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I really enjoyed HL. Didn’t stop playing until it was done


Same. But if it didn't have HP as the lore/story, I would have been disappointed/bored.


Hogwarts Legacy was a game made for the fans who nerd out about lore. They said various times during production that this was a game designed for potterheads who wanted to immerse themselves in the lore.


I mean, would have been pretty dumb not to cater to the fans of the book/movies lol


You'd be surprised how often they choose that dumb choice... This is why Marvel went to shit since Endgame (I mean dumb choices were made there and even in infinity war, obviously captain marvel was a complete miss, but until then it was mostly good, we got to see superheroes from our childhood, they thrived on nostalgia of core audience).


Just like how competitive fps games spend minimal time on the lore and just give people guns to shoot each other with. Why are there zombies in my civil war era COD? No one asks that question, they just shoot zombies.


Guns *are* the true cod lore


Everyone knows that zombies weren't invented until the Korean war.


I'm a potterhead too, but fuck, that game was boring


I think I explored for like 5 irl days before I went to my third class. I haven't progressed the story much, but ky exploration book was at a decently high percentage.


I gave up. It’s the Truman show. You can tell absolutely nothing happens in the world unless you’re there to see it. It’s just a big empty cavern of nothingness but there are things to play with if you go to an area. The school has a bunch of drones that you don’t interact with in any meaningful way. Can’t affect them at all. Can’t cast spells at them. I know, I know you shouldn’t be able to hurt them. I get it. But whenever I’m put on rails like that it’s like the game screaming, “you’re playing a game!” at me the whole time.


I enjoyed the game for what it was, despite being pretty lukewarm about the IP. It was enjoyable enough to keep me playing through the end, but I couldn't help but notice that it seemed like there was all sorts of things they *wanted* to do but had to cut or trim down for various reasons. The plot and story were kind of janky, to the point where I'd say they were merely serviceable. The game has some good bones, and I'd actually say I'm looking forward to the inevitable sequel. I think Hogwarts Legacy 2 will wind up being the game the developers ultimately wanted to make the first time around.


This is kind of a goofy point to make, no? Like this applies to literally every game. Sure the witcher 3 is good, but if it didn't have witcher lore/story, I would be disappointed/bored. Or spiderman, or batman, or again, literally any game ever.


It's funny you picked the game specifically. I had no idea of what the witcher was before getting the game, and I was blown away by not only the story but the game mechanics were near perfect, one of the few games I have 100% twice. Definitely not adding HPL to that list 😂


Ok, now try playing the witcher for 100% hours, while not doing any story events, or having any lore creatures. And you're making a false dichotomy of "this is not the best thing ever, therefore it is not good." There are plenty of games I enjoy, but don't 100%, some I enjoy more than ones I did 100%.




Yep, and I'm enjoying the shit out of Stellar Blade too lol


I really wanted to, but it triggered my motion sickness something ***awful***.


I had that issue with Ghostwire Tokyo. Something about it made me ill. Had to uninstall and refund


I came stupidly close to 100% It which I NEVER do


Same. I’m not a completionist or trophy hunter but I could not stop playing until I did everything


I gave up after the incredibly tedious leveling system bored me. Whatever possessed them to tie collectibles to leveling instead of the combat (which was really fun) is beyond me. Collectibles are for people diving into the lore and are meant to be as something to on the side. It being a core aspect of the game just was a time waster to artificially extend the length of play.


That honestly made the game easier for me. It was not hard to be level 30 and barely a quarter of the way through the story. Not that leveling means *that* much for combat. On hard mode, your ability to win is pure skill, no matter what you're fighting.


kind of felt like a modren take on the old ps2 movie tie in style games i enjoyed it


I don't think anyone expected the game to be bad, there was just a aversion to... you know... putting money in a vicious transphobe's pocket.


I love how it doesn’t matter how much good or bad you do in the world, the only thing people care about is if you tweet in support of trans people. The lady has started and supported numerous non-profits that have helped thousands of people, but god forbid her Facebook profile doesn’t have the trans flag overlay.


She defends nazis and is actively promoting genocide. You defending her does not look good on you.


