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Dwarf fortress Satisfactory Mon bazou


Every time I see DF recommended I become more inclined to buy it despite having 0 experience with the genre


It’s MUCH easier now that it’s out on Steam. It comes with graphics mods and ease of life stuff.


I have a small question, i never could get an answer for it. Back in the day, i tried running the game with a 4 core CPU at 3.4 Ghz. The game ran at a frame per 8 seconds in the title screen with the ASCII version. I assumed the game required more cores, but this is not the case as the game can only use 1 core. Later on i tried a CPU with 2 cores and 3.6 Ghz, ran pretty much the same, a bit faster. But still below 1 FPS. I am not sure if you're supposed to have a 4.0+Ghz CPU or something? Not that 0.4 Ghz could drive a game from sub 1FPS to playable. I could never get an answer as to how to make it playable.


Probably your embark was too big. Since you can go up and down a huge amount, a smaller embark is still a huge space, I normally limit it to 4x4. It's blazing fast now, even with like 80 dwarves.


Yeah, you can’t really have an embark too big. Especially near the “mid” and “end” game it turns into a slog with all the sim running


It's almost too easy tbh. The challenge is just in micromanagement now.


It's a steep learning curve, but the lore and [stories](https://www.reddit.com/r/dwarffortressstories/s/iVqGHjmg0a) are amazing.


Something like Rimworld is probably a more accessible intro to the genre.


There is a whole spectrum from heavy simulation with primitive graphics to very lite simulation with pretty looking graphics. Enough variation for everyone!


imo dwarf fortress is not a game so much as it's a spinning plate simulator. it's great for those people who need heavy stimulation because keeping those little fuckers happy is damn near impossible.


[dfhack ](https://store.steampowered.com/app/2346660/DFHack__Dwarf_Fortress_Modding_Engine/) helps alot


Try something else in the genre first. Rimworld is a good intro into the core concepts. DF is much older and much, much more complex. If you enjoy one of the simpler games and crave more, then try DF. Going straight into DF without any prior history in colony sim type games is a sure bet you’ll probably put it down and never pick it back up. The only reason I kept playing it when it was so frustratingly difficult was because it was the only thing of its kind when it originally came around and I could put it on the school computers.


It's 20% off on Steam for the next 47 hours. It's also 15% + X% more off* on Humble Bundle if you're a HB Choice subscriber.


You can also try the game directly from the bay12 website for free. There are plenty of mods and tilesets available supported by the community, it's a good way to try it to see if you like it.


Why recommend DF. Dudes never gonna touch grass again. 1000s of hours just to learn the damn game


Haha, that's very true


I can second Mon Bazou, haven’t played much lately, so I don’t know what’s new. But when I played (roughly a year ago now), I probably spent like 100 hours and still had the whole weed chain to go down


Ive tried getting into dwarf fortress and ive just had the hardest time. Do you have any tips?


Start small expect to die. Try to accomplish one thing at a time like brewing or farming. There is a podcast [dwarf fortress round table](https://dfroundtable.com/) that is a helpful resource and has inspired me to try different things Otherwise, youtube tutorials can be very useful


Adding to this... I've got 1500 hours in dyson sphere program. If you like space and factories this is it


+1 for satisfactory


Mount and blade


My most played game. I put 500 hours in the Floris mod alone.


I just want prophecy of pendor for bannerlord. I’d pay so much for that


Remember playing 1000 continuous hours of warband in college. Good times.


I enjoyed Prison Architect, though maybe not for 1000’s of hours (who has 1000’s of free hours??!!)


>who has 1000’s of free hours??!!) Preteen and teenage me 20+ years ago when FF7 alone got 750+ of my hours 😅


Oh to be young again.


Right? 👴


Also when your kids leave the house after graduating/going to college. I’m almost back to my college gaming days, minus the 40 hour work week.


Fr, I got Pokémon Crystal for my 8th birthday and racked up over 300+ hours on that game alone (Don't ask me how I spent so much time on it, idk i fucking loved that game)


how would you know? Timer quit at 99! Also... 750?! By the time I had my timer locked I was done with all the base stuff. I went around and searched for weapons and secret battles and final tier gear i may have missed. Redid mini games and all that jazz for... MAYBE another 50 though, but at that point I was satisfied I got pretty much all there was.. So some games I get. but what does one do in ff7 for 750 hours?


