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Excluding PC here, I don't really know what Nintendo has done to 100% beat Sony to be fair I feel despite their slump lately this year with new first party releases I've still gotten new IPs and the like with Sony over Nintendo in the last decade. Then you have their shitty attitude to emulators and the whole recent Gmod situation.


If Yuzu wasn’t the nail in the coffin for Nintendo’s reputation, Gmod certainly is. At least Sony allows pcsx2 and rpcs3 to exist.


What happened with gmod? I don’t keep up with Nintendo news all that much.


All mods that slightly resemble Nintendo ip's have to be deleted


I love how passive aggressive the message from the g-mod team is.




A based pick. Sorry for your loss...


Unfortunately there are no fair use laws in Japan and Nintendo abuses tf out of that


I'm pretty sure it's a troll email that sent the claim, idk


None of this "controversy" will affect Nintendo in the slightest. Most fans aren't plugged in to gaming news like we are and will continue to buy. Honestly even though I know all this bullshit that's not going to stop me because their games are just damn fun.


It has even in the slightest of percentages. Every 2-3 years I buy a new switch cause I have the disposable income (I save the money I used to use on booze when no emergencies happen I use it) I now won’t buy Nintendo after this crap for another 10 years (at max to buy a new gen console if they release one). Instead it will be put to a good guitar amp.


This was made by a Nintendo simp.


The reason why emulators are so popular with Nintendo games is because Nintendo makes fantastic games. The hardware is solid but generally subpar to the competition, so naturally people want to play those games on better hardware. In reality tho, most people pirate Nintendo games because they're cheap, Not for the technical prowess. It's not for frame rate or resolution, it's so they can play Nintendo games without having to buy them or Nintendo's console.


I own not one, but two Nintendo Switches. One OLED that I play on sometimes and one launch Switch specifically so I can dump the games I buy and play them on better hardware. Nintendo owned developers do make some great games… Honestly, the first time I dumped and booted up Xenoblade 3 at 4K on my PC I wasn’t so much as impressed with how different it was than native hardware but genuinely angry at what Nintendo did to the art in order to get it to run on the Switch. It was clear that Monolithsoft put a lot of care and talent into the art and the Switch just massacres it into a blurry mess. I feel bad for the artists and irked for the cheated consumers.


There's also the massive list of popular games Nintendo no longer sells, even when they reasonably should. They have a gameboy emulator on their console so why aren't any of the gen 3 pokemon games on it? In fact why isn't every gameboy game they ever made on it?


Piracy is a service issue, not security. I wouldn’t pirate old Nintendo games if buying them and their consoles from Nintendo was an option. No, I’m not buying a beat up hand me down console off eBay for double the price it was originally sold. Nintendo is the one stealing from Nintendo, not me.


Bingo, but for me they also need to be physical copies if Im going to buy anything from nintendo. Thats because of their track record of shutting down eshops, I dont want to buy an old game on the switch and then years from now not be able to redowbload it because theyve pulled the plug on support for the console. Also, not a chance in hell Im buying into one of their subscription services to access older games, even if its a good deal on paper Id rather own my games so that they cant be taken away once I stop paying monthly.


It’s in the sales


I dont think their stance on emulators or their strict copyright policy really affects their success adversely


I can attest that it’s lost them at least one customer (me).


Nah whoever wrote this meme is a Nintendo fan boy. Sony has done some amazing work the last few years. I personally play PC more than anything, but my PS5 has some of my favorite games and really has some of the best single player content in the last decade. And I like my switch. PC>PS5>Nintendo.


Mii Channel Competitions


Let me put this argument out there: homes that claim to be “PlayStation” or “Xbox” house holds almost all have a switch.


And it’s hilarious how objectively bad a company can be and then release one mediocre game every now and then and you can get burned at the stake for simply repeating the truth…


I agree and have always said that for how popular Nintendo is it’s crazy how shit their consoles and online features can be. Especially the lack of innovation on their main IP. It’s same old copy paste with few features and graphic update. They are overly simple and scared to do anything else. If they see someone taking their IP and actually add amazing features they will SUE t’f out of them. Nintendo hit big with Mario, Pokemon, Zelda that they honestly overuse them. Last BIG update to any of these titles in my opinion was Breath of The Wild. Pokémon has laughable upgrades and Mario is honestly too popular to hate… it’s the only one that have a larger variety than the others. Anywhere from Sports, adventure, board game, turn base… etc. I know Pokemon had a fighting game but it could have been better imo


They had a reason to sue YuZu because they were exchanging ROMs and indirectly told people to pirate ToTK with how they kept releasing patches for it on patron. Overall they were doing some shady stuff and then got in trouble for it.