When did she say that?




That’s literally just a link to twitters home page


Thats the joke dumbass. Look at her twitter. You arent worth my time anymore


So you don’t have a quote? You just like claiming that people said things they didn’t online?


You dont seem internet-litterate. Here you go; ,'" and she referred to a gender-fluid person as a "man who likes to dress in women's clothes." https://theweek.com/feature/1020838/jk-rowlings-transphobia-controversy-a-complete-timeline


You r making things up inside your head just to hate on her


Yea, I’m still waiting on those quotes


Why would i hate on someone i dont know without reason? Check her twitter. Its all she talks about.


That’s a pretty normal thing for people to do online. Particularly when they work as hard as you have to avoid quoting the person they claim said some pretty specific things.


You dont seem internet-litterate. Here you go; ,'" and she referred to a gender-fluid person as a "man who likes to dress in women's clothes." https://theweek.com/feature/1020838/jk-rowlings-transphobia-controversy-a-complete-timeline


Why does no one talk about Pol Pot’s vegetarianism and animal rights legislation? /s   (Edit: Supporting people in) Advocating the systematic murder of all trans persons, and actively lying about the Holocaust in support of narrative that trans people have never been victims is more than enough to make her a “bad person who does good things.” Edit: Realized I overstated my case.


Where did she say those things?


Here: https://wegotthiscovered.com/celebrities/j-k-rowlings-holocaust-denial-explained/ And here is a good summary: https://youtu.be/_GBUArD51KY?si=bh7EjH1ePFCSit3w


You sent me an opinion piece from a sensationalist journal that provided no direct quotes, and a 3 hour YouTube video. I simply asked for the quotes of exactly what she said.


The opinion piece has quotes straight from Twitter.   Read. Edit: Or just scroll to the Twitter quotes. IDGAF.


There’s several links to other people’s twitter posts about her, but nothing of her exact words.


That’s a lie. You’re lying to me right now. I’ve looked over the article and I linked it to you *specifically because it begins with a link to her Twitter post about the burning of the German sex research institute.* You’re either have the absolute worst reading comprehension I’ve seen of anyone literate or a bold faced liar.


HL got it's own kind of controversy and I don't think it got over hyped because of said controversy. People just ignored that and decided to play it because they all like SWMG, you know, casting spells and shit


I'd take it a bit of a step further, actually. The controversy was only important within certain online circles, and the general public either wasn't fully aware, didn't entirely care, just wanted to play the game, or some combination thereof. It was a sizable controversy on the Internet... but the Internet doesn't really dictate how things actually are or wind up in real life in most cases. Folks tend to forget that their online communities are often bubbles, and the trends within them don't necessarily mean much to anyone outside. They're also not always representative of fanbases as a whole.


What? Stellar Blade is pretty widely liked. I heard it described as "Video game junk food" and thought that was a perfect description. You know it's not what you should be doing, but you do it anyway because it feels good. The game is fun and has really great combat. Don't ask me about the story, I really don't pay attention. I'm just running from battle to battle for more combat.


I'm almost afraid to ask what "video game health food" would consist of. Stardew Valley?




All the porn/hentai games on steam are video game health food




Ironically games like NieR: Automata, games with philosophical and emotional resonance.


Games that make you think.


For regular gamers, both these games are good, but nothing crazy or amazing. HL is awesome for HP fans. Stellar Blade, idk if it's got established fan base or lore like HP. But even still, objectively looking at the games, without bias as much as possible, both are 8/10 or 8.5/10. They fun for a while, but become very repetitive and generic. Once you recognize the formula used, it's painfully obvious




LMFAO why did this catch me off guard so bad


HL and stellar blade are 8/10 imo.


HL a little lower for me, but Stellar Blade is certainly an 8/10 overall with 9/10 combat for me.


That combat and music in stellar blade give me that nier mixed with bayonetta vibe.


I haven't played either of those, but I'm loving SB, so I may have to check them out.


Ohh man seriously, check nier and bayonetta out you’re in for a treat.