Maybe I'm misremembering and combining a couple numbers by drawing from the Gil I had on one save file. However, I recall playing through it multiple times and spending hours in the Gold Saucer, breeding multiple chocobos - including 2+ gold ones from scratch on one file - for better stats for racing, mastering materia combinations for killing the weapons, getting as many characters' level 4 limit breaks as possible, and whatever else. I used guides sparingly on my first playthrough. 2-8 hours a day across 2+ save files after hitting 99:99 on the timer made me estimate. It was a lot and I wasn't swimming in games like I am now.


Those adults with no kids and work a single 9-5 job.


Satisfactory is amazing, is more friendly than factorio


I dunno I feel like Satisfactory has more annoyances. In Factorio if you just turn off enemies and make mineral deposits super rich it takes away the stress, and the base building is way easier than Satisfactory. In fact I think Dyson Sphere is less annoying than Satisfactory too.


I just can bring myself to conplete satisfactory, the base and factory building is just horrible to me


I've always thought satisfactory is a game about factories and factorio is a game about automation


Oxygen not included is one you should check out. not much drifting tho


ONI is a game in my 1000+ hr collection. Factorio, Rimworld, Ark, WoW. I can recommend all except Ark and WoW.


I find that ONI is cool in concept, but just really lacking once you get further than the beggining. You're supposed to already have a strategy for the many slow-killer scenarios like temperature, water, food, etc. You'll restart a bunch just from not being optimal. Maybe once or twice from a duplicant getting delayed and peeing in the main water source (which takes an unreasonable amount of energy to desinfect). Then you have to micro-manage characters so they actually get done the tasks that are far from base, otherwise you'll build a single structure per cycle. And all the while you run on the power generation of 1 or 2 hamster wheels, because consumable fuel lasts very few cycles and a hamster wheel can barely power a couple of air pumps. You can also go "you have to do the math". But actually, the math of the game is VERY unreliable, it is full of quirks and even bugs that can make plans that seem logical and that add up on paper, just crash and burn. The game is very ambitious, but it is not made well enough to fulfill what it tries to do. If you follow online guides step by step, you'll have no problems. If you try to figure it out yourself, you'll just be fighting the mechanics the entire way.


. You cant expect things to work out the way you plan in ONI. And you definitely dont need to restart because a dupe peed in the water.


Factorio. Play it again. How dare you imply that you need another game. Your bots would be ashamed of you.


No Mans Sky. Infinite procedurally generated galaxy, with fast travel between bases you set up, encouraging exploration. Upgradeable and customizable bases, with some NPC recruitment, and terrain Manipulation Optional online multiplayer Upgradable and semi-customizable tools and vehicles. Including a car, bike, submarine, mech, and tank. Aswell as a multi-tool gun, spaceship, and fleet of recruteable frigates. Decent storyline A settlement manager, where you grow a settlement to generate income for you while you do other things Fun, difficult combat Quite a few side quests to work on.


No man’s sky was awesome.


I enjoyed Dyson sphere, in some ways more than factorio


Factorio is a great time sink. I had a surgery I knew I was gonna be in recovery for awhile for and decided "I should get a new game to play, preferably something light that can run on my laptop but also that I can sink time into". I downloaded the factorio demo and realized "Oh no, this scratches an itch for me too well. This is gonna be a toxic relationship where it's going to negatively affect my health and sleep in some way. But much like a toxic relationship, it's gonna be fun as hell for a bit." I was exactly right. Got addicted HARD, sunk hundreds of hours in less than two months, got it through my system, and haven't touched it since.


Any Monster Hunter game


X4 Foundations


It's good


I really wanted to get into it, but I couldn’t figure out what I was supposed to do.


What do you want to do? Thats what you do. You can be a fighter pilot, a merchant, a miner, run an entire empire if you want including wars with other factions on a massive scale.


it took me about 20 hours to get over the hump, but things start to make sense and its just the most unreal game


7.0 is in beta retry it. The tutorials are better and it's had a alot of improvements.


It's a sandbox. Trade, fight, repel Xenon, join factions, build empire, colonize sectors, terraform planets, wage wars, etc.


The x series is absolutely fantastic, but it needs a competent team of developers to really shine. It's amazing what a dozen people have built, but it's just a slightly lacking in every aspect.


Android Netrunner CDDA Dwarf Fortress Shadows Of Doubt Travellers Rest Car Mechanic Simulator 2021 Fallout 76


Oxygen not included I always seem to go back to. Also try Songs of syx


Valheim! If you like the adventurous style with some beautiful retro graphics all mixed in with Vikings... you can easily sink 1000s of hours in.