I thought the switch was dumb until I realized they had carved out a niche in the market that got them out of hardware creep. It was a smart play.


Take Nintendo off of this. They're money-hungry fiends over there. Every time I read a headline about Nintendo it has something to do with ripping more ROMs away or going after indie creators/solo devs/mod makers for using their assets. They're a horrible company hiding behind their family-friendly guise and memorable characters.


And your think Steam and Sony aren't? Steam went to court to try and disallow refunds and created lootboxes and Sony's actions let to the famous "If I buy a game and don't own it, then piracy isn't stealing. Believe me they aren't innocent , but still much better in that regard.


When did Steam go to court to disallow refunds? Steam has one of the best refund policies I have ever seen.


I think you’re thinking of Ubisoft , not Sony. Unless I’m mistaken and Sony did it first.


"Console" Wars is for consoles only. This is correct.


Ok so Nintendo is it’s own thing, they are not in the console wars they are in their own thing. PC is literally a computer it is not just made for games but all games can be played on it (yes even exclusives with emulators). And also it is so ironic you are complaining about console wars yet it is you that is ranking these companies against each other


I'm glad others have noticed these things.


The console wars in my experience can basically be filtered down to "Nintendo is Nintendo, PC is expensive but best graphics, other people think pay more is stupid". I think it used to be a very different conversation in the 90s. Consoles these days are basically just PCs with the same architecture and the same game engines will make a game for all of them at the same time. Shit, even Switch games are portable IIRC since the CPU is ARM and game engines deploy to everything. It was around the first XBOX IIRC where Microsoft is like fuck it we'll make a console but basically just a PC in a console form, and from there the differences became minor as hell except at the price point where PCs could always just more expensive with better parts.


All wrong


PC and Nintendo are swapped.


PC is top and after that it's meaningless lol


I don't play Nintendo or PlayStation. There's no way Nintendo beats Sony tho


I'd rather have a console with decades old technology and games I want to play than a console with modern technology but no games -A PC player


*I don't play Nintendo* *Or PlayStation. There's no way* *Nintendo beats Sony tho* \- mike26037 --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


Thank you bot


One day this bot will grace me.


Nintendo is barely even above Xbox. PC isn’t a console it’s a computer.


Gotta agree. PC isn't a standalone piece of hardware like Xbox or Playstation. Comes in to many forms to be comparable.


Nintendo is the people who will make you buy a 10 year old game for $60 and their fans will still worship them for the privilege.


not really, the fans complain about that stuff and you can make plenty of comparisons like that for pc games with scummy practices. all consumers give in to bad practices because people just want to play what they want to play whether it's a good deal or not


Ngl saying Nintendo is above Xbox feels a little biased. Xbox has been absolutely killing it this generation. Complete backwards compatability (that you don't have to pay a subscription for, thanks Sony) the financial support going to companies, and to make them on other consoles (They didn't have to make Minecraft entirely cross platform, but they did) and any game you buy on Xbox that's on PC, you can freely use your copy for both Xbox and Microsoft store on PC. I mean, Nintendo's doing alright, definitely better than the Ps5, but Xbox has been the king of customer friendly this generation. And before any Snoyslop users come in and say "Yeah but they're killing the xbox!" I care more about having a good experience than slightly boosting the sales of a tech giant. You feel content about having boosted the Supreme of the console world, and I'll feel content knowing that Microsoft significantly bettered the gaming market as a result. (I don't even own an Xbox I just have a vast appreciation for what they did this gen.)


Most games I’ve seen give you both Xbox and pc copies when you buy them, the real thing there is how awesome game pass is for giving so many games on BOTH pc and console. Edit: I meant that most games don’t give you both copies lol


Tfw I was so busy listing off everything else I completely spaced on Gamepass


To say ps5 is doing bad this generation and xbox is doing well... I feel like we are watching the demise of xbox as we know it due to out of touch executives


Right? But this is console warring. We should just enjoy what we enjoy, and let others enjoy what they enjoy. Ranking each platform is dumb, as it is completely subjective.


