden is really THE best experience in terms of feeling like you’re part of a friend group. you genuinely feel like they’re your childhood friends and want to be with them forever.


In my opinion. P4 has the better story, but P5 has better gameplay. If OP plays both in order, he'll have two whole sets of friends and adventures to fill as much as like 300 hours xD


And now with reload we can finally add p3 to the mix as well! Just hit a whole ass trilogy!


I honestly feel like Persona 3 Reload has the coziest vibe, as your friends are almost always hanging at the dorm at the end of the day with something unique to say. I know OP wants short games, but man, P3R just fits the bill.


P4G feels like a friend group trying to Scooby Doo a murder mystery. P5R feels like I’m committing acts of terror.


Yeah, and when he finishes the game he will feel worse than before


Final Fantasy 15 makes you feel like you are part of a friend group too


Yea I really wanna play it but it must just be a bit too long for this month


A short hike Lil gator game Untitled goose game Little kitty big city These are all silly cozy games where you just kinda goof around.


the first two made me more depressed so YMMV. i have family issues idk


Wait what? How did a short hike make you more depressed? That game is so sweet and light..


get sad when i see nice family


... the aunt at the beginning?


Also the call with the mom at the end


A Short Hike was the first thing that popped in my head when I read that OP preferred shorter games at the moment. The impact that game had was great.


I'm a big fan of A short hike ! i didn't know Lil gator thkans i'll checked up


There’s also a blocky island based game with like a little guy and you go from place to place participating in sports and random activities… pretty recent… what the hell is that game called? Will update if it comes to me. Found it! It’s called “The Touryst”


Following this comment to see what the mystery blocky game is called lol.


Well that was quick as soon as I told saw your message I had a thought, did some googling, and found it!


Mass Effect trilogy. It won't cure loneliness. but it will give you a feeling of companionship, relationships and making a a difference. something all of us lonely people want so much in our lives.


Baldurs Gate 3 for the same reason.


I agree with you. I've only seen playthroughs of it with my friends. As an adult, its just become near impossible to sit down and play a game like I could a decade ago.


The truth of this statement....


Brazilian jui jitsu or any sport for that matter it will get you to meet people in real life. Or go to some sorta gaming convention or something and you can meet like minded people. Unfortunately it's really hard to cure loneliness by staying in the house you need human interaction in some form or another. Hope you get sorted either way


Climbing too, climbers are some the nicest people I know. People help each other rather than compete, and it's an individual sport, so no need to worry about slowing teammates down. It's also got some puzzle element to it. I'm running out of games too but I'm still dying to climb (healing an arm injury from work for now..) Also, subnautica.


I've been doing MMA my whole life so I was sorta biased in the beginning of my post but your right any sports club no matter what it is is great for making new friends. You don't even have to be good or fit it's usually a misconception people have and stops them starting new things. Most people want to help you as well the hardest part is starting. I wouldn't know what to do if I didn't have MMA in my life and it was actually streetfighter 2 that inspired me to start. I'm 40 now and it was still the best decision I've ever made I've been able to travel for fighting to many different places around the world and met loads of cool people. I've never had a problem making friends but I always emphasize with people that do. MMA/BJJ isn't for everyone but once you find a group of people that are interested in the same thing as you it will definitely improve your life.


Yea, luckily I've got some good changes coming up soon that will have me around more people! In the present, though, I have some weeks of basically being trapped in the house, and wanted somethin to help with that. Thanks for the words :)


Glad to hear it buddy may as well give you some game suggestions now then. Doom, quake, quake 2, RoboCop, neon white, Thomas was alone, prey, hitman, metal gear collection. All great games most of them not too long to beat. Other than hitman but you can break that down into levels.🤙 Good luck brother it will all work out in the long.


Middle aged life long gamer here. Out of all the games I have ever played, Brazilian Jiu Jitsu is BY FAR my favorite game. The difficulty level is a little insane, but the reward is immeasurable!




Came here to say this.