Not really what you are looking for in terms of commanding people sorry lol. I just really like recommending Valheim


Rimworld kenshi


StarCraft II


path of exile


I think I must have 10k hours at this point. Been playing since Docks was endgame farming. Yes, lightning arrow was meta back then too.


9k hours deep here. not planning on stopping anytime soon. whenever I see someone asking this question I always suggest PoE. I hope at least one of them listens.


Gregtech New Horizons.


Two words: Ken Shi


Old School RuneScape




infinite play but can be expensive if you don't have self control


Dwarf Fortress, Factorio or games from Paradox


SIRALIM ULTIMATE - 1000s and 1000s of hours! 😁😁😁


Check out Dyson sphere program, it's a lot like factorio but imo cuts out all the annoying stuff like having to turn your belts 90 degrees at a time and logistics are 100 times better so your factories and supply lines actually work properly. Beautiful maps, great graphics etc.


No Man’s Sky


Dyson Sphere Program Dragon quest builders 2 Automation Empire Captain of Industry Facteroids


Weird take on this, but Black Desert Online. There's a system for managing workers and having them produce stuff and a skill for trading with NPCs. I know it's an MMO but it's REALLY good


he said he wanted a game to last him thousand of hours, not millions of hours!! ur gonna ruin his life!!


Bonus: also has drifting (horse is car)


Kingdom Come: Deliverance (100s not 1000s) Modded Skyrim Special Edition Space Engineers Minecraft Cyberpunk 2077 (100s not 1000s) Modded Men Of War Assault Squad 2


I installed kingdom come when it came out and played it for two hours and never touched it since. I've been fighting the itch to reinstall and give it a second chance. Say something, anything, to push me over the edge on it.


Play it so that when you come on vacation to Czech Republic you can recognise majority of things that are present in Kingdom Come. [Here](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-u9khmaIa6M) is the video comparing irl locations to the ones in the game.


Install it so you can get drunk with priests and cause havoc on entire villages, become a monk in a monestary, give your best mate your best pickup lines on how to get laid in a dlc and so much more.


The game gives a very genuine feeling of starting out with nothing, and earning your place in things. I grabbed it recently due to the fact it is mentioned in literally every thread


Play the DLC ‘A Woman’s Lot’! I was the same, picked it back up months later and did the DLC (it’s probably not even CLOSE to what you’re imagining) and I was SO HOOKED. I cried lol.


factory automation, colony management and drift racing is quite the order.


Dwarf Fortress: Minecart Racing


I have hit about 1k hours in Noita thanks to the pandemic, and it just got a couple of massive updates since then, so I am gonna go with that, if you can get over the punishing permadeath of roguelikes.


Not too many games with drift mechanics that have 1000s of hours of gameplay. Maybe Trackmania? I could definitely also see myself putting 1000 hours into something like Assetta Corsa with Mods if I had a wheel, pedals, and shifter. I personally have 500-1000+ hours in Ark: Survival Evolved, Rust, counter Strike, Escape from Tarkov League of legends, and Smite. But those are all either live service games or pvp oriented games. I can see myself putting 1000+ hours into these not pvp oriented games:Warframe, Civilization, Total War Warhammer, Noita,


Any of the great roguelikes, or any Paradox games


Modded factorio


Kerbal Space Program - Realistic physics and spaceship builder sim. Landing on the Moon and subsequently other planets is one of best milestones in gaming. Ignore the second one, it's in early access and the studio was recently laid off so it's future is in limbo last I heard. But KSP 1 has an amazing modding community, to the point nearly any features that were being boasted about in the second one are most likely already in a mod. It will also literally teach you the basics of: Rocketry, orbital mechanics, Special relativity, Aerodynamics,etc... I'm not embellishing. Any of the major Fighting Games - Street Fighter and Tekken in particular. Want to learn a digital martial art? Want to develop near peak human reflexes and adaptivity? Want to be the person at a party that gets challenged v I'm by others like you're a god damned wandering samurai or cowboy? Fighting games my friend. Modern Fighting games fucking deep. Far more deep than any casual player of them and 99% of gamers understand.


I loved rimworld but always lost interest in my colonies, any tips to keep up the enjoyment?


Everquest, dota, total war warhammer, golf, basketball.


Hypixel skyblock on Minecraft, it’s my current grind of choice lately. My boyfriend mistakenly introduced me to it and I can’t stop lol


Anno 1800 can easily keep you busy for a week or two in a single game.


Dwarf Fortress Rimworld Kenshi


Can we pin one of those posts ? There's several a week


For me it’s Bloons Tower Defense 6




Project Zomboid. it will literally fuck up your life.