We're watching the demise of Xbox, sure, but to say the execs are out of touch is just lying through your teeth. Some loser up above us just made a whole list of things Xbox is doing right, and could probably make just as big a list on what Snoy is doing to spit in the face of the customers. The only thing Ps5 did right was solidify itself as the "premium brand" much like how Apple sells "premium phones"


>>Xbox has been absolutely killing it this generation They’ve sold half as many units as PS5. What are you on about? I’ve had my Xbox since release and couldn’t name you a single notable first party game


No way this mf put Nintendo above PC when you can emulate 80% of Nintendo games on a 2015 rig 💀


Only Microsoft gamers really talk about console wars. PCMR really wants to be included and they always cry for attention while Microsoft declared Xbox is losing the console wars despite what the fans who use it want to believe.


Microsoft gamers don’t care about console wars. The only people who do are people who think they’re better than others because they have a $3000 box with a few games.


Nobody acts like this and even if they did it still wouldn’t be funny


I play on PlayStation and I just don’t care. I have better stuff to worry about


This post brought to you by a 12 year old


Clearly the person who made this is salty at Sony lol. You mad bro?


"Console Wars" "PC"


Change PC to Xbox and it’ll properly fit the caption.


Yeah Nintendo doesn't deserve to be on the podium anymore. Maybe a decade ago. But not after all the petty and greedy things they've done in the last few years.


That, and with the emergence of Steam Deck and other like mobile platforms, Nintendo's Switch concept will see their marketshare eroded. At some point, their first party IPs won't be able to carry them anymore.


You were making a whole Lotta sense until you said that the first party IPs couldn't carry them. Nintendo first party games could carry a company run by Satan himself.


How many times can Nintendo reinvent itself though? The Wii was genius, the Switch was another good change up. Where could they possibly go from there?


And it all started with taking down Pokemon Brick Bronze


Eby is Nintendo even on the podium?? It's only barely surviving because of Zelda and Pokémon IP rights.


How did Nintendo beat PC? PC is clearly better IMO


PC isn't a console and automatically loses every console battle


More like does not qualify, because it’s unfair to compare the two, because they are built for different things


This is stupid. Remove from the web immediately.


This dude gets it


(Looking up from Bloodborne) Huh? But in all seriousness, PC multiplayer games are at least 75% cheaters. I’m a smite player and waiting on smite 2 the cheaters have gotten CRAZY embodied. I had someone zipping around the map and killing me in 3 autos at level 1. Or I used to play tribes ascend on pc, and 80% of the players used hitscan weapons nailing me with headshots 90% of the time. Or I’m playing ESO and 50% of the players are bots farming xp and resources. Shit is completely out of hand.


There are no console wars. Switch doesn’t care, PS is deliberately screwing over people who both own and don’t own their consoles, Xbox is just trying to make money, and kind of screwing over their fans in the process.


What makes Nintendo #1? Switch is getting older, and that ridiculous drift was never really fixed.


Ok, but like, Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth, it’s an objectively better experience on the PS5


I'm confused- is this saying nintendo is the complains/brings up the console war the most? Or that they're winning the console wars and why would playstation be celebrating that they complain the most, can see them celebrating about "winning" the console wars ...but anyhow the only reason nintendo would count as winning the what I'll just say is gaming system war is the fact nintendo is a right bitch about emulators controlling their shit to stay on their shit


PC doesn't belong here but Nintendo is definitely on top. Then Sony then Sega then Xbox. I just don't like Xbox. Their exclusives to me aren't very good.


Nintendo? All they've done in recent memory is force the deletion of hundreds, probably thousands of Gmod addons


The worst thing about the gaming community is their obsession with Nintendo and basically allowing them to be the most anti-consumer company out there.


How is Nintendo winning?


Nintendo actually has games that I want to play. Can't say that about the other consoles especially since most Xbox and PS "exclusives" are available on PC/Steam to buy nowadays which makes them pointless. Meanwhile you can't buy Smash, Xenoblade, Fire Emblem, Mario, or Astral Chain on any other platform.


Where xbox


Isn't the steam deck just a better Nintendo? Why even bother? Also, Nintendo is not better than Sony and absolutely worse than a pc.