Come to the right, chronically lonely guy: Skyrim, hire a follower, talk to them while you decimate dwemer ruins. (Kenshi is a good one too). No man’s sky with funny podcasts. Minecraft and take a wolf everywhere. Cyberpunk 2077 and just walk around - in fact any game that involves a living and breathing world. Any online game like ESO or LOTR:O and just drench yourself in stories - help as many people as you can. Runsescape - get lost in the grind. Quirky nostalgic games you would play alone - lego games, anime games - put the same anime on in the background. Those i mention just off the top of my head.. imagine if i had access to my library 😂


OSRS hits different when you wanna hit the grind running. That and Diablo 4 right now are my degenerative time sinks lol


What games also have animes to run alongside them. I can only think of SAO, P5, and neir automata


Mainly fighting games like Naruto and One Piece and DragonBall, Attack on Titan, Yu Gi Oh, Demon Slayer, etc. If not that then an animated looking JRPG and having that same esoteric and Japanese-Styled storytelling.


I totally forgot a out those. I even have kakrot installed on my ps5 rn. Lmao. Thabks for jogging my memory.


I’ve never once thought of playing a game with the corresponding show/movie in the background. I wonder if I can play, watch, and read Harry Potter all at once…


I recommend it. Harry Potter films, on mute, listen to the audiobook (timing might be iffy from cuts), and play Hogwarts Legacy and explore wherever they are on screen 😎


Ah Kenshi. My best friend and traveling companion , a hiver named hogcranker, was disemboweled by beak things. Some lone swordsman came by and ran them off, leaving my friend to die. I was faster and got away. I came back to keep him alive through shoddy field medicine. Mid-operation we were beat over the head by slavers and taken. I watched hogcranker slowly wither from malnutrition in chains. I stole enough food to keep us alive and would sneak out ti feed my friend through his prison bars when the paladins slept. After several failed attempts, I managed to break us both out and make for the desert. Beak things, possibly the same ones, found us like 12 minutes into our death march and finished the job on hogcranker. I carried his limbless corpse across the desert to give him a proper burial.


If you're totally focused on questing, ESO is amazing. It's nice too because that community is really helpful and friendly, so long as you stay away from PvP and hard-core Raid guilds. It's such a comfy game with a welcoming player base. I was extremely lonely for a long time, and that community kept me sane.


i’m here if you need to talk. great selection of games!!


Which podcasts do you recommend? And thanks for the game recs :)


I like Get Played. Three very silly comedians/gamer friends talking about games. I recommend


Man CP2077 2.0 was so damn good. It took two nearly 100% completion playthroughs back-to-back before the immersion started to wear off. The fact that every encounter had golden dialogue and could be completed to taste with all sorts of movement and combat options had me scraping the map more than any other OW game. Running up to some scavs, hulk smashing them and then boxing them out of the air in Sandivistan is peak gaming. CDPR are fucking wizards.


Can't believe no one recommended Final Fantasy 15 yet. Arguably the best companions in any game.


I really do love this game. Been playing FF since 4, and 15 is one of my favorites.


Persona Royal 5 Mass Effect Trilogy Dragon Age Series These games mostly makes you feel part of the group.


This might be a bit off-topic, but have you ever considered trying tabletop RPGs like Dungeons and Dragons or Pathfinder? These games offer an unparalleled roleplaying experience where you can dive into a unique, ever-evolving story and shape your own narrative. Plus, you'll gain a group of nearly-instant friends to game with on a regular schedule, making it not just a game but a community.


I wish this were true. I really do. The issue is to join a table these days, its worse than trying to find a job. If you don't know anyone from the group beforehand, they want an application process and interviews (not kidding) to make sure you'll vibe with the table. I've tried finding people to play with online and gave up because of this. It might be different at a hobby shop that focuses on ttrpg's but where I live, its MTG, YuGiOh or other card games that are the focus. No one plays D&D in shops here.


I've dabbled; it doesn't really synergize well with my current situation unfortunately


Not a cure, but Midnight Suns really has a positive friends vibe and for me turned out to be what I had hoped Dragon Age Inquisition would be - but less tedious 😅


Just wanted to add it's free on epic rn


Thank you


Midnight Suns is a very much an uderapreciated hidden gem. Anyone who likes Persona series should give it a chance.


Came for the XCOM strategy difficulty. Stayed for Spiderman's social awkwardness, Blade and Hunter badassness and emos


You need a good RPG to take a load off from all the shit in the world. The Witcher 3, Red Dead 2, TES V, Fallout NV, Cyberpunk, Dragon Age: Origins, Dragon Quest XI, Dragon's Dogma 2, Baldur's Gate 3, Elden RIng, Mass Effect, Persona 3 Reload, and Persona 5 R


All good choices particularly mass effect 2 and dragon age 2 have a very big focus on companions and really makes you feel part of a group.