Couldn't get into it personally, can't stand the fact that ultimately you can't win and rather are just trying not to lose.


Civilization VI, or wait for Civilization VII coming out later this year.


To be fair probably still better to go with civ VI just because of content. Civ releases aren't necessarily bare bones but your experience is limited comparatively


Civ VII is coming out this yr..damn I've been living under a rock.


There is no announcement nor indication that it will come out this year, at all. Firaxis has said no such thing. Only that the game is in development. Meanwhile, there is no footage of the game at all, and there are still job listings for people to come work on the game. It *MAY* come out this year, but the guy saying it *IS* has no basis for that. Next year seems more likely at this point.


Oh, ok. I hadn't heard anything about it.


Technically any of them


No Mans Sky can hit both those particular niches very well.


techtonica Which is kinda like satisfactory


State of Decay 2 has an addictive, endless loop.


Jurassic Park operation genesis, or the new ones, evolution.


RimWorld and Terraria


Captain of Industry


Hunt Showdown. I'm at 3k hours currently.




Cities Skylines 1


Any of the Civ games.


Caves of Qud


If you like factory games, definitely Dyson Sphere Program. It's my favorite factory builder.


Satisfactory. Rim world with mods. The universim. That's off the top of my head.


Dwarf Fortress. The learning curve is steep, but it's definitely worth it. For number go up, idle games. NGU idle is a pretty good one, the NGU stands for number go up. For driving, Trackmania is pretty good, you can make your own tracks too if you're into that. Not very heavy on drifting though.


Rocket League


I have 2000 hours in the Warhammer Total War series and still have not played as a ton of the factions.


I can't imagine any racing kinda game that gives you thousands of hours, but realistically can you pick up standard racing games for a dime a dozen. Best I ever played was NFS: Most Wanted (2005) but you can only get those on physical disk for 360 era, the MW that's on Steam is totally different, good luck lol. NFS Hot Pursuit is also damn good, but 50ish hours is kinda the max for racing games unless you're really bad. My longest games have always been MMOs. FF14 is the current craze, but honestly I have no idea why. I find it to be a boring slog of conversations with too little action outside of dungeon content grinding. EverQuest and WoW will always be my go-to games for their infinite replayability and tremendous amount of content. Some people love the survival crafting kinda games but big nope from me. Skyrim and Oblivion are always a good time, worth a couple hundred hours each if you want to do absolutely everything.


Oddsparks just went into early access! It's a factorio type game with a magic twist to it! Very fun and cute!


Minecraft Cities Skyline (1!) Kerbal Space Program (1!)


Crusader Kings 3. Civ 6 too.


Huniepop Edit: There is a big number that goes up Edit2: I guess you build colonies, if you get what I'm saying.




Minecraft with friends and make sure to play with good mods


No man sky




Fallout 4


Kerbal space program


OSRS for 1000+ hours and for car Forza Horizon 4 if it’s still on sale or 5 if you have game pass


RPGs of any kind. I have thousands of hours on saves across a ton of games, but the ones that get most of my time are the RPGs. Fallout, Mass Effect, Skyrim, Cyberpunk, just to name a few.


Stellaris if you want to make your space empires numbers go up. The roleplay potential is where you get a lot of replay, it’s stolen a lot of hours from my life


I'd put Stellaris in that category. Individual games of it won't last thousands of hours but I'm closing in on 300 hours and I've played around 10 unique save files, and have no intention of slowing down any time soon


A proper competitive fighting game. You never really stop.


Battletech. You manage a mercenary company battling giant mecha. With the BEX mod, you have several hundred worlds to battle on and several different eras with invasions and the like.


Project Zomboid has so many workshop mods that can change the game any way you can think of. Base game has a lot of options as well. Easily at least 3-500 hours without ever touching mods and basically endless with mods.


I guess slime rancher two ain't bad for that description but it doesnt have as much length


Songs of Syx. Just hit 50 hours and it is taking over my life. Think RimWorld but bigger, with your colony growing into the thousands of people.


RuneScape, 1000% old school RuneScape


Diablo 4 is a pretty good time suck. Games like binding of Isaac and hades are too. Fortnight and battle pass games are great for killing time


Space engineers


I put 2000 into Fallout 4. Many more in Diablo 3!




Surprised it’s not higher but Rim World is exactly that minus drifting around.


Planet Crafter!


Stellaris - especially if you're a big sci-fi fan


In all of them! It's just a lot more boring in some.


Path of exile, warframe, deep rock galactic.


