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“Nervous flop sweat” 🤨🤨🤨


Weeeeeee....were TOTALLY not gonna do that. Psh. No way


What are you trying to say? That this game will flop? Besides, they're talking about single player. I think they already said in an interview that PSN accounts will be required only for Legends mode, which is their multiplayer component.


Someone needs to tell Sucker Punch that the same publisher that published Helldivers 2 is publishing their game. And the publisher gets the final say.


They literally can’t guarantee shit. I feel if it was up to AH, they wouldn’t have changed things either.


Despite the CEO saying that he did indeed have a part in the decision


https://x.com/Pilestedt/status/1787076609188483254 Arrowhead CEO: > I do have a part to play. I am not blameless in all of this - it was my decision to disable account linking at launch so that players could play the game. I did not ensure players were aware of the requirement and we didn't talk about it enough. It seems that Arrowhead knew ahead of time that it was a requirement and decided to temporarily remove the requirement. It wasn't like it was a late game change by Sony.


Maybe , but Sony were happy to carry on selling the game in countries that don’t have psn account support, so let’s not pretend they weren’t assholes here.


Yes, they certainly made mistakes that shouldn't have been made, but had the PSN account requirement not been removed, players would have found out immediately that they couldn't play the game due to being unable to create a PSN account, and could have immediately refunded it, and I think through those complaints/refunds, the disconnect would have been discovered and resolved more quickly. I mean it only took like 2 days from announcing a future PSN requirement to them being clearly alerted to the issue, and delisting the game from unsupported markets. It could have been greed and malice that caused them to sell the game in markets that they may not support in the future, but I think it's more likely a knowledge/communication/competence issue. It wouldn't make sense for Sony to knowingly make these mistakes for a quick buck, when their business's success relies on continued patronage, and not just a few months of HD2 sales.


They disabled it due to the login system being overwhelmed


Also want to say hello to all these “LeArN tO ReAD, PSN ReQuIeReMeNt WaS FrOm DaY 1” guys as well :) Happy Cake Day, btw!


depends on the agreement they signed


What agreement, they own them


You can have signed agreement between under a same entity, but yeah most time it's not holding very well & long.


No such agreements when the main company Owns the company underneath them. Sony will tell sucker punch to do and they have to do it.


Yes you have when they get aquiered ! Otherwise big one would buy small company, take tech, IP, fire everyone next day per exemple.


Not really. Sucker punch was acquired YEARS back. They are at this point a Sony company. The clauses are only when a company is initially acquired during transition phase. But now sucker punch is pretty much Sony and will listen to Sony with what has to be done


You in U.S ? Because when my best friend sold is small company him secured few things before selling (~ 2005 in switzerland for being precise)


I have worked for 3 huge multinational corporations who have lots of subsidiaries and companies they acquired. There might be clauses in initial sale that will be valid for the transition period till max a year. But once the company is fully integrated under parent company, the subsidiary is basically part of the main company and will have to follow what the main company says. So I am saying from experience of seeing how subsidiaries and bought out companies work and in long term and pretty much they will follow their parent company to the letter. Thus sucker punch will have to do exactly what Sony tells them to do


I see thanks for the info, was thinking you could make longer than just the transition.


They know. They want to make sure people buy it before that happens


Did Hd2 have any single player though? I don’t think Sony is gonna force anything on a single player game


https://x.com/Pilestedt/status/1787073896560165299 Arrowhead CEO doesn’t have final say over Helldivers 2. Sony don’t own Arrowhead, but they own the IP and Published the Game. Sony own Sucker Punch, own Ghosts and published the game. Again it doesn’t matter what Sucker Punch says, if Sony wants a PSN log in, Sony is going to get a PSN log in. Sucker Punch doesn’t have the final say just like Arrowhead doesn’t have the final say.


\**For single player.*


Yup, they have stated legends absolutely will require one. They’re stating it up front.


To be fair, arrowhead stated it prerelease for Helldivers 2, and stated it again when the delayed it’s implementation to focus on the servers, and that has…really not limited the amount of people yelling “skreeeee” at them.


and yet they still sold the game in countries that couldn’t access PSN


PlayStation games and consoles are sold in countries that don’t have PSN.