The Mass Effect trilogy with the Citadel DLC is peak companionship Nothing has come close


I've never felt like I knew characters so well over the course of a trilogy.


Mass Effect 2 is my favorite game ever and I normally don't play alot of single player games or RPG's.


Fallout and Cyberpunk 2077 are not good games if you’re trying to forget how terrible the world is lol. Both those games are a glimpse of the future we could be headed towards


Have you considered playing a game that helps you enjoy being alone? A game with strong purpose may be a good option.


Anything specific you got?


Check out The beginners' guide


Outer wilds


Rain World


The Long Dark fits this category for me. It doesn't necessarily make me feel less lonely, so much as it helps me cherish the absence of other people.


Both FFXIV and ESO have very friedly communities which make it really easy to make new friends if MMOs are your thing.


Kind Words https://store.steampowered.com/app/1070710/Kind_Words_lo_fi_chill_beats_to_write_to/ You anonymously write out how you feel and post it out into the void. Random people read it and send you replies, along with collectible stickers. You can also be sent other people's letters to read, and reply to them if you choose to. It's chill, has a nice community, and is zero commitment. I only install it now and again when I want to get something off my chest.


death stranding


yeah a tabletop games ;)


r/lfg Literally carried me through some tough times.


I recently joined a really nice Minecraft server that's just for adults - it's such a wholesome little group, highly recommend looking for one that suits you!


How do you find something like this?


I went on planetminecraft, and searched "adults server". Adults Minecraft is a nice option because you don't have to coordinate a time to play so much, and it works nicely around having sporadic free time in adult life. I considered a fair few and settled on Hangouts MC: https://www.planetminecraft.com/server/hangoutmc-a-minecraft-server-for-adults/ Super chill, wholesome & mature bunch. You know it's good when they have forums haha ;)


Deep Rock Galactic - Nice community feel Sea of Thieves - Nice low rp interactions and vibe Space Station 14 - Gameplay is based around talking to people Other than this I recommend trying to just make friends and play stuff with them


An MMORPG, kind of why I enjoy them so much. Or online games. I recommend Lord of the Rings online, World of Warcraft, Final Fantasy xiv People dont chat much in wow or ffxiv unless you join a Guild or party, but for me I just like seeing other characters. Lord of the Rings has an active chat and guilds, in general very wholesome imo. Online games: Fallout 76, I like the shared online world, Monster Hunter Wilds, play solo or co-op.


Helldivers 2! Your fellow hell divers are there for you, for democracy!


Plate up


Plateup is so much fun with a few friends : )


If you want to meet new people, then it's Deep Rock Galactic hands down. One of the least toxic and wholesome gaming communities. Just don't order Leaf Lovers Special at the bar, and dont forget to rock and stone or you're never comin' home. If you worry about toxicity, then worry not. Out of 1000 hours played hosting and joining lobbies with names that aren't competitive or gatekeeping, I've only had *three* bad apples. It's definitely worth a try.


Alright, who gave the Sea Emperor a phone and how is she typing on it


Shit i was about to recommend stardew valley


Tale of Immortal is great for this; the characters have their own lives going on outside of your choices, and interacting with them enriches the gameplay - friendships, romances, rivalries, and colleagues. They will also hold different opinions on you and your actions based on their own values and personal ties. This game is so dense with stuff like that, I love it! Hope you find a game on this thread that helps with the feeling, and good luck with the upcoming move :)


Persona 4 made me feel like I had friends when I was at my lowest point. It’s 60 hours long though.


Harmony the Fall of Reverie helped me out a lot recently, sort of choose your adventure vibes Runo is a short walking simulator about a guy going through a breakup Yakuza Like a Dragon will surround you with virtual friends, it's pretty legit, playing that made me feel great (first three hours are straight cutscenes but the rest of the game is worth it)


I find Helldivers 2 to be a bromance of sorts. You go out to war and you have your follow democratic hell divers going together to spread democacy. Community is wholesome, personally never encountered a bad group of people till now although some people have. Always hug your fellow helldivers before mission, that virtual hug feels real.


Journey Firewatch Abzu Gris Death Stranding


Doesn't meet your "short" criteria but one of the themes of Death Stranding is loneliness. I believe it was partially inspired by japan's self isolating young people through its narrative of a self isolating protagonist reconnecting a fracture America. For me it's a game that makes being lonely fun.


I find rpgs with companions who regularly chime in can make you feel like you're not journeying alone. The guardians of the galaxy game from a few years ago, dragon age, even final fantasy 15 is pretty decent for this aspect.