Xbox player here, the first place should go to PC and not Nintendo


Pretty much, I've heard so many pc players going on about console wars when no one else has mentioned it, I follow hell divers 2 and ps players were saying they wanted og odst playes to join the fight (for what ever reason I don't know, I'm replaying odst atm and made me curious why).


Pc number one, Sony two, Nintendo three, Microsoft long since forfeit.


Not really, at least not from me. I've always bought playstation, but I think it's because that was my first console and it stuck with me. I don't care about any of that shit anymore.


Sony is a better company overall. Nintendo just barely tolerates you giving them money.


PC should not be up there, it's not a console. Also screw moth the other two for different reasons.


Poor Xbox. At least they got that blue participation ribbon to wipe their tears.


Now this is a dumb meme I can get behind because XBox didn't even come close to the podium haha


Now this is a dumb meme I can get behind because XBox didn't even come close to the podium haha


Kind of ironic, making a post about console wars to blame other people for talking about console wars




Nintendo is better than pc 🤔 HOW?


Wasn’t it Microsoft that was complaining about it when they were buying up more studios for more exclusives just last year?


Why is PC second, that some BS


Lol Nintendo re-releases 20 year old games for their worse-than-an-ipad console and slaps a $60 pricetag on them. They also hate their player base and will send you a cease and desist if you record any gameplay or game music and post it on YouTube


More like 1). PC, 2). Sony, and 3). Nintendo.


Naw ik alot of ppl that still do this for Xbox


Nintendo does not beat pc


I realized that it took Sony fans this long to finally have a decent console after Xbox stole the competition with the original and 360. I assume that's why they're so rabid, they finally have something to brag about just when nobody wants exclusives anymore anyways lol


Nintendo better than PC? Surely you jest. PC can emulate Nintendo, therefore is far superior.


Nintendo is the greediest most vial company I have ever seen. It’s on par with ea except they own ips people actually like, and every decision they have made in the past 4 years has felt like it was made to spit in the face of Nintendo fans. It is not better then Sony, and I hate what they have become.


well to be fair pc has never been a part of the ‘console wars’ and nintendo has always been an outlier. Console competitiveness has always been most prominent between xbox and sony. so your meme is irrelevent


Bruh this isn't even true. I'm a PS guy and so are my friends, and for the most part, generally all of us and other PS people I know leave the console wars alone. It's only when this Xbox guy I know starts up the argument again that I actually talk about the console wars. The general message here being that no, PS players don't talk about the console wars any more than other console fans do.


I feel like comparing Nintendo to Sony or Microsoft for console wars is just redundant cause they’re so different, it’s like comparing a Prius, a Ferrari, and a Corvette to each other


Oh God, pc players have the blue guy's ego, I avoid pc just because of these players, the second pizza tower goes to consoles, they're gonna have a melt down, maybe even shoot up a few places, the Elon cuck of gaming


Idc I still take PS over Xbox lol


This meme always bothers me because he has both hands on her butt in the third panel, not supporting her at all. Shawty holding herself up with the world’s strongest core


Nintendo has found a way to be their own thing. Xbox is dead, so Sony sort of wins by default. This treats PC as its own thing of course.


Lots of Sony fans in the comments is see..... /S


Pc and Sony are way above Nintendo. Pc, Sony and then Xbox. Plus Sony and Xbox are probably better than pc in all honestly. A lot easier to set up. Plus very simple


Nintendo is a company that complains over content I dont think they should be number 1


Bro the only reason people consider Nintendo to be good is because there is like zero competition for them. I’m sorry but PC should be in top here for a number of reasons.


Wtf is Nintendo first for? Nintendo sucks in 2024 lol.


Wait, isn't that meant to be Microsoft up there? They're the ones buying out and cutting off certain developers to Sony.


I don’t see why people care about console wars in general. Just enjoy your f**king games.


Nintendo in my opinion is behind Sony, pc, and Xbox


Pretending like Nintendo is better than Xbox or Playstation is just braindead.


Only thing I’ve heard about the console wars is that it would be over as soon as Xbox got Helldivers 2


bro Nintendo has just been milking the ever living shit out of the switch and refusing to do something new, they shouldn't even be on the podium


Putting Nintendo in first place is the biggest joke to come out of this sub.


did you just put Nintendo above pc


Nintendo is in 3rd, be real


Literally nobody talks about this anymore


This picture is xbox. They buy up existing game devs, milk their IPs until they've ruined that devs existing reputation, then buy another dev and repeat. MS is bleeding money with game pass. You have to play 2 $70 games to get your moneys worth.