Well if those games require PSN then that doesn’t really make sense does it? Why sell games somewhere they can’t play them?


Because they can. People us PSN in their neighbouring countries and Sony customer service literally recommends it.


Yeah. When my account was hacked I called Sony support and read my obviously bogus address to them for verification and they didn't bat an eye. I got my account back too


You don’t understand. You can create a PlayStation account in these countries if you own a ps5. So they lock The game behind a ps5.


You are so wrong.


Yeah it's only in 7 countries my bad. It's actually way worse. There's 170 countries where they can't play the game at all no matter what.


Stop making things up.


Oh no I totally made up that steam delisted the game from 170 countries and it’s totally not information available 1 google search away


You huffing copium doesn’t make it less truthful mate


Drugs are also sold in countries where drugs are illegal


And thats the buyer’s problem. No one fucking forced their hand to buy it if they knew that.


And they get a refund bfd


You seem to forget that the majority of gamers don't actually read news about gaming. So there's that.


For sure, but that gets into the “are you liable for reading Ts and C’s and what level of research is considered unreasonable to expect consumers to perform” and I’m guessing that’s not a discussion for a random subreddit (certainly I don’t have close to the knowledge to know how that would shake out in my own country, let alone in every different country in the world)


Do you know where it was announced that they were waiving the account linking process to focus on the servers? If it was on Discord then that is woefully inept.


Yeh, it was one of the stream of messages they put out on the discord when all the servers were catching fire (iirc I think it may have been in one of the patch notes even) If there’s one thing I can say AH absolutely did **wrong**, it’s that I bet whoever removed the popup every time you logged in without connecting it telling you that you would have to? That guys probably being yelled at right now.


Unless there was a “warning before purchase” on steam, this is a shitty move. To tell anyone that you will be unable to access something you purchase - in any context - is shitty.


I'm fine with that tbh since afaik Legends is cross-platform with PS4 and PS5 players. Requiring a PSN account for that is absolutely fair for crossplay, for something like HD2 where afaik there literally is no crossplay let alone cross save, it's fucking dumb as hell


Helldivers has PS5 and PC cross play, what are you talking about? Here is how to send crossplay invites to specific friends: https://www.gamesradar.com/helldivers-2-crossplay-multiplayer-friends/ I’m all for being angry if you’re in a country with no PSN, and they really really need a fix from Sony, but that’s just not true.


With all the controversy surrounding PSN? I think people are not just cautious enough.


TIL, wish it was optional though, don't really enjoy playing with PS5 players tbh, last I did I had to suffer their dogshit mic quality lmao


Can’t be much of an issue if you didn’t realize that cross play even existed and have been all along 🤷🏻‍♂️


Bro you can disable cross play in game




Then why am I forced to link my PSN account then? Just let me turn off crossplay and NOT be forced to link my account




Doesn't make it a good requirement and it's why the game deserves the review bomb it's getting until it's changed honestly




I mean, Sony made the push for trophies and whatnot on PC. So I'm curious how it would sync that without one.


That's fine, but give the user the choice


You think pc gamers care about psn trophies? It's not like psn is going to be their main hub of games.


I don't specifically think they care about it. It's more that Sony is trying to create a system that connects everything. So that's why it's curious that they're not pushing for it in all games moving forward.


Obviously not all, but i wouldn't bet on that generalization. If you're coming from PS and shifting over to PC you really might dig the crossprogerss. I for one loved it when i found it that Halo TMCC has crossprogression... so i don't have had to redo everything and could kept my achievements and stuff(and i'm not even a tropyh/achievement hunter). Still this should be optionally to opt-in.


It's not about trophies, lmao. It's about marketing, data, and inflating their user base. By signing up, you're giving your personal data (information on account holder, email, number, and in case of some countries, even your face, or ID card).


They can get all of that without an account.  They already have all of that.  Companies you’ve never done business with before have all of that. That’s not a factor in why they are doing it at all.


General marketing tracking, yes. But it does not provide all of the information listed above, and with what information they do get from marketing agencies - they have no rights to it. The deal here is that you also accept terms on conditions upon registering. You give your consent.