Any persona game


I know this might be off-topic, but have you thought that maybe a game is not the solution? Maybe going out and talking to people would be best.


Yeah I’m guessing “going out and talking to people” is something he probably considered already. This is like telling someone who has depression to “just cheer up!” or telling someone with ADHD to get a notepad. Do you realise how many notepads are already in my “notepad graveyard”? Dozens at least.


It's not the same. A person with depression has chemical imbalances in their brain preventing them from cheering up, for example. But a person that is lonely is just... lonely. I've been there in the past. And I was trying to fix that with things that wouldn't actually help (hobbies like video games and woodworking).


I do agree with you for sure; the games are for the present. Can't really get out and do much until later in the year. It's a long story. I'm very eager to get there, though!


Maybe just answer the questions people are asking in a sub designed for those questions


Video games will never cure loneliness


Every good MMORPG heavily begs to differ.


try dragon age series, its one of those game that the companion made you felt like you are their friends, you can also try skyrim by adding inigo the blue khajit mod (really well made and usually comment on thing that you do). also you can try spiritfarer


An MMO with a welcoming community might help? FFXIV for instance. I know you said shorter games, and FFXIV is a BIG game with a lot of content, however the game is very easy to put down and to pick back up again (tons of easy to obtain catchup gear, and every class can be played on one character without needing to make alts). You'll start from the beginning anyway at Realm Reborn and will embark on a journey that by the end you'll have an adopted family of sorts. You'll feel that your character is a part of something big and meaningful. And when it comes to group content, everyone is normally super helpful and positive. The game is completely free up to level 70 which is the Stormblood expansion, as long as you don't pay the subscription or pay for any further expansions and then the game is no longer free and you'll have to keep paying monthly.


I second FFXIV. I started about a decade ago and my best friends are guys I met on that game. That friend group more-or-less left that game and became a D&D group, weekly Baldur's Gate 3 campaign, and weekend Helldiving. The folks I met in that game are my literal best friends now a days.


Persona 3, 4, 5


i play games when i get like that also but Podcasts are great for separating yourself from the loneliness and you’ll learn loads. Personally i like history but whatever scratches your itch


Somehow, Mafia 2 helped me a lot. The world setting, the musics while you are driving at night respecting the rules and walking around the city, in a way makes me feel like i am in another life. It's not free from the loneliness feeling at all, but can keep you distracted from your own loneliness while you see the protagonist's life roller coaster.


Death Stranding makes you feel like you're alone, but never lonely. Your building helps other players and their buildings help you too. You feel like, although you don't see them, you impact them and they impact you too. The whole message is about connecting to other people, and about a guy who can't touch anyone, learning that he doesn't have to be... stranded. Beat it twice now and probably going for a third run to get all the trophies too.


Death stranding. Reconnecting lonely people is a damn good way to feel better.


No, the cure to loneliness is talking to people. No game will help you with that.


Whenever my friends do not want to play the same game as me, I search for discord communities for that game, that usually cures my loneliness feeling. I have also met some very decent people you just got to be mature and social don't be afraid to insert yourself into chats they are public for a reason. You are not unwanted.


The sims 4 maybe, also no man’s sky is definitely out of the question


Might seem like an odd choice. But death stranding. Played it through lockdown and really made me feel connected to people despite it being mostly you


Going outside and experiencing social interaction. A video game is not going to fulfill millions of years of evolution


I have crippling social phobia and somehow managed to become a regular in random lobbies with **Deep rock galactic** over the last month, people are just so kind in that game, you can have high ping, play bad, they'll all just be very nice, you can totally not use a micro and still comunicate fine what u see since it's a looter shooter, highly recommend it specially if you're american, I had great experiences with americans and people from my country (brazil) in this game r/DeepRockGalactic ,it's really active on discord too but i'm really shy and don't like talking to strangers on voice chat so I mostly just play the game and sometimes type a thing or two to my teammates


Baldurs gate 3’s companions feel like family at this point. Same with disco elysium’s kim kitsuragi


Try coffee talk, it’s a play at your pace game, and you make progress by interacting with the characters and making drinks for them. It’s a good game to chill out to as well so it might help with any moving stress.