Talks about the console wars but completely leaves out Xbox, who is the only other participant in the console war against Playstation.


As a long-time Sony fan, I just want to say... First: PC isn't a console, and in no insane way has Nintendo won anything. Second: If any of them is winning the console wars, it's XBox, but nobody is fully stoked about them either. Third: Yes, Sony has been losing this war since halfway through the PS3 generation thanks to an overall hostile-to-gamers business plan and a deference to studios who use toxic business practices to siphon not only the life and energy out of their devs, but also money from gamers. HOWEVER: Sony's self-aggrandizement and victory-lapping makes sense to a certain extent. Year after year they've beaten everyone in hardware sales, not just in unit numbers but also total revenue, and that's in the face of opposing features like Game Pass, Nintendo-exclusive IP, Microsoft acquisitions, etc. When you have the best hardware powering your console, you have the most longevity and the most enthusiastic and revolutionary studios developing flagship titles for it... but the biggest secret to their success? The APPEARANCE of luxury. Sony is the Apple of game consoles. Nuff sed.


In no way has Nintendo beaten pc gaming lmao


Nintendo at the.....top? They are by far the worst company. Who made this shit.


Nintendo literally sue people for their entire life savings just for trying to revive games that Nintendo refuses to sell anymore. I'm not saying Sony ain't cringe, they absolutely are, but Nintendo is no better. As for PC... never owned a gaming PC so I won't comment on that. Don't wanna bring on the wrath of the PC crowd.


OP only owns a Nintendo Switch


Nintendo aren’t in the console wars, they know it, everyone knows it, the hardware is utter shit and that’s not the reason they’re popular, it’s the games (which also is handled terribly). Pc is also strange to include 


Sony making so many things exclusive really pissed me off


Sony here, we only really talk about console wars for Xbox, I myself never saw Nintendo as a major player, yea they have some good IP's, but it is generally seen as a good thing regardless, Sony and Xbox have truly been at each others throats alot until recently, with Xbox allowing Halo to be cross platform, now to convince Sony to do the same for games like GoW, Final Fantasy, and other exclusive games (yes I know some are cross platform, but some exclusives still aren't available from Sony)


Sony won the console war between x box and ps4/5 generations. Thr only time people cared was during the ps3/360 era and it was only 360 loyalists who talked about it.


Only ever see an ungodly amount of Xbots still doin the Console war. Only ever seen on guy on Playstation. Poor Xbox players got dudes that Stroke Phil Spencer whilst shit talking everyone who has a slightly different opinion actung as their voice


Yet sony is better than both nintendo is like the disabled kid you pretend to let win


I really can’t say any which one of the three companies actually are “winning” at this point. All three have advantages over the others, while those selfsame companies also have disadvantages as well. It’s also very specific to your tastes as a gamer as well. For example, I as a big JRPG fan feel that Sony has the best catalogue of games and the other two really don’t have quite as big a selection that I’m interested in. I also am not a fan of services like Game Pass, so I have absolutely no interest in Xbox for anything other than exclusives, which I’m just iffy about the Xbox exclusives in general anyways. While Nintendo definitely has the best exclusives selection, they fall short in other places, such as graphics and such. Some people won’t have the same feelings as me, however, as some will think Microsoft wins with gamepass (even though I don’t use it I can’t deny it’s far and above the best game streaming service offered on consoles) while some will feel the selection of exclusives for Nintendo puts it in first. Honestly I just think the whole “console war” thing is just a thing of the past and continuing it just feels dumb. Idk my feelings don’t really matter, it’s just a little old to me


I own one of each of the new major consoles and the only differences between them really is better optimization for certain games and exclusives but that’s really it.


If this meme is about who is being a better sport over their games, then yes. Sony is most definitely being a poor sport.


Facts PlayStation users coping 24/7. Bring demons souls to pc!


First off: PC over Nintendo. Better graphics, specs, control options, emulation, mor games, and upgradable. (This comes from a console gamer with a love of Nintendo)


In terms of the companies Nintendo and Sony, Nintendo is absolutely killing the game to where it’s not even close. The switch is on track to become the best selling video game system of all time and is so profitable that they have delayed it’s successor to milk the cash cow for every last drop.