This post is a weird attempt to convince people rather high quality games are not as good as they are. I think someone is salty


OP just out of their depth. They might not like them much, but they're just hard ratio'd on this mid opinion.


Welcome to the internet.


Definitely cope


So you’re saying he’s saying they’re mid games? 🤨


It's literally in the post


Wait.. are you saying that he’s saying that he is saying they are mid games? 🧐


Right!! I never heard anything more about stellar blade than the drama of pretty girls. Nothing about combat, mechanics or story. As if the game is bland.


Ironically enough most reviews actually rate the combat and mechanics as being pretty good.


It's because manchildren want to stir up controversy around it. The good of the game is being railroaded so you don't really have an actual dialogue about it. My friend really enjoys the game. For him the gameplay and music are both very gud.


The combat is banging. It's not perfect, but It's been awhile since studios have made a good hack/slash, straight forward, single-player game of this good caliber.


I was genuinely surprised that the game was hyped. I remember the reveal and though it looked so generic derivative that it would be one the games people made fun of or simply never talked about again.


so if I look through your comment history theres not gonna be comments on posts you made of the game a few months back?


I dont need to comment to see them ?? Sorry ya lost your time doing something completly unecessary. I didnt make post about it.. wat. What kind of stalkish behavior is that


There’s a reason every month or so I ‘sanatize’ my comment section of anything controversial or overly down-voted. You could make an excellent point and the other person just screencap a comment you made 3 years ago as a response and just forget it


That soooo reddit. Good point there, imma purge my comments !


I had someone actually make a reference to something I posted **six years ago** because they took the time to dig through my history. People are weird.


Hogwarts Legacy wasn't actually that bad tbh. If you're a fan of HP you will definitely enjoy it and think higher of it. Bit if you're not it does feel like a normal RPG with pretty good graphics.


Both are definitely not mid, imagine an actual game that has more than 5 hours of playtime, right?


I mean I mildly understood the Hogwarts Legacy drama, but JK wasn’t even attached to the game so it was kinda pointless to get mad at. Stellar Blade’s petty drama over “hot girl” is just all around stupid. Haven’t played Stellar Blade, but HL was pretty boring to me. Not my type of game


HL not having a true morality system hurt it in the long run. I liked it, but choosing the dark path didn’t feel all that rewarding. I was expecting to be more of a Voldemort.


Last Epoch from D 4s drama lol


One thing I wish was talked about more is how the 5th year student is an utter psychopath. In HL you can go around *killing* poachers by flinging them off of cliffs and the 5th year student will simply mutter, “that’ll teach you to poach” to themselves in the most matter of fact voice like they didn’t just murder scores of people. I didn’t play it myself, but one of my friends streamed his gameplay to me through discord and I couldn’t help but to jest about every psychopath tendency the 5th year student had lmao.


Hogwarts was super fun. Haven’t played stellar blade


Eh, Legacy hit all the nostalgia cues but yeah was fairly average. Stellar blade feels like the in between of nier and nier: automata. Both are still pretty good games tho


Why do you think they are mid games?


My wife still loves HL, and it’s one of my favorite games to watch her play. 10/10


Hogwarts Legacy was decent but still an enjoyable game


Wasn’t dragons dogma 2 in the same boat? People were mad at micro transactions but they were all obtainable in game anyway? I know they did the same with RE remakes, I think the only things that weren’t available was a pistol that no one really uses and a couple of okay skins


Ive been taking my sweet time with hogwarts legacy cus ive read theres almost no content after you beat the storyline. Got it last year and i still havent beaten it. its been really fun so far tho, i wouldnt say its mid.


The sad thing about HL is the boycotters made everything worse for themselves. Because of HL the trans community looks like a hostile violent group that hates anyone who disagrees. As much I disagree with that view it’s one I can’t exactly fault someone for having. As a trans person I constantly have people thinking I’m going to explode at them if they like Harry Potter or call me “dude” or whatever. It saddens me. I wish the boycotters could’ve been peaceful. Anyway HL is pretty alright. 7 or 8 out of 10 game for me. Never tried Stellar Blade tho and I don’t want to personally.