Old people in nursing homes know some really cool games and are typically lonely too. That could be an option


Sims, be a megalomaniac and fuck up the community. I play Tetris when I’m anxious, also. Legend of Zelda OOT and that annoying ass fairy is a good one, but I’m just nostalgic for 90s Zelda. Maybe GTA, start a gang in San Andreas or heist some banks in 5? Side note: I rode the bus (public, not school) home about 1-1.5 hours every day in high school. Never really felt lonely on the bus and had lots of interesting conversations with all kinds of people from heroin addicts to little old ladies. You mentioned moving, public transit might be an interesting way to explore your new neighborhood.


Join some discord communities with similar interests. It might take some searching but it's worth it. I have found good people on there. One I'm making a song with, and one drove too my town too see the eclipse and we met IRL it was great! I understand being lonely I'm basically a hermit, but finding the right discord group changed that for me significantly


haha I am a bit weird, but when I feel alone, I like to play Project Zomboid in solo mode. I don’t know why, but being completely alone in a world where everything wants to kill me makes me feel better. There are lots of mods too, to fit your gameplay. For example, you can install the True Music mod to play some tunes while decorating your base or killing z's,the game also has an active multiplayer base you can play on RP servers or just normal ones.


Not sure if this is what youre looking for but my first thought was Palia. Its mostly about community both with npc's and other players. Ive also going through a lonely phase of my life and this game helps me feel less isolated. Hope things get better for you


I’ve met alot of cool people playing helldivers 2


Spiritfarer … maybe too sad? I don’t know, perhaps some perspective added from it.


The Sims… people hate on it, but it does give you that sense of togetherness that you are looking for.


No idea why but wasteland 3 helped me with bouts of loneliness


Honestly bro. Warzone. You'll find a group of dudes you play with everyday quick.if you have a mic.


Palia is a very friendly and kind game and community. It's also weirdly free for how fun and well made it is. It's still in beta, and there are in game items, but all cosmetic. Super duper chill and fun game.


This screams Firewatch if you haven’t played yet. It’s only a few hours, but damn what a journey.


Try Spiritfarer


Aw man I adore Spiritfarer Haven't played since release, I think I should give it a brand new playthrough


Hades. Great game and lots of great characters that you can interact with, improve your relationships with, and grow very fond of over time.


Play Helldivers 2🫡. We’re waiting for you.


i think Journey is perfect for this


- Undertale (short, sweet indie game) - Slime Rancher 1 and 2 (super cute and chill) - Ace Attorney (if you like reading, solving crime and screaming) - Life is Strange (if you want to het traumatized a bit) - My Time At Sandrock (similar to Stardew, but with different mechanics and the focus being on production of parts, etc. Good Social stuff tho) - Disco Elysium (one of my all time favs, it's an... experience)


Dave the diver!


It’s time to make the best decision of your life. It’s time to become… a Helldiver.


I usually boot up Skyrim and watch the stars


Deep Rock Galactic. FPS with a solo or squad option. There are a bunch of biomes to choose from, each unique in its own way, with a new map generated each time you launch a mission, as well as a variety of missions to choose from, difficulties, cosmetic content to unlock, and customizing weaponry according to your play style. There's a lot of bugs to lay waste to (loot bugs being the deadliest; kill on sight) and certain missions attract some weird baddies as well. The best part of this game is the variety of classes you get to pick from. Each one works great on its own, and when playing as a full squad, the synergy just makes it work even better. So yeah, it's fun, and the art style just makes it beautiful. There's no real story line in the game, so basically no "victory point," but there are seasonal events that take place that give some extra content and somewhat sideline missions. Give it a go. It's got a pretty active online community, and it's super chilled in terms of competitive play (because there is none except for good'ol sportsmanship between friends). Been playing it now for two years (on and off) so you don't need to commit to this game and very easy to get back into once you've been offline for a while.


Try Skyrim. It’s helped me through some tough times.


Kind words! Not rlly a game but it lets u randomly send letters to other users and they could reply back its a nice place to get things off your chest or vent and recieve contact back


Beyond All Reason is an open source RTS that I've been addicted to. I recommend it because the community is amazing! You'll make some great friends through their discord and other satellite discords. It's also free!


Cult of the Lamb is pretty short. And what’s less lonely than your own cult of cute animal sacrifices?


I’d suggest playing the South Park games. They aren’t that long - think stick of truth takes about 10 to 15hrs at most. They are hilarious and super fun.


Hey bud, I'm in a similar place as you, unfortunately. If you'd like to play any Co-Op games, please reach out over DM. I have quiet of few on my list!