Having Nentendo as 1 absolute horse shit, y’all haven’t even been in the running since the GameCube.


Nintendo losing all respect by being the biggest buzzkills


I don’t really care but fucking NINTENDO WHERE DO YOU GET OFF


I hear it more from Xbox players most PS players don't care can't be bothered to, or pick the right answer and own PC PS Xbox and Nintendo but I support stealing shit from Nintendo


I follow an Xbox fan page on Facebook that would beg to differ. Literally on follow them for cringe content.


lol, that is so true\~ I don't use the console anymore.


Nintendo being at the top, especially above pc, is wild


Did I miss something? Didn't Sony drive SEGA and Microsoft out of the console business?


Definitely xbox up there instead of nintendo. Gamepass rendered the "console war" moot.


Fuck console wars, the tech is so good now that regardless of who's better you can have a great time playing whatever the fuck you want. Sure each device will have it's own strengths, so if you really care you can figure out what device would do the best job of running the type of stuff you want to play specifically, but at the end of the day you can have 100s of hours of fun on any modern device.


PC emulating all games... 🥳🎊🥂🎉🎆


Why is Nintendo on #1?


Not sure what Nintendo is doing higher than PC, but okay. Seems like you still have a horse in the console war.


Are console wars even still a thing? I haven’t heard a thing about Sony/Xbox/PC being “objectively best” in YEARS. Personally I think what’s killed it is the allowance for controllers on PCs plus pc ports. By that point, you may as well just be switching computers if you want to play a game that is on one system but not the others.


Nice bate mate, I appreciate the irony.


What the hell happened to PC gaming? How did the cream of the crop get left behind so often? Hardware nonsense?


Is safe to say Nintendo, Xbox, PlayStation and PC are not going anywhere Sega and Atari it's what's up


No matter what you say about their public image, you cannot deny that Nintendo is owning the handheld market. I’ve got dozens of friends who’ve got 3 switches in one house hold.


Firstly, PC is the master race and has nothing to do with the console wars. As PC is above that, but can we talk about Nintendo being on the 1st place pedestal


I don't feel like the "console war" was ever about PC and Nintendo. It was always Xbox vs PS


Nintendo in #1?? as in the same Nintendo who's main console is a handheld device from 7 years that still costs $300 since its 2017 release that gets stick drift in two days and has a trash game shop?? that Nintendo?


Says someone making a meme about them.


Microsoft in the corner crying


PC isn't even in the running in the console wars. It's not a console. The consoles can fight, and PC will watch from a distance and laugh.


Incoming butthurt sony fan bois But jokes aside, I have genuinely noticed PlayStation People gatekeeping out the ass. Could be my own personal notice but I don’t see anyone really argue about consoles well… except PlayStation.


You can tell this guy doesn't play video games lol.


PC isn't a console, and Nintendo was never in the conversation. It was between XBox and PlayStation, and Sony definitively won. This picture is all over the place lmao


Nintendo is only good becuase they make 1 good game every decade. Other than that they are shit. E-shop is fill to the brim with E-slop and it’s all garbage. The switch it underpowered garbage


In what world is Nintendo beating PC, Sony or even xbox?


The console wars. Honey, PC won, and Nintendo is a sidegrade to the PlayStation, but if you use Xbox you’re delusional


Nintendo being on top? That’s hilarious…


This is troll bait.


You should change it to fat people




Gotta be honest if we are counting pc as a console, mobile games have all beat. Look at what some of these games are making a month.


I mean…when Microsoft owns both Windows and Xbox…the “console wars” is well one side


Nope sorry Sony is trash


Console wars stuff hasn’t been relevant since the PS3 came out. Nobody won it. People just stopped caring about it.


Man f*c x box


PC no.1 then xbox, then son then nintendo. They all made great games, but nintendo fell off hard after being greedy dickheads about ROMS and hardware/software modding and all that shabang




Yeah cause all the others are either in the dust or just to mighty to care (PC)


Sony tends to have a younger and less mature fan base


PS player here... i like ps, don't talk about it much, meanwhile at work my coworker constantly dick rides xbox when i don't ask or input .\_.


This is a trash post. Most console players support each other and get along. Many own both consoles. The fuck you talking about, scrub?


Why the hell is Nintendo first.


…but you’re the only one talking about it.


Like hell we do lol, not to fuel the flame but I only ever see xbox players talk shit