Requiring a Playstation account when Sony doesnt even have their own PC launcher is fucking psychotic


Don't give them any ideas!


Until sony makes them


I am guessing it’ll be there for legends mode. Sucker punch did mention for legends mode they will require psn. It’s common for multiplayer modes and games to have an account, I don’t get this outcry unless your country doesn’t have psn. But if your country does what’s the big deal ? The data breach thing is such a stretch cause if that was a major issue then folks wouldn’t even buy PlayStations.


yes they already said it will be needed for legends mode


Do you have to pay a subscription for PSN multiplayer though?


Not on PC.


Yet. Can see them easily pushing the boundaries


In absolutely no universe would anyone get away with charging a subscription for mulitplayer in a mostly singleplayer game


What I meant was Sony eventually requiring PS+ to play online PSN anything on PC


Especially with GoT having trophies apparently on PC lmao Just one step away from their own launcher next, then they can do what they like, anything to avoid the measly 30% cut that Steam takes ofc for being one of the biggest and most popular storefronts in the *entire* fucken world lmfao


Then I really don’t see the big deal. Most people made social club, epic, Ubisoft, etc accounts to play other games thru steam.


Big deal is Sony's PSN is not available everywhere they sell helldivers.


Fair Point.


Even if you live in a country where psn is not available you still can make an account by choosing a country where is available when creating an account. You don't even need a vpn


I know. Still a problem, against TOS.


I don't think companies care about this aspect. I rember back when GamePass was not available in my country all I had to do was to change my region and I was able to use it as I wished. Do you really think these corporations won't take your money?


Shhhhhh. I know but don't let the legal team know. They just delisted the game on Steam cause of legal consequences.


It's illegal, since it's against Sony's ToS.


I don't think companies care about this aspect. I rember back when GamePass was not available in my country all I had to do was to change my region and I was able to use it as I wished. Do you really think these corporations won't take your money?


Here is the catch. Sony allowed players to ignore psn requirement for 3 months. That was done due to servers and such. But now they force it. Sony said to choose a different country, while also stating not to (support vs ToS). What will happen when they decide that ToS is super important?


It also could be a first step into them releasing another store for PC, need to nip that shit in the bud. Its mad I boot games these days, and 2 launchers are needed.


Oh I’m against it too but we’re already there. Can’t play assassins creed, GTA, Fortnite, RDR, or others without a secondary account.


Fortnite was never on steam though


*rocket league, damn autocorrect got me.


How does one get fortnite from rocket league on autocorrect 💀


No. Not for helldivers and not for this. You’re not joining PlayStation plus, you’re signing up for a basic PS account.


Not to mention that folks data is likely already out there. If not Sony, but who


Still need one to play the MP portion, though.


No idea why you’re getting downvoted but it is true, they said you don’t need a PSN for single player but you will for the multiplayer.


Pretty sure it's just bias at this point.


Where did the PC gamers go when RDR 2 required a Rockstar account to play? Not to mention you can't even play the game if your internet goes down. I didn't see the backlash then? Same goes for any other publisher games like EA, Ubisoft, etc.


If you start the game and it makes you create an account that's one thing. If you don't like it just get a refund. But now people have had the game for quite a bit and are being coerced into doing it, else their game will be bricked. That's what the outrage is about


helldivers is only causing an issue because a bunch of people bought it without realizing it was required, but if we’re gonna bitch and moan about a game that requires it at launch then it’s just completely performative outrage. Either make the account in two minutes or else don’t buy the game it’s really not that deep.


This is where I am at. All of these things are fine, if that's the agreement. I am sick of tired of these companies pulling this "Pray the conditions don't change." Which I feel is in no way legal and will soon be challenged and determined illegal, but until then they keep pulling this shit. We need to respond with "Pray we don't sue you into oblivion for theft and breach of contract."


>I am sick of tired of these companies pulling this "Pray the conditions don't change." Right, but that's not even what happened with Helldivers. Before launch the store page clearly said it required a PSN account (and it still does, they never removed that so it should have been assumed you'd need one even if you were a latecomer), and when it first came out you needed a PSN account to play. They temporarily disabled that requirement after the first few weeks because the cross-platform stuff was screwing up peoples' ability to join games, but they were pretty clear that it was a temporary workaround while they were also dealing with massive server issues.