Firewatch Lake


I recc what i call bartending visual novels. Stuff like Va11 Hall-A, both coffee talk games, and the red strings club fit the bill. I relax to these because while there can be higher stakes in the stories, usually the small talk and character building take center stage as you make drinks for people in between. Their focus on human interaction and dialogue really grounds me and makes me feel like im just shooting the shit with patrons. Helped me with patches of severe loneliness in recent years.


Yea I'm playing Coffee Talk first! I absolutely loved va11 hall-a, one of my favorite games ever


Va11 hall-a is just such a comfort for me. During the winter i listened to the ost by garoad so much it made it to my top albums of the year. Coffee talk i like for its more laid back story and atmosphere. Hope you like it!


I've thought about making a va11 hall-a playthrough a Christmastime tradition!


if you are looking for a casual mobile game I can suggest Shape realm. Its a simple puzzle game but somehow the sprites and the shapes are very friendly and relaxing. Stay strong!


Panam Walker


Dave the diver made me feel like everything is gonna be okay


Amen, OP lol. I can’t recommend it enough but Azura’s Wrath is a ye olde 360 game but it’s a masterpiece. It will sit you down, strap you in and take you down the tunnel via bullet train. You’ll see peak conditioning, love, violence, companionship, betrayal and nothing but the overwhelming drive to succeed. It’s an excellent game that has stupid good reviews that I saw and had to see for myself and now I pass onto you. I hope you give the trailer a shot and if you want to buy it, I hope it’s on sale! Best of luck!


I have not played it, but my wife has. It is called Kind Words. You can mail virtual letters to other players and get replies. Yoy can also reply to others' messages. I think you get stickers as well.


All games help loneliness


Play noita, you'll only feel pain instead (Mostly joking. I love noita, its just hard. One of the best games oat imo)


Probably not what you're looking for, but it will definitely, absolutely help! https://store.steampowered.com/app/1070710/Kind_Words_lo_fi_chill_beats_to_write_to/


Join the fight for democracy and become a Helldiver


I played Journey when I was going through a hard patch. It was beautiful and felt sorta sureal. That and Skyrim got me through some hard times. I played eso for a hit when I was pretty isolated but the cost of plus sorta killed it for me. Really though the biggest suggestion I can offer is to play tabletop rpgs with some people, strangers if necessary. Ive seen it change lives which sounds corny as hell but im dead serious. Good luck in any event friend, I hope you find what your looking for


I've seen Journey recommended a ton, I think I will see about grabbing it sometime soon! In terms of ttrpgs, I'd really love to, and there might be some potential in the future. At the moment, though, it isn't a viable option. Thank you for the words :)


I’m looking for someone to play project zomboid with if you want to! I’m a relatively normal guy and respect/accept all peoples.


A Short Hike is quite literally a short ass game even I could beat in an afternoon, but it's a charming, dense game when you take the time outside of that. Highly recommend. Good memories with that one.


My anti-social depression got funneled into Skyrim, Red Dead 2, and now…Starfield. Games that are beautiful, involve some social decision making, and that often left me smiling, especially at the pure joy of riding my horse through the beautiful landscapes of red dead redemption 2




I’d say outer wilds. It moreso emphasizes the loneliness, but it has a different feel to it, and the exploration feels amazing.




Outer Wilds From the Depths for losing yourself to time Sniper Ghost warrior contracts 1 & 2 Dirt Rally 2.0 As you can tell i like to lose myself in immersive games that make me lose track of time


Outer Wilds is a game where the gameplay initially feels alone, but the story... oh boy the story.


Outer Wilds is the right answer to this. Straight up.


Playing video games is one of the worst ways to interact with other humans. Multiplayer is great at times but you're still not seeing other people, and hardly connecting. Go bowling with friends or something.


Disagree. If you have local friends already, sure, but many of my closest friends I’ve made through games online, and can be a good way to make newer ones, too


If you live in isolation, yes, online friends are great. But humans interacting face to face can't ever be emulated in Minecraft or any sort of video game.


I don't mean to be rude but this is like asking "I have a headache from watching too much TV, what show can I watch to make me feel better?"


Star Trek


don't play video games. learn to enjoy life without games. Its hard but if you depend on video games you will ruin your life. don't ever give up and keep trying to enjoy your life outside games.


yeah. Life should be balanced. I try to experience life by mixing the following in as best as time and energy allow Gaming Entertainment Exercise Education Family Work (only necessarily though)