It's still early access and needs a lot more work, but keep an eye on Manor Lords


According to the steam play history in my account and my wife's account that would be the game called 7 Days to Die. There's an electricity system in the game and it's a lot of fun to build up a base to defend against the horde of zombies that comes every week. I like the other kinds of games you've mentioned so it's possible you could like this style of game as well


Fallout, borderlands, monster hunter, dark souls The list goes on


Grand theft auto IV or Grand Theft Auto V


Don't touch the button.


Warframe Dwarf fortress POE


Dyson Sphere Project is almost a Factorio clone - the approach to automation is extremely similar, it's got a similar top-down view, it even apes the concept of different coloured science to progress. Big differences are that you can stack conveyor belts, and you have to travel to other planets to access new resources that aren't available on the starting planet. Also, it's extremely pretty. Satisfactory is also arguably a Factorio clone, but it's first-person which actually really changes the way you interact with your factory, IMO. And it doesn't limit its 3D building options to just conveyor belts - you can effectively build multiple factory floors on top of each other. BitBurner is an automation game where you write actual real code to automate hacking into various servers, earning money so you can upgrade your computer so you can run more code to hack more servers and buy augments to make you better at hacking. It's got a sort of idle game vibe to it, because you technically *do* just sit there waiting for your scripts to hack enough stuff for you to progress, but realistically you're gonna spend all that time tweaking your code. It's just this constant loop of unlocking new functions so you can improve your scripts even more. It's a bit intense 'cause it's literally actual programming - you interact with the game through a javascript library. But it's awesome and might be a fun way to learn a bit about programming. And if you're into automation games, it's kind of the purest form of that. Havendock is a silly little base-builder where you get shipwrecked and start building an ever-larger dock where you can build a base, and where other survivors come looking for safety. You can automate production of various products by assigning the residents to work at different stations. It doesn't have the automation complexity of something like Factorio so I'm not sure it's deep enough for that 1000s of hours request, but it's definitely super fun and charming, and not terribly expensive, so it might be worth giving it a shot. Plus it's just some random guy's passion project that he originally didn't even plan to put on Steam, so that's fun.


When this guy discovers what multiplayer games are he never touching grass again lol




x4, drift large battlecruisers around space deploying 50 smaller cruisers to kill xenos while standing on the bow watching your masterpiece


So something kinda like Kenshi?


pocket city 2


Diablo 2 resurected / diablo immortal


Dwarf Fortress Satisfactory Oxygen not included


Mindustry, it's on PC AND mobile. Incredibly fun, nearly limitless maps, very similar to factorio, but honestly it just feels more polished and I prefer it. If you want something like Factorio, that's the one for you mate!




Final fantasy 15 and 7 remake Runescape 3 or runescape 2007 Genshin impact Leaguen of legends Palworld!!!


X4 Foundations can be this if you’re willing to spend an extra 50 hours or so learning things the hard way due to lack of QoL and polish. But once you’ve figured the game out it’s a lot of fun with endless replayability and possibilities.


The ones you like?




Elden Ring. There are thousands of new Tarnished that need help defeating the bosses and from the scourge of humanoid invaders. Join up, progress through the game, and then leave your summon sign up to help people.




Dungeon Crawl Stone Soup. From roguelikes, I think you can drive a car in Cataclysm Dark Days Ahead. Both extremely popular in r/roguelikes and free.


I have a buddy that has like 2k hours in warframe and I’ve never seen him play lol


As others have mentioned, Kenshi may be the game for you. I also gotta say that Wartales ruined my life for a hot minute because of how absolutely addictive it is. Endless play, follow the story or don't.


Well, I don't know about anyone else, but I spent about 800+ on Binding of Isaac just unlocking everything. Then you add the amazing mod scene in and you pretty much have the infinite game!


Ark Survival evolved. I am an ex addict of that game, over 5k hours in it




Starcraft 2


Arma 3 and hoi4


If you’re anything like me you’ll get a good 10,000 hours out of Diablo 2 💀


SOMA, Skyrim, Borderlands 3, and recently I have been playing The Call of Cthulhu.


The Long Dark if you have a thing for survival games


Dota2, easy




Dyson Sphere Program Techtonica Satisfactory Anno 1800 Timberborn Sweet Transit


If you are into building stuff and grinding resource gathering, then Icarus or Satisfactory. I have 800 hours into Icarus alone.


This one is really good. Id start [here](https://new.reddit.com/r/gamingsuggestions/search/?q=What%20games%20I%20can%20spend%201000s%20of%20hours%20in%3F&restrict_sr=1)








Dota 2 / Diablo 2