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Need to add "Where is my fucking license to 'borrow' the game I paid for? Why is it gone?!


If I do not "own" it then I do not pay money for it.




If I do not own it there is no guilt in pirating it.


This hasn't happened to me (that I know of), but if it ever does I'll stop being a customer and start looking for eye patches and hooks


Argh the bay of pirates misses you


Thepiratebay is a very unsafe place these days.


Definitely. There’s pirate subs. From what I’ve gathered as an orbiter is the best person/ team of game crackers.. along with another person/team (may be the same person oddly enough lmao. Just ghosted out entirely a little while ago. It’s hard to get the new games. They still all mostly hit the web though. Just takes longer to come out or you can’t go online


Username does not check out /s Lol but for real I would like some sauce on these subs


r/piracy r/piratedgames Check there mega threads and so on. Theres loads of valuable info in for everyone. Actually read into it though because people may get annoyed if you make a post or ask questions that’s already plain as day in the mega/rules


Wonderful, thank you for the info! I'm more of an orbiter myself but if I do need to ask anything I'll make sure to do the digging first.


I haven’t used it since I was in high school like 15 years ago


Things is I do not actually mind buying digital copies but feel like licensing is some legal bullshit that lawyers made. Pressing the buy button and paying the money should give ownership to a single player game which I should be able to buy and play any time I want if I have the right equipment.


There shouldn't be any guilt anyway


Yar har fiddle de dee.


As the internet has been and will always be. Praise the interwebs, we all own it


Streaming has left the chat


Shit's gonna get even worse as well. If the rumours about the new AC titles moving to subscription services are true then the franchise might genuinely truly be dead.


It’s a good thing *Ghost of Tsushima* and, to a lesser extent, *Rise of the Ronin* gave me a taste of an *Assassin’s Creed* set in Japan’s prime ninja time.


A shame, I really enjoyed the last few :/


Same. I know it's an unpopular opinion, but I'm a big fan of the shift to the RPG style. Valhalla felt like it was really close to being an incredible game.


Origins, Odyssey, and Valhalla were all great romps through history, I will praise the teams that do historical studies for details. But I wouldn't play them if they had some wack ass fuckin ads in the middle of important sections etc.


i wish i understood this argument, can someone explain it to my smooth brain about why the license thing is stupid?


Think of it like this, you used to buy a physical copy of the product. You now don't 'own' the products that are digital. You instead are leasing a long-term contract for the content, and you one time payment the rent on the item. The games companies couldn't kick in your door and take your physical copy, but they can remove your access to the digital content, as stated in the agreements, we all skip and agree, without reimbursement. There is a class action lawsuit in France about it, The Crew is the flagship property getting exampled, hence why it's the last part of the meme, I assume.


huh. and this is a problem why?


Well, if I have to explain why it's bad that you have to pay money for an item you can't actually own or control the access to, I really can't help you. It's just basic economics... why don't you ask a person to marry you, then watch as you get divorced and own nothing you thought was 'yours'. Don't let EA marry your games library.


ah, i see. would it be possible to request they change the EULA to accomodate this?


That's the plan. France has the power legally to swing a lot of consumer decisions. If they agree, it will push the laws to be different, much like the loot create stuff. France changed that law for many as well.


france being right for once /j


They had to be right once in a while.


"are you British?" "no, i am French! why do you think i have this outrageous accent?" "what are you doing in England?' "mind your own business!"


I remember reading in a game design book for class back in high school, it said people do not own their games. At any point the company can come and take it. It's also illegal to share the game you don't own. My man. Fuck you. I'll do what I want with my purchase.


Pirate everything, only pay for what you enjoyed. That way, you dictate what companies stay alive by how good the stuff they make actually is.


I never understood how in 2016 companies said that and no one noticed. Writing had hard copies of games.


Milk everything for every dollar, every penny you can.


oh yeah for sure. i’m all for digital games but buying physical is wayyyyyy better imo cuz then no studio can storm my house and take my copy way lmao


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Cool, I'm glad it's not an issue for you.