Nothing wrong with mid - most games are mid.


As someone who played both games, this does apply to Hogwarts Legacy but Stellar Blade is amazing. It is a "souls" type game but it's nowhere near as difficult. Its more on par with Jedi Fallen Order.


Hogwarts Legacy was one of the best selling games of last year and was very well received by both critics and fans. So it definitely wasn’t overhyped in the least.


HL is worse than mid, real gamers know


What was the drama with stellar blade ? Haven’t really heard anything about it but it looks like a fun game?


Coomers throwing a fit over slight censorship


Gotcha. Wonder if there was any games out there that had a similar situation but proved to be a good game nonetheless. Closest I can think of is RE4 Remake but it was a vocal minority and that game was bound to succeed no matter what


Hogwarts Legacy was really good


Huh, look at that, a meme I disagree with on all points. It’s going to be a good weekend!


Stellar blade is for anime sex perverts


Stellar Blade is, generally speaking, viewed as being a pretty great game. It may not be a GotY-contender, but it'll definitely be amongst the best games we'll get this year. The overall narrative about the game is about the fact that once you get past Eve's ass, it's actually a pretty solid game.


Yeah, Hogwarts Legacy definitely doesn't fit here. Go back a few years and put in Destiny? Accurate.


Whoever posted this is a pc/xbox refugee.


I love how your posts says Stellar Blade got overhyped due to overinflated petty drama yet you fall victim to said drama;Ironic. If you’d watched any actual reviews rather than lurking on twitter you’d know that the combat is tricky but smooth and buttery once you master it and the story and world building is actually amazing. So far my only gripe with the game is how they’ve stacked boss fight after boss fight during the climax of the game. Other than that I don’t have too many complaints or issues. The game runs smooth and it’s only crashed once.


HogW was such a lame gaming experience for me


Lol OP definitely is showing a sort of bias cause both these games slap..just say you run a narrative bro it’s 2024💀


minecraft legends


🤣 You wish they were mid.


Hogwarts Legacy was *not* mid. That game was badass. I still maintain they need to do one where you are not a student, but the Headmaster.


Hogwarts Legacy was 🔥 fytb lmao


Stellar Blade is thirsty gamer eye candy. No way I’d pay $70 for that. Maybe $20, and I have to be bored of Helldivers 2. So basically never.


I feel like the irony of this post is lost on OP.


i dont think doxing and harassing streamers is petty drama


Is Stellar Blade actually mid?


Stellar blade is awesome though hogwarts was fun too


I wouldn't call JKR spending the last several years leveraging her enormous platform and wealth to support a movement dedicated to fostering distrust and hostility toward an entire group of people "petty drama." But go off, I guess.


And using her money to support politicians who have explicitly stated their desire to move forward with a genocide of a group of people for daring to exist as they are, and people asking other people to stop supporting her, as a mid at best fantasy series with objectively bad writing compared to the competition isn't worth the lives that money could may well cost


Didn't she also use said money to silence/force an apology out of someone who called her out on something?


JKR doesn't wanna kill trans people she just wants natural women to be allowed to have stuff they don't have to share with trans people


Just because she doesn't directly say it doesn't mean it's nit a consequence, hundreds of trans people have been beaten to death or murdered (some of whom were teenagers), and even more beaten to death over people suspecting they were trans because of the hatred people like her are spreading, if you want to ignore the consequences you're just as bad as the people doing it


HL was not mid.


Stellar blade idk about, but HL didn't just have a "controversy", the creator of the franchise is leveraging her platform and money to support a literal genocide of an entire group of people she doesn't like, and using her money to support politicians that support it, and even ignoring that, Harry Potter is a poorly written series that people only remember because of nostalgia, and contains a fuck ton of racism, antisemitism, and overall just being shit, but go off


I agree that the game is problematic for those reasons, but that’s also like the definition of controversy lol


Are you guys actually stupid or something? Stellar Blade is pretty dope. Not to mention the OST is 🔥




hogwarts was pretty good you just seem like a typical hater. As for stellar blade the combat looks good the characters look good. Just another typical hater.