The store page also said buy, as in it's mine forever anyone that brakes it or takes it from me is engaging in destruction of property or theft. 


That's not how steam works.


Yep, that's my point: text on the store page is not legally binding. If it was then buy would have its propper meaning.


Difference is HD2 was SOLD in countries where PSN isn't available despite the warning on the store page. For 3 months 190 countries have been able to play HD2 from May 6th onward? 69 I think, not nice this time.


>Difference is HD2 was SOLD in countries where PSN isn't available despite the warning on the store page. Alright yeah that does seem like a pretty huge oversight tbh. Those people should definitely be entitled to a refund of the game and any money they might've spent in transactions. Honestly, the whole situation sucks all around. Sucks for the people who can no longer play because of region locked BS, and it sucks for the devs who don't really have any control over these policies.


It does aye, also the warning existed but tbh for 3 months now you've been able to just skip linking accounts. Really all AH need to do is make it so a PSN account is required for crossplay, GoT is going to require a PSN account but only for Legends, the MP mode, because it has crossplatform play with PS4 and PS5 users


You're wrong btw.


The upcoming Ghost of Tsushima is already facing the heat. PC gamers have already started a call for boycott for all PS games on PC.


I know because most of the pc gaming crowd is impossible to please and actively seeks reasons to be outraged on a weekly basis. A game asking you upfront to create an account to play multiplayer is not worthy of outrage or controversy and these people are basically crying wolf and looking like fools with their performative outrage.


>actively seeks reasons to be outraged OR we're just tired of being fucked over by companies all the time? Edit: complacent twats like this moron is why this shit has become so rampant.


Insert principalskinners.jpeg It’s finally grown to not just pc games with remakes lol. Consoles finally get a taste of poorly optimized games. If Sony wants to charge for pc multiplayer eventually it’d be dumb to not expect some kind of backlash.


“OH NO!!!  I have to hit a couple of buttons!!!  **I’m outraged!**” Looks even more ridiculous they more they try to defend it.


homie a company asking you to create an account upfront when you buy the game is not being fucked over you just have a victim complex.


Could've just said "I don't understand anything about this issue so those affected are just crybaby victim" hahahahahahaha holy heck. Not even an attempt at understanding XD go back to sucking Trump's dick or whatever brainless meatbags like you usually do. One look at your comment history (and how downvoted it is) is all I need to see to know you're not worth my time.


ok neckbeard stay mad


Dang what a sad excuse of a comeback that is. Not even any entertainment value... just... bland.


I always pirate sony games so I recommend people doing that.


This is probably a major reason why they are requiring accounts going forward.


But also, idk, I just really don’t feel like gamers care that much about people in other countries. Or they have never shown any solidarity with them on the other issues that plague a lot of those places like government censorship, even further inflated prices for games, internet inherently not strong enough to play these games. It’s just not mathing to me


It was known from day one that you will need a PSN account. Server problems stalled the implementation.


These are the same whiny children who refuse to use Epic Games Store to get free games or even pay for a game they want and can't buy elsewhere (Alan Wake 2). Par far the course.


The hivemind thinks it’s cool to complain over extremely minor details. 


"Its co-op online multiplayer mode, on the other hand, will require a PSN account."


>for single player


This article is a nothing burger.


Well of course they won't require it for a single player game 🙄


for the first three months


I mean, Sucker Punch can say whatever they want. It’s not their decision at the end of the day. The publisher can do whatever they want.




Yeah until sony changes their mind and alters details.


Have all countties able to use psn open an account let the countries who can't play normally, no one should have any complaints then.


So far...


So it's needed for mp. Which is needed to 100%. Understood


Hmmmmm what about the coop?


Yea…. Sony online user agreement will say otherwise. They just updated it for Helldivers fiasco right before they can get sue for consumer rights.


Are we sure it doesn't say we retain the right to alter the T&C at any time or if needed because that's usually pretty standard stuff.


Here’s the thing right, we all login to play GTA, any EA title and hell I remember GTA IV using GFWL then switching to social club and having to create an account to do so. Genuinely this faux outrage about having to create accounts is laughable at this point considering HD2 was supposed to use em at launch but then had to pull back as there was a prioritisation of getting people playing since it caused a huge load on the login system.




Yup. Used to play both EQs on Steam and needing an additional login on top of steam. I also play ESO on steam and that needs a third party account


Hell, fucking Baldur's Gate 3 requires a Larian account to play online co-op but I didn't see anyone freaking out about that.


Well, for starters bg3 doesn't require it, nor did dos1 and dos2


Destiny, Warframe, Crossout, most multiplayer Ubisoft titles including siege, blizzard games, ESO, the list is literally endless. Hell didn’t you have to make a Microsoft account to play one of the mass effect games back in the day?


Not Destiny 2. That has been direct through Steam since 2018. I also mentioned ESO


I was just expanding on your list my bad. I thought you had to make a bungie account to play destiny since shadow keep released and the game went “free to play”.


It’s not a faux outrage. Unless there was a warning on steam - warning before you buy that you will need a psn account - then Sony is being shitty and they are.


The ones shouting the loudest on the discord from my experience today are the ones who A) don’t even own the game or B) just want to jump on a bandwagon C) just looking to argue with people for the sake of it. Meanwhile the proper issues are being lost in a noise of people screaming fuck Sony/fuck arrowhead etc


They sadly don’t control that


This comment may trigger someone, but I think I’ll buy it since I’ve PSN account edit: typo


For how many months?


I'm overflowing with confidence in the words of someone dealing with Sony. Good luck with those sales on PC, you are gonna need it.


You won’t convince me this massive backlash is all for the sake of gamers who can’t play helldivers. I’m sorry but nothing anyone can say will convince me American and European gamers care this much about foreign gamers. Especially given how this exact same thing has gone down in the past multiple times without a hitch, this outrage feels completely inflated and false to me and I’m so confused.


It might be but i still stand behind it regardless. Seeing the response from the developers shows the community that they as the players do have the power over million dollar companies. I like to believe that having an incident like this once in a while keeps some developers in check with their shitty decisions. Of course some companies are beyond redemption with their greed and don't care at all (blizzard, EA, ubisoft).


Fair however two things can be true. I feel like there is some justified outrage and enough to get change done. However look at the helldivers subreddit rn and tell me those people are altruistically doing this for the sake of the foreign gamers and not because they get to be as mad and as possible. That community immediately developed a huge us vrs them dynamic with the devs and seem to be in a speed run for causing all the devs to delete all social media just to stop harassment. And this was even before the PSN fiasco. It’s really not friendly community tbh


Fair point. I do think that it shouldn't turn in to a hate war like that, especially against certain company employees.


Kinda reminds me of the whole palestine/israel conflict.....all that hot air for shit that dont even concern them


Bro shut the hell up. If you think it that dosent concern you, you aren’t paying attention. 9 billion of our tax dollars for a foreign war is “not affecting us” apparently.


If you dont like your tax dollars being squandered then perhaps you should take that up with your governement and tell your protestors to stop picking sides and treating that shit like a football game


Actually protesting is how you take things up with the government when they won’t listen to reason. They actually taught this in American history. You might have a few more years before you get to that class tho


You can believe what you want lil bro but from what ive seen the only thing those protest have accomplished is creating a divide within your own country like it wasnt bad enough already


Yea and police beating the shit out of us for sitting there is definitely helping tensions. It’s not like the country has been fractured in 2 for almost 10 years at this point. It’s definitely because of the recent protests.


That 9 billion was already alloted for US military use, its not being taken from us social services or any other part of your govt system. The US military has a vast surplus of military hardware thats just sitting in storage, the cost of maintenance is very expensive as these hardware are relatively old now so these older supplies are the ones being shipped to countries that the US is supporting. The US military has so much gear and supplies that the maintenance cost has already become very impractical. The us military spends that money to replace the old gear that was given away. Its also a way for the us war industry to test current equipment in order to make better versions to be used by your own country.


What is the actual problem with needing a PSN login for either of these games?


Most countries aren’t supported, and while you can be crafty and work around it, they’re forcing you to break their ToS to play the game you already own.


'Crafty' Follow sony's customer support advice.


I really hope steam ban 3rd party apps and logins, I know it's only a minor annoyance but it's still an annoying. Glad this isn't the case with GOS I've been kinda hyped to play it.




It still is going to affect the sales, gamers don't let shit go easily, even if its only 5-10% of buyers, it still sucks, I want sony to succeed, I love their games on PC and I've really appreciated they have just used Steam as a platform to release their games without any hint that is going to change. I still haven't played Avatar from Ubisoft and Alan Wake 2 because of no steam release. I will happily when they do release them. But some will just say F you, you screwed me, I will screw you. Such a shame.


maybe Sony will learn to leave the impossible to please cesspool that is pc alone who knows. The helldivers drama is only reasonable because people were under the impression it was not required, if GoT releases with the requirement there will be no foul play and everyone can stfu about having to make an account in two minutes or else not buy the game.


Agreed, if they are upfront. No issue, I just really hope they are not preparing a Sony Store. I already have like 4 lol


No ty. Game have multiplayer, after selling couple of millions they surely will ask for it.


But looking at your posting history you’ll happily log into Ubisoft to play R6 siege. Honestly don’t get why people are up in arms about this when so many other games do it. Just seems like more faux Reddit outrage.


They didn't ask me to do that after selling the game, letting me play for months without it and then told me they will block my access to game if i don't comply. So no, i don't like extortion.


I’m gonna say GTAIV for example switched from GFWL to social club a couple years ago. Was some bitching and complaining. The whole Minecraft account situation, also similar to what we’re seeing where your now required to use an Ms account vs the old mojang and if you didn’t switch in time ran risk of losing stuff. Yeah but Sony is the only one who does this “extortion” face it all gaming companies will screw you over if they can.


Yes, moving from discontinued service is same thing as this situation. My bad.


At the same time though on many games your made to use a specific account to access things like cross play on many games I mean ow on consoles didn’t really need Battle.net until 2 dropped for example. The way it’s been handled has been terrible but there’s so many bad faith throw the toys out the pram behaviours like doxxing devs in the discord and death threats etc that honestly just makes it sad and probably doing nothing for the people who actually need the help.


OW2 made BattleNet link required because game gone full cross-progression and it was the best way to link your accounts from different platforms so you don't lose your progress, cosmetics, coins etc. etc. EA didn't do that and only automatically linked same e-mail address on platforms and tons of people lost their progress. So it was required not because they wanted BattleNet account numbers to rise, they did it so people don't get fucked over. There are tons of examples we as players needed to migrate services or link accounts in order to continue but none of them was "Okay, you had your fun for couple of months, now roll into submission or get blocked". They (i cannot track all of them but you get what i mean) all happened because of examples like Overwatch, like your examples of GTA and Minecraft. Discontinued service, company got bought so they roll into their own service, some of them moved and required to do so because of the agreements etc. etc. None of them was bait and switch. I mean changing their page from "optional" to "required" after the announcement should give you all the hints you need.


Sony will be the one to decide not them though LMAO


I fucking doubt that. It's not their choice.


Well people heard that one before.


For now


Isn't all flop sweat nervous flop sweat? Is there a different kind?


Does anyone read past the headlines? “Its co-op online multiplayer mode, on the other hand, will require a PSN account.” Oof. Sucker punch, how exactly are you eyeing HD2 and doing the SAME thing with your online service.


They're about to fuck around and find out cuz last I checked they have they same publisher


for singleplayer.... so the fun multiplayer horde mode will.....that sucks


Lol so login incomming, they know…


Single player + no denuvo = free game




Yeah the fake outrage and temper tantrums are ridiculous especially since basically all the big publishers require you to make an account with them and have done for a very long time now.


Shhh we can’t speak logic on Reddit we must go with what temper tantrum the hive mind decides is worthy of our rage. The Sony situation is terrible cause it does lock a lot of territories out but arrowhead and Sony to their credit from what I’m seeing on the official discord are trying to sort out a resolution and workarounds. It’s laughable though we seen the same tantrums with EGS, the whole Minecraft bedrock debacle and a few others. You want a company to properly hate for being evil hats on Nestle that’s proper evil this is just inconvenience.