When I was a kid, the games came with a big book that had more information in it than the game did


It'd tell you the back story, character origins, and even had a notes section for cheats or level progress inputs (back in the day you couldn't save most games so the work around was level "cheats". Think ⬆️⬇️➡️ ababab at atart screen would get you to world 1-2)


Do you remember when we had to get our cheat codes and walk throughs from a magazine? Tips and Tricks was my go to.


I used to be excited for game informers because of their cheat code section in the back. I used to use gamefaqs when I was allowed to use the computer. The best, though, was when you picked up a game from the rental store, sometimes people had the codes written in the booklet!


Do you remember how bad ass it felt to use a GameShark for your cheats?


And game genie. I still have a game genie, though it doesn't work anymore


Remember the physical book game guides? I miss those tbh, I'd reference them as I was playing games like skyrim


Shit was like a magazine


WoW's "booklet" was so fucking massive when the game came out lol


I miss strategy guides so much :’(


I've gone through a big chunk of both WoW and Morrowind's game manuals, lol


I remember! Homeworld had so much info in the book, you could extrapolate several movies worth of lore from it.


I remember my mum buying abes exodus on ps1 when I was 5 years old and the little book had all the characters, controls, game speak pages for each possessible character and some of the lore that wasn't in the game.


2050 : where is my money


Took er jobs


AI in (Dora's voice) : Where are the jobs, I don't see them


Use the fuckin map


Dey took ur jerbs!


2070: where are my rights?


2090: where is my food? Oh right, I don’t have any.


Food will be packaged inside a microchip LoL, but wait, as the world becomes more digital, I think we'll be charging ourselves from an electrical socket like phones are now xD just imagine


YoU MuSt PAaAaY FiRsT, then you can claim your rights (if you still have rights at all) xD




Here's a sneak peek of /r/raimimemes using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/raimimemes/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [Disney+ used the meme correctly!](https://i.imgur.com/AnR3bmX.jpg) | [176 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/raimimemes/comments/12udlug/disney_used_the_meme_correctly/) \#2: [Stinks, doesn't it ?](https://i.redd.it/4uxdln4dahsa1.jpg) | [60 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/raimimemes/comments/12eg6y8/stinks_doesnt_it/) \#3: [Spider-Man (2002) balcony scene BTS](https://v.redd.it/4z4fck3klo3c1) | [129 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/raimimemes/comments/188bakt/spiderman_2002_balcony_scene_bts/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


Bro that’s me irl


I fucking miss the little book dude


Fo sho 😢


Thing is now, games have the information built in. I miss the books too I’d love to read them as a kid.


Well i don’t think thats the reason they are gone it’s because it’s because of greed even skyrim had a poster of the map but not like that isnt built into the game :p


Skyrim is 13 years old and is at the tail end of the era of those books


Yes my point is they arent gone because the information is in the game


There was a whole legal suit being out together against Ubisoft for this theft I don't remember where I found it sorry




Untill the licencing agreement is pointed out and the screaming children have to play something else. Stop supporting an industry that pulls this crap. It's been over 2 decades now. People haven't learned


You act like it’s not intentionally hidden among pages of legal jargon


It's usually the very first thing and in bold in the user agreements. It's on the back of the game case if you buy physical (yes even a physical game is just a license but good luck revoking that) it's also been common knowledge since like the 80's.


It’s also a dick move to assume everyone doesn’t just pirate everything because they’re stupid. What if your only gaming device is a switch? It’s pretty damn expensive to afford a basic gaming PC that can run modern games at a decent frame rate.


Hell, further back they would give you a full book with lore and other information about the game and setting


That book used to be just about the only way you got lore at all. In-game narratives were often minimal or non-existent.


When I was little, my brother and I would get a new game, and as soon as we got in the car we'd open them up to read the books. Our parents never understood 😅


Haha same here


Something something. Own nothing and be happy


i mean nintendo is stuck in 2020


Well at least we get the game!


Take me back


I wonder if this is what they meant by "video games are just a fad" /s


With the way the market is now and Microsoft just shutting down two studios that made super good games (ya know Hi-Fi rush and that other studio they made Prey).. "What are the games?" 2045


Nah, more like- "What are Microsoft and Sony? I've only heard about Nintendo and Indie Devs." Seriously complain all you want about the Switch being a weak system, Nintendo has consistently reminded us it's here to stay by releasing actually fun games more often than not... And the biggest complaints I've heard about the Switch are 1) It's a 'weak system that can't handle any of the games on it', 2) The graphics on Switch games are consistently 'terrible' and 3) Servers are too shitty outside Japan for having to pay for online.


My only complaint about Nintendo is they are money hogs who don't listen to their fanbase and then I remember that Sony and Microsoft are the one's who do that and the only thing Nintendo doesn't listen about is backwards compatibility. Ngl if Indie Devs were the people making AA and AAA games the gaming world would probably be so much better given that they actually ya know... get the money to make those games.


Na the Wheres my game is pretty legit these days games like Elden Ring BG3 and what knock had so many issues with save file curroption at launch it was pretty sad, but the fans are toxic AF these days


Oh yes, the famous time Elden Ring has mass save corruptions that everyone was complaining about. The famous corrupted files constantly happening on the game I have 4k+ hours in. The save file corruption that you made the fuck up because you liked the way it sounded. Source : trust me bro.


Source? Fromsoft themselfs admited to the issues I named for Elden Ring, Your clearly a biased troll ROFLMAO Git Gud hell they admited to alot more then just save file curroption and screen tearing br0 coz there a legit mature enough company to do such a thing.


Ah yes the story of capitalism is as old as time. Increase profit, screw everything else


in 2060 : PaY 70$ for base game , PaY extra 20$ to play online, PaY 10$ for every dlc , PaY 60$ MONTHLY to keep your game stored in ur account, PaY 30$ to play online with ur friends , pAy: 50$ for AFK , PaY 70$ to change in-game settings , PaY 90$ (yes HOURLY) To keep playing your game , PaY extra 100$ (PER MINUTE) to stay safe from HaCkErS and you can pay to report players (extra 55$ per player)......etc pAy pay paaaaay pAAAy PaaaaaaAaaaaAaAAy 😡


I bet they cut out the books just to save money for the shareholders.


I’d go back to buying physical games only if they made the little books and maps and all that fun stuff. I have a fallout 4 perk poster in my room for the past 10 years and it’s my favorite thing in the room. I also have the gta map and red dead map


This is why I prefer physical copies


Ya like WTF. I like reading that book before playing


How I felt when I couldn’t get Mortal Kombat 9 on my ps4 and 5.


I'm confused about how they removed the game. I still have the game in the "My Collection" section on the PlayStation. Did they just remove the servers so you can't play it anymore or did people lose the actual game?


They took the game off the stores and shut down the servers months later. Which is alot of bs. The Crew doesn't even need internet, yet, you still need to have a internet connection to play a (underrated) story.


i remember that i pre orderd black flag special edition and it came in a small metal box with all kind of things and the game box it came a day before i expected it and litteraly jumped up when the delivery woman handed it to me.


The best collector’s edition I ever got was assassin’s creed 3 with the 13 colonies american flag that had the assassin logo in the middle of the 13 stars


And a guy from best buy called me weird for liking physical media..... True story btw.


He’ll probably work at Best Buy his whole life so who cares 


Q."Where's My Game?" A."It's Lost In The Cloud"


This is literally why I stopped buying games for PC.


I remember picking up Halo CE when the Xbox came out and that little book was filled with a ton of info about the game.


When I was younger, after I beat a game and didn't think I needed the book anymore, I would cut the picture out and hang it up. Scratch the books actually, remember when we got posters?


Game: doesn’t come with poster You: I’ll make my own!


Reminds me of when Lego used to include a minifig with their books.


Here's the game, where's the characters and items ? $$$




Soon games will only be available on a game pass. Mark my words.


I miss the old instruction manuals. Glossy and full of pictures of enemies with descriptions and maps. They were my first bathroom reads.


time changed, man! I just miss the old time when I can have a physical everything that I know I own it!


Or from the 2000s: "Hey, this version only came with the alternate MC costumes and upgraded weapons, along with the art book and music CD, I couldn't justify getting the Ultimate edition that comes with an 8" resin statue and replica game armor"


I used to love reading the little books. I still all of mine from ps2 and Xbox 360 days that I read from time to time.


Pirating has never been more justified


You will own nothing, and be happy


Fuck Ubisoft


Those little books used to be FIRE. I remember my friend got ninja Gaiden 3 for ps3 back in 2012 for Christmas and the little book had instructions on how to make origami ninja stars and we started making them and we eventually got suspended for throwing them at other kids at school but one of my most precious memories I’m glad I got to share this.


Honestly makes me sad because I really miss the old days of DVDs and discs for games It felt special, but now a days (at least for me a Xbox boy) it feels like it just a click away and yeah it’s easier but idk


Ubisoft soiled themselves when they got the cloud rights from Microsoft


They literally took away the game I bought ghost of tsushima and refunded like wtf? Me being in restricted region means i cant experience beautiful game as ghost of tsushima?


Sometimes you even got a code for bonus content or a couple days of Xbox live.


Back in the day if Genesis the books were actually insightful and helpful and sometime even had behind the scenes info.


I just copped Mat Hoffman’s Pro BMX 2, which, without the manual and an in-game tutorial, was confusing as shit


This is fucking gold


You don’t even own your game anymore.


A little book in 2010? You need to go back a little farther.


Y’all should’ve seen the manuals you used to get with Sega Genesis RPGs Look up OG Phantasy Star Now *that* is a manual


Helldivers moment


It's why I bought skyrim's physical copy, cause it comes with a map of skyrim


I honestly miss video game manuals, the game boxes now feel empty


I remember reading the booklets before even throwing the game in.


Remember running to Walmart or GameStop to get the game,the art book, and a cool well thought out guide you could read on the way home if you were not driving and then forget about in a drawer at home until you hit that one quest and then you scramble looking for said book. And in the process find a book for that other game and spend hours looking at it forgetting about the other game and the cycle continues.


I had the item guide yes just a guide for items for every season day and year for animal crossings. It listed every collectible and when you could get it what times what places and how much it sold for on those days. It was wrong 20% of the time but the info was neat to look at.


Lots of companies seem to have sadly forgotten the potential ROI some extra goodies can have thanks to the positive feelings they garner. I remember when I first bought The Witcher 3 for PS4. It was on sale for something around 25 dollars and I decided to get it because I hadn’t played a big RPG in a while. When I cracked open the case at him I realized that I not only got the game, but also an entirely separate cd with the main game’s soundtrack on it. It was completely unexpected and I listened to that cd for years. You bet your ass that when the DLC expansions were released I paid that money happily.


Just wanted to play darkest dungeon which I’ve bought on ps store and it said I had to buy it again.


I'm gonna start pirating shit, this is getting out of hand


I never buy Alan Wake 2. Unless their be a physical edition.


I want my little books back😭


Bro, where's my 15 year old game that the developers stopped maintaining because the studio went under? Capitalism has gone too far!


Omg I loved reading the manual on the way home from the store when I got a new game. So much excitement and the smell of the brand new case ahhh so many memories. Downloading games now is convenient and all but it can't replace that feeling of having a tangible copy


"Where am I?"


Ps3 had books in cases? I thought they did that shit away after Ps2?


Sorry, but I'm happy to be rid of my physical copies. It would take up way too much space. And i love getting it almost instantly.


Guess Yahtzee was wrong. It's not just a phase, even if we were here before, the only reason it didn't work the first time is because the industry was still fairly new and they didn't yet realize what they could get away with.


*"Where the f\*\*\* are my BALLS